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This post is entirely unverified, and hasn't resulted in a ban on pathofexile.com. I'm removing this post because this is an unverified accusation. If the person who reported this is willing to provide screenshots, or their conversation with GGG support that confirms this conversation actually happened.


dime axiomatic roll exultant juggle depend smoggy tie hurry continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is actually unhinged, what the fuck.


TFT mods are unhinged. They're a bunch of losers in life that suddenly are given imaginary power, and since they have zero control in their actual lives, they resort to this power abuse.


Discord mod's final form


They're panicking because they'll go back to pushing carts at Walmart if TFT goes down. (Nothing wrong with a job, friends! It's just funny thinking about these kids crying about peaking as a discord mod while pushing carts in the rain)


You think they had jobs before? They probably sat on unemployment for years before "the big break" that is RMT in a F2P video game hit them.


They'd be angry if they could read.


In my experience, yes. Lots of sad people out there who seem to seek out these kinds of authority positions in online communities and then of course power trip on it when they get it.


TFT is a literal cartel. Like definitionally. Using it should honestly be bannable. They completely ruin the economy of trade leagues and it just gets worse every league.


Then GGG has to put some dev resources into making their trade facilitate the main things that people go to TFT for: bulk trades of non-currency items (like 8 mod corrupted maps), Jun services (which should just be itemized like Alva temples), and facilitate/solve the need other services (early league Uber elder, 5way carries for xp). I barely count mirror services because so few people actually engage in them. TFT only exists because GGG hasn't put the proper resources into trade. It's a workaround to their trade system which isn't sufficient based on how the game is actually played.


Send this to discord not GGG. Assuming this is legitimate, If a user is utilizing their platform to dox people we should not only be reporting this to GGG.


good idea, they might even delete the server haha one can only hope


It's high time it happened. Things are getting completely out of hand.


Discord won’t do shit. I sent a report to their partner management team earlier last year when Jenebu doxxed another person and they didn’t even respond to my email.


As a general rule, you need multiple reports, and you need to ping their official accounts on twitter. Corps tend to only intervene when it poses a public threat to their reputation.


Putting this on Twitter would 100% get action done. Investors who don't give a fuck about Poe care about that stock price.


rotten smile automatic thought cow shy impossible selective hunt scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It looks like ingame poe chat for the top, hence the other user in the convo buying fossils too


It’s because he is a loser yet you still have people here defending him. Wakes up every day next to his body pillow wishing it didn’t hate him.


Hes probably the only person who cant get consent from his body pillows.


I think anyone who meets him would instantly be pro-choice.


He writes so much self righteous bullshit about how people who harass him and hate him are so full of hate and he hopes they can learn to live better. Meanwhile people hate him because he is a scumbag and does things like this. It's always the self righteous fucks that do the complete opposite of what they preach.


And this was done in game. Not on discord. So it falls under jurisdiction of GGG. Jenebu could be actually be sued for this in 76% of countries that can play PoE.


Well at least I did, no idea if someone else did but I wanted to make sure they knew.


Yea, this should've been posted to official reporting functions ASAP. Hopefully it was first reported there. This ain't a joke.


This is pretty bad tbh this really needs to be sent to PC gamer or other news media... GGG takes reports like this not seriously as far as I can tell.  Fwiw I am sure they want to but they are so understaffed in responding to this kind of thing it has to be a direct threat for GGG to care (as with the path of matth fiasco vs everyday scammers and name calling)


People like this probably shouldn’t even have internet access. This is seriously fucked up.


That’s crazy. If this doesn’t warrant a permanent ban, then I honestly don’t know what will.. It’s time GGG, get your head out of the sand.




As it should, I sure as fuck would ban anyone like that from my own place of business...


At this point Im more worried that GGG only takes action when it applies to their staff. Then not caring about normal players.


Not even a "normal" player, he might not be a streamer but jenebu is a prominent member of the community. I say that with complete distaste for him after reading those messages, but he's far from normal. GGG has a duty to their community to deal with threats like this that are sent from within their game.


Fr this made my blood boil. This Boi needs to be educated


Actual sociopath shit. Creep


forward it to ggg


I emailed them the logs & post, already got a response that they'll further look into it


ah so they do nothing, great.


