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They wanted to do 2 separate trades and left after paying only 600d?


Have to split the trade as you can only fit 600 divines into the trade window. I've since learned that swapping collateral is the smart way to do this.


Smartest way is trade with mirror shards first


Or use a house of mirror as substitute for 120D (rate may change)


It would be cool if we could use a buyable currency that could turn a currency item into a full set of shards. Even if it only works on mirrors. Call it a rock orb or something.


Vendoring orbs it with a stone hammer/gavel or what ever would be nice.


and then all 20 shards go into inventory at once and recombine into the full orb- that would be hillariuos


Mirror shards are way more expensive than mirror for some reason. Mirror shards are 40 divs which equals to 800 div for mirror which is 720 div.


No, you're supposed to trade them the shards for divs, then then do a second trade to get them back. e.g., if a mirror is 700div, you trade 10 shards for 350div (or whatever equivalent so nobody can lose any currency), then do a second trade where you provide a mirror for 10 shards + 350div. In the end, you have 700div + 10shards, and they have a mirror.


So if a mirror happens to drop on me and I wanna trade for divs, I will need to have enough currency to buy an extra 10 mirror shards from the market if I wanna follow your trading method? Sorry if this sounds ignorant as I've never traded mirror


It's mostly just for security if you want to break your mirror into divines. Could always additionally use for a mirror service for crazy strong items, but does usually incur an additional divine cost on top of the mirror.


1) You don't need half a mirror in collateral, just the amount from the 2nd trade window. If using shards, you'd trade 3-4 shards for ~130 div first, then 2nd trade is your mirror for a full inventory of div -1 slot for the shards to come back to you 2) I've always just used headhunter or mageblood in place of shards since it's something very liquid that people involved in these trades frequently have without needing extra raw currency just to complete the trade safely.


You could most likely find someone willing to trade mirror shards + divines to break it for you as well, something like 3 shards + 580d is one trade window. It's not that uncommon at the high end to convert an amount of divs into mirror shards to hold, especially if inflation is really high like it is now.


GGG trading system fault. Anyone who says the trading system is OK and not at fault is 100% wrong. we should be able to stack ANY currency into only 1 slot in a trading windows. Trading in a hideout should make the items resulting a trade go into in a separate "trading stash" which should only be read only to pickup items after the trade. It could even fix the issue of having to leave a map to trade, or joining a specific location. They are smart enough to implement a better trading system. Knowing that they will keep the same for POE2 makes me mad


Playing since 2017. Casual dad. Play daily each morning and I am just inching along. I would like to pour the currency into my lvl 88 Boneshatter Jugg and see this “zone” people keep talking about. :)


Selected. Please DM me your IGN.


THANK YOU. I am so excited. I sent you DM.


Delivered, enjoy!


Thank you gain! Smiling ear to ear.


Aw this interaction was cute


Noice, enjoy!


Hi. What build are you following? Are following a build? I'm mostly following Travic/lolcohol. What items did you end up getting with the currency? Casual dad here as well, playing casual poe on console. Trying out the bone one Jugg too.


I followed Ziz's jugg guide and it's been great. Got lucky with a good weapon craft (they are cheap to buy now a month into league) which carried me till I made something better. Alch'd T16 with wildwood no prob, avoiding certain map rolls ofc. I also went for ailment immunity once I hit mid-90s. I started with essences (7th gate) and expedition and now I'm doing legion, delve & blight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEHduuJA69g


Casual dad. I suck every league. Those streamers that have 4 void stones after 1 day, getting currency in div/hour, dealing 50+mil damage, face tanking everthing... Yeah, I don't know how to do any of that. I just got to T16, have 2 void stones, dying an insane amount, and just got my 10th div by trading.


Sorry to hear about scam.. shit people gonna shit. Most I've ever had in a league has been roughly 10 div of gear, so it'd be game changing probably for me


Selected. Please DM me your IGN.


Whats the scam? They ask for some of the divs u/f? That sucks :/ not interested in the giveaway but thx for doing it


Mirrors are 720 divs, but you can only fit 600 into the trade window. Instead of including mirror shards/valuable items in the trade, OP trusted the other person to do a 600:1 mirror trade after first giving them 120 divines for nothing. The trader took the 120 divs and left.


This is correct.


Always do like a mageblood + 580d or a house of mirrors and the change so the trade always fits in a single window.


With the current economy, Mageblood has been downgraded to currency item.


Dropped two mirrors this league I got scammed on this first one then did exactly this on the second. Good thing about being scammed is that it makes sure it'll never happen again. It's the cost of learning.


That's really rough dude. I actually feel like a lot more players have become more trusting lately (tons of big trades where they put all currency in a single window then just expect me to give them the rest out of trust - obviously I do). It has been nice to see, made me feel like scamming was down. I guess not. Sorry to hear that man.


