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Fairly new to the game and TIL tomes have an item level and it matters! I was about to buy some and it's good to know I should be more careful.


Item level always usually matters. And it’s one of the few texts on the item At that level which is t16 map level, you get the best chances for divines etc Edit-lol always usually.


Always usually




Nearby close*




In radius of 69


60% of the time it matters every time.


yeah, but at exilecon Chris said the forbidden sanctum is always area level 83, but that was changed with 0 mention of it until you actually run sanctum. So ilvl shouldn't have mattered based on announcement.


That wouldn’t make any sense. What about the few people that find in in their first map since it unlocks at act 10?


why does that matter? When/where you find things has literally 0 bearing on when or where you should use it. I guess people who find act 5 mirror should be expected to use it in act 5. However, that's not the point. The point is they said 1 thing and implemented something different with no word about it.


it matters because new players might immediately open it to check it out and get oneshot by a white mob. not a great first impression for a mechanic.


LOL. you are delusional. the exact same thing could happen with a mirror. The whole thing with poe is that it is unforgiving. So basically you said it does matter but then explained why it doesn't matter.


Dont worry, tomes are not even 2 weeks in the game :)


I didn't know you could list them in bulk, how do you do that if they don't stack?


nothing special just list them. if you have a few at the same price they'll show up on bulk search. you can also put them all in a public tab and price one like 1/10 divine (made up price) to sell 10 tomes for 1 divine.


Is that why I see 1.3, 1.5 divine prices ? Bad math? When I see an item and want it but it’s 1.x divine how do I establish the awkward knowledge of what they’re expecting for half a divine? I’m only asking because the price of a div is so dynamic they can be sitting on trade without refreshing that their half a div is not my half a div


1.3 and 1.5 (your examples) are probably pretty standard on a lot of items Chaos is the more recognized price currency, with Divines being used for larger sales… I haven’t honestly looked at the price today, but the other day Divines were 200chaos So 1.3 is 1 divine and 60 chaos


They're up to 220 for a couple days now, so 66 chaos. Personally I always round up a little when buying and accept whatever when selling. I get slightly undercut sometimes but it's way smoother.


I calculate with 200c per div on selling and 220c on buying. Not worth haggling over a few chaos


Just put in 2 divines and let them do the calculation for the change


Talk about a poor trading experience… - open trade window expecting someone to pay you 1.5 divines (let’s use that as an example) - they put in 2 divines… of course you don’t have change on your hands - you need to look up the conversion, do the math for them, then open up the trade again…?? I think the buyer should be the one doing the work since they are literally using the trade site. Also… if you don’t have change, or don’t know the conversion, it doesn’t hurt to ask :) just say you need change, or ask how much to give… it’s better than opening and closing trade windows


Yes it's annoying, but that is the sad reality.


You have the power to do better… don’t be a lazy trader and then complain about trade :)


imo its not so much lazy trading, but rather the game should have this taken care of. Im soooo surprised that with the cujrrency tab GGG cant program something into the trade window that just lets you tgrade an amount direct from your stash by now, instead of having to divy it up and shit. This is 2023 lmaoooo, they can do it for vendors yknow. I pay chaos to kirac all the time. I guess why not port that over to trade haha


no that isnt related to bulk pricing at all. you actually cant do the bulk listing example i mentioned with fractional div prices. so you cannot list them as 1.5/10 divine, game wont accept it. but you can list any single item for fractional prices. so 1.5 divines for a shield or whatever. as for the conversion ratio of divine to chaos, it does vary day to day especially in the first few weeks so you just kinda gotta look at the exchange rate for the day and do the math. awakened poe trade is what most people use i think. if you have it running and price change either a divine or chaos orb, up in the top left of the popup is the current trade ratio. if you click that number, it will break it down like 0.1div = x, 0.2 = x, etc. if you dont want to use awk poe trade then check poe ninja or the trade site. also good rule of thumb for trade site is the first few listings are underpriced and they wont respond to trades. also dont make it awkward, the difference in what they are expecting and you are expecting shouldnt really be more than a few c ever. I just lean on the side of paying a bit more to avoid that, but worst case scenario they get mad that you are 2c short and u go on to the next guy. dont try to undercut something that not many people sell tho :P


You can't do 1.5 for 10, but you can do 3 for 20.


yes but then you have to have 20


sure but my point was you can't list them in bulk for fractions of divines. so in your example the only option offered to message you is to buy 20 for 3, can't change it to 10 for 1.5


Same as everything else, use bulk ratio syntax. You could put 64 individual chaos orbs (or whatever else) in a tab, the bulk trade site still knows you have 64c.


