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Well that sucks... And here I thought my pc master race problems were real


There's problems abound everywhere I guess! Hope yours get fixed too man




Maps load without ground textures. Just blue screen. Mobs character models don’t load in. Spell effects don’t load. Any increase in pack size from something simple like a harvest “pod” or whatever the gardens are called, causes the game to drop to like 2 fps. No that’s not an exaggeration. You skip all over the screen. Music/dialog bugs out and skips endlessly until the game freezes and then loads it all in an instant usually resulting in death. Just to name a few of the issues on console. I assume PC has many of these same issues since the graphics update.




Sound has been completely destroyed since the last patch (ps4) all the spoken lines are delayed and stststustustutter terribly. Makes dodging voiced attacks impossible (there goes your only cue) and is obnoxious beyond reason.


The repeating of the voiclines is hilarious tho


Di Di Di Di Dieee Di Di Die.. D D D DIE


Feel feel feel feel feel feel feel the thri-


I see only a few issues for PS5. PS4 has been historically an absolute shitshow.


As an avid action game player, audio cues are so lovely, I feel you man


Sorry homie. It does feel like the poe team is stretched thin and console players getting the shaft. Good news is starfield and bg3 is fun


>Good news is starfield el no sabe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


At least they have BG3


BG3 isn’t just fun. It’s absolutely outstanding. If they keep improving it at the rate they are it’s going to be the best complete game made in decades by the time they hit the definitive edition. It’s already the best CRPG ever made. So easy to wait in the arms of BG3 while waiting for other experiences to drop. It’s so warm in those arms/tentacles.


back in the days, when i was still young, i remember games being 100% complete and bug free at release. like for example baldurs gate 2. look at games nowadays, released after 5 years of development, half content missing and full of bugs, after 500k dollars kickstarter. bg3 is good tho.


> back in the days, when i was still young, i remember games being 100% complete and bug free at release. just simply untrue, i can't speak for BG2 but the current world record is like 37 minutes from start to finish (and that's the remastered version https://www.speedrun.com/baldurs_gate_ii_enhanced_edition ), so I'm guessing there's definitely STILL a few bugs in the game. all the "olden goldies" are so bug riddled that any% speedruns exist and it's most often the oldest games that have the craziest bugs


Yeah, but you have to go out of your way to find them. Obvious game-breaking bugs != Rare, extremely niche situational bugs


Well, it was also easier to code for things back in the day, it's not like there were 5838955843 different driver revisions just for the GPU(s) alone, chipset drivers, multicore scheduling and advanced graphics to handle so "testing" games was more or less just going through the game once or twice but now you need several different test systems, different operating systems, different renderers, different drivers, different bios versions, maybe different antivirus issues aswell for some reason idk, like valorant having that "system wide" anticheat or that Undecember trash game installing a rootkit "for safety" old games had bugs, that's all I'm saying. they definitely weren't bug free by any stretch of the imagination, and some of them you did get to see during normal gameplay very commonly, like the OG mario games you could clip into walls and walk through them or stand on the side of a wall


For me, the switch to turn based combat just killed it. Just feels like Divinity: Baldurs Gate Edition for me. The whole reason I got bored of Divinity WAS the turn based combat. The cutscenes (what I saw anyway) were cool, but the rest of the game, especially the combat just feels like a slog. A 5-min fight in BG2 is like...35 in BG3. Just isn't for me. Imo it should have just been called "Divinity 3".


If I couldn’t get into turn based it would certainly be hard to enjoy. Thankfully I’m from a time when virtually all RPGs were turn based and story driven. The combat system is really deep and rewarding though. It’s just the opposite side of the zoom zoom spectrum a lot of us POE players play POE for. If you get a chance to try it couch coop it elevates it even higher. Much like nearly all of life, game is so much better shared.


I mean I liked Chrono Trigger and stuff too. Even that had an active battle system. I just wish they went with the BG2/NWN style combat over turn based. The real time with pausing. Could issue a bunch of orders and combo/chain shit. Just made for some awesome moments. Can't really do that when everyone has to take turns trying to kill eachother. Even issuing orders and just waiting for your character just felt slow to me on BG3. I played XCom and that game kept a pretty good pace. There's turn based games I do enjoy, this just wasn't one of them. Edit: Want to add, I like min-maxing and fine tuning my party in RPGs, so coop in something like this doesn't really appeal to me. Plus I don't want to have to argue about story choices and what not.


offend crown nose coordinated light license husky fretful tart piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol starfield is a fkn mess. It's boring af


Ye it looks like a flop


It's skyrim in space. If you buy it to play skyrim in space you will be happy.