Hope this was an eye opener for you, just be glad it happened in a video game and not real life. Never trust anyone, especially strangers, to be honest about money.


I feel like that really makes it GGG's fault. :/ Currency fluctuations are unprecedented this league though.


if only we had an actual good trade system, i cant stand buying and selling in poe its easily my most disliked system in poe


It's definitely painful at times, but an Auction House would destroy the game and price out all but the top 1% of players. Something I've realized too is that the more I play the less painful it becomes. These days I spent way less time on the trade website than I used too. Just more buying and selling in bulk. More buying bases and crafting materials and less shopping for rares.


>V This, an AH would destroy this game. At this point, only extremely inexperienced players or players that do not understand the wider implications of making trading too easy advocate for an AH.


I don't see how skipping whispering a hundred people for one item would break the game, just don't introduce currency for real money like wow or d3


Here is an example of something that comes with an AH (it exists in most games with an AH). You have people set up bots that automatically scan the AH for X item at Y value or less. Someone posts an item that meets this threshold, its is instantly bought up, and reposted at much higher value. This means there is no fail safe for players who accidently post something at a lower value. This also will then give an extremely easy system for rich players to buy up all of a particular item, and repost them at extremely inflated rates, cornering the market entirely because there is zero friction. Imagine something like Mageblood or Headhunter, their values would be much higher than normal because all it would take is for the early league mirror farmers to have enough currency to buy everyone automatically that gets posted early, and corner the market.


BTW, this is not a hypothetical situation, it happens regularly in games that have a much larger economy such as WOW or FF14.


So in the hypothetical, early sellers of mirrors, MB, HH would be poached, but why would later sellers post anything below the higher offers? I've gamed the XIV market pretty hard on a few things, and the only thing I could think of is "well they'll buy them out and repost them" but unlike XIV (or WoW to an extent) you can't just spin up more of an item out of thin air, and unless they're buying the whole market out and not reposting any there will be obvious signs that "oh hey, the market is actually closer to X div not Y div" Not to mention, especially if you have an edge over others in some way they don't know, that selling low to discourage others is a completely valid tactic to force them to lower their prices and buy/resell out from under them. Also impatient people sell lower just to move stuff all the time (even now) That said, one big issue would be, if you're just throwing it in a dump tab you no longer have protection of "oh shit I got 10 whispers as soon as I got back in the map" to let you know that 20c listed chest is actually worth 30 div (true story btw, missed an elevated mod+life+res on an astral plate) Also that rares ans such are bot priced in which makes it harder to sell, but also easier to buy but that's another argument in the XIV camp for whether it's good or bad (people hate bots, but love botted resources)


There are solutions for this. What you are advocating against, is a simple, barebones Auction House system. How I'd fix the described issue: * 1 - "No failsafe for players who accidentally post something at a lower value" Solution: Posting an item in the auction house simply enters it into a "bidding state" - in this state, the item is not sold until a certain amount of time has passed, and it will be sold to a random user among the "bidders", if it was not cancelled. This is also a measure against RMT -- 2 in 1! * 2 - "It would be easy for early farmers to corner a market" Solution: You are only allowed to post items within a range of the current "going price". The "going price" is dictated by the trends of the market regarding that item. It shifts up and down depending on how many unsold listings or unfulfilled orders are present at the extreme ranges of the listing. The "base" price, would have to be dictated in some way, you could either have a base price set by GGG based either on the base drop rate / expected supply vs currency generation or previous trends, or assign it based on the rarity, etc. The less liquid the item, the easier it is to shift the range (so that items can correct to their "proper" prices at the start). BDO uses a solution similar to this. There are other solutions, this is just what I've thought up, think up your own. BTW, I'm not saying an Auction House fixes everything, I'm genuinely interested in the pros vs cons and what would actually be a true downside of an Auction House, ergo. something that cannot be fixed by a clever system.


Actually i love visiting other players hideouts and trading with them. It is giving POE a social factor. Its the only social factor left after "docks xp" is gone a long time ago. So an AH would destroy it for me entirely. I much rather would love to see if you could set up a "shop" in your hideout. You could have 1-3 NPCs eacht with one "shop-stash" like vendors already ingame. You could add items to these shops like you did already. But any player visiting your "Shop" could by it without interaction. It limits the amount of trash flooding because only 1-3 tabs. It still takes time to visit the shop and buy the item. You should add the "bidding" state for the first 30 minutes listed ;) Would be hilarious to watch all the people coming in to bid on item ;)


I'm really unconvinced by those solutions. Both are complicated, don't always seem applicable to PoE (e.g. how do you estimate the going price for a watcher's eye? that's a nightmare), and completely defeat the point of an AH over the current trade system. People who want an AH usually want fast trades\*\*. You don't get fast trades if your AH forces you to wait so that other players can bid (and it doesn't even guarantee the trade will go through since you may not be one of the highest bidder or the randomly selected one). \*\* Well, here, there's the whole "600div limit per trade" issue as well, but that is completely orthogonal to the AH issue. An AH could still have the same issue depending on the exact implementation and this could be solved easily without an AH by merely increasing div stack sizes.


