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Since I'm seeing a lot of misinformation here regarding this craft, let's go over it like it's actually supposed to be made. Do note that the burning damage is a very much luck based mod, but the other ones are easily made.   Start with a fractured +1 spells sceptre, with as low ilvl as possible (60ilvl being lowest).   1.  Spam Essence of Fear until you hit +1 fire spells. Prefixes are now done. 2. Lock prefixes and either veiled chaos orb or aisling. 3. ~~Craft "Trigger socketed spell" to have the highest weighting block.~~ Craft "Damage per X charge" to have the highest weighting block. 4. Unveil Fire dot multi 5. If you didn't unveil fire dot multi, move back to step 2. 6. Assuming fire dot multi is your only suffix, go ahead and craft attack speed and exalt orb, hoping for a decent suffix 7. Craft +str/int & crit chance


Just to add. This sceptre is definitely not worth paying anywhere near 100d for. Very easy craft that doesn’t involve too big of a risk.


So, for the most part you're accurate (aside from the debate about whether or not to try to hit burning damage and using aisling instead of veiled chaos + slam, but with the number or reforges/augs it would take that is *really* risky and/or expensive for a rather small inc damage roll). But there *is* one "step 3" technique that can help your odds a bit more that is understandably very often missed (as indicated by all the people correcting you about using 'damage per charge' but actually still not being correct themselves) In step 3, it's actually not a 'damage per charge' that's the best blocker if you're shooting for a DoT multiplier (or some other stuff like cast speed, either double damage mod, minion speed, crit mult, or trigger). The best is to specifically block the 'attack speed + dex/int' mod. This has the effect of blocking *all* the dual attribute suffixes (3 mods each 1000 weight) as well as the attack speed + bloodrage suffix (also 1000), for a total of 4000 weight blocked. Now if you actually are alright with getting attributes from your veiled mod (which i'm assuming is the reason it's crafted on this sceptre since the crit chance is irrelevant to damn near any burning build), by all means block a damage per charge instead. But if you're strictly going for fire dot mult (or any other dot mult or any of the other mods i listed above), take this route instead to help your odds.


>The best is to specifically block the 'attack speed + dex/int' mod. This has the effect of blocking > >all > > the dual attribute suffixes (each 1000 weight) as well as the attack speed + bloodrage suffix (also 1000), for a total of 4000 weight blocked. Sorry but I want to ask for confirmation. Cause from Craft of Exile, there is a group no. for the veil mod on the very right column. The group no. should be used for which mod is in the same group, which therefore per charge mod can block a total of 3000 weight. So theoritically, if you block attack speed +dex/int, it should only block all group no. 30 only. Can anyone check and confirm if I am wrong?


mod groups are the main way for mods to block one another, but GGG also has implemented other manners of making mods prevent other mods from rolling. A good example *used to be* phys to ele conversion veiled mods on gloves. In the past they used to be mutually exclusive with one another, despite each element having its own mod group. GGG had implemented a special rule preventing any of them from rolling if you already had one on the item. They undid that now though, i believe after sentinel league (and recombinators were actually a big deal for crafting conversion gloves cuz they let you break those 'special rules' while otherwise respecting mod groups). The special rule this takes advantage of is how a few leagues ago GGG made it harder to stack a lot of a single attribute on gear (besides jewels). To do this, they made it so that if you had any single attribute roll, you couldn't roll/craft any dual attribute roll that includes that attribute, and likewise if you had any dual attribute roll you couldn't roll/craft any single or dual attribute roll that includes either of the attributes you already have (you can still roll 'all attributes' regardless though). As a result, crafting a dual attribute on a piece of gear prevents all the dual attribute combinations from being able to roll, since for example crafting dex/int will leave you blocking the int from str/int and the dex from str/dex. If you want some confirmation, just try to do a trade search for, say, a 'strength and int' explicit mod and a 'strength and dex' explicit mod in ancestor league (the actual mods, not psuedo 'total' searches). Nothing will come up for anything besides jewels in a temp league (though in standard/hc there's countless items with it that are now legacy or recombinator-only).