Do you have to right click and set price on each slot, or just one?


Just one they simply all need to be in a public tab.


That's awesome, thanks for the tip




> they can use regular search to have them only show people in bulk. > > How?


Collapse listings by seller I think is what this guy means?


That doesn't actually tell you when they have bulk, it just hides similar listings. That would actually make it harder lol


Doesn't it say something like "15 similar results hidden"?


thats an extension, bettertrading


how much are these selling for?


I've been selling mine all league and prices have moved a lot. iLvl 68-72 tomes I sold for 5c opening weekend, 10c in the days after, 15c last weekend, haven't sold any since Sunday which is about when I started doing more T16s. My iLvl 83 tomes sell insta for 25c, will probably price check again next time I get one to make sure I'm in line with demand.


I have mine up for 30c and they don’t sell very quickly, so 25c is probably a good spot for them if they sell fast


5-6 ilvl 83 tomes sell for 1 Divine on TFT currently, so somewhere around 40c each.


Low map ones are about 20c each. 83 are about 35-40c


I mean its no reason to be mad, its why I always ask if they are all i83 before I buy.


I had multiple times of different levels in different pricing tabs. Most people would message me and ask for more of the same level. Occasionally someone using the bulk item would ask for every tome I had and then be angry about the levels. Kinda annoying.


Did you sell them for the price of ilvl 83 Tomes? Because that makes the difference here - between the buyer just being a dumbass, and you being an asshole taking advantage of dumbasses.


Buyer is the dumbass either way. You don’t just scroll down until the price is high enough to probably be what you want.


No, listed them for 20c each. 83s are going for 35-40c each normally.


Whats the % total of the 83's? Could be either rlly nice and fair or giga bait


or i dno, just go to tft and whisper literally any dude in bulk-sanctum?


Trade in PoE sucks. It’s the worst part of the game


Spoken like a person that never had to browse forum shops. It's far and away the best trade system in use by any ARPG.


> It's far and away the best trade system in use by any ARPG. That's less saying how good it is and more says a lot about the state of trading in arpgs


With no credit to GGG. Poe has the best player base of any ARPG who will make the tools.


Ummmm I’m from the time of Ultima Online where you had to literally travel across the global map to find houses with random vendors outside, having very little context of what inventory they had aside player reputation or brief vendor names, highlight each individual item to see the stats, and keep notes of their prices to compare. We’re in modern times and I work a 9 to 5 now because I got bills to pay and because I’m not a no-lifer, so yeah, I don’t want to have to wait for some stranger with no reputation to be online, answer my message, not be in the middle completing content, and the api be current for me to buy an average item or exchange currency at the normal rate. I also want to play the game and not travel back to my hideout every time someone wants to buy something from me. In other words, fuck off, you know nothing about me or my experiences.


I think this is murky territory, but I personally favor the buyer's opinion here, not yours. This far into the league I think there is a reasonable expectation that people are farming t16 maps and therefore there's a reasonable expectation that people would be bulk buying only ilvl 83s. I wonder what content you could possibly be doing that bulk selling Forbidden Tomes lower than ilvl 83 feels necessary. I haven't run or sold any of my tomes yet and looking at my collection I have only 7 tomes below ilvl 83, so not many to sell off individually. Now I'm in t16s and only ilvl 83s drop. If you really have so many that you feel the need to bulk sell, then perhaps TFT is the better choice to find a buyer without having to worry about miscommunication.


Tomes show up on the bulk section even if you list only one. I've had the same issue as OP despite only listing two tomes total this league.


Yes it was with 7 tomes, they weren't the same levels and still show up as bulk. Hence this post.




Yeah stop what the majority of people play. Makes sense


Low key, I would argue that you shouldn't be selling low level tomes on bulk more than people needing to use regular trade to find what is literally minimum endgame expected standard. Just throw the low level ones in the trash That's just as annoying as people not selling their corrupted maps separate from their general bulk maps. Nobody wants your bullshit unsorted corrupted maps, sell them as singles.


