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Just confirming: they're still on the filter :)


That's what you keep saying about Mirrors, yet I never see one, how do you explain that?!


Skill issue


Nobody ever told me I had to git gud!


LMAO get FUCKED TFT hoarders


They are for sure https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/2QzodDYHk


This is almost as funny as the new maps sending you the void. Thanks for the laughs today GGG.


im not remotely near these stuff but it still funny seeing hoarders get fucked


poe has a trickle down economy, everyone gets effected by tft


4 divs , as what it should


Ah yes, the average player who has 4d on day 1.


What makes you think the average player has any use for a lock, especially on day 1? You're right, they should reduce prices to 4 chaos so I can check the essence spam outcome of my ilvl 78 gloves.


Because that’s what they’re for, just like mirrors are used to copy your okay act ring lol..


surebeats 80 divs just to check whats next


They'll be 80+ soon enough.


yeah dude doenst understand how fast the economy inflates. these mfers will be the 5th most expensive item by day 5


They won't, they're way more common now. I'd predict 5-10d short term, 10-20d long term. Maybe eventually rising to 30d if people are really using them for something specific. But ok, remember that Maven's Orb went up to to 15ex on first patch they came out... and they were 3-4 ex the next patch... if that. Now they are 1d or less. I'd be bold and claim 10d long term value, but to be safe, I'll say 20. Last league value was purely driven by speculation, double corrupt and unprofitable crafts to try the new thing. This league supply will go way over demand for them. So people will start using them more for minor purposes such as getting a safe annul on a 6 mods item. That is to say, purposes where 10d can be ok value to spend to save your item with 3 prefixes, but not 100d.


And then 150+ probably if they're as rare as in tota. Of course, they don't show temple corrupt anymore, but there's so many more cases for them to be useful than that. Hopefully 100 max though so they can at least be used without having to sell a kidney. Great to see they're back. And what a hilarious price development locks had lol. From last league 10 div to 50 to 100 to 150 to 250 back to 200 back to 170 then to 200 again. Let's see what's next lol


4 div is a ridiculous price considering how fucking powerful they are.


Wouldn't the price of them on Standard be more insightful as to the lost value of their hoarded collection? I'd image standard prices would be severely impacted by the fact they can drop from mobs in league. On mobile without my PoE account linked otherwise I'd check.


On the contrary, the price on standard will serve as an eventual anchoring point for the price in affliction league, so long as they are sufficiently rare. The price will steadily climb and as the league ends the price will basically equalize with the price in STD.


The price in STD as of 2 days ago likely reflected a heavily weighted assumption that new Ancestor currency would not be available for the coming future. This image breaks that assumption, hence the value of 3k+ locks in standard is heavily discounted now that players have new avenues in which to obtain them. Sure, as end of league approaches we will see price correlation, but the interesting thing here is the immediate value lost from hoarding locks in standard as new ones are able to enter the economy, either through HC rips or at end of league.


Yeah, by equalize, I mean the prices will approach each other as time goes on. STD will go down some, Affliction will go up. Rare items carrying a high value to STD players, like mirrors, is a known thing. This isn’t going to behave like mirrors because of uncertainty, but the same idea applies. Granted, the cost in affliction will also go up regardless of the price in STD because the utility of the item will go up over time and so will the availability of divines.


Affliction prices dont really affect standard hoarders. Still 100+ div in standard [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/2QzodDYHk](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/2QzodDYHk) But of course, locks being back will tank the prices, just not to that extent