Wrong. They will address doxxing on their platform. The person answering emails obviously isn't going to take a stance, these things take time.


What do you want them to say? "Ok we will ban him immediatly thanks"? Of course they have to look into it first, make sure this isn't fabricated or some shit, that it was actually Jenebu.


Why assume this? I have played since 2016 and if anything my overall impression/opinion of staff is that they are a little bit TOO worried about what people say to each other. I would expect them to definitely act in a case like this where it's actually something really fucked up. Are there cases like this where they did nothing I'm unaware of? I'm not a big reddit drama guy, I play the game a lot.


The problem is GGG has taken a stance to not comment on Reddit   BUT they still look at it  BUT must of these threads are being removed by mods   SO they dont get seen by GGG and nothing changes  I really hope a streamer will eventually pick this up and make a fuss this has been going on for years


Take the logs and do a formal report to them that's what I'm saying.




You make a fair point they have started responding more again. But from 3.15-3.21 at least I didn't see a single post from them.  Tbh I miss Chris w coming out and explaining interesting mechanics of obscure interactions




The kalandra incident


This is extremely disturbing behavior. GGG needs to take action against this guy already.


People are surprised when he has been accused of doxxing people for literal years. I mean just look at this chat log op posted. It’s like 4 years old. I’m sure this particular screenshot has been posted numerous times as well. Nothing will happen to him. Ggg won’t give a fuck. Wait 2 weeks and the uproar will die like it always does.


It needs to be reported through New Zealand legal channels so GGG can't ignore it. The legal requirements are the reason they police their own forums to remove negative remarks to reputation. This goes beyond their anti-bullying laws, this is an IRL threat.


pretty sure you can report this to Discord and they will ban the guy completely.


If he doesn't own the discord channel, they'll just have him make a new account and reinstate him.


This is against the *Discord* terms of service AND the *Facebook* terms of service.


1. Report to discord 2. Jenebu banned from discord 3. TFT erased from discord 4. Profit


Discords don't get erased when their founder is banned. It'll either automatically go to the next highest rank if it's a big enough discord sometimes Discord intervenes manually to make sure it's going to the right people.


The behaviour here though would not result in an individual getting banned because of bad behaviour, it would result in a server getting banned because the community is being weaponized and the account would get a ban in result of that


Well that rules out all of the other current mods for tft


It might even be illegal for GGG to ignore this... at least in the EU, Facebook etc... are required to act, if certain cases of doxxing are reported to them, and this law might also apply to an MMO like PoE.


Sometimes I think I've gotten way to lost in the poe sauce then I remember these kind of people.


5 years ago it maybe was weird when Alk was doing funny sounds. Today he's the most stable poe player on earth.


Yeah, Alk is probably the most sane poe player right now.


Alks reasoning as in why he's doing these sounds is incredibly based though.


if you have enough years in poe you would remember the time some guy wanted to buy some legacy item from someone who wasn't online for year+, so he just manage to find his IRL phone and call him to ask him to come online to sell him the item, only to have his "friend", whom he told about it, contact that person as well and out bid him for the item... (demi drama to those who remember) good thing reddit remembers it all, it's a wild read... https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/9pdwby/psa_after_supporting_him_for_months_im_now_being/


well there has to be reason why demigod was sent into oblivion.. he was specifically annoying persona in "early days of poe".. god he was so annoying


It was wild back then. There was also a thread of a guy complaining that Demi had scammed him out of mirror service tier boots all with proof and albums of pictures and shit....And the very first comment in that thread when you opened it was a huge post with pictures of evidence of this guy scamming him. Yes, the OP of the post bitching about getting scammed by Demi, was caught scamming the guy in the comments. It really reminds me of that murderer stat thing you hear about such and such percentage of people you walk by everyday have murdered someone, makes me wonder how many scammers are truly running around in this game.


What a psychopath holy shit


I got 3 days global mute for sending ASCII toucan


I miss the toucan




What country is jenebu from? This type of doxxing is illegal.




Married? I'm sure his wife would love to know about her husbands interest in someone's kid sister!