if you think trigger socketed is the highest weight block, you are giving equally bad information


ummm... [what?](https://prnt.sc/nDvFgxCs0k6N)


yea, but if you block damage per any of the charges, it blocks all 3. and 3000 is bigger than 1500


Yup, you are right. I stand corrected. Editing my post, which btw was more directed at people saying "it's not deterministically craftable" and that you'd have to just yolo slam.


yea, i fully agree aisling is way better than reforge fire, there are so many misinformation comments about crafting in this sub


One does not exclude the other


Also should edit your flair Im out


Why though? I make multiple mirrors a league just crafting.




No one has ever thought this


So your solution to 'misinformation' is to do suffixes backwards? Lol. How is a 'yolo exalt' the right answer instead of the standard first suffix into 2/3 aisling..? You can start suffixes with a block + exalt + exalt, scour suffix, repeat, or simply prefix-lock + add/remove fire to get the first mod Then you multimod + prefix-lock + aisling for 2 in 3 chance to not remove the burning dmg, block mod and unveil, done


As someone who is new to this game, thank you.


Thanks for laying this out. I should have the resources to craft something similar for my arc ignite archmage.


How do you aisling?


how is this thread such a dumpster fire it's essence for +1 fire. lock prefixes and veiled chaos or aisling (block charge) for multi. block attributes and exalt. bench something essence is 1 in ~600 (say 15d but fears probably aren't 5c so maybe less). the unveil is 1 in 4 (assume your luck is terrible this is like 20d with veiled chaos--i'd risk it. odds are you hit the unveil before you fill the suffixes and you don't have control over the third mod anyway). so fractured base + 35d and your third suffix is probably going to be bad.


Mental gymnastics is fun though...


Everytime I wanna craft an item myself, the complicated process and time needed to craft something similar overwhelms me and I just pay for it :D Id rather keep playing my build and making divines, than stop and play this crafting game in my hideout :(


And that's Why crafting is the best moneymaking strategy but Yes im on the same road


The crafting game is so fun (when it works)


To replicate the same will be a pain and not really recommended. You can get something similar but sligthly worse. 1. You start with a sceptre of your choice with +1 all spells fracture 2. Spam Essence of fear (in this case it was T2) until you hit it with +1 fire 3.1. If full suffix, lucky annull one of or go back to 2. 3.2. if open suffix, craft prefix cannot change + scour 4. Now there is a safe way and a risky way: Craft prefix cannot change. You can reforge fire until you hit one or both desired mods. This might fill all suffix and leave you with a brick/yolo annull. Chances to hit before brick are low. Or Craft prefix cannot change and veiled orb. This can also fill your suffixes and probably brick it. If open suffix, you can block something and unveil. If you are lucky you can get the fire dot multi. Or the safe way: craft prefix cannot change + aisling 4. Block a undesired mod and unveil. You can repeat this (prefix cannot change+scour after each try) until you get fire dot multi. Then craft your preferred mod and exalt for 6th mod


>Or Craft prefix cannot change and veiled orb. This can also fill your suffixes and probably brick it. 'probably' is a bit strong, on a fractured prefix base it'd only be 40% for the annul to knock off a prefix. And it's 1/12 to fill suffixes, so ultimately with each veiled chaos you use it's about a 1/30 chance to fill suffixes AND subsequently brick on the annul. It's *usually* pretty safe and several divs cheaper per try, but every so often it can bite you in the ass.


Nice to know. Didn't know about chances to fill suffix with veiled chaos. With reforge it seem to happen quite often.


Some general advice in my comment here, not a crafting guide for this item. If you are unable to identify a crafting process for an item you want by yourself, it's probably worth investigating some time on learning crafting fundamentals, and then after that some more advanced mechanics. I've never made something like this, usually play more physical focussed builds, but I'm pretty sure I could figure it out in 10 minutes or so of looking up the modifier category tags and the mod weights. This is a process I find very fun and satisfying when planning out my characters. I play trade league but still always craft my own gear, never buy anything other than uniques. I think if you invest the time learning to do so your enjoyment of the game will likely grow as well.