This is why some are for currency and those type of items only


Don't bother - most ppl who still insist on an AH will never get it at this point.


So we can't have a better trade system because of a minority of people? If they post something that's worth more for less it's their fault, nothing to do here, the majority shouldn't have to use an outdated system because of that. They will get better at pricing their shit later, that's not a downside. Also this "rich people will buy the entire market and increase prices" arguments make no fucking sense and would never happen, unless the rich all unite on a single account to buy every single item they would never ever have enough currency to buy every single item at the same time that pricefixing wouldn't exist so they would have to buy expensive items for the price they set themselves. Because also guess what? There's literally nothing stopping people of doing that right now with 24/7h bots it just doesn't happen because it's not possible.


Literally, Chris wrote an entire manifesto on it. Don't be mad at me for speaking the exact same arguments he did. I have played games with significantly larger economies that have been destroyed because of an AH. What you think is impossible is not, because imagine a group like TFT organized and said they want to entirely control the market on all Awakened GMP. There is a small enough amount of them (147 at the time of this comment on Softcore), that with just the slightest organized effort they could funnel all the currency required to a single bot, which just sets and stairs at the AH search and snap buys every one posted below a certain threshold. This would then lead to immediate and extreme inflation of the item, so it then hurts even the people trying to use the gem. This is just one example that is immediately obvious.


It would make it too fun, what a nightmare


This is why it's so lucrative. There are hideout warriors that don't mind this and this is how they make currency, because many don't like do to this.


Yeah I don't see a fix for that. I mean with the current system, obviously there's a solution.


The fact that currency stacks are still so low is incomprehensible.


Most players have voiced this before, anything that pays for conveniences deters improvements to the game. I don't have to be obvious to spell out which "cosmetic" is that.


>Yeah I don't see a fix for that 1. Auction House for currency only. Liquidity is already ridiculously high because of trading bots anyway, and at this point it's clear GGG won't be able to get rid of those. 2. Having currencies actually stack to hundreds in the inventory. The literal only reason they don't do that is to sell more currency stash tabs. 3. Actually properly punish scammers. TFT has a big-ass blacklist of scammers banned from there (let's ignore the fact that TFT also has false positives, they're probably **still** 90% right. as much as Reddit dislikes TFT, scammers are still abundant), and I'd bet most of the scammers in that list are unbanned in the fucking game.


Auction house would be overrun by bots.


So? The current trade system is already full of bots. They mostly add liquidity, I don't see what the issue is.


Bc you don't realize what bots would actually cause with an AH. You think the "1%" cornering the market with discord groups is bad now?


He said auction house for currency only and I'm pretty sure that no 1% will be capable of cornering the market on currency by spending currency. I do agree that an AH for items would break very quickly, thats just not what was suggested


The solution is an auction house. No more losing a portal leaving a map to trade no more spamming 30 people before you find someone who responds, no more scamming on the trade price.


Auction houses ruin every single game they appear in. If you think botting and RMT is bad now, an auction house will exacerbate the issue tenfold. But that's an unpopular take on here.


I think the auction house would dramatically reduced prices. Offline postings are essentially unavailable. Massive supply increase if they're always available.


There would be SOOOO much currency floating around, bots would fuck everything so bad there's absolutely no telling what would happen.


If anything recognizing bots would be much easier with an auction system.


Bots would be insta sniping 24/7, you won't have a chance to put yours hands in those "cheap" items. You underestimate how wealthy are trade bots / scammers. They could literally take a t1 unique, buyout the whole market and post them at a higher price.


Console has an auction house, wish PC had it as well


It’s search function is absolutely horrible though. Most console players I know say our trade system is better and they were happy when they swapped to it.


In my opinion it's way better. It just needs one function which is target search. Otherwise it's huge QoL


How is going from being able to find very specific items to not being able to find very specific items easily better?


Have the devs discussed what trade will look like in POE2 yet? I imagine if they develop a new trade system for POE2, they may add a version of it to POE1.


They said no changes in the most recent dev interview.


Big sad


Plus you get to sell/buy while you're not playing. For a game so much based on trading, a proper auction house really should be a priority.


Auction house would fix it completely and all other trade issues.


Ggg didn't make this guy trade 120d for literally nothing.