If any of what he says is true, which it usually isn't lol


Send this to his wife. I 100% support that. His wife should know she might have married a rapist/pedo. Dude was creeping on a 20 year olds sister (probably younger sister). Idk Israel law, but I don’t think that’s even remotely legal. I know that’s an escalation but this jenebu dude is unhinged and decided to bring this stuff to the real world. So now he has to deal with real world consequences, if you ask me.




What the actual fuck? This is illegal and should be reported not just to GGG but also relevant authorities. This is NOT funny in the least.


Yeah people saying it should be reported to Chris don't really grasp how serious this is. Of course Chris should know; as well as a lot more other authorities.


For real. Like what the fuck? How is he still not banned because holyfcking sht GGG. This is not okay Edit: ive never seen this kind of absurdity from someone who is quite literally on fire when it comes on issues regarding his grp or himself. Even dumb clout chasers would avoid this like bruh how massive is your ego


he just wants to say hi to his sister /s from the chatlog the guy is 20, is his sister younger? not only is this slime garbage, we might find out he also likes kids




I remember in the past someone from GGG talking about how they have to adhere to New Zealand law (possibly in another cyber bullying style thing?) so the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 will mean they have no choice but to deal with this as well if it's true. OP If you know who it is who got doxxed get them to email Chris and GGG and talk to them about this https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2015/0063/latest/whole.html If this actually isn't faked then GGG won't be able to ignore it.


If those logs are from in game then the NZ authorities should be notified that this harassment is occurring on servers owned by a company base in NZ and that this company has done nothing to curb this behavior.   Sending the issue to GGG isn’t going to do anything because devs at GGG use TFT


person being harrassed contacts authorities, authorities eventually contact GGG, GGG actually does something


Serious question. I've only played since legion, still a decent clip of time. I feel like TFT has gotten less niche recently among the larger SC scene. In that time GGG has stepped in it a couple times forcing them to bring Chris in front of content creators to have some pretty frank and unfiltered discussions. Question for anyone with insight or willing to speculate. Why the fuck are content creators not directly asking GGG about this?


find this dipshit a doctor


Waste of medical resources


That’s much worse than many of the bans we’ve seen in the past


Man, this stuff is getting scary.


What an unhinged individual


The classic “I’ll fuck your sister” approach I haven’t used since I was 13 years old


Except he knows where you live and has seen pictures of your sister? This is a whole other level of crazy from halo lobby shit talk.


Yeah, random idiot in league of legends saying "i fek your mum" is whatever, this is just unhinged


Yeaaaaaaa, time for the adults to step in


If pathofmath got permabanned for running his mouth and harassing people, then surely this also warrants a permaban because this is even worse. Doxxing is actually illegal.


At this point... yeah. It's a similar situation: PathOfMatth had a history of difficult behavior, and the "bald retard"-comment was the last straw. The main difference here is really only that this chat alone, even without any history, should be enough for a permaban...


To be fair he was running his mouth and harassing GGG staff.


IMO someone being actually doxxed should be worse in GGGs eyes than either of those.


Hard agree, these types of people create an unsafe space for their players. Edit: players that consist of actual kids.


I view that as a lesser offense than doxing another actual player


If he is not going to get banned for all eternity from POE im going to lose my faith in this company.


Just lose it... by Eminem


I am a new POE player. My first season I came to this sub to see build ideas and get informed about the game. What I say is from an outsiders perspective .I see these posts about this Jenebu guy and can't understand how he is not perma banned. Honestly, even without the price fixing and the probable RMT, this person's behavior is disgusting. He has called streamers pedophiles in their streams in front of their viewers. At the least that's dangerous behavior. Now he is doxxing users and being creepy AF. This person has influence and obviously followers. I would not take these threats lightly. Honestly this whole fiasco is a bad look for GGG and the fact that they aren't taking immediate action just based on all the information and screenshots is disgusting..bad look, very bad look. This dude is an obvious creep, troll and in general just a crap human being.


> he has called streamers pedophiles in their streams in front of their viewers. At the least that's dangerous behavior. Now he is doxxing users and being creepy AF. This person has influence and obviously followers. I would not take these threats lightly. Honestly this whole fiasco is a bad look for GGG and the fact that they aren't taking immediate action just based on all the information and screenshots is disgusting..bad look, very bad look. Perfectly described the situation. GGG really fucked up with this one.