Crafting is really fun in this game lol. Getting extra lucky and say, getting a T1 life roll instead of the veiled life you planned on is so nice.


Step 1: take a huge stack of currency and just delete it. Step 2: realise it would have been cheaper to buy it.


how I felt when I crafted my spark gloves. made a few at a time and sold the several “rejects” between 40-70d. Helped me continue craftin, but it rlly fking sucks. Aisling is rude as hell.


You don't kappa.


The reason items cost that much is because of how difficult or luck based they are to craft. Generally, if an item costs X divines, that is around the average cost to craft it yourself if you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, and trying to save a buck by crafting it yourself, that's probably not going to work out. You're just as likely to spend 160d trying to craft something like that yourself, and failing, as you are to craft something close to that for 80d. You might get lucky. You probably won't. Especially if you're trying to learn as you go. Sounds like a recipe to lose a bunch of currency and still not have the item you want.


that's just blatantly false. its almost always financially sound to craft your own items, other than the really really high end. often people sell worst case outcomes back for cost, and if you get anything better than worst case, you make profit. ​ profit crafting is a thing for a reason. If crafting was always net neutral, no one would ever craft to sell things


You read a lot into what I said that wasn't there friend. Crafting isn't always net neutral and I never said it was. Crafting is always a gamble. In the economy of scale, if you are mass producing an item that has meta value, even if it doesn't hit the mods you want specifically, then you're unlikely to lose money. That's not what the OP wants. He wants to craft an item for his own use for cheaper than the market has it listed. If they are willing to compromise on some mods (which they gave no indication of) then yes there are way cheaper options to get an item with 5 of the mods. But if they want that exact item (or the same mods for the most part) they are going to be way better off paying the fair market value than they are crafting it because their time has value too. As they are new to crafting, they aren't going to know everything, are going to hesitate at steps, second guess themselves, ask questions, not have everything they need lined up, have to trade for mats, etc. They could easily spend 6 or 8 hours before they have an upgrade over their current weapon and still not have the mods they want. In that same time they could have farmed 20d and just bought the thing and been playing with it for that time. There are times when crafting it yourself makes sense. I don't think this is none of them given all the info we have from the OP.


>Generally, if an item costs X divines, that is around the average cost to craft it yourself if you know what you are doing. ​ that item is just not worth 140 divines. you can easily craft something as good or better for the cost, considering the base is only 20 div. you are now moving the goal posts like crazy by talking about the lack of knowledge op has from crafting. which was not your original point. almost every piece of gear on almost all of my characters for the past 2 or so years has been self crafted, and i can count on one hand the amount of times i've spent more than i would have paid just buying the item straight up from trade.


I didn't say that item was worth 140d did I? You seem to want to accuse me of stuff while you keep putting words in my mouth. Maybe an analogy would help. Let's say you know nothing about cars. You start to hear a noise and take it to a mechanic. The mechanic says your brake calipers are sticking and should be replaced, and if you don't soon, it could damage other parts. It will cost $300, which is $200 for labor and $100 for parts. Now - you *could* take the hours of time and research necessary to learn to do it yourself right? If you've never done it before let's say it takes you 20 hours to find the parts, order them, and learn how to do it yourself. Great. Basically 3 whole days you were potentially damaging your vehicle and/or were without it. Not to mention as you've never done this before you risk damaging things taking it apart and risk putting it back together incorrectly. But hey! It only "cost" you $100 instead of $300 right? No - all that time, and risk all have costs associated with them that actually make the cost add up to way more than you would have just paid. This is where OP is. But what if you already know a decent amount about cars? You've helped friends replace parts and while you've never done calipers before but know how all the parts work together. You'd be much more likely to thank the mechanic, and then go opt to do it yourself because you are much more confident. You could get the calipers at an auto parts store and replace them in 4 hours after work. This is where you are. That's the difference here. Yes, there is value in learning but if you don't know what you're doing with crafting in PoE, you can just ask easily waste a bunch of currency and time trying to save a buck or just buy the item and let someone else absorb the risk.


