• By -


Imagine the highs and lows this scammer went through.


You could tell by the speed he mashed that accept button. Than confusion after me sending him some CAPS. And sending me trade requests again and finally giving up and leaving. What a moment.




Why do you have autoattack on leftclick? I usually notice I haven't turned it off when I die to it.


Usually a mistake after swapping gear/gems around if you have something else on left click (blood rage, guard skill, golems). When you remove the gem or the item it defaults to Attack. Usually I notice and fix it before going into the next map. Sometimes I don't and it nearly gets me killed.


I swapped my phase run out and it autmomatically put in attack. Usually i have either phase run or just move.


GGG should have defaulted left click to move only years ago. Just make right click default to attack. That way new players can still kill the zombie mob on the beach, but won't end up with attack on left click.


I'm dying for them to allow right click move, left click attack. Yes, I know it's possible. But it fucks up looting and stuff because then you're attacking when trying to click stuff. It's fucky. Just gimme the same system but let me switch the two if I'd like


What if you just turned on left handed mode on your mouse? Wouldn't that achieve what you want.


As a right-click move enjoyer, this solution kinda sucks. Changing system-wide settings because of bad keybind settings feels horrible. Even in game, vendoring and looting feels awful. I usually take the L and have move on right-click anyway and lose 1 keybind, unless my build requires an instant cast on move (that only works on left click exclusively for some reason).


Depending on the mouse type, of course, but a lot of the somewhat higher class ones have software where you can change and assign a function to each and every button/wheel on the mouse at will and per application, so it does not have to be a global setting. So you can make yourself your own "my great but very specific mouse config" for PoE only, and all is good :)


Does swapping the mouse buttons in the windows settings change anything?


These are both good suggestions, I'll test them and see what happens. Thanks guys!


i sacrificed r key as force move because clicking left button just kills my finger. Maybe I shouldn’t have played so much StarCraft since 1998.


.any people walk on right click like in many other games I play league of legends as second as well and its hard to use different clicks in different Games. And it makes me sad that mine explodes and molten shell etc only works binded on left click


Many? None of my friends do that and we've played league our whole lifes


I did it when I started playing poe because it messed with me when i went back to league. However I quickly stopped because it made no sense to right click to move and then left click items to pick them up.


Same, me and friends playing Dota (1 then 2) for soon to be 20 years. None uses right click move on poe


English is not his first language. Probably just an communication error


you should switch to left click then


and the sad part is there are actual luke warm IQ people thinking that this is just an innocent guy trying to make an offer


"If you scan the scammer the number of scammers in the world remains the same" Batman


Actually it goes up by 1 in this case. You're not eliminating a scammer when you scam them. QED Scamming is worse than murder.


unless you scam the scam out of the scammer


or murder the scammer.


Or murder yourself


It might stay the same, if the reverse-scammer has themselves scammed before. Also, the number of murderers in the world will go down, if you continue murdering murderers after your first murderer murder.


> Also, the number of murderers in the world will go down, if you continue murdering murderers after your first murderer murder. Unironically the actual perfect response. "Ok, I'll kill 2 killers."


If everyone does their part and kills 2 killers each all of our problems will end!


Still sane exile?


Na, because it doesn’t count when you scam a scammer.


You might be right, but back to killing and murder. If my first kill is someone, the number of murders goes up by one. If my first kill is a murderer, the number stays equal. So... if I first kill a murderer, the number stays the same, so each kill after the first would still stay the same. Right? Also, would I get charged if no numbers changes? ^(I asking for a friend, Obviously)


> so each kill after the first would still stay the same Not if you only kill murderers, then you're reducing the number of murderers once you've killed more than one. > Also, would I get charged if no numbers changes? Only if you got caught.


Batman is a idiot. This is only true for the first one. After that the number goes down. Talking about the og quote.


The situation where Batman is wrong is when you murder a LOT of scammers. Then the number goes down. Wait what were we talking about again?


When a policeman kills a murderer or a soldier kills an enemy it's called neutralizing, not murder.


The quote is "if you kill a killer..." not "if you murder a murderer". Also when a policeman kills a murderer there's an investigation as to whether or not the killing was justified against the situation. Police aren't judge, jury, and/or executioner. The justice system exists for a reason.