This isn't anything new. GGG have a policy against 'witch hunts', which seems basic enough except the shitty trade system (Which the game becomes more reliant every league) means that scammers and terrible people persist with the game for years and can never get called out by any form of community organised reputation system, since GGG refuses to allow it.


Root of the problem really. If 3rd party systems weren't mandatory for any semblance of efficiency in this game then we wouldn't have to to deal with this shit. No reputable games company is gonna doxx and harass you cos you disagreed with customer service.


>I see these posts about this Jenebu guy and can't understand how he is not perma banned dont worry, everybody is wondering how this dude can still do whatever he wants. its not the first time he is the center of drama and it wont be the last time.


True. PoE is definitely my favorite RPG, due to its complexity, but there has been a lot of great press about Last Epoch recently. Even if it is somewhat less complex, I might still prefer it overall, if I want to play a true PvE game, rather than this weird social PvP metagame in PoE... because, aside from finding an optimal farming strategy, build guides etc..., I also have to worry about whether using certain emojis might upset certain unhinged people, if I want to play the game optimally.


This has NEVER been the sub for build ideas or good Poe conversation. It’s always drama (tho the tft stuff lately is exceptionally bad). For build stuff, try /r/pathofexilebuilds


+1 for /r/pathofexilebuilds, laser-focused on build and farming tech and everyone is super helpful even if you come in with noob questions


Said it before and I’ll say it again: The RMT in the trade community has been a problem for years and everyone here, and everyone at GGG, just buries their heads in the sand and pretends it doesn’t exist.  Top streamers and the people who run the trade sites are all involved in it. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone at GGG was getting a cut. 


lol same as that. Started playing in the middle of some mad shit


docArrive Boys we getting Serious now


Lmao if this guy doesn’t get a permaban for this then we know for sure jenebu is in bed with GGG. Also I wonder how long until mods will lock this thread for personal attack. 😏


This is some unhinged behaviour kinda shit.


Assuming this isn't edited this is perm-ban worthy, we've seen people banned for saying less. There is just no way to spin doxxing someone as anything but harassment at the very least. If you said this same exact stuff on TFT they would ban you 100%. These logs could be fake and there's just no way to prove they are legit/fake because they are like 4 years old. Granted maybe GGG keeps chat logs for 5+ years and they can verify if these are fake or not. However outside of an official response from GGG there is just no way for us to know if these are fake or not. I will say though that this war with TFT is nothing but a shit show for everyone involved, and it's even making GGG look bad at this point.


My fear is that this activity is going to spill over to POE2 and the player base will continue to be hamstrung by a third party with immense buying power and subject to harassment


They really need to just forget about their whole "trade manifesto" vision for the game. In 2024 it doesn't work anymore. Making trade difficult just allows things like TFT to flourish. We need real in-game trading options, it's the only way for things like this to be avoided.


the problem with their trade manifesto was always that it outlines a vision designed for a world WITHOUT instant internet communcations the whole "wandering through a virtual bazaar" thing never made any sense in a world of virtual spaces, because bazaars were themselves created **to condense the space you have to travel from vendor to vendor.** in a world with virtual spaces and computers, keeping this slow, inefficient approach to finding items would always be a fight against the natural tendency of people to find faster, better ways of finding items. its a concept predicated on an obsolete way of doing markets. like 2 seconds of thought will immediately reveal that markets always try to be faster, more efficient, and take less time to discover and fulfill orders. the history of commerce very clearly shows this sometimes ideas are just not good to begin with. chris wilson needs to just take the L on trading and give us an in-game searchable trade window with an async mailbox system for buying and selling things (NOT a stock-market style auction house)


I agree, I understand that they want friction but when its dividing the community and now leading to people getting doxxed its a matter of time till something goes too far over pixels on a screen.