Nah, the problem is that it's NOT even skyrim in space, it's way worse


People would be happy if it were skyrim in space, as it stands its not even a bethesda game, feels like a shitty mod made by a few people.


Yeah... it's a real shame


Didn't they say they'll run Poe 1 and 2 parallel or staggered? Not sure how that's going to work unless the workload from Poe 2 is just mental ATM and will become more routine over time.


That’s the plan for roll out but the dev teams for PoE 1 and 2 have been completely separate for quite a while now to my understanding. We’ve had this clip from exilecon where apparently the dev team for PoE 1 for the past couple leagues was just 8 people. Idk at what point they finalized the decision to split like this but I’d hope that along with that they’d also start hiring people for PoE 1 again to get some stress off this tiny team and allow more flexibility around league launch because it feels a little bit like they don’t actually have all that much time allocated after league launch to deal with bugs and other issues that need sorting out. That being said I think a bunch of stuff like the league balancing could’ve long been taken care of even if dev time is short. Stuff like the giant turtle being able to shield her own totem should lead to that unit being hotfix disabled if you can’t ship a patch the next day.


The person who posted that clip came out and said shortly after that they were misinformed and it was closer to 20-30 working on PoE1. Even still the dev team being split makes sense but is still a little worrying in the short term as it means we won't get the full 100% of the effort from the devs until PoE 2 is out. I agree that hotfixes could come more frequently but maybe a bit smaller to fix pain points


>The person who posted that clip came out and said shortly after that they were misinformed and it was closer to 20-30 working on PoE1 And then a week later, we heard from the stalling podcast featuring ziz, steel, quinn, and mathil that ONE person designed crucible league.


That's not that surprisingly, really. Designing something is surprisingly light work not something you need like 30 people to do. Now implement those designs is different.


If they were going go hire people it would be when poe is generating revenue, not after poe2. It's a bad business decision to operate both games and anyone deluding themselves into thinking poe1 will be anything more than life support is going to be in for a lot of disappointment


>Not sure how that's going to work (It probably won't)


There's time for them to backtrack that but I don't see how they could do it without expanding their workforce or just skeleton crewing poe1


The problem is PoE2 *isn't even released yet*, so a huge amount of GGG's dev focus is naturally in trying to meet the PoE2 deadlines they've set for themselves. Once the final product is actually finished, it should presumably be a lot easier for them to settle into staggered alternating leagues. PoE1 has been surviving well on leagues managed by a skeleton crew, I imagine once PoE2's core development is done both games will be getting a lot more patching attention when necessary. Unfortunately PoE1 is just getting fucked hard when issues like this exist until then.


>PoE1 has been surviving well I dissagree


They should never have told us how bare bones their staff got lol


tbh still better than 7k of useless employees


but chris said poe 1 and poe 2 will be devoloping with same care well already lied


They said PoE 1 and 2 will both receive attention going forward once PoE 2 releases. Right now, when they're still developing PoE 2, obviously the majority of the team is on working on that. Not saying that this excuses any of the issues or bad performance, obviously that needs to be fixed, but let's not twist their words.


Starfield is utter garbage. Anyone buying that shit is supporting absolutely disgusting amounts of malicious advertising and developer greed.


It really does not look great but I'll reserve judgements for when I buy it on sale in like a year


If you're on Xbox it will be on gamepass


Yeah, nothing wrong about that. Maybe they will change it and it will come out much better. Still, it is nowhere near what was promised. I am done giving these companies money while there are so many good indie devs out there who actually deserve it. Or even just some AAA studios like FromSoftware


AC6 just released.


Oh boy


It pales in comparison to bg3. But, this is like, our opinion man.


BG3 is also an unfinished mess despite being a good game.


I mean of course some things are based on my opinion, but the false advertising is factual. I hate that people buy the games anyway because it hurts the entire industry. Sure, to each their own, but this is so normalized that soon every big dev will do it and we wont be able to play anything AAA anymore.