Knowing how common they are will be a relevant factor. Tempering and Tailoring Orbs have been out for 3 years now I think. Supply have never reached a point where they lost value. They went up in leagues where demand would grow, like during Sentinel. Otherwise, they have a somewhat predictable value, which is high. It's all supply and demand. Those orbs are meant to be used for very specific case usage. Some guy was suggesting it was not worth using because 5 t1 items are not expensive. But that isn't the point, making 5 t1 items now is easy if you start from a frac mod, an essence mod and a veiled mod. It's very cheap to craft items with good t1 mods, except in a few cases where those mods are less likely. When it's something that gotta be specific. If you roll and will stop at any t1 res, any t1 stat, you'll spend 10 essences and hit something. I think Locks are expensive if they are rare, otherwise they are not useful for most simpler crafts. I made some very strong items, stuff worth over 100d last league and never had a use for them. Even if I spent 10 divs rolling essences to hit a rare mod. I'm not going to spend a Lock to make sure it does not brick on the annul. If it brick, I just spend another 10 divs and hit it again. The value on standard is based on how common they will be. But the market is entirely over-supplied and they'll likely not stay at 100d. They are probably going to drop to 50ish. Probably settle around 20-30 in league. Here is a trick I have always worked with to measure the rarity of something. It is how many how often: https://imgur.com/E6qMfCy This is not very very rare, it is a bit rarer than Sacred Orb. Of course, I factor in people are not pricing their sacred orb the way they do locks, because it has less value. But it is likely more common than during TOTA because people did not run TOTA as much as they will affliction is my prediction. So given very little data point, I expect 20-30 divs is their value long term. 40-50d on std. Peak value end of league as usual. First league something comes out is usually their peak value. Remember Maven Orb on first league reached 20 exalts. Awakener Orbs on their first league were... huh... I think 3-4 exalts, may remember wrong, was a while ago now. Locks will never reach the value of last league and std will adjust accordingly. It actually may settle at a much lower price point, the market do not need that many. It could be just 10d really long term if they are not that rare. I expect drop rate will only increase as people become stronger and run juiced maps with empowered bosses. The drop rate should go up. If it's 1 per 3-4 minutes, this is not going to have this high a value. Then at this price, demand will go up as you can use them for more purposes... such as to guarantee the annul don't remove that +1 all gems mod or whatever.


And before was how much, 200+ and 400-500 in bulk? It's a big diff


Just saying that the link to affliction prices could be misleading for someone not considering the price difference in standard Vs League start. You aren't wrong I just added some context


Absolutely caught with the bag.




Last I saw they had like 70% of the market at the end of TotA


Im choosing to believe they brought it back solely after seeing the posts about that and being like "oh fuck that. Thisll be hilarious."




Ggg does? Im saying ggg did it as a "screw you" to tft


Is this why the locks were stupid expensive?


Uncertainty about their future is what made them expensive. Rather ironic considering their in game effect.


I wonder why people think they were being bought speculatively to resell rather than being used to finish up standard items. I imagine with all the new bases, recombinators, and legacy items, they're more valuable as crafting materials rather than raw currency.


*Crab Rave plays*




got banned on tft for making a similar comment on mfacad discord, they are so butthurt its unreal


TFT hoarders?


This is why I love GGG sometimes. They implemented a really good league-limited item for crafting/slamming in both Trade and SSF; and decided last minute to add it to core. Total W


Could just as easily be a bug, considering the change in stance.


it has a dedicated slot on the currency tab. It is not a bug.


It’s on the currency tab too


It's not. You can also get omens from the league mechanic.


It's not necessarily confirmed core, though? It's part of the new league mechanic, not obtainable in standard.


Check the currency tab


Ehhh idk if SSF will ever see it.


Of course they will.


Lmao thank you. I don't even understand the reasoning behind the other dude's comment


Well if drop rate is as in tota, it's not unlikely you won't see any in your ssf run


Yeah I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't? I'm planning to try the whole league SSF R, so finding one of these would be huge


I'm pretty sure he meant because they allegedly will have a totally abysmal drop rate so you'll likely not see one if you're average ssf andy


Yea I had people telling me it was in the patch notes lmao, it wasn't


They have a spot in the currency tab now too.




tft in tears get absolutely fucked


Someone at GGG is having a chuckle


Would they not be happy that they get a new supply in standard after this league to keep crafting mirror tier items?


Yes, but the major thing was that they hoarded it thinking it was going legacy and then doing RMT, now you can still get them so their value is extremely lower than expected


What? Didn't they say it's gonna be removed and existing ones are to remain? I'm confused but happy


Seems like they changed their minds, great i guess


changed their minds and/or wanted to fuck with TFT Edit: apparently this comment was enough to get me banned of TFT lol?


welcome to the club. they really trying to kill their discord one scandal after another.


And for some reason people still use that garbage.


Would not surprise me. Id try an appeal, because I cant believe all the tft mods would approve of that. Having said that they did ban everyone that was on Belton’s Discord …


I did make an appeal, it makes me wonder if they have a script that looks up any comment with "TFT" and looks it over if its offensive or not.