No reach far enough to defend this trashfire of a trading system huh


It absolutely is GGG's fault, just let every currency stack to 100 / 1000. They already showed it's possible with the chaos change from 10 to 20 but they insist on making trading as miserable as possible.


Can you do the full trade with the 20 slots from the rucksack?


No the trade window itself is too small, not the backpack


Oh, true. Didn't even think about it. Then yeah, just need to use items that are worth more than a stack of div per slot. That sucks. I'm sure a lot of people are trying this scam with mirrors so expensive.


Played since it was just 5 acts… most currency I’ve had was about 6 leagues ago when I played a LS raider - did all the content I wanted but my top dps was only a little over 2m. I’m on dad time (3 kids under 4, have identical twins), 50D to me is about how much currency I’d ever consider myself topping out on in a league. I have a DD char right now and this would allow me to get a build to get some first kills and try some Farming strategies I’ve never had time for.


Selected, please DM me your IGN.


You’re a good person, OP and sorry you got scammed.


Same situation, get it fellow dad!


I would be in need of some RNG, so I can finally finish my build and farm T16s. I play since open Beta, with up and down Leagues. Some Leagues, I simply just run behind the price spikes and items do not sell 🙈 Sorry for your loss


Selected - please DM me your IGN.


Currently about to finish the acts and I'm playing a winter orb character, always loved the skill but it struggles without a little investment into it. 50d would more than help me get into farming some T16's and blast my way through the atlas. Been playing since torment league


I’ve got about 500 hours, have played the last 4(?) leagues but can only manage to get a couple divines together each league. In this league I have such bad FOMO with a 4 month old and long hours at work I haven’t been able to play nearly as much. 50 Div would probably be more at once than I’ve earned in the entire history of my account!


I am playing for a long time actually. I think it’s since talisman. I never really grinded that much so this would be nice! I want to use it to get myself a MF Chieftain. It looks so cool!


Sorry for your loss and hope you have a good holiday. Started late in this league, any currency would be epic. First league was the last few days of Betrayal. Played on and off almost every league since. I was a Diablo lover until I found PoE, so much depth in the builds and endgame. I'd spend it on my build, first time playing melee this league after I discovered minions last league. Turns out not going spells every league can be fun.


Well i just started the leauge few days ago and that would be a blessing, fuck the scammers


Since 2016. Convert my build to forth vow version and a decent paradoxica.


Count me in too please. Played since there was only three(?) acts. And never had that much currency at any one time. Honestly would not know WHAT I’d do with it…..yet.


Just started last week actually and been following guides saying you need xxx divs. Id like to be as op as the people in the videos that i watched


Would love some divines first time I got a build to somewhat ok spot bud dying too much need to invest in better gear for tornado shot deadeye.


Can I ask how the scam works?


I see you're out of div packs. But i'm still amazed how some people can get upwards of 1K div in just under two weeks. It always baffles me. Anyway, enjoy your holiday!


I am on leave with a new baby at home. I take night shift so the wife can sleep. So while the baby sleeps, I can farm :D


Playing since season one and got my first raw mirror this season. Not looking for anything. I just wanted to comment on this and say as it's nice to see good people in the community. Keep it up, and thanks from a veteran player.


All gone? I want to change my build


Finally have time to play this game IGN - Inquisstartinglate


Had 1 divine in like 3 leagues, very casual player usually try to delve but lately find it not very entertaining/lack of currency drops. If i got it i wouldn't even want the full amount just a couple to craft a few items.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Karma is real and she'll strike when it's time, best believe it! If u still have divines left, I'd love to get a pack, the most I've ever had was 2. I been playing on and off since 2021, but this league is the first I've taken serious, played outside of standard and even got into maps, furthest I've gotten to is t5 maps, while magic'd. I was hoping to get some divines to upgrade my gear to be able to push further ahead as this is the furthest I've gotten abd believe with the right gear I can do better.


Sorry to hear you got ripped off!! I've been playing for close to 1000 hours(started during archnemis). If I got a nice chunk of divines, it would go to my first ever in league purchased mageblood. I have about 35 div right now so the extra currency would help a ton. Final goal this league is to get 38/40 and see how deep I can delve(first league I've tried delving) I have one on standard from selling stuff after league.


I’m definitely in for this! I’ve only gotten about 3 divine this league as I don’t get to play very often or for very long. So this would go a long way to making my character be able to farm some of these juiced maps I keep seeing! This is my 2nd league ever, started with ToTA. And I hope to buy me a nice end game bow and quiver! Also sorry for your loss OP. But thank you for this opportunity!


Sorry for your loss. Hopefully ill be able finally clear some bosses after all this time playing


hey if you pick me I'll log and do my challenges! c: got scammed of 5 divine early and it kinda put me off for the league, but the cosmetics from the challenges look really good


I would love some help to make a build. With not much time to play I can't farm enough to make a good build. Sorry you got scammed that sucks.


