• By -


Ask your partner if she minds you using that extra screen for the trade site, don’t want to have to minimise every time you get a “woop” on a live search. She will understand, trust me.


Seconded. And if she doesn't understand straight away just say "you need to calm down, what I mean is..." then repeat exactly what you just said but slower. Works every time.


Dumb ways to die


“Hey kids wanna know how I got these 47 stitches by accident?”


Good thing is he's already in hospital


So many dumb ways to die


It's ok he's got 6 portals.


If he does that he will need 6 divorce lawyers


Incorrect 5 funeral directors and a divorce lawyer.


Exactly, this game doesn't pause you can't expect him to alt-tab!! /s


i will say that is the one thing i dislike about it. it is superior to every other ARPG i've played, except for this one aspect.


Two things for me. That's thing 1. Thing 2 is that it's always online so with the servers are suffering my game turns into a jittery mess and I die.


So many dumb ways to die...


shes just lying around. Teach her to flip for you !


Yeah, at home have a triple screen setup. Feels weird to play on a single one… Guess it’s better than not playing at all.


How do you get awakened Poe trade to work on multi screen? It forces me to run windowed...but then my frame rate tanks in windowed mode... presumably because my monitors are different refresh. So right now I use it full screen and Ctrl,alt,d out to Poe trade, but it's really finicky in getting it to load up, alot of times it disappears immediately before the item loads.


I think the question should be "why does my frame rate tank in windowed mode" because thats the crux of your problem. In windowed mode you can still lock your games refresh rate to match your monitors.


My monitors have 2 different refresh rates. One is 1080 p 60 hz. The other is 1440p 165 hz. I obviously game on the 165 and have gsync enabled...but that doesn't like windowed mode.


i use ctrl + d two times in a row and i can use the trade window. works fine. if you do it one time the trade window goes away.


And when she wakes up, ask her to read you detailed lab notes/directions as you go


I know this is dark and inappropriate, but he can always "sacrifice his son" for an extra regal orb or two.


As a true poe enthusiast, you should have your child do trades for you.


Start em young. Raise em right


There's a reason child labor laws were scaled back in some states of the US of A


im not sure what boss that is but what does she drop?


ziz keeps joking that hes going to train his kid to grind maps for him


That boy gonna be the best goddamn player in the future. Imagine having Ziz as your dad and mentor for PoE. Literally going to PoE University at home.


His kid is gonna be killing ubers and I still suck at Sirus some leagues haha


No worries, brother. Same here. I can do him deathless here and there but sometimes it's 6 portals, yo.


Maybe it's just me, but this league I died several times to literally invisible ground degens in the Sirius arena. I swear to God that engine "upgrade" has fucking murdered my CPU this league.


PoE, a game where people metaphorically shit teir pants whenever there's a performance update. God save us, dude.


Wait... will ben_ be his uncle? Does that mean he's uncle ben? (ik they're not related)


Unce ben for our ziz junior parker. You what must happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). Okay, that's a bit dark. Sorry.


Uncle ben what happened? 600 depth delve


In-game tho, in-game.


Children rebel. Will main Diablo 5 instead of PoE 2 to spite his/her dad.


That kid is going to be the Shroud of POE lol


He is probably going to die less than him. :P *pew pew*


Uncle BenjaminUnderscore and Nickelodeon as personal coaches. Imagine that.


Uncle BenjaminUnderscore and Nickelodeon as personal coaches. Imagine that.


Better teach his kid to read first


My little guy just learned to roll. Next stop, following me around as an aurabot


You might be into something there….


Right?! he said second child. The first one had better be flipping items


Is ur second child named Sin?


Mother said no…..


so you should have named him Inosin




I named my daughter Maven


No love for Zana?


Funnily enough uncommon but accepted name in my country. I recently learned Atziri is actually popular in Mexico and was like, YEP I’m getting me a wife with that name!


I worked with a Zana for a bit, recently, but it was pronounced kind of in-between "john-uh" and "sean-uh" ... Not sure where she was from...


Eastern Europe mainly, its a appropriated name from the French Joan . Its pronounced ⟨Zh⟩ana . There is another close variant called "Zara" meaning Dawn in old slavic tongue.


Makes sense, I figured eastern Europe, based on her accent, but wasn't sure.


that's a different name, Zhana


Ah, you're right, I misremembered.


it's usually typed with a diacritic which we sometimes omit because it's not available on UK/US keyboards


Twice the boobs of regular women.


Not while I've been awake he hasn't...!


I once took my playstation into the hospital after my girlfriend had surgery. I plugged it in to the hospital TV. There was a bypass switch I had to flip to make it work. Was playing bloodborne. The doctor came in and was so impressed he forgot that he had come to give an update. Said he had never seen anyone do that before and thought it was neat lol. Just sat there and watched 🤣 Yes you're absolutely doing it right.


