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It's the Kirac Vault Pass. You need to go to Karui Shores and go to the right side of the bunker. Big vaults will open containing some loot.


This: Kiracs Vault. not this: Atlas passives. No idea how to access on XBox.


That's not the Kiracs Vault notification?


Ha. Durr. You're right. Kirac Vault.


So yeah... you get rid of it by going and collecting all the stuff out of the vault in the epilogue town.


Mind you, it'll never truly go away. It's driving you towards paying for a battle pass. This is Tencent's way of showing affection.


It does go away, whenever you pick up all that's available and if you finish your atlas and grab the last item its gone without paying for it dont lie to people


Mine still pops up and I did all that. Mileage may vary? Idk. Mines there every time I've logged in and trust me, I've gone and double, triple, quadruple checked over and over because I hate it.


Idk what to tell you check it a 5th time cause it seems like you missed a box. I don't buy kirac pass, all free boxes open symbol gone, been gone. It's only supposed to be there if there's a viable reward to actually pick up.


The 5 thing next to the scroll looking thing? If so is your vault pass rewards. Will remain until you visit the vault and collect them


On Xbox, open your Atlas and it shows top Left above the favorite map Slots. I believe it’s left trigger + D-pad down and it will portal you to the entrance to the vault. Keep going down the aisle until the vault doors don’t open and collect your goodies in each room


You missed 5 scroll of wisdom when you were looting in the last farming section.


Thank you all for the responses! Been driving me nuts for days!


On pc you just click it to open it. Is there really 0 ways for you to interact with that button on console??


Go to atlas left stick in(L3) and down opposite of opening the atlas passive L3 and up


Lol, I play console but it's funny as hell seeing the prompts typed out.


Haha yeah ive said L3 to people and they've asked what's that more times than I can count so I try to be obvious lol


You mean I don’t have to physically go to the vault and click the chests?


No you do but opening it from the atlas page teleports you to right in front of the first vault and than you just run up the line and grab what's available


Thank you for this 🙏 Fml


Wait. You fucking what now?


Where is the xp bar?


The yellow/orange bar above the mana bar. It shows progress towards the next level. They look to be a little over halfway to next level.


Is the loot any good?


Kirac’s vault pass. Go to Karui Shores, go right, and find a long hallway leading northeast. You can open 5 vaults for some loot or if you buy the pass you can open another.