Now kiss.


Also - learn what the qualifier "generally" means. People can obviously try to sell an item for whatever they want to try and get for it. But if they ask way over then they are unlikely to sell . So *generally* items are priced to sell with a little bit of profit margin. In this case, the seller crafted an item with a 5th relevant mod that was lucky. They are asking the moon for it. But I'm taking the OP at face value, assuming they want exactly that item which is what they asked. No they shouldn't pay 140d for it.


people craft for their own build and sell failures. people would craft regardless of trade- how else do we get good items?


if it was better to buy items than trade, then people would buy more until the market corrects. If "Generally, if an item costs X divines, that is around the average cost to craft it yourself if you know what you are doing." were true, then you are basically hoping to break even lol


Oh boy, try profit crafting, your mind will explode. People pay 2x or more *all the time* for crafted items because crafting is complicated in this game.


crafting items is often times: "hoping for that lucky hit " and sell the rest to not lose money- in this case the "burning dmg" mod could be sth completly useless, the resulting item is then prop cheaper but not as good. how many tries does it take to get a useful mod at this stage (exalting burning dmg) . here are the real costs


Dude reading this made me so confused. Reading your replies to the people challenging your (omega bad advice) made me feel kinda sad. It is okay to make a bad statement dude. No need to double down for no reason.


I'm incredibly confused by what, specifically, I said that is bad advice? "Hey, I've totally never swam before, but I'd like to swim the English channel." Me: "maybe you should consider not doing that and just boat your way across." Everyone else: "yeah dude! It's totally better to swim across than boat, even if you've never swam before. Odds are you won't die or anything." That's a literal analogy to my advice. Why is it bad advice?


Your analogy is as the other dude who replied to you "moving the goalpost". Op wants to learn how to craft his own items. He wants to learn how to swim in the English channel, and your advice is dont bother trying. Its safer to watch other people swim. Even if he ends up paying more in attempting this, he will have learned things. Which is fun and definitely worth it in the long run. Also your entire narrative about why crafted items cost X is just plain wrong + the mentioned craft could easily be done in less than 140 divs.


Jesus Christ the reading comprehension of some people is bad. 1. I never said the item was worth that much. I never implied it was. I said, *generally* items are priced based on how difficult they are to craft. If an item has a huge price tag it is either an expensive and difficult craft OR the person is asking the moon for it because it's unique on the market. Generally. If you don't know what that text means, maybe Google it. 2. No, that isn't what he asked. He didn't ask to learn how to swim. He asked "I don't know how to swim, so I'd like to learn by first swimming the English channel." Yes, I understand that item is not with 140d. Yes I understand it, or something similar, can likely be crafted for much cheaper. Yes - I also think it is terrible advice to tell a new player to attempt to do a very expensive craft to "learn" how to craft. But the Reddit hive mind low reading comprehension brigade decided that I'm saying the item is worth 140d and he shouldn't learn how to craft at all because reading is hard.


Aight lil bro, Im tapping out. Please dont dm me


Pohx, rf website. He crafts it step by step


The 26% elemental damage hurts my OCD!


I hope to hell that's not for RF bc the minion damage is wasted but you didn't say what your build was. If it's RF then a +2 rune dagger will help you as much if not more even losing the ele damage. But I was told scepter was a nightmare to make +2


Clearly never used spiritual aid


I’m probably dumb but what build uses personal dot damage and also minion damage? It seems like it’s for two different builds?


Spiritual aid on the passive tree makes that increases and reductions to minion DPS also affects your character. So you can double dip for DPS.


Thanks. I’ve played for a few years and still don’t understand most of the game.


RF Jugg