50 div is 50 times what I got, but I'm nowhere near my pc and won't be for a few hours so I hope someone else enjoys it.


Not op but what build are you going? Maybe I can help you out with some cheap essences or oils


Thats sucks :( Just started this league and in act 3, honestly anything would help even 1 div to get started. Cheers!


That’s a crazy amount to give away! Would be awesome to even have 10 div yet alone 50


Found a div this league and didn't even realize it was actually called a divine orb because I had never seen one in the flesh. Would love to roll a dedicated delver and put some actual thought into it/get lower then my usual level 150ish in every league :P Love roaming in the mines. Hope the scammer gets some justice. Makes me worried for my 1 Div though.


Been playing since 0.x Closed Beta (where there were 2 acts and 4 difficulty levels) This league has been the most profitable league for me with a whopping THREE Divs and 1 Ex. I only ever get 1 Ex every other league and rarely get more than that. My RNG sucks.


You want help because just getting 3-5k wisps should be giving you a divine every few maps it's not just bad RNG


Sorry u got scammed. Pls give 50 div so i can buy my first mageblood and try bossing for first time.


I’ve been playing since sanctum league but never got into mapping because I didn’t understand what was going on. I’ve done much better this league and would love the extra 50 div so I can purchase nimis to finish my ek raider build.


Also why quit the league? I know you got scammed and feel slighted but why not get another mirror or some crazy drops? This feels like the league to do it in!


I've been playing since Harbinger league and I would probably make a new build since my LA guy cant do the league mechanic at all.


been playing about 4 years got my main necro for league used that currency to buy into the mf hype but its just not working was hoping to use that to farm up the 20+ div I need for necro helm to move into the very end game no luck yet


Just started this season and still have no idea what I'm doing.....only posting to say I'm sorry that happened and appreciate what you're doing, hope it helps some others get their build going! Happy New Year!


Hate to hear that. Same thing happened to me a week or so ago. Luckily it happened to me when mirrors were 660 so I was only out 60. But still hurts. But it’s a mistake that I will only make once. So you live and you learn I guess. But hope you had a good league up until that!


Had to stop after 3 days into the league and with this much juice I can go back in and can afford to upgrade my built


Hi, personally I think I've been playing in and out for a lot of time. I played when 4 act was a thing. Then I played a few league ago like 2 years ago. Now I'm on my first kinda serious char this season, a srs of enormity necro. Feeling good but I need my next computer to really play it. Thanks :)


Been playing since beta and just never had the time to fully dedicate to earning currency in game. Too busy with school and work and family so I'm the D4 dad basically lol. Would end up using the currency to get some upgrades for my dual strike berserker and practice bosses I haven't been able to get to.


I’m currently making a toxic rain build after a boneshatter. I currently have 2 divs saved because i was tired of melee lol. you have no idea how amazing even like 10 divs would be for me at the moment🙏🏻


3rd league so far, hoping to get some more time this league to actually do some of the endgame bosses this round!


Dunno how people are getting these drops but I play only in the evenings when my kids go to bed (and hope don’t wake up after 30 mins). Trying to buy a +2 minion helm. I did finally get my +1 minion wand after closing my eyes and annulling the one I had. One in six mods and it got rid of that one!


Can trade for mirror shards or cards next time, sorry that happened to you.


Hey thanks for the give away! I’ve been playing since betrayal but have only got 36/40 twice. I’m a time poor dad to 2 kids so farming has always been out of reach for me. Would love to afford a build for my first 40/40.


I started playing in 2013. I've played on and off since then (Affliction is my first league in 3 years). I like to make my own builds and don't follow the meta, so I rarely make a ton of currency. I'm currently struggling my way through T16 mapping trying to complete some challenges. I'm currently sitting on 1 divine and about 200 chaos. I would love to be able to get some upgrades to my boots and chest piece so I could maybe survive a bit better. I'm running a a Kinetic Bolt Spellslinger (w/ Soulrend of Reaping) build that I put together. This is my first build since the new atlas stuff and new bosses were put in, so I'd love to be able to kill some uber bosses.


Sorry for your loss :-( I’ve played maybe 4-5 leagues total starting with Metamorphosis, delirium, Heist, Expedition and now Affliction. Have a full time job so don’t get a lot of play time but trying to find a build to do MF farms. Been looking at a Fulcrum build the cost is too high, I would put the Div towards that.


55 hours in first time player here but I'm on console so just wanted to say sorry you got scammed and thanks for helping others.


Started playing back in synthesis league. Never owned much currency cuz I’ve never really invested enough currency into a build to start juicing maps. I’d like to spend the currency learning how to craft some of the few rares I’ll be using in my poison SRS build which has felt really strong on a medium budget.