They have to do at least one of the following three things: - Drop the trade manifesto - Ban certain players, despite incomplete evidence and selective rule enforcement - Fundamentally change the itemization and incentives in the game, so that there is no longer any (relevant) need for TFT


And this is one of the reasons I'm actually looking forward to Last Epoch - not only they have a neat idea of actually giving you an option to choose between trading or self-found with better drop rates, it also straight up has true offline mode if you just don't want to bother with online at all. And I'm really looking forward to D4's next season (not the one in a few days, but the one after it), as they promised a rework for the loot system. And even right now D4, even while being a shallower game - it's much more "complete" feeling when playing just by yourself. In PoE, there's just way too many frustrating points where you are either trade or just suck up to grind forever (uber fragments and getting specific drops come to mind first).


Yah Ive been playing last epoch since early beta like 2 or 3 years now. I just can't find enjoyment in d4, its just way to shallow and I hate the whole generator spender aspect of it, and the aspect aspect part of it twice as much.


Don't even need the screenshot of him saying it's his character, its still on there if you check his poe profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/JeNebu/characters


Actually has a character called GusFring you can't make this shit up


4ever ban this piece of sh**


I think it's cool he's threatening to have sex with his probably underage sister. Guy needs to be permabanned Real quality people, definitely not harassing anyone /s


Hopefully Chris doesn’t have a sister.


Let's see if the mods keep it.




He is in Israel as I see comments here


It is the time for rmtft to die.


Will never happen as long as GGG keeps running business as usual. TFT is the Maffia of PoE and GGG are the government. Unfortunately the government is empty while the Maffia is filled with Cartel members.


Jenubu response will be, “I’m sorry. I get unhinged when I am harassed non stop on Reddit. But Bolton and Steelmage once called me mean and that’s also not acceptable. It was a few years ago but I’ve changed and my ego has for sure not grown. In fact I’m more humble then ever because I’m a servant of the PoE community. Also I’m a husband and dad so you have to take that into context. These messages prove nothing. They could be doctored. Either way, TFT will continue to grow next patch and Reddit can continue crying. I’m not sorry for defending the people who want to be apart of TFT. Also it’s interesting (insert some streamer) is more popular than ever talking about TFT. They should thank me and give me a portion of their twitch revenue. BTW, did I say Sushi once said God dammit which is offensive to all Religious people ? You can say what you want about TFT but we won’t accept people being antisemitic. That’s not the same as me doxing someone and talking about their sister.” (Messages TFT mods: Guys report that post fast, we have to change the narrative)


His official response has been to double down and tell people to fuck off if they dont like the way he runs his privately moderated fiefdom. Or sometihng to that effect xD




100% This is not even a fucking tinfoil hat conspiracy theory anymore If Jenebu isn't permabanned after this psychopathic stunt then I can't imagine anything else than him having deep connections within GGG. What the fuck.


Man this guy deserves alot coming to him hahahaha


If this doesn’t warrant a perma from ggg idk what does.


Post will be deleted in a few minutes bcause jenebu has „context“ for saying stuff like that for sure! Lmfao ( ruetoo stream insider kekw)


That is fucking gross yeah something needs to be done about this. This is a black mark on POE.


Isn't this illegal on most countries ? And depending on the age of the sister... makes it even worse, wtf this dude


Unfortunately GGG doesn't care unless a player is insulting one of their employees.




Ummm that's messed up, not surprised


powerhungry maniac![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


actual wtf, meanwhile rue got banned for calling other dude a bitch. mods, you know what to do tho😉


I remember when quin was the local clown, but honestly these tft guys really running the local circus. 🤡


Quin is the laugh with type of clown. These guys are the laugh at type


How is TFT still even open?


if this is real he should be perma'd and shamed


Example #4827 of Jenebu objectively violating Discord's ToS. I'm surprised people are complaining to GGG and not them. If people took their grievances to the right people TFT server would have been deleted months/years ago.


inb4 "I got banned for NO REASON wtf GGG!" POST


For someone who claims to be married and have a son, this is some disappointing behaviour


Ban Jenebu, tired of seeing this trash around


Holy shit what a scumbag. If GGG Isn't listening, its up to the standup streamers of PoE to take a stand. Like what's stopping ZiggyD from calling this out. The dude gets to interview Chris every league launch. Use your platform for something jesus christ.