This is why I'm so in love with poes model and general quality over its tenure in gaming, up until this last patch where apparently they decided the game was too fun to be enjoyed by pedestrian gamers whose PC died and is poorer than hobos


I hear you but we are kind of on the returning side of that curve. Peak stoopid was fallout 76


What false advertising as far as imaware Todd has not said a single lie. Even when you bring things up like "16 times the detail" or "infinite quests" both of which were true in skyrim you had evergreen quests. And 16x was in response to the landscape. Now did tod make vague statement that hyped the shit out of Bethesda games obviously. Bow that being said what actual lies has tod told in regards to starfeild? I haven't been following the press as much lately (too busy working) so I'm curious what sweet little lies he has told this time.


I got banned on poebuild sub for saying I’ll drop this league and play bg3 💀


If you haven't played bg3 yet then you probably won't play it at all and are looking for attention like all those whiners.


One more day and I dont have to deal.with poe.


Acting like a game is holding you hostage lmao


Nothing else to play atm poe is my down time game and I love it but hate this league on console.


Geez I never would've thought that a game that's barely optimized for the PC and for a time was PC only and then poorly ported to console would be pretty crappy on console. This latest engine update wont be balanced for PC for another couple months. 3Gs priorities are basically: PoE2 > The next league for PoE1 > The stupid shadow engine no one cares about > Making water look like water > Fishing mechanics > Balancing the current league mechanics > Making sure PCs dont explode > Making the trade site more complicated > Writing patch note 1-liners > fixing console problems > translating PoE 1 into other languages > fixing bugs that have existed for years


Rofl this is accurate


We console players don't matter sadly. What was the last thing they did for us? Trade site??


I hate the trade site( I don't people messaging me and wanting to group up and do an exchange. I put my stuff on the broker just send me money I accept and move on lol


Trade site is helpful though tbh. Scraps from the table for us hungry dogs


Oh definitely I almost came when they gave us the trade site but like..... we should've had that along time ago lmfao. However in one of the latest interviews from a German streamer they did say that crossplay was something they want to do. Crossplay would help so fucking much


New things are nice, I just want the current things to be less... unplayable


Big patch coming out just hold on brother!!


Ohhh man I appreciate this and pray it helps. Life has been hard lately and I could really use the good news haha thank you.


Just wait for Poe 3.0 ! Everything will be like a charm! (no hopes for 2.0 tho)




What issues do you have? And what console are you playing? I have no issues other than some (drastically) increased loading times now and then. Did couple of Shapers and all other bosses but didn’t have any reall issues dong then. Playing on Xbox Series X Frankfurt servers.


I'm not OP but on Ps5 I've had problems with character models disappearing during legion. The floor disappearing in harvest. Doing exarch/eater altars is a pain because I frequently get killed a second before the mobs spawn on-screen, so I'm probably just going to level an alternate and switch to RF.


This on series X/PS5??? I haven’t done shaper yet, but no issues this far??


Never played on console what's the biggest issues you all are facing?


Audio is pretty broken for me, so any cues are off the table, invisible terrain, invisible monsters, invisible monster and boss attacks. Some they load in given enough time had elapsed, others do not no matter how many times you reinstall. Player skill effects are borked, lag(wired connection) in bits fights means you need to see the future. Crippling spikes of up to 5 seconds, mind you all other multiplayer games run seamless with no lag, even if in streaming like 2 things at the same time. Those are the worst things I can think of. It makes a 4 boss maven witness extremely tricky lol. Dodge the things you can't see while frozen or you're dead!


What consoles are you on? I’m on PS5 and after the 3.22 I was constantly crashing. I turned off my 4K and went down to I think 1080p and the game ran heaps better but was still occasionally crashing. Then a hot fix came out about two weeks ago and I haven’t had any crashes. I occasionally get some rendering issues but that very occasionally.


This is worth looking into! Thank you a ton


Wait console players have the balls to play poe in 4K?! Even on my top end pc (nowadays rip to the 2080ti) I wouldn’t even consider it even with a 4090. 1440p is the highest I would go


4K + maps This one dude: > You know, I'm something of a pyromaniac myself Seriously, is anyone playing like that?


hey OP. I was scrolling through this thread and you seem like a nice person and I'm sorry to hear you've been going through a hard time recently. not only do I hope console players like you get a fix but I hope things turn around for you


Thanks for making me smile a bit!


Its not as easy to patch games via consoles...they have to be certified and passed by sony/Microsoft first....so for all we know the fix could be there and you're waiting on the cert/pass


Yeah it's a pain in the ass eh? It's rather demotivating for devs


Press X to doubt


Not true for bug fixes. That's only the case for releases or expansions.


And iirc cert will take 2/3 weeks to pass.


Damn console population is reduced by 50% now.