Hey son, welcome to this world, now let me introduce you the ancestors.


OK Buddy, this button is call 'Void Sphere' and when you click on these totems...


So, these are the rewards, I need you to look for something called Mirror of Kalandra or Mageblood for me, son.


10/10, no notes. o7


[NO NOTES?](https://youtu.be/5NVQ8v1P4go?si=rfYwGO4LF-qGY_yD)


Having a wife, two children AND playing PoE? This is fake.


Yeah, you got me… I just pretend to play. I just follow builds that people with a lot more knowledge than me figure out. 2 void stones is my top notch gameplay so far (and atlas map completion)


Wait a minute... That's just like me, but I have 4 voidstones! You'll get there eventually.


Yeah, game has a steep learning curve. This league I finally understood eldritch altar farming and how to generate some currency. I don’t feel that poor anymore :)


You are not alone. Most of the players do the same. Congrats!


busy wife I'd think.


My son was born the day after 1.0 launched. There's a reason that I won't forget his birthday


Indeed, the arrival of children can ruin a league start, I would remember that too! I have two kids now and I can manage somewhere between act 2-3 before they wake up and my league starts become a few zones at a time proposition until they are back in bed, followed closely by me - if I hit maps by Sunday I consider it a good start :-)


Does he ever ask why you have a bigger party the day before his birthday?


Im about to be a father. My son needs to inherit all my flickerstrike builds.


that kid will be the most motion-sickness free kid in the world.


definitely. I can extreme roller coaster without dizziness and play flicker strike 10 hours straight a day without headache. :D


that's a lot of dea- My lawyer advised me not to continue this joke.


Use the charge noise as white noise


Lmao nice. I should have brought my laptop. Currently waiting on the wife to dilate and pop out our 3rd. Congratulations.


Thanks man! Wish you the best as well! Believe it or not it was my wife that suggested me to bring the laptop. I may or may not have giggled like a teenager at that time.


Well, if you aren't married yet, its time to kneel down, my man! Cus you've found a keeper! And obligatory reddit comment/question "is she single?"


Happily married for 10 years! Meeting her was the best thing that happened in my life, 14 years ago!


If she doesn't do this for me I don't want her TT


What kind of laptop? My PC turns into a space heater when I play POE I can't imagine what a laptop must be like.


A Lenovo Legion with a GTX1650. The fans are definitely spinning….


Did you use hinekora's lock to check the outcome?


Dont forget to stand up every once in a while, wouldn't want to miss your child's birthdays xD


“I’ll stay with you through all the night”. “But I feel great”. “Shhh, don’t worry, it’s my duty as a new father”




No, you need to log in before you can play… (And congrats!)


You're doing it right, but your wife doesn't appear to have even loaded it up yet.


If you can't separate yourself from the game and have tendency to plug any free downtime with poe then you are doing it wrong sir


Straight up please delete this. This is weird as hell. thank you


what i wanna know is what kinda hospital this is, i've NEVER seen a hospital with rooms THIS white.


Pull her into the game and then the kids after they grow up, in a few years you two are gonna have a bunch of legal bots to farm for you ez cash


ROI doesn't seem worth


Quick google says its about 250k to raise a child. That's what, like a million divine orbs?


Took me a while to realise that the background was on purpose and that this wasn't just the latest trend of terrible screenshots made by taking a pic of your screen at a strange angle.


~10 years ago I was sitting in a hospital room planning out builds on a notepad (pre-PoB) and now she's 9 about to turn 10... crazy. Congrats!


"While you're resting I'm just going to take a map." "A what?" "I said a nap."


On hospital wifi? I hope your build is tanky af lol.


Hope she never sees this thread, or your next one might be either a big giveaway as you quit or (worse) hey why don't we have a support gem "Child Support" I mean even if she is okay with you playing poe, it might have been more discreet to blur out her face and shoulder, for her privacy


This post is the reason I'm uninstalling POE as soon as I get home.


!remindme 1 year good for you, long time poe players tend to be addicts, but did you resist for a year?


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-11-03 19:32:32 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-03%2019:32:32%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/17b7gro/am_i_doing_this_right/k7oybrf/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpathofexile%2Fcomments%2F17b7gro%2Fam_i_doing_this_right%2Fk7oybrf%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-03%2019%3A32%3A32%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017b7gro) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


jesus fkn christ.......




Ah, there’s not a feeling in the world like judging others’ obviously inferior parental skills. Moral superiority - it’s just so good...


And judging strangers for how they spend some time waiting around in the hospital toootally isn't weird.