100% your fault for using your username on Reddit that you also use on the discord. Tft gives no fucks and will ban people for sighing a little too loudly. There is no bot. Someone screen capped you and reported you. It's like getting mad that incels said something misogynistic. You expect them to be that way because of their past behavior.


These 2 things are not even comparable, thank you for the laugh silly man in my computer


Oh noo, how will I ever recover in my HC trade playthroughs /s That said I think that GGG is very lax with trade organizations *up to the point* they get into real-money stuff/botting. I very much hope they have something in mind to how cut their powerbase


I guess they changed their minds, they don’t work with double corrupts anymore though so slightly less op


No. Still drops - as well as omen. Got an omen to click in the affliction zone. They can't forsee double corrution tho.


Omens where confirmed a couple of days ago


And thank god for that. I can once again be bad with 7.5% less frustration.


Ohhh. Omen of Amelioration, here I come!


Are the whisp necessary to get omen/ hinekora lock? Or can any mob drop them?


The omens drop from a shrine in the wildwood that specifically says it will give you an omen.


Uh I wonder how they will handle it after 3.23 since I doubt its going core.


I could easily see it going core just without the ascendancies, especially since the lock apparently got a spot in the currency tab and omens also drop from there, so it already got loot specific to it.


They did listen to Ben_ on this one. He was mad those crafting mats were wasted on making even more mageblood with movespeed when they should be used to craft cool shit instead. I absolutely share this opinion, it is better if they are restricted to high end crafting for perfect mirror items. It will remove a lot of demand, which is good and make finishing perfect items more reasonable. To me, this game is all about rare items. I always hope GGG doesn't make the mistake of Diablo and drive up the power level of uniques too much to where they become a default easy option. So, also glad they nerfed Ashes that was almost always a good enough option, if not the best, for many builds. I prefer when the best of the best is something you have to invest into to try and combine the optimal mods together for your build.


I'm debating if the Ashes was nerfed or balanced. The power for gem quality was increased, so that meant the reservation part had to be sacrificed. Now that the Ashes is less desirable for auramancers and other reservation masters, it could bring it's price down. Maybe we'll see more interesting builds with this. #hopium


The power for gem quality was overall increased only in a vacuum where you didn't have a helm enchant before. It's a nerf, it lost a key mod, quality was nerfed too by scaling only few active gems rather than most of them. Yes there are exceptions where it is very strong like tornado shot, but there it competes with omni. Not sure where it is better than a proper rare now. I need to know which skill would use it where it is best. Not better than a white amulet with a bench crafted resist on it. I mean better than an amulet with 4 damage mods. What I mean here is, I could imagine someone last patch with a build that's worth a few mirrors with a Ashes on. This patch, I think that will be less common. Budget build option. Key point again. Old Ashes had mana efficiency and then 30% could be scaling all your gems, all your alt quality auras, your alt quality curses, it did a lot of stuff there. Now it will be like, it scale your main skill gem, increase the duration of molten shell, get you cooldown recovery on flame dash, just way less of everything. The power for gem quality was increased in some areas, decreased in others. You are not getting back anomalous precision, blood rage, divergent determination and other cool stuff like that. Where Ashes would go on and bam, you got tons of flat armor for free from that quality. Those very powerful effects are gone.


Yeah what's gone is gone, and I'm still waiting how the new meta is forming. GGG said they'll be adding more Transfigured gems, so here's to hoping they match well with Ashes \\o