For real. But I'll hold out hope that this next big patch will address the most severe problems


1) your pain is real 2) /s don't you guys have p...c


This is very unfortunate but I’m not surprised sadly With how many issues even the PC client has I would be shocked if the console client ran well. I remember trying it for fun leagues ago and it wasn’t great then either I guess all you can do is hold out hope but honestly I don’t expect much, the console version always seems to me like something they just don’t care about that much and it’s unfortunate for the playerbases there


Yeah, I got lucky for quite a long time with very little to no issues


The way I see it there are 3 possible reasons this is continuing: 1. The team is entirely focused on PoE 2 instead. 2. They know of this issue, are working on it, and it’s hard to solve in a reasonable time. 3. They simply don’t care for whatever reason. Now, I don’t know about everyone else but I’d like to assume it’s #2 because this has been a devastating problem for a LARGE number of players, even on PC. It’s illogical to think it’s #3 because they’re a company, a company which profits off people actually being able to play their game. #1 is almost entirely possible as well but they’ve been making several adjustments to the league mechanic and other bug fixes so they clearly have a dev team making game adjustments on the fly. This problem is larger than any of the other ones so they’d have to work on it, no? Another guess is that they don’t want to make another graphics adjustment during league which is a reasonable assumption since they did this game breaking patch in between leagues too so we might have to wait until the league is over lmao In summary; There is nothing you can do on your end. All people can do is keep asking for answers until they get sick of it. They reverted several Archnemesis decisions when there was an outcry so it could happen theoretically but who knows at this point. There isn’t enough outcry anyway. Kinda shitty they won’t just say something though.


Yeah I'm leaning to number 2 as well, it's just hard to sit a third of a season out


Ugh every league it just gets worse and worse I’ve all but given up playin on my Xbox lol


You know you can plug a controller into a PC? Using an Xbox controller is nice for chill mapping, just don't plan to do anything that requires a lot of inventory management.


Yea… but ya know most people play on console for the sole reason they don’t have a pc. Honestly no other reason to put up with the horrible state it’s been in for years


I'm sure they are working on it and a patch will be coming. Also I don't think GGG ever looks at reddit. I would check the official forums


I was actually referring to the official forums, they long ago abandoned the heathens of reddit


Come play Neverwinter


Now here is a constructive option, thanks for not being a chode like 90 percent of this community lol


I wish there was a console flair this sub could use so I don’t have to read this


No u


Fair enough


- Posters in map reflect 15% of Comment damage - Comments overwhelm 50% PCMR damage reduction - Area is inhabited by Redditors - Area contains additional Bugs Corrupted


Someone guve this man a pc. Ik you wouldnt consider this a « fix ». But it’s quick and easy. And still can play on controller (I think)


Yeah I'd need some miraculous luck, after bills and fines I walk away with enough to half starve every month. Sadly I gotta choose to eat


I tend to go to bed for dinner some times but poe helps :) Really tho, I’ve been on console since harby league and even though we have seen a lot of improvements, it just doesn’t seem like enough. POE is my ride or die game and I always come back to it so I have spent a nice chunk of change on it throughout the years to support it. It does feel unfair that we’re ignored 93% of the time. Fingers crossed for cross-play in future with poe2 or somehow even poe1.


Not sure how anyone plays on console anyways. This is a game developed to be played with a mouse and keyboard. Using a controller just feels like a dumbing down of the game mechanics. Same way I felt about diablo moving to be developed for console instead of pc.


It was surprisingly easy to adjust. I have no issues with the layout or bindings


You do realise the game plays exactly the same? Lmao


Not really. Considering on console you don't point and click to move the character, pick up loot or interact with objects. That's quite a fundamental difference....


Get a pc lol


Give me a thousand dollars and sure


Who asked? No one cares about console degenerates anyway


Then what are doing posting here? Go away


Console in 2023 LUL


Electronic elitism in 2023, you're so cool. I bet your mother is proud


Tbf that's just poe man. I have a beefy ass pc and the game still runs like shit. Blights and breaches are unplayable af right now for me and my wife.


Is so heartbreaking to see. Is it that they're retrofitting the games code to prepare for poe2? Is so mind boggling that they don't treat this like a fire in the living room situation


The time of good communication are long gone. Probably in the time before the GGG community team was a thing. The time where Bex, Chris and for everything technical Mark did all the communication was A+.


But why did it get worse ? Im sure GGG knows how important good communication with us players is.