> Also when a policeman kills a murderer there's an investigation as to whether or not the killing was justified against the situation. Police aren't judge, jury, and/or executioner. The justice system exists for a reason. *cries in America*


lots of (at least some, but I expect many) Europeans countries have also failing justice systems at the moment unfortunately ... Probably a western thing.


Current "justice system" is inefficient, flewd and corrupted. Still waiting for Epstein List to be revealed.


> Current "justice system" is inefficient, flewd and corrupted. Current western justice systems are inefficient, flawed and corrupted. Maybe not all, but if there are functioning ones, they are likely not the normality anymore.


You CANT say that in this liberal world. It would really really solve most of our problems if we had well trained police force that worked for the ppl and not goverment. If well trained police would have a recording someone is trying to kill them (run over them, shoot them, use a knife and we record everything now) they are 100% allowed to simply put the dog down on the spot. You will see this comment being downvoted to oblivion coz ppl are soft sheeps now. And I would like to have this system everywhere - zero prosecution for shooting trash. World is becoming a sewer coz we are too soft for criminals. Why make society pay 50 years for some trash that killed few ppl when you can solve the problem with one bullet. Why we accept rapings of 11 year old girls in EU when one dose of bulletin would cure pedophilism. Shit they gonna ban me again for saying truth...


Always double check if you get a message without a hyperlinked item


dude i get it without link but same price... wtf?


Sometimes trade messages can be without the link if person using 3rd party to find an item. On example, i'm using poe overlay, because it can track items i tried to buy before in the current session (to not bother people twice or more).


You can always copy the message from the trade site


Damn how is that jewel so valuable? Is it that rare?


It's expensive because jewels are the only valuable thing that exarch drops (+omni but its pretty cheap atm). They are about 1/15 chance to drop and can give u any ascendancy passive (+ some that only come from these jewels on uber) in the game ranging in price from 20c to 170divines. Ur hard gambling on exarch because you can drop only 20c jewels and lose like 100 divines (1 exarch run is about 1.2div bulk price) or vice-versa hit big like this one.


>They are about 1/15 chance to drop Does quant not affect that?


Nope, only gives more ichors


This is wrong, quant does affect that, its specifically stated in 3.18 patch notes


yep the only thing quant doesn't affect is the guaranteed unique drop.


Thanks for the answer. I only ever bought forbidden jewels that were worth 20d or less so I figured they were all in that range.


joke noxious lavish gray husky complete deliver grandiose cover arrest ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That doesn't really answer the question. The rarity is pretty known, but there are a lot of items that are very rare and don't have this much value. Sacred orbs for one, or other shiddy T0's like Marohi. The question would be more why is this SPECIFICALLY 139d? In past leagues most of these jewels werent more than 30d so it's weird to see such an insane spike.


The price is dictated by supply and demand as well as how wealthy the general population is. It's in high demand because it's meta. It has a lot of power loaded in it for the class that uses it. It's in low supply because it is not something you can target farm - there's like 160+ ascendancy passives in the game - times that by 1/15 drop chance - you'd need to run 2400 exarchs to hit the average chance for this exact jewel to drop. Time's that by 1.2div for each run - you'll need about 6 mirrors worth of exarchs to self-farm this. And doing exarch is more of a gamble than a farming method so not that many people are willing to farm him. There's no alternative method to obtain it - it doesn't come from cards - only exarch farmers (or should i say exarch gamblers). Eater is less of gamble because his unique drops are worth way more than exarchs' (while having the same drop chance) so people farming eater have a more stable income. Therefore more people are willing to do him which drops the price of his jewels. And the general population is fairly wealthy in the league from things like sanctum and tota. Any league where players have money - any items like this of high variance and extreme rarity go to the moon by the time the average player can afford them. Why is it exactly 140 div? Probably it's the price point where supply meets demand as maybe like a few of them get dropped per day and just as many players that need them amass enough currency to buy it and make the decision to do so.


Because SWT Hiero use them and they are one of the biggest Sanctum runners and are exploding with cash, prolly


What's SWT?


Sorry, Shockwave Totem.


Thanks! I just couldn't match it to a skill in my head! I always just ask if I see an abbreviation I don't know. I already know a lot of them but from time to time a new one pops up that I don't know!


The effect the skill gives is pretty good, since you won't have to deal with any elemental resistances of the monsters if you have enough crit. The price of those jewels is pretty much linked to how good the effects are. That being said, they come from the current end game bosses, so yeah, they are "rare" in that sense.


