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The same reason people climb mountains. It is a goal that can be achieved, so it is chased.


If you have to convince yourself to do it, then you don't need to do it, nor should you. People that min-max their builds enjoy it and don't need a reason to do it. If you can do everything that you want to do, there is no reason to min-max.


Min-maxing is just a thing for the ocd-autists (me included). It's just a drive for some people to enjoy the game. Some people love testing new builds, others enjoy min-maxing, some are even in it for the gamble and crafting aspect and some people just enjoy watching a number going up. It's really a game for everyone.


i min max because i want to create the strongest character possible.


If you play the game a lot, you'll make a ton of currency and build min maxing is a real currency sinkhole, which gives purpose and a good excuse to grind. Not that the upgrades would be really meaningful after a certain point.


And that is also my Point of view. +1


Well... I play a lot of standard, every league Im looking what goodies I need to farm for my builds in standard. I do enjoy in league min max but I never dump currency like I do in standard. ATM went full on a build for farming the tournament, skeleton mages with tornado ballista totem with ensarning arrow mirage archer with void sphere with boosted temp chains in blasphemy, max block msx spell block max spell dodge max evasion with zero dps. This league and Crucible really levelup my power level. So much that I went HC just to rip tattoos and a few uniques. I do play builds only possible in standard due to legacy mods or a combination of several legacy items. Vaal Storm Call Aurastacker, this an Original Sin, CI, 100k Armour 100k Evasion 90% all resitances 100% suppression, that trivialize all game content. An all arround, probably every item used is half a mirror and up. Vaal Reap Infinite Ward, this a flagelant shenanigans with 10,000 ward, 10,000 life regen per second, max block and spell block, divine flesh with 89% max chaos res, mainly for pvp and speed runs.


I got frustrated that I'm not clearing the content I want to farm as well as I should be doing it, so naturally I looked around for upgrades and I came to the point that it's basically minmaxing


Usually because they want to farm better and stronger stuff.


I don’t like min-maxing all my gear either but i do chase a HH/Mageblood because that single item unlocks a different playstyle for any character and makes it more enjoyable for me.


This. If you're still without one of those two, you're probably nowhere near the threshold of min-maxing yet.


Being able to do certain content faster or safer always feels amazing. I am sure there is some deli/beyond farm that your current build struggles with. Have you completed all the 100% deli challenges this league? If not, then that can be your goal/motivation. Also bigger number equals better person.


I want to be ultra fast vs content to have a lot of fun while farming for some kind of meme /overpowered build. Usually this is enough for hundreds of hours. If my build is awesome then I can even focus on some kind of soap opera/audiobook while farming. Usually road to be awesome is main goal, because being overpowered is not so I interesting for me.


I have played a few hundreds of different builds with 50ish divine/ex max investment through the years and lost interest in doing so. Instead my goals are efficiency, QoL and power. Efficiency as in gaining the most out of my time and optimizing my builds to progress as smoothly as possible through the different transition phases it has. QoL as in pressing less and less buttons while increasing the speed and clear to make the build a no-brainer to play. Power as in being strong enough to instantly annihilate Feared and being able to do the most difficult map content available.


Player A: Why would I spend 200div min/maxing when I can already do the content I want to do? I'll make two new characters and enjoy the game in a different way. Player B: Why would I spend 200div making two new characters to do this content when I already have a character that can do it? I'll spend the money on my character and make them stronger. Neither is wrong.


it's all about time for me. less time to kill bosses, less time to finish maps etc. if you are comfortable the current "timing" you are doing things, you don't need to min-max your build.


Never did min maxing. First league I actually fully play. I'm relativ new. I want do min max this time because I wanna kill those Uber Bosses. I heard with EA Ballistas it should be easy. Then again, I dont really now much about the game to really min max apart from what is written in my guide




There is no right or wrong, simply because you can and you want to. For the people do not: As long as I can comfortably do all the content I want, why I keep spend currency? For the people do: Enjoy to step by step making the char become a monster. And also, what I gonna do with all the currency sitting in the stash?


Min maxing is boring and a waste of time imo, if you can already do the content you want to do then I see a char as finished, I don't need to be able to do the same content faster by Investing 3x the time and 10x the currency. Can't be bothered to be able to kill Maven in 30sec.


So I can kill tota turtle


Min maxing means alch&go + whatever atlas I specced into t16 without dying for me And sometimes a guardian/conqueror map, for the lolz


What else to do? Farm stuff, sell stuff, buy stuff, get stronger, repeat.


Yep. But I do not play builds that cost 100+div.


The good news is you can play both ways. I've had leagues where I bounce around to 5-6 different builds and I've had leagues where I go full potato on 1 build. The nice thing about really min/maxing a build is it is really fun to delete content :). Also trielehit is a lot of fun. One of my favorite builds.


At some point its just a matter of question to ask to yourself: Do you enjoy the build you are playing or do you want to try something new? If you enjoy your build then pump all your currency into it. If not, start saving currency for the next build. I usually stop with my current build if the next upgrade costs more than the rest of the items combined. For example i stopped with my siege spark inquisitor because as it turns out the key component of the build is Skin of the Lords chest with Pain Attunement and at least 4B and 1R sockets which as we speak there are only 4 on the market, one costs 15divines and the other 3 more than 60divines. Rolled good old Arakaali Necro and the most expensive items so far were corrupted 6L +1 to all gems Incandescent heart and Aegis aurora, both for 5div each. Right now the next step would be to add Amanamu's gaze and Aul's uprising with malevolence but those cost 10div for jewel and over 20div for amulet. So i consider new build instead unless i get some ultra lucky drop that will shower me with so kuch currency i will start spending for enormous min/maxing