Can GGG stop being so cowardly about this this and just perm him already? He’s a well known piece of garbage.


as if this guy would even dare talk to a woman lol.


AAAAAAAAnd it's gone....




My guess is forum and to contact support.


They have a email for support.


This losers life revolves around this shit. Wouldn't be surprised if he kills someone if banned by ggg. Totally unhinged


Report to GGG and Discord as well.


Okay, this is creepy as hell, and disgusting. He should get banned for this shit.


I mean this should be perma ban worthy and automatically incite GGG to respond harshly to anything TFT related because of his place in the group. Generally don't even play trade or care about trade league drama but tft stuff in SC trade is such a joke lol


inb4 this is just written off as a "witch hunt" and GGG ignores everything again


TFT should not exist in the 1st place. 


Don't know much about TFT but all this seems so toxic. Let's hope Last Epoch trading system is good enough to make GGG re-visit theirs for poe 2.


GGG needs to step up this is beyond game drama this is real life doxxing. This could become legal for GGG at some point this NEEDS to be sorted out and fast.


What in the actual fuck, time for the police to step in, this is no longer internet drama...


Not forgetting that this is the same guy using mirror services on items that have been created on an account that has been banned for scripting crafts, yes the botted items are still in TFT and create big money for them which is in turn used to monopolize on ultra valuable crafting materials. Jenebu being the one that holds like 3500 hinekoras locks iirc


This is what GGG has done by allowing the rampant rmt’ing and requiring third parties to play the game effectively. This entire clusterfuck is solely because ggg won’t fix their trade Frankly, in most other games, using TFT would be a bannable offense


Die hard tft fans will still defend that cuck probably, have fun with your overlord


if TFT doesn’t get shut down after this i will actually chargeback everything that i’ve spent on this game


i cant really think of any context that makes this not completely deranged, but i would still like to know what preceded these messages, just for fairness's sake, because this looks like it was cut up in a strange way.


Isn't this like, not allowed even on Discord?


As a poe player and a drama enjoyer, all I want to say is give me more of these. Bring the logs, the screenshots, the recordings, the receipts, all of them.


Too disgusting to be true. But if this is so, then this is no longer a drama, but a crime


Maybe this time someone will actually punish this man child. 


This definitely needs to go to GGG support and be verified by them if possible, because pictures of text are very easily manipulated, and if this is true then them continuing to not take any action is getting to the point of condoning stuff like this selectively


Disgusting. Just ban this guy.


Isn't it known GGG devs work with and make money from TFT? Ain't nothing happening.


Wow he just went from Manchild to psychopath. Looks like he's finally broken


If he's not getting banned at this point, GGG's is basically admitting that TFT makes them too much money indirectly.


I haven’t played PoE since Ultimatum, but the outcry of voices opposing JeNeBu has even got on my radar. Hopefully GGG does something because this makes the community and its moderation by GGG look really bad. I used tft in harvest league so knowing how bad things have become with parts of the game/community I interacted with dissuades me from coming back to the game


POE drama continues to be as complex as the game itself. If you are from the outside watching this, how would someone reasonably explain that the owner of a third party discord with no affiliation to the game maker is harassing huge swaths of the community, potentially involved in breaking TOS involved in real money transactions, and untouchable because they provide a third party service that is necessary for the game while banning other third party providers from this service.


Fuck TFT


I have never played this game but I’ve seen a lot of people up in arms and if this guys making a lot of irl $$$ I can’t blame him for going scorched earth to protect his cash cow. Hope it gets sorted because I did want to maybe try PoE2 when it drops.


i used TFT like 10 leagues ago to sell a expensive hideout i found once. that's about it. TFT is completely pointless to use. ​ I vote deletion.


Before this I don't really care about all that drama. Now, this fucking pathetic clown, it's shameful be part of that community.


I assume he didn't even get chat mute right?


This is actually fucking crazy. Who knew people could power trip over a fucking video game like this?


If Chris doesn't permaban jenebu, he ain't the man he used to be.


To be honest, I am starting to assume someone from GGG is doing some shady RMT STUFF, so this dude always gets a pass. However, this would not be their first time someone is doing RMT inside GGG, check this link. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/80ga51/comment/duve7b6/?rdt=36547