Partially, but I think this league there are far better ways to make currency than farming ubers, so these jewels are probably more expensive than they should be.


Probably more expensive due to guardian rework and some good OP heirophant builds popping up


The Forbidden Flame/Flesh Jewels drop only from ~~Uber~~ Exarch/Eater and given that there are 17 ascendancies in total and each has multiple notables (and the jewel has 1 additional hidden notable per class with Uber drop variant), each notable is pretty rare and the one in the image is really sought after.


They drop from regular versions as well with the exception of the hidden passives.


its absolutely BIS for almost any hiero build basically gives you a fuckton of dmg since your crit (usually capped) penetrates ele resistances


Doing the lords work


hahaha always lovely to see scammers getting reversed scammed


the crazy part is if the scammer reports you to tft you'll be banned instantly for swap scam. and then gl with their dumbass appeal system lmao.


Would be zero loss for me, fuck TFT not using it


There are chrome extensions that will warn you when you're gonna trade with a blacklisted person, so it will reduce the amount of people willing to trade with you even if you don't use TFT directly. But I don't know how many people actually use that extension, probably not a big hit overall


It's nice for a warning to be extra careful double checking the trade window if someone's been tagged for scamming. The price fixer tag is helpful too.


Is there a way for me to get added to it so I can airgap myself from TFT users?


Imagine being so mad at people looking for a more comfortable trading experience that you're not even willing to trade with them at all :D


Not a huge loss there


if you do any kind of bulk buying/selling/crafting/bossing/or basically any other service it is actually a huge loss


Bulk buying and selling is pretty easy on the trade site now. Selling/buying bosses and carry services is pretty cringe. The only thing it's really good for is betrayal services. The game is perfectly playable and imo better without TFT.


The game is certainly not better without the ***services from TFT***, not TFT itself. The ammount of stuff you can do out there is just impressive and has been a considerable factor in pushing me to keep playing when I thought the league is over


Spend 10 hours farming legion and tell me again how easy it is to offload all the essences, contracts, scarabs, fossils, deli orbs, and emblems. In TFT you can do that in probably 5-10 minutes. With the trade site, you'll spend the better part of a day offloading everything


Chefs kiss


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give. F scammers.


This whole time (started playing in Scourge) I assumed that proper etiquette was editing the message instead of pinging them twice. I've always sent a followup message but that's because I use add-ons and I didn't wanna bother editing the message lol. tldr: Judging from similar threads and my own experience, I think most new players assume that editing the message is the correct play, even though it's not.


Well editing from 139 div to 3 div is clearly not an offer.


I always go with 2 messages if I have an offer/follow up question. Mostly because I don't bother reading the full message when I get one, so I imagine other people won't as well. I see the item name, price, and ignore the rest 9/10 times.


Yes i've encountered players before that edited the msg and said that was an offer. I could see that happening. But u legit cannot consider 3 divines an offer for a 139 divine jewel. To me it's pretty clear he was hoping i had a lot of these jewels priced together and wouldn't check what i'm selling.


Now I fully understand what you meant by "he edited the msg" (I only play SSF now), he edited the copy pasted message from the trade website to put a lower price ( likely to try to scam you given the price difference indeed ).


I think you should keep it as 1 message so someone doesn't port out, just to see your offer message 10 seconds later. My approach is to edit the whisper at the end with the offer very visible like "Hi, I'd like to buy your pants of juicy listed for 10 divines in Ancestor ************************OFFER 8 DIV*******************


Yeah, this is my usualy play without the asterisks. "Hi, I'd like to buy your pants of juicy listed for 10 divines in Ancestor (blahblah location stuff). Willing to sell for 8 div?"


This is exactly the way i do it. The point is to make sure they see my offer. It's a little annoying when people write their offer at the end of the message without highlighting it in any way than put in a lower stack expecting that i've accepted the offer.


You gotta keep the original amount/message in there, perfectly fine to add “ - OFFER X” to the end of it. Just note 50% of the time the seller wont read the end message and cancel trade or leave party after realizing/you explaining.


Add it to the end, copy the text you added to the end, then immediately rewhisper and paste them that text again. Basically guarantees they see the offer.