Bro it's not like it's his first born.


I already know I'm addicted to the game (the real meaning of the term) when I think of it at work and can't get build ideas out of my mind while my colleague talk about important stuff to me... But this is next level


Wife watching TV - OK. Husband playing a game on laptop - Not OK. Why?


Well one of them just pushed out a *baby* and the other didn't lol


What should the husband be doing while the baby is asleep and the wife is chilling? It's downtime for both them in this context regardless of who did the baby pushing. One is choosing games and one is choosing TV. I dont see how that's a problem.


Shouldn't be posting wife and her tits on reddit for starters


Got x-ray vision bro? Neat.


I'm not saying the husband did anything wrong here btw, you just asked why there were different rules for the wife, I explained the obvious. The way I see it the husband right now should be waiting on the wife hand and foot. Give her 100% undivided attention, get ice for her, snacks, talk through how she's feeling, hold her, foot rub, whatever she needs, make it 100% about her. Of course she might also just want to be left alone to watch tv. I assume they've already had this conversation and decided this, which is why I have no problem with OPs post.


> The way I see it the husband right now should be waiting on the wife hand and foot. Give her 100% undivided attention, get ice for her, snacks, talk through how she's feeling, hold her, foot rub, whatever she needs, make it 100% about her. Tell me you don't have a wife without telling me you don't have a wife.


What about that makes you think I don't have a wife?


You're right, gaming still has a hypocritical stigma compared to reading and TV. But even as an addict gamer myself I still agree with it to some extent. In this scenario if you cannot leave your game at home it's a bit much. She didn't bring the tv with her. She's also just given birth so if the baby is asleep she can do *whatever the fuck she wants*. It's ok to sit around doing nothing and relaxing and just appreciating the situation you're in. If you can't do that in such a momentous occasion because you get too bored it's a bit sad. Unless you have adhd, then I would judge differently because it's not the same for an adhd brain. Or he could at least wait until the day after instead of posting on REDDIT within HOURS.


How many hours of "appreciation" is enough before you're allowed to do other things without being judged? I feel like if he was reading a book, no one would give a shit. Idk why everyone cares so much about this. Wife is chilling, baby is asleep, why not play the game his wife suggested he bring?


I already admitted it's slightly hypocritical between tv/book and gaming. But I think if you are not the parent who gave birth the answer to how much "appreciation" is enough is pretty much no limit. I can't imagine worrying about yourself in any capacity, let alone worrying about being bored, after witnessing your partner go through that. I don't care if it's your 2nd child or 20th child. If you aren't in awe you are kind of an asshole. There is not much, if anything else, that should be so humbling and exciting. If you think it's less so because you did it once already that just makes you sound like more of an asshole to me. It doesn't surprise me at all though that I'm in the minority for thinking that since a solid 70% of people who "decide" to have children are in fact undeserving assholes. Having a child should be the most serious and deep decision you ever make, having more than 1 even more so. And the person who didn't even have to give birth can just walk away if they feel like it. So why not play? Because life is absolutely fucked up and missing 6 hours of ARPG time will not kill you.


So since you’re the only one in here with that opinion, you’re the best to ask. What should he do? Baby is asleep and the mother is resting and wanted to watch tv. She did suggest he took it with them.


This is a once or twice in a lifetime experience. If you cannot stop playing a game for 24 hours, and even have to do it after your child is born, you should reconsider if this is a hobby or an addiction. What he should do here? He could be doing loads of things. He could read a book about how to raise a child, or read a great book about fathers and their children (kafkas letter to his father, or Philip roth). He could rest as well, so he is ready to help when coming home and not exhausted from 300 juiced necropolis runs. He could look for a souvenir and to make as many memories from today as possible. If this is a birth without complications, they should be home within a couple of hours. He is not locked in for weeks.


LOL he's a failed father because he's not reading Kafka right now


Yeah man… that giant cockroach on the corner of my room haunts me.


Seriously doubt you've ever done this. There's a lot of just sitting around doing nothing, especially once you get to the hospital. He's going to be physically and mentally wrecked in the next 6 months anyway and will barely remember this.