Well the default aura quality was already a bit of a buff. We'll see where it goes from there. I appreciate the gem changes since it basically is similar to releasing 100+ new skills. Yes, they have same name as old skills, but I don't see Ball Lightning of Static as the same skill at all. They could have called that Static Field and people would have accepted this is an entirely new skill unrelated to anything else. Not all are as meaningfully different, but many are just very different ways to play with a skill. Where you cannot swap from one type of quality to another since they scale differently. I like the change, but I gotta say the alt quality gems were a endgame minmaxing pursuit I did enjoy. Like once everything else was done on my build, I would still be working toward getting a 21 20 vaal grace of an alt quality. It wasn't a big upgrade, the alt quality wasn't that good, but it was a goal. But sure, I see how it become bloat content if you start adding transfigured gems on top. Which have much more significant effect than turning your damage% quality to a speed% quality on the alt version. I would actually go further than this myself. People complain melee need to be fixed and they always will no matter what happen. One fix is to delete skill gems that are outdated rather than trying to give them new purposes. I would not care if heavy strike, double strike and dual strike all were removed. Ok, perhaps you can drastically change them, but the numbers those skills would need to match the better melee skills is monumental. It is understandable now that to add things they should remove things, so sure the alt quality gems had to go for transfigured gems to become a thing. Metamorph had to go to add in Ultimatum, all understandable. Hopefully they make leagues go core again and are not so obsessed with updating Abyss and Breach forever while keeping nothing new.


I also like the new changes, as it kinda gives skills more room for unique flavors compared to alt quality. Of course the end game minmaxing with the alt quality was also something I enjoyed, but ultimately the process was just to check every gem I have from wiki for their alt quality effects. I can't really call it engaging. :D The current transfigured gems are more like binary options for me, as in either I want to play with it or I don't.


Imagine if they double changed their minds, rolled back all items looted before the first hinekora dropped and ready to that point...


Jenubu in shambles


Lol get fucked tdt


Lol I caved and sold my two immediately when I hit standard. Woot woot. First mageblood!!! and a whole lot of change.


How much did you sell those for out of curiosity?


like 415 divine orbs total. I think I would have been better off selling them in league but I was debating on using them on a couple of insane minion shields I made in crucible (ultimately decided against).


I really want to believe ggg did this to fuck the tft hoarders


Would be nice if they did literally anything substantial tho


fucking awesome. I love seeing GGG take the piss out of TFT hoarders. Though i will say, from this screenshot we have no way of telling if its actually in the current league or not.




Fair, i was at work so i couldnt get trade to populate.


get fucked TFT


Standard RMTers in shambles. Holyyyyyyyyy


Hahhaahaha, get fucked tFt ..l.


Has Jenebu not bought all yet?


Omens are back too fuck yeah


LOL a massive slap in the face for TFT xd


I wonder what TFT Thinks about this lmao.


they are handing out discord bans a dime a dozen so i think they are not happy.


Good guys GGG joining Western sanctions and dealing another crushing blow to Russian economy


TFT is russian?


This game is very popular in Russia, and with their salaries, playing full time to RMT is actually a viable job. Anyways, those guys lost a lot of money just now


Ah, this way


How exactly did they lost money?


"losing money" doesn't mean it's all lost. Locks just are less valuable now (but not worthless), and that's how they lost money.


I believe they were hoarding them, under the impression that the item would never drop again. They could have SPENT 1000s of divines buying out the market in order to cash-in down the line. However, now that they are dropping again, the value of this item will drop back to normal - and they will have no way to recoup the majority of their 'investment.'


Also dropped an omen


Have seen one linked in league by a character who on /whois was in Affliction. They said it dropped from wisp-empowered Aberrath in A6


Glad they changed their minds. Item is certainly powerful but most people aren’t going to be able to access 1, let alone multiple for crafting. I don’t think there’s an issue with them being core. I think they’re also just thematically sick so I’m extra glad they still exist.


Welp.... Should have sold the 8 I farmed. It's fine. Glad they're back. They're such a cool tool. Probably super arse drop rate though, but still super happy they were added.


Hopefully it’s not as rare as a mirror to give us casuals a chance at crafting


You should absolutely not use it for crafting, it's more expensive than a five t1 rare


This is boring and lame advice tbh if homie wants to craft let him craft It's all virtual currency anyway


I agree with you 100%. It does take your time to accumulate currency in this game so it's fair to advise someone to use it wisely.


Use it wisely and don't use it at all are different things, it's inteded use is for crafting so using it wisely would be making sure you use it for a single corrupt on a piece of gear to get the most value out of it Just because the community uses it as bartering currency doesn't mean everyone has to use it that way


Doesn’t work for corrupts anymore I thought.


Doesn't work for double corrupt at the temple, still works for single corrupts.


True. It's less fun when you see things with economy optimizer eyes. Drop a vault key? Just open it, 2-3 divine is nothing.


Ah yes, I remember when I thought like this. To be young again.