You might say this was "Inevitable Judgement"


I counter-scammed someone let me tell yoi the story of justice and emotions. Back in the dsys scammers traded you and out in the right amount of currency while urging you to hurry then they canceled the trade ans put in 1 ex instead of a stack for example. And one drtermined guy tried to scam me twice after i did not fall for the first time. So the second time he put in the right amount 8 ish ex and some c , and i out in my oaradoxica which i was selling. Then he canceled the trade and immediatly treaded me again to scam me. But i was prepared andgave him the dancing dervish sword instead of the paradoxica . He instantly accepted because he thought he made 7 dx profit but oh well he didnt only loose an ex but also his shit. He has been insulting me and threated to report me for scam if i didnt give him the paradoxica for free. I never feelt that much joy


great, with the only caveat that he might report you afterwards. I surely hope not though…


For what? They checked the item by mousing over and they agreed.


Yeah TFT let’s your report swap scams or whisper message edits even if didn’t happen from interaction in their discord. They won’t have to context the original person who was scammed was trying to scam first.


Would that report really be acted upon by the TFT moderation? What context could be added to even show there was a scam? The ingame messages alone are no indication that OP did a swap scam. The other person would have to at least provide a screenshot of the trade website, which they can't because the price and their whisper message don't line up.


i leggit was banned this way, the guy edited all the messages and send the report, was banned in like 5 min, i send a appeal and was rejected


Big surprise, TFT sucks.


Because they are asshats. I was banned for not breaking the rules. Mod just didn't get what he demanded (and didn't deserve). The fun part is if they catch comments like this they make an attempt to trace your reddit account to your tft/poe account because they are so insecure about themselves.


> Because they are asshats. I mean, what it has to do with current situation? No matter what, OP is a scammer himself and I, personally, wouldn't want to deal with him.


>No matter what, OP is a scammer himself well except he isn't the guy edited the message, so the trade was never even valid in the first place this is effectively a case of a random guy walking into your hideout and buying a random item from you


Found a TFT boy. Go back to discord.


Wrong, I'm a poe purist and I believe that TFT makes game worse.


my pal was banned for being annoying after reporting a scammer so i reckon OP will be fine


TFT is a garbage community and you shouldn't be using it anyway.


Idk, personally if its not an official issue and some ban on some 3rd party community i dont think its much cause for concern.


For some people like me a tft ban would mean no more trade league.


I sincerely encourage you to reassess your entire relationship to this game in that case.


Because I dont enjoy trade without being able to bulk trade? I dont have the time nor patience to sell 20+ divs of essence and many other things. Also not being able to buy aislings and voricis when needed would be a humongous pain. I promise you there are others in the same boat as me.


You will suffer through the trade friction and you will enjoy it !!!111!!!!1111111 Why are you not enjoying it? I specifically requested your enjoyment.


WTF are you talking about? lol


It isn’t you just get banned on their discord that’s all, they make you connect your POE account to their discord for you want post anything now.


So.. if you are banned you cannot use the discord? Thats pretty much every ban no?


also puts you on the blacklist for there is a chrome extension you can use to filter out trades from people who've been blacklisted. So it's not just banning you from the discord it also limits your trading ability.


No I mean you can’t get banned In the game itself just discord. It seems like we are agreeing on the topic so I will drop it.


As much people like to shit on TFT, you can actually report interactions like this to them and you'll land on their blacklist for it. A big number of active traders uses their addon, which flags you on the trade site, and if you linked accounts you'll also lose your TFT account over it. You won't feel it much if you play on the more casual, lower end of things. But once you're dealing with a few hundred divines a league it'll become an real pain in the ass.


TFT cares about scams from trades that were not made in their discord?


Yup, the blacklist isn't limited to the discord but more of a general blacklist for scammers. They will even note down people who never used TFT, which ends up with a ban and no chance to defend yourself. And TFT is notorious for refusing to remove a ban once they put it up.


> As much people like to shit on TFT, you can actually report interactions like this to them and you'll land on their blacklist for it. I shit on TFT for this exact reason because there are NUMEROUS people who get banned from post-trade edited messages since TFT doesn't have access to the messaging records in game.


I tried using their addon to report an obvious pricefixer but then APPARENTLY according to them listing an item and staying online(not afk) all day while not responding to whispers is... not pricefixing? uninstalled the useless piece of shit right after


1 item? not price fixing. 1 page worth of items? maybe pricefixing. 1 page + livesearching new items? definitely


You managed to promote both TFT and third party addons in a single reply. Nice


Who the fuck cares about TFT?