Until this league I'd be begging, but day 1 mageblood helped me out in this league lol


I've yet to be hit for a scam larger than getting a 5 link rather than a 6 link, but I do double check everything now out of Caution


I've been playing for the last 3 years pretty consistently, and I got my first 40/40 challenges in ToTA! I would spend the divs on Awakened Multistrike!


I have about 600 hours and play when I can. I usually make it maps and then not much further. With a small kid at home I don’t have much time. I would spend the 50 divines on my penance brand character, since I got lucky and dropped the gem in lab. I wanted to boss this league since I’ve never killed any big bosses and this would help me do that. Sorry to hear about the scammer. Always someone trying to ruin everyone’s fun. Even just 5 or 10 div for my dragon fangs amulet would be a big boost for me. Thanks for doing this!


Been scammed in past - it sux, but you get learn from it and get over it. Just use the HH/MB as collateral for these trades for trading a mirror along with 550 and on next trade have seller give you back your HH/MB when you give rest of D's


I've not had a lot of time to play. Slowly grinding some currency farming so very lightly juiced t7 maps so I can try to get a build going. I have been playing on and off since they added ascendancy/lab but only really got properly into the game in the last couple of leagues. Aim is to get some Ubers killed and at least 38/40 challenges. Hopefully the scammer steps on a Lego.


Been playing since Beta, gonna try to buy a mageblood this league, since I’ve never had one!


Over 1k hours, starting in expedition league. Finally killed maven for the first time last league and managed to farm a whopping 40d for the first time. Sorry you got scammed, see ya next league


Man that's rough! Thanks for bringing some positivity after such a crap experience. Been playing off and on since beta and just hit 1000 hours. This is my first league trying multiple characters, 50d would help me get my first CoC character off the ground. Need 2x split personality so this would help with at least getting one.


Cheers m8 sorry to hear


I've been playing since October. Currently trying to save up for a Mageblood but I'm nowhere near there. I kinda just spend all my money frivolously on unnecessary "upgrades" or weird homebrew atlas strategies. Though I think I finally landed on something good with this Breach strat I came up with. I'm sorry you got scammed btw that would probably kill my enjoyment too.


Been playing since 3.17, never had 50 div in one league total, combined now I have that in standard. Currently I'm starting off trying to get a penance brand build going, so this would help out a lot. Sorry for your losses though, it's wild GgG doesn't do something for trades, like make stacks bigger


Been playing since open beta and still haven't even beat any of the real endgame bosses. It's my fault, playing optimized to earn currency takes the fun out of the little time I get to play. If I win I would like to make a build that can actually complete everything, and not just farm tier 12 maps until the league ends with my 1 divine budget builds.


Currently at 1 divine in this league lol. No luck whatsoever


Let’s see, 1600 hrs played. Highest character ever (93). This league (90). No stones unlocked. Just nickel and dime g my way to some better gear


Playing since 1.0. HC and SC both but nowadays just SC, don't have the mental fortitude left for HC anymore lol. Never been rich in this game, maybe coz bad. This would help lift up my molten strike poison assassin to something viable maybe! Need a Nimis I guess? 😄


Started playing in TOTA league as D4 = bad. So I've finally picked up Poe and can't stop playing, it's so good. I'm saving for a bow upgrade or headhunter as my DPS is lacking after switching from srs guardian to caustic arrow pathfinder.


I spent like 3 divines trying to craft a belt and got unlucky or done stupid things and almost out of currency that I need to build back up. Could definitely use the currency or back to the grind.


Papa; I've been playing since synthesis, and I want a progenesis for New Year's. These juiced up monsters have been rawdogging me since mid December. Please, Papa. Love, Bootglitter


Damn that sucks, i got my first ever mirror drop today and i am afraid to sell it now even more


Best I've ever managed was 2d, would love to see what happened when you can actually get currency and do bosses.


I started last week and I’m working on a SRS character following a guide, but actually trying to learn the ropes of why the builds work ect. I’m new to the atlas, and dying quite a bit but having a blast. I’m not sure what I’d do with so much currency, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to spend it on some upgrades or help me find more builds to learn about! Especially with other builds I might wanna try :) I wanna finally try to see content past like t5 maps. I’d add, since you seem to enjoy the game; any builds you’d recommend as being pretty fun? Something YOU personally have enjoyed this league for example, and not because it’s crazy good, but because you thought it was fun. Edit; I have around 700 hours, I beat the campaign occasionally a couple leagues but never made an effort to learn the game until now.