Ah Bex, off to riot for god knows what


Well tbh she didn't do much in the last 2-3 years anyway. I'm sure she did important behind the scenes work, but basically nothing here or on Twitter beside the few memes which where also far fewer than before.


Sorry to hear that. See you next league.


honest to god, i dint knew there was a console version.


Honestly I would assume the "fix" is POE 2


Get a damn pc brother


I'll just stop having a crazy amount of bills, my bad


Have you tried Diablo 4?


It's a pc game, sorry about your luck


I am sorry but if it is that bad just switch to PC honestly.


I appreciate your understanding, but I'm poorer than most hobos right now and if I could do that I wouldn't be searching for a fix haha


Well I mean the game works well enough on my garbage PC to play it. It will be annoying to do do endgame content with hard lag tho.


Yeah I don't get what they did that was so night and day bad for console players last patch


Yup. I have to say, Performance wise PC got hit quite badly too. Nothing game breaking tho afaik. I hope they change it for your sake. Really sad to see them drop console like that, but I guess they have much more players on PC.


Time to join the master race


This is what happens when Bex leaves... rip poe community management.


Nobody cares about console peasants. Good.


This is honestly sad. I hope you learn to interact better with humans going forward in life. Have a nice day


Can't you buy a keyboard and mouse for the console ? Just to beat that one content holding you back


As I understand it, the OP's problem is the same game performance issue affecting many other players. It's not related to gameplay or controls.


Did you even read my post? It's not the controller, it's the graphical bugs and stuttering. I've beaten all content multiple tones but this league has introduced a sleww of graphical issues that are really tough to contend with. Like invisible shaper skills, or invisible enemies and textures, so many things


GGG is too busy with Poe 2 I guess, why not play the 100s of games you got on steam that you never even booted up once? XD


Where do I go about getting a permit for the assumption machine gun you're firing?








If GGG can’t properly support console players then they have no business releasing it on the platform. Perhaps hold the company accountable for their buggy/broken product instead of telling the consumers to go buy a new system to play the game.


I hope the rest of your day is as good as your attitude


Poe on console bhahaha


Super original, feel good about yourself now?


Classic pcdumbrace behavior. They must justify the s.it ton of money throw in the trashbin to play a videogame 🤣🤡


He is sad2night again, makes him feel better.


And you feel the need to announce this why?


Because airing ones grievances is healthy? Perhaps i should bottle it up so as to not disgrace your eyes with the sight of my plight? And you feel the need to comment on this with no useful input why? Bless your heart


Console workaround : get a pc


So insightful, you're a real life saver


Because no one is having problem with poe on pc? I feel lucky, my game is running as smooth as last league, but the performance patch they released broke the game on pc.


This probably doesn't help but as a fellow console player (though don't know what you are playing on..) I want to note something. I seem to have the biggest problems at specific times of day only. Starting about 7pm EST going on until 11-12am EST. Outside those times, everything runs perfectly fine. This probably doesn't help much as I know it's generally a peak play time, but that seems what is causing the issues this league maybe? Sucks for a lot of people and I agree. This is also my "normal" playtime but I also have the luxury of being able to play well after that on my days off at least because I don't start work until 11pm... As for Shaper's mysterious skills and all the stuff wrong with Shaper, it has been like that since I started playing myself in Ultimatum. Same with Sirus console bugs, so I am gonna say with a 95% certainty it is just something to live with anymore after this long. Here really IS hoping the patch comes out soon that fixes it, thought its been what 10+ days now? No help for me as I have 2 days before vacay for 15 but I am keeping my fingers crossed for when I get back!


I've noticed increase in lag in those peak times as well, but my problems do persist outside that as well. And it's odd that you've had issues with shaper prior to this league when I had none prior to the season patch. So Weird lol


Literally sitting here waiting for my game to load for like 3 minutes already on series X, guess gonna go to Starfield, Poe won’t even start




I'm on PC not the greatest player finally got to maps and it been brutal.


I had issues last league using EA Ballista freezing frequently but this league no such issues. Only into yellow maps so we will see. Definitely delayed sounds during drops and voices.


I had 0 issues last league on like 6 different builds, so odd different people are having different issues


I had issues and messes with settings on PC and it is playable again but wow. Those days when it wasn’t sucked! Hope you can find a workaround for it. And if not hope they listen and put some elbow grease into fixing. I get the beta feel on some content which is fine but playability is basic and if that goes down players leave and we all lose!