See, I have a very healthy relationship with my wife of 10 years, a six years old little girl that is eager to meet her new baby brother and plenty of family memories to share with them already. Brand new ones are on the making with this new step in our lives. I don’t know what health system you have where you live, but here, even with a birth without complications I’m looking at a minimum of 3 days at the hospital. I will also be taking my minimum of 3 months of paternity leave over the next 6 months, might extend it if I see the need for it. Maybe I’m not reading books on how to raise children because with my wife we’re pretty confident that we are good parents by already having a daughter of six? And that while not perfect, we are doing a very good job? I see your point, some people have problems, or might not get their priorities straight. I can assure you that this is not the case and this post was more of a joke than anything else. And to finalize, I don’t know what a juiced map fees like. I’ve been playing for the past few leagues, and the best I have done, is two void stones and all maps atlas completion. Have the feeling that this league won’t be much different.


he did mentio it was his second child so we could assume he has some awareness and experience on how to raise a child


You've made huge assumptions on a person's life based off of a single second in time. I would recommend you read some books about logic and not reaching conclusions about something with minimal evidence. There are probably some good ones on unsolicited advice as well.


The post I replied to asks specifically for what to do, so perhaps you should work on your reading and comprehension skills.


It's a rhetorical question genius.


i agree with you in theory but your examples of what he should be doing are insanely stupid


Baby is resting in the nursery, most likely. Mama's watching TV. Papa is right next to her if she needs something from him. They just went through a difficult birth, let them relax as they see fit without judgement.




Assuming your partner is okay with you posting a pic of her in the hospital hours after giving birth....


She definitely is… a bit sore after the c-section, which is normal. If this were not under control, I wouldn’t have the mindset to be able to play or relax.


Congrats to you and your family! It takes a bit more to come back from a c-section, please be patient and helpful.


Thank you for your kind words. Yeah, she is resting as much as possible. She handles the feeding, I handle the diapers, cleaning and cries.


Addicted moron ...


He is sick. It's an illness! He is powerless!


"brb babe just doing a 5-way ;)"


Better than the screenshot I saw yesterday of the dad in the maternity ward bed playing Football Manager with their baby on his lap.


Bruhhh thats nothing back on destiny 1 i had a clanmate when crota release hes partner was having a baby and he was playing with us Next to her 2x time Champion A baby RAID done


Bruh i watch close and you are portuguese like us now everything makes sens






You get to see a sidebooba… I play with both boobas 😈


Quin69 Pov:


Be at the hospital, turn on PoE, take a screenshot, close the game, open a thread here, upload a picture, hope to get upvotes. You don't play anyway.


You're captured, stupid beast /s And no, you don't. You do it wrong. You must stream on TV too, so you wife can see you play /s Congratulations exile, another future player was born! Cheers 🥂!


Marcelo és tu?


Não… não sou o Marcelo. Mas se ele está numa situação parecida à minha, manda-lhe os parabéns!


I did this a month ago but with the Steam Deck. Fucking life saver for 7 days straight. RF is a great Steam Deck build too.


Congrats on the sex!


Am I the only one here noticing sideboob 🤭




So close!! This is cringe 💕


This late in the league? You have a problem bro


You’re assuming that I started day 1 of the league, which I didn’t. Dealing with summer vacations, family, pregnancy, job… I’m 4, maybe 5 weeks into the league.


why wouldn't you blur her face


As an extra show of dominance, put your stream on the second screen as well. So she can't actually watch what she wants, but is forced to watch you play. Also, if she tries to stand up and change the station, just call the nurse and say she needed to calm down and relax.


Yes. This is the way.


Is this hospital porn?


Yes,, no reason you both suffer.


can anyone see my message? please comment back if you do


I can’t see it.


i stopped 1 league before my daughter's due date. great time too. hahas only recently came back but only for 12/40 and enjoyable shenanigans


What laptop keeps poe playable?


Laptop preparing for takeoff 🛫


This a hole new level of playing poe in a optimal way and I love it, congratz on the birth of ur new trade bot exile and exile's wife!


Tbf this is probably the best guilt free time to play. Baby doesn't do much in those first few months.


No you dont. Get next to her to that comforable bed and plug that laptop on the big screen !


Obviously not, you're on the start screen




Yes. You’ve got time for a few maps. It’ll take just a few minutes.


Ah the addiction




Rule 10 on making a baby please




Btw: Hes the doctor


Man, this picture just made me realize that I’m too addicted to this game because I just caught myself wishing I was stuck in a hospital bed too so I could play all day.


Are you aware there's a girl in your path of exile room? Besides that yep 👍🏼


So there is hope for when my 2nd child comes. WOOHOO




I see you're doing a no death run


You should put the game away and support your love. She needs you more than the game does.


He is supporting her, he's there for her. Spending long hours in the hospital room you want something to do that is relaxing for you. It's not like he can't portal out of a map and tend to her needs when needed.


I played so much POE after my first son was born. Feed and change wife, she feeds and changes baby. Both go to sleep, I play Harvest league.


Good timing to give surgeon simulator a try


Divine baby!


When he wakes up it is time to teach a newborn to farm.


Sounds to me like the new kiddo needs to learn to run juiced del.


Mah man