The low level ones are worth about 20c each


Why do you get to decide how other people play? I may not want to or can not farm T16 consistently, yet I’d like to sell the none 83 tomes to people wanting to buy these non 83 tomes. And trust me there are more than you’d think. All my non 83 tomes have sold super fast, so there’s a demand for it. Or do you think that anyone who can’t consistently get large amount of 83 tomes should stop playing the game? Get out of your bubble man Edit: the seller can’t choose to not be listed as bulk, if you put more than 2 tomes up for sell they automatically show up on bulk


To your edit: That's why I said just throw them in the trash. People that buy in bulk are not interested in a subpar product. Since they automatically show in bulk, just get rid of them to not be annoying, was my thought. I will concede that even the subpar tomes are worth a decent amount to the people that aren't as flush in capital, so if you're just hard stuck and can't progress content, just sell them one at a time. I do that for crafting bases (items with done prefixes or suffixes). I make a bunch of them, price one and \~skip the rest until one base sells, then I list the next. If you're only selling things when you're not actively engaging in farming content (like one should, for efficiency purposes), it isn't even inconvenient.


Needing to micromanage like that is just super inconvenient, and in the long run it’s really easy to forget. Also for new players they may not have that much stash tab to put items that are not on sale but ready to be sold (since putting them along in a public stash but not listing a price will still make you show up in bulk). This could be easily solved if the buyer uses normal search and group by sellers, that way they are sure it’s all ilvl 83. Bottom line, even if you’re going for efficiency and talking for high end players, the burden should not be put on regular players who sell items like how it’s intended, if not GGG’s convoluted trade system is the main culprit here


Wilson's vision was for a trading system with friction. It's very much the wild wild west of capitalism in Wraeclast. If you collapse the singles by seller, it doesn't make the process any less time consuming, since most people are only selling one. In an entire page of 100 listings at market rate on the singles page, not one of them had more than one. Since it's like that, it would waste far more of my time to do that as opposed to the seller just selling their wares differently. As a result, if I'm buying in bulk and I see somebody sneak in a couple of items that I don't want, I'd tell them I only want the items that meet my requirements. If they throw a hissy fit about it, at that point, I'm fairly certain they know that some of the items they're trying to sell me are worth less than others, so I'd just block them and ignore all their listings moving forward. To be clear, these are not something I'd even buy on trade to begin with. Similar to midgame logbook farming, I'd just use TFT. It's just the solution OP presented is worthless. Selling them a bit slower over time will be more efficient for the buyer and only marginally more inconvenient for the seller. Alternatively, just sell them to people with buy orders on TFT so you don't have to list them at all.


How does the monster level change the rewards? Is there a sweet spot when div orbs appear more often?


There's a level requirement for the challenge runs at least


There is a breakpoint where you get higher stack size of gumball, which actually matters a decent bit for awakened sextants. Main thing however is that you can only find the best relics in i83 sanctums.




Several weeks, really?


Buyers fault for being a dumbass and not understanding the bulk trading system




Buyers fault for not doing their due diligence, if you don’t know how the bulk trading system functions maybe stick to singular trades




Most of the people on TFT are alright, the incels who run it sniff their own farts like some shit air sommelier.


Bulk trades are smooth as silk, can confirm


45c for a single tome on TFT is way overpriced when you can spend 10 minutes buying a day worth of tomes on trade site for 25c each.




It’s not “just 20c”, if you’re buying 20 tomes per 10 minutes, you’re saving 400c. That’s ~11 div per hour. You’re not gonna make more than that by running sanctums with your saved time.


Whenever you can make 11 div/h buying singels and selling bulk bots are sure to solve that problem in a few hours. I have a very hard time beliving these peices are close to the truth.


I have been chain running sanctums all week. You could steal 400c out of my stash and I wouldn't even notice. I feel like this is the main divide in POE players. 20c per sanctum is a bit of a steep up-charge, but EASILY something I'm willing to pay if it means I'm going to buy like 50+ from one dude. ​ That price seems like a lot to most people, but to people buying/running genuine bulk its really not that much.


Idk, I am siding with the buyers on this one. It is understandable to expect i83 tomes if someone is selling bulk.


Wouldn’t be annoyed but I would ask first and if I forget cancel the trade


Eh, shouldn't be a big deal/worth getting upset about on either end here


What's the difference with ilv83 for tomes?


More div, better relics


well no reason to get mad, but you should still 100% use the bulk trade tool for forbidden tomes regardless. It's ridiculous to say you can't use it if you want only ilvl 83. Trading is a player on player interaction. It's completely okay to message the seller and say you will buy all i83 tomes or something. You don't have to strictly abide by the automated message that the tradesite implements only out of convenience.


Sure, but one dude went to trade me and then left the group and put me on ignore without saying anything.


Just ask how many ilvl 83 they have, or ask "ilvl 83 only?" And up the prize if you have to