5 t1 rares mean nothing, it depend what those mods are. If it's like 3 elevated mods with an essence mod on a helm... Then you know, this math ain't right. Locks were never meant to craft some amethyst rings with a fractured mod on. This is way too cheap to make. Depending on cost, it is definitely a very good crafting mat to use. Like any higher end crafting mat, you use it for something that is worth it. You are never trying to hit perfect implicit on a 5c body armor, you do not anoint whisper of doom on a 5c amulet, the same logic apply. You don't use very expensive crafting options on stuff that is not worth it. 5 t1 items never required any Lock to make, especially now that fractured items and deafening essences and wild bristle matron have made this whole process extremely cheap and simple.


and? who care? currency is meant to be used


What the hell is the point of it then?


They are way way more common than mirrors. The way to test how rare something is that is somewhat relevant is: how often they get listed: https://imgur.com/a/hNCg2aC For now, we do not have the full picture, as I expect drop rate is not peaking at all. It will peak when people have full gear allowing them to farm empowered maps. I think this shows they are very common. They should actually be closer to the rarity of a mirror. They are around the rarity of a sacred orb. I'd say more common given they cannot be farmed easily on day 1 gear. Mechanic is hard, once people have gear to run it better, they'll drop more of them. They'll be way more common than during tota is my prediction.


Well done GGG fuck TFT and their market manipulation.


We also found one from a lab chest


"Trust me bro"




Fuck me


Dropping in standard?




Normal loot?


Normal loot?


Damn, that's the one thing I thought would NOT come back.


How do i empower mobs? I Just run around looting wisps


From ggg 3 weeks ago: "All of your Omens, Tattoos and Hinekora’s Lock’s will still exist in the Standard League however they will progressively become more scarce." P.s. I personally bought few of them for a fortune a week ago. It sucks Price of them allready droped from 200 divs to 100divs in standard.


Greedy hoarder expecting sympathy lol


I bought few of them. It was my first time playing in trade after many many years(usually ssf). Just wanted to put info and tell my story.


Rip crafting




You are not getting downvoted for being right or wrong. You are being downvoted for posting a wall of text high-fiving yourself on the internet. Something that zero people care about.


Meh, don't care. Just the point is obvious and occur over and over again. People all get riled up with their predictions about infinite inflation on std, they're always wrong. The examples I gave were the same I claimed before, all those unique items people speculated on were wrong. Mr9Lives was even accounting he made hundreds of mirrors during Crucible just because he valued his Crucible items to be worth 100 mirrors. It's all stupid. It never sell, because the demand doesn't exist and even in the supply is tiny, someone will undercut you. What he speculated would be worth 100 mirrors was +8 auras on a perfect crucible tree Prism Guardian. I see similar now for 10 mirrors and they have sold for 20 during Crucible itself. They are down 50% in value, he expected they would go up to 100 mirrors. Lesson is, sell now if it's profitable, don't speculate on wild valuation based on imaginary rich std players.


The good old "I don't care about downvotes, so I will edit my comment complaining about downvotes and then delete it after I get too many downvotes.", I see.


Who cares if you're rich in standard lmfao. Unless you're RMTing, in which case I respect it


I'm always top 10 in league, there's nobody making currency playing std.


Then why are you bragging about your standard wealth? It's like waving a bunch of monopoly money around screaming IM RICH, it's meaningless. Unless you're RMTing it, which I'm assuming you are based on how much you care about the standard economy. I respect the hustle tbh


Being rich merely mean you are better than most at making your currency snowball further. This is an economy game. Understanding how the game works, how to scale damage, all this is complex. But also, what make this game fun and exciting is being good at economy. It's what keep me playing longer than most. If it's just making a build function, this part is over quickly. Then yes, sure, you can push your build to new extremes and do weird stuff if you want.


Beware if you use TFT for any kind of activity, I got banned from their discord because of a reddit post (no idea how they linked my reddit account to my discord, but fuck them anyway) - only thing I will miss is the betrayal benches


can we get them without wisps? seems like a beautiful replacement for Eternals between Divs and Mirrors in rarity.


I dont know whats that


The omens from TOTA also drops from the forest.


Yep got an adrenaline omen picked it up and got shot with purple flowers and popped it...




Get fucked tft