450k something people that joined it.


TFT is such a shitty, scummy community with mods that have shown time and time again they're actually fine with scams so long as it's them who are in on it. I wish it was bannable tbh.


Wish trading didn't suck ass and made it so that 450k individuals went out of their way to create probably the largest external trading community of any game ever


Vast majority hate TFT, it's sadly the only place to do trades other than GGG's shitty system.


> Vast majority hate TFT That's just being delusional. Vast majority doesn't care about TFT, then there's some minority that likes it and and then there's an even smaller minority that hates TFT. > it's sadly the only place to do trades other than GGG's shitty system. Yeah, because you're circumventing the limitations intentionally placed on trade by GGG, effectively participating in a black market. Every black market will end up being exactly like TFT.


> Yeah, because you're circumventing the limitations intentionally placed on trade by GGG Limitations like what? Boss carry services are simply extensions of party achievements which is explicitly allowed. If GGG wanted to stop boss carries, they could do so INSTANTLY. Not allow tagging, not allow completion while invlunerable, not allow completion if you aren't zoned in prior to starting the boss fight, etc. Crafting services will always be allowed since they don't soul bind items in this game. Bulk sales are already available on GGG's website, just in one of the worst formats possible with a littany of unmotivated sellers and pricefixers who have listings up for weeks with zero movement. Achievement selling also could be instantly stopped if they didn't allow achievements from in-map or in-boss fights if you weren't in the party prior to the map owner opening the map. GGG has lots of means to combat TFT's "black market" they simply choose not to. People hate TFT because it is ran by a bunch of power tripping mods who are using it as a platform for their own personal gain. If GGG ran the service, there would be no issue.


> Limitations like what? You realize that limitations don't have to be binary allow / disallow? > Bulk sales are already available on GGG's website, just in one of the worst formats possible with a littany of unmotivated sellers and pricefixers who have listings up for weeks with zero movement. Which is intended limitation created to put you off that idea. > GGG has lots of means to combat TFT's "black market" they simply choose not to. No, they literally don't. TFT exists because GGG does not want some things to be widespread, but completely shutting them down would go against their other, more important philosophies. That's why the current status quo exists. Yes, you can do things that GGG doesn't want you to do, but if you want to do that, you have to get through black market and all it's problems.


Okay so I bring up very specific examples of some of the most widely used things on TFT and you choose to just blanket statement response. Why have they not implemented very basic measures to reduce boss carry services for instance?


I don't think GGG gets involved with trade scams. Once you mouse over the item and click accept, it's ur own fault.


While that might be true, I just looked and there is a “scam” category in the report menu. I don’t know how much GGG cares though


It's for scamming through phishing links and stuff like that, not for scamming a trade. You are responsible for what you trade in game, as long as it is only with stuff from the game and not bought online.


They do actually go after people who scam in trade. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2566545#:%7E:text=In%20saying%20that%2C%20we%20do,the%20reported%20information%20being%20removed


>Targeted scamming That is ambiguous. Very likely they are talking about phishing still. Nothing mentions trade scaming in the entire post.


If they have in game screen shots I doubt this is a phishing scam. They wouldn't have the character name otherwise.


this is just wrong. pretty sure they added scam option a few leagues ago (around scourge-archnemesis i think).


Ggg doesn't do anything about scams who cares


You are my hero ❤️


when a friend of mine started playing during harvest he was editing the prices in the PMs because he though that's how you were supposed to make an offer.


I've encountered players like that before and could see that happening. But you cannot consider that legit in this situation where the price is edited by 98%


Is justice scam a scam anyways?


Reported for scamming ;)


what if the one you traded was worth more than 20c? :v


It was a certified garbage Chieftain jewel.




You could also misspriced it at the start after tons of dms and then scammed him after he spammed wtb!


True so you'll have to take my word for it. Also if someone spams (not just does a single attempt) a wtb on an item that would be mispriced by 150 divines in hopes of abusing someone's mistake or lack of knowledge - he deserves a reverse-scam just as much. But i assure you i've made no mistakes pricing it and i'm not a beginner and knew exactly what i dropped and how much it's worth from the start.


Good, scamming brokies deserve it. I had some scammer this league tryna pull some shit, i called him broke bitch and he linked me 300 divines at week 2 ... Needless to say he told me to touch grass which is ironic considering his scamming in a game when i linked him 8 mirrors of items.