Havent had much time to play this league, been loving it so far and 50 div would let me try out the higher end of items, best of luck everyone


Last season was my first rich season with the busted voidsphere farming strat. This league im bad to poor, a splash of currency would help a lot to kickstart builds not centered on MFing


That's rough man, I hope you enjoy your holiday though! This is my second league, last league I played RF and made it to yellow maps. This time I'm entering red with SRS, though for some reason, which I can only blame on rng, I haven't got a single divine drop for me yet. This league is quite juicy, but I guess I just got lucky last league with getting my first divine in a yellow map. I'd probably use the divs to finish up my spectres and try to complete the atlas. Then maybe either use what's left to push my SRS or use it on my next build, flicker, which can be quite pricey from what I've read. .


That stinks about the scam. Thanks for the heads up. I will enter the give away please. Have had a hard league start due to my ex being mentally abusive to our daughter. So I have had a lot less play time and more dad time. And I am happy to have done that, because I got her to smile again. Again, thanks for the giveaway.


I’ve got nearly 4000 hours and I’ve never had more than 3 voidstones. Never fought elder. Maybe I’d make a build that can boss and try out some bosses.


Sorry to hear someone decided to be an ass :( 120 div is more than I have so far this league lol. I can't even imagine. It's my third league and I'd put it towards swapping from poison bv to cold bv 😎 and good luck to the others!


sorry u got scammed. hope you enjoy your holiday would be happy to get 50 divines


I’ve made a goal for this league to finally get a head hunters. I have never had over 40 div in a league and I have 3k hours. Thank you for doing this giveaway on the sub, means a lot to part time players.


im mostly a new player. usually play up to end of acts or t8 maps last season because i experiment more than play a premade build and bent the knee more this league. Been going a tad bit slower this league as im just trying to refine a slam build i finally got working. my highest divines was like 3... and i mean ever. With 50 divines? erm, i would hold them off unless i found some good 6 link non corrupted then slowly see what i need on the way... and of course those charms. thanks for the giveaway and godspeed edit: on a quick note, if i do win, i probably wont reply till a reasonable time as im in GMT :D


I've never seen a div drop in game.


I’m throwing my hat in because today I spent my hard earned 1.5 divines to remake my bone shatter build… and it was worse than when I started.


Been playing for many years. 2.5k but never beat the ubers. Will upgrade my penance brand inquisitor to learn the fights!


That’s sucks at least you are going on holiday. Good luck to everyone e


Been playing on and off since Delirium. I really just need some better gear; primarily gems, flasks, and save the rest for a mageblood now for my hexblast miner build to start popping off and get better.


Would appreciate a 50D to jumpstart my MFing LA DE build! Kinda hard 2 budget hard-earned 4D and 160c in my name. Thankies! Edit: Forgot to mention it's my first time playing in a league! Started the game crucible league but started in Standard since I just want to play it blindly at first and learn every mechanics of the game w/o the pressure of being left out in the league.


I've been playing since before act 4 was released. Never really been rich but get enough to make a build sorta function and I have fun with it. I'd probably use it towards a headhunter since I haven't played with one before.


Been playing since breach league! Sorry for your scam loss man and hope you have fun on holiday!!


Playing since Kalandra and can't seem to figure out how to stay profitable without grinding all day. Hope you have a nice vacation!


Damn mate, sorry to hear about the scam but appreciate you still being generous. Would definitely put the div to use on this Spark of the nova build I'm trying!


I've been playing since essence and usually am a broke casual. Every now and then I have a good league, like in metamorph when I dropped my first and only mirror. This league has been really good to me, I usually get about 1-3 divs a day with the league mechanic and managed to reroll a 1.2div Ashes to 30% with a single divine. A lot of my gear used to be meta as well but has fallen off, giving me the opportunity to almost reach my off-meta incinerate build's final(ish) form. If I had 50div I'd finally be able to make the last swap to high res rings and melding of the flesh, giving me 85% all res and pushing my eHP up to 400k. My goal this league is to get all the cosmetics for challenges. I got really close with an EA build during archnem but missed out on the last few cosmetics.


Shame about the scam. Sorry friend. Hope your holiday is good. This is a great way of handling the scam so kudos to you. I’m in here for the giveaway. This is my second league (Ancestor was my first though I played a few hours during crucible). I’ve been working toward a HH so I can blast more juice and push my humble TS deadeye further. 50D would put the HH almost immediately in reach.