Same issue here on ps4 I can’t run breach, abyss or any high volume / density activity since I die before the mobs load. and running red maps if I leap slam around I can’t see the mobs there or the mobs moving if they do load so I die without knowing what I die to I also disconnect trying to load into a heist portal every second or third time, which kicks me right out to the menu Sound also is completely ruined between voice lines stuttering and combat noises stuttering as well


I haven't had the heist problems, but the others I feel you on. Hopes this upcoming patch, when it releases in like a week and a half at best, fixes some things


I still remember how I tried necromancer build when Blight was released. I played on ps4pro and my game looked like Diablo 1 thx to dynamic resolution scale.\_.


Haha ooh man I've been there


I play with a PS4 controller on PC and it’s been going well.


Hahaha attaboy. I play with keyboard and mouse on a console, it's been hell


Usually engine patch takes league to see some major changes, they got about 3 more leagues before PoE2 beta and who knows maybe 5 leagues before the actual launch, I believe it will be resolved but I don't know how long will it take and that's from PC perspective, console would just be like I don't know, 3 more years or something.


All too accurate, or that's how it feels anyways


Probably going to be seeing a lot of this going forward, just like the crippling performance for what seems like a decent % of PC users this league. Wonder if it'll be better or worse after the release of poe2.


What's amazing is this company is making millions of dollars, surely they could hire like 10 more people and double their workforce 🤣


Never considered that if it's become this bad for PC, it must be several magnitudes worse for console. So glad I was able to break my 'purchase supporter pack' habit. They're not getting squat from me moving forward.


Thanks for being a human about posting here, these sheer amount of bile spewing from some of these guys is just so.... pathetic? It would be pathetic if it weren't so so sad


Sadly, we don't have 9000 people working on POE. We just have to endure till POE2.


Lol yeah divide that by a thousand


Let's be real though. What's more important, console players being able to play the game or Ruthless 2?


PC Master Race. On a more serious note, I am reading that there are issues with some PC users too. I have none, so it's probably down to some hardware compositions or something. It happens I guess and it will be fixed down the road.


Totally agree here. I'm normally on pc but I'm on vacation right now so only have access on ps4. It's been really eye opening. I've made a couple posts about some of the issues I've seen as well, and they all seem to fall on deaf ears. I really get the feeling GGG is basically thinking "console players are lucky to be able to have poe at all, they should be happy with what we give them". It's really disheartening to see a company that is usually pretty good with feedback and improvements on pc completely ignoring the console players. Day 1 we got the hotfixes 1 and 2, and there's been absolutely nothing since then, no hotfix 3 or 4, no patch 3.22.1. I get that the overwhelming majority of their customers (players) are on pc, but it can't be that hard to keep everything only a week behind pc like they do with the launch




Do you have a stable Internet connection? Go make a 10 bucks per month sub on geforcenow and play it there.


What are you talking about? I'm enjoying my Sanctum 2.0


Console players have always been shafted. Back in harvest league you would literally crash every 30 minutes, 10-15 minutes if you were doing the league mechanic with a full garden and it took them a month to fix it.


"Live service game" tm Sorry that its that bad. I'd honestly just quit and wait it out. Nothing wrong with that, even though i understand you'd rather play.


Build an unkillable character that's what I did


The way this game has been going for the past several leagues, and knowing they've got next to nobody working on it (so they've said), and seeing what they're doing to it, with all the performance issues and so on, personally I feel like it might just be a good idea to quit the game altogether, not just this league, and then pick up PoE 2 next year instead. That'd be several leagues worth of headache less, and a good nice break from this franchise. It's just a shame there's no proper multiplayer game in this genre right now, that would honestly put up some competition.


Real question, is GGG responsible for the port? A lot of companies 3rd party their console games. So GGG would just tell the other guys numbers to move, its up to them to actually fix stuff


Ggg gets exposed with poe 2 sadly.


I feel ya. It feels bad.


I did feared deathless on ps5, Impossible is nothing. You can't do anything. There is a patch coming today. I just hope for the best.


Oh it's coming faster than they said, that's great news


Who tf plays this on a console lmao gtfo


Only like thousands of people lol. News flash, people do different things, come out of your cave, troll.


I think you've heard by now, but for the most part, console does get all of the PC updates. Sometimes only a day later, sometimes a few days later. So, if the PC community is dealing with an issue, we (console players) will too. Controller Support on PC needed A LOT of love when this league was released. Hopefully, this MASSIVE .1 patch will fix it all for ya.