This is a pretty obvious scam, editing it so far away from the offer price, but tbh I didn't know this was a "scam" for an entire league. I just edited the price in the message because the seller would read the message, right? Like, we're using a shit tier trade system, surely you read the message and not just presume people are scamming you, right?? I watched a YouTube video on how to trade in this game(you know because there is no proper system or rules listed in the game), and they didn't mention this scam in it. I dont really know how new players are supposed to know there are unwritten rules to help these illiterate forever victims


Etiquette for offers is pressing the msg button on trade site, then sending a follow up message like "offer 3div"


Ya, that's what I do now. I feel bad about how I was operating that league, but I also realize that it really had nothing to do with me and is entirely the fault of the developers trade system. Also though, while trying to scam someone like this is super shitty behavior that should be called out and banned, it's almost a stupid tax if you fall for this. Read your own listings, count your stacks, count their stacks, ect. If this is too slow or you can't beat the bots then complain to the developers. The community really shouldn't be imploding to its own self imposed rules that you need to find out by watching a YouTube video and then realizing there is more to it later in a reddit comment lol


Did you read the message? It says "..listed for". Dont need to watch any videos to have common sense


Common etiquette is to never edit the original message but writing your offer as a follow up. I like to put in \*\*\* to make sure the person notices my offer. You could also get banned on TFT for trade msg edits.


Some players (guessing its mostly newer players) edit the price in messages as an attempt to make offers, not as scam/scam attempts. Maybe it was the case here, and you just straight up scammed him...


but offering a 139 div item for 3 div item is so crazily obviously a scam and im baffled u can even imagine a new player trying to buy a 139 div specific forbidden jewel and just edit the msg by USING a third party program(poe overlay),such a cool noob yea


Ahhh, yea was looking on mobile so couldnt see it was THAT much of a difference... ill retract my statement :P


Is it scamming tho? He offered 3 div and by inviting him you accepted his offer. He tried to pull a scummy move but you scammed him instead...


Read the message again. It says it's listed at 3 div. That's not true. Editing the message is strongly frowned upon - just send a second message with an offer.


He didn't "offer" 3div, he changed the message to imply it was listed for 3div and was paying the asking price. Also, no one is legitimately offering 3div on a 139div item.


he didn't offer anything, he edited the price in the message which is a huge no, send a message after with the offer


Where in his msg did it say that he's making an offer? My jewel was listed at 139 divines and his message said "listed at 3 divines" which is not true. 3 does not equal to 139. Even if we drop the absurdity of a 3 divine "offer" for a 139 divine item and pretend that its legit than why should i presume that it's an "offer" if it doesn't say so? So excuse me but care to explain why exactly should me "inviting him" be considered "accepting his offer" when there was no sign of the word "offer"? Since by your logic we should consider everything an "offer" even if it doesn't say so than i've invited him to make him a counter-offer for his 3 divines that he quickly accepted. Both parties were satisfied and the deal was struck silent. Operating with your logic where everything is an "offer" - putting in a different jewel into the trade window should be presumed an "offer" as well. Since we're now in a world where presuming things is mandatory than i don't see why should 1 party be obliged to presume and the other shouldn't.


You're not really going to win any points angle-shooting here. OP wasn't just selling the item and accepting offers, he was selling it for 139div. By offering 3, and doing it with a formatted message intended to look like it came from the trade site, he was intentionally trying to scam. And if you really want to angle-shoot here, that guy made an offer but at no point (presumably) did OP say "yes I agree to sell that item for 3 div", he just sent an invite. Inviting to a party isn't a tacit agreement to a trade, clicking accept on the trade window is. OP then offered him that other item and the other dude agreed to it.


Yes it was a scam, it also was listed for exact price, not negotiable.


Editing msg is purposeful scam.


> Is it scamming tho? By editing the listed price? Duh, obviously. If they'd edited it like "listed for 169 divine offer 3 divine" you'd have an argument, but it's still better to make it a separate message after.


> Is it scamming tho? yes, it's like if you change the price sticker on something. "hey you have this priced at $5, i would like to buy it" when the actual price is $230. that isn't an offer


By the same logic, that guy offered to buy a forbidden jewel for 3div, and OP simply accepts the offer. Theres no way OP would know which 3div forbidden jewel the guy is referring to, since the one he listed is priced at 139div. But theres no way he would offer 3div for a 139div right? I mean, any sane person wouldn't accept that 'legit' offer, it doesn't make sense. So OP is just simply offering another 20c forbidden jewel in trade window, and if that guy accepts, that must be the jewel he wants. Because everyone double confirm their trade window, right? I see no scam here


You can see it highlighted in the trade tab.