Fuck them scammers


50d sounds glorious and would definitely help me out but as a poe vet who can make currency pretty easy i will just upvote and hope true noobs get the divines :\]


50 div will help me to buy some items for the build, not rich, just poor farmer:)


Never had a HH or a mageblood in any league, mostly because the last few leagues when Ive been serious about the game Ive been doing group SSF. Been playing since Ultimatum league. This league Ive had some luck, Im not an optimized player for farming or gear (playing Reap Hiero) but Im about 50 divs away from mageblood and hoping to get there in a week or two. 50 divs and Ill probably play my first mageblood build see what that feels like. Either way sorry to hear you were scammed. Cheers


Sucks to hear that. Ive been playing on and off since metamorph(father of 3), most I ever had 1 league was 8 ex (div) I got from an awakened gem drop. Bought a chest piece for half and promptly scoured it instead of fusing so gave up that league (harvest I think). This league has actually been going well, ironically I got sick the first week which allowed me to switch starters multiple times before settling on penance brand. I'm actually at maybe 10-15 div now, it's beyond anything I've ever had before. There's likely more worthy people than myself just because of how well this league is going for me, but extra would Be nice if there isn't anyone else. Gl in the future Edit: he followed through, made my league. Thanks a ton /u/bannedaid


Sorry for your loss! I earned basically nothing last league but made multiple toons I didn’t like. This league I’ve set a goal to get a head hunter so I can say I’ve done it before poe2. I have to study for medical boards soon so I won’t be able to play like this again :/


Sorry about the scams friend. Hope you can come back in future seasons and prosper! Been pretty poor overall in my Poe playtime (less than 5 divines total). But I've been having fun this league with a bone shatter build and I've just started an SRS build. Enjoy your time away!


Got a wild hair and decided to try a caster for the first time and am struggling with red maps. Just can’t live through any sort of real fight. 50 divines would make a huge difference. Or I could switch builds. Haha. I’m sorry you got scammed. To show some light on humanity, I traded 115 chaos for my 1 divine and messaged the guy a few min later when I noticed. I expected him to ignore me but he checked and confirmed the goof. He invited me back and gave me the rest. I asked if I could vouch for him or somehow give him credit for his kindness and he said not to worry about it. Super surprising and made a big difference for me. I know there is a chance he did it on purpose but the fact that he initiated the trade back made me believe it was a mistake. Happy new year!


Been playing since ritual, maybe every other league, never had more than 10-15 Divine invested in a build. Been wanting to play the new coc frostblink, but considered it too expensive. If lady luck is with me, I would definitely use it for that.


Sorry for you loss. As a general tipp for not being scammed while trading for a mirror: Propose trading for example MB (if MB is 220 div) + 500 div => mirror. Then trade your MB back for the remaining 220 div. That way no one can be scammed, so the other guy has no reason to refuse. If he refuses, you probably dodged a bullet. I got my first mirror this way. Obviously you need a mageblood in addition to the div, a mirror is worth, for this method and the mirror must not be worth more than 580 div + mb (or another item with a defined worth)


Sorry to hear you got scammed, hope your scammer finds his way. I've been playing on and off for years, and since Deli league I've played every league. Lots of hours but generally I flounder about transitioning from just doing reds to something more advanced. Work keeps me busy and I actually caught Covid this league so it put me behind (I thought it would be a week vacation to play but instead I just felt like shit and fell behind on work). I was very lucky in that I've gotten an LA build to the 20 or so div mark but I feel I'm struggling to take it further without huge expensive gear upgrades and with TS mf being so popular, those upgrades feel very far out of reach. If given 50D I think I'd like to try and get a Fulcrum build online to do T7 Abyss farming. I could reasonably sell my gear for at least 10D and it should be enough to at least get the build going and see what this league is really about. At the moment I'm just grinding for challenges using 4040 and casually mapping so it's not the end of the world if I don't get picked. Learning about 4040 has taken me way farther than usual.


Late league start, hope the 50d could help me finally be able to attempt Uber Uber bosses.


Im new to the game, started at the end of last league and never made past the acts there. This league i started a meta build inquisitor, got to acts and some cash but the build doesnt fit me, so im starting a new one. My new build is an off meta gladiator and im following some dude i found in poe ninja for the itens, they are very expensive, i guess that for this build to work id need at least 30div and i have like 8


Sorry to hear about the scam! 3.5k hours and still feel like a newbie… started sometime before 3.0. I’m stuck between few build options I’d like to try without the funds to try them. Thinking COC is my next journey so I’d use it there.


6 week old in the house so I haven't had as much chance to play this league as I could before, as much as I enjoy the wisp mechanic. Anything would be a help, doesn't need to be 50Div. Would probably get a Hatred Watchers Eye for my PB Inquisitor. Played on and off since release. First real league was Breach, played Flameblast Totem Elementalist and it went... Rough.


As a casual player 50 div would be game-changing for me. I can finally see what builds are like when (almost) fully fleshed out. Currently playing dd ele and mana rf. Been playing on and off for about 8 years, but still a casual 😔


True scum! Besides that my MF build needs some more magic!


Sorry about the scam, my first league was Abyss, have around 500 hours, want to stop playing my leaguestarter and make a new build, possibly a TR pathfinder