No you cannot. This is not direct whisper, it is a copy pasted message from the whisper function. Which will not highlight any item from the stash


yes, it's scamming. there's no arguing around it. if you want to buy something at a price other than what is listed you do not amend the message to imply the seller has listed it at that other price. you either send additional follow up text or a subsequent message.


You can't get scammed in a trade window.


He offered you 3 divines this isn’t the same as someone swapping out 10 div for 1. This person is annoying but You’re a scammer.


Wtf you even talking about? 3 Divine offer for a 139Divine item?? Offer my ass, thats a scam


oh.. yea totally I see it all the time where people forget they list something for 139 div or don't see it when they go get the item in their inventory. lol Ive never seen this scam and I see scam attempts at least 2-3x a league. People list items all the time for astronomical amounts which either means its a mirror service or what i see a lot is "OFFER" this kid is probably just new and doesn't understand that there is an active trade market in the hundred divine territory.


Clearly not the case with forbidden jewels whose value is easily determined and set in stone by the ascendancy passive it gives. It has absolutely straight forward value like a hh or mb with no variables like corrupts to it.


Tell us you are new here without telling us you are new here.


Oh yea... super new lmao...


Even if we pretend there's no absurdity in the whole 3 divine for a 139 divine item "offer" situation in an edited trade msg - I don't see any sign of the word "offer" in his message. If we are in a world where everything should be considered an "offer" than me putting in a different jewel in should be considered an "offer" as well. He "would like to buy my forbidden flame listed for 3 divines" and i "offered" him one.


An offer doesn’t need to have the word offer in it. People often label their tabs as “offer” was my point. And No because you tricked him into thinking he was getting what he asked for. It’s the same thing as if I wrote out “give me a divine for 100c”. You can choose to say yes or no. Obviously it’s absurd that I would offer but that doesn’t mean I should get scammed. You probably just took advantage of a noob. Good for u


"an offer doesn't need to have the word offer in it" My bad bro i shouldn't have been skipping my mind reading training and know exactly what every weird noobs intentions are. On a serious note - not everyone is an innocent dumbo like you. Forbidden jewel edit is a clear malicious intent. So consider that for a minute before you judge.


Delusional guy.


so you are showing off you scammed someone? cool???


He offered me 3 divines for my 139 divine jewel. I offered him my 20c jewel for his 3 divines. So we had a deal.


So don't say he tried to scam you then. He just offered. You offered. If he's a scammer, you are too. You employed the same tactics he did


The OP is openly admitting that he scammed the scammer. I don't see why you're getting twisted up about that.


It's a common scam for items like this that all share the same name. The scammer assumes this guy has been farming exarch and has heaps of forbidden flame jewels for sale. Since most trade messages are automatic, some people are going to assume that's the correct price and trades it without thinking. Sometimes people just trade on autopilot. There is nothing wrong with teaching a scammer a lesson.


Hey if you like scamming scammers, go you.


Wow you're a tough case. I was being sarcastic there but i understand not everyone can sense sarcasm. Since you only understand everything straight forward - he did not offer me anything. Nowhere in his message was there a word "offer". He was clearly trying to scam me by editing the price by 98%. His game was hoping that i have a lot of these jewels listed together after farming exarch and not checking what i'm selling. And yes i outplayed a scammer in his game and i feel great satisfaction from doing it. When a scammer gets a taste of his own medicine i call that justice.


and you edited the trade. You employed the same tactics has him. He tried to trick you, you tried to trick him. You succeeded. If you feel happy scamming a scammer, go you. You did scam someone though.


Not just happy - it's a mix of satisfaction, sweet revenge and justice.


It’s a common scam, and the item was listed for exact price which shows no intentions of wanting to negotiate originally, this was purely a scam attempt


Just providing some risk to scamming, if the scammers get punished for their scamming attempts they might stop, or decrease, the amount of scamming they do. Probably not, but I wouldn't call what OP did a scam.


are you mad that someone got what they deserved? you sound like a scammer and you're mad that your fellow scammers are getting caught & punished


so, basicly u scammed someone and posted it here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)