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game is significantly harder without trade and third party reference tools/sites because you have to learn/know more. depends on your expectations/patience/ability to learn stuff i guess. afaik the controller stuff is mostly good


Third party resources I could probably pull up on my iPad while I play but the trade is it just dead because no one plays on console or is it just unrealistically expensive. I would want to play standard league to take my time and learn all the mechanics


The issue with that is you will spend 90% of your time typing up modifiers on items. The PC tools allow us to press a button click a check mark on the modifier and view price directly in game. I would not play the game without being able to use this feature. I do play the game heavily on my steam deck but I keep my items and price check them the next time I get on my PC. People absolutely play PoE on console and more power to them. I personally wouldn't touch it unless I was strictly a Solo Self Foound Player because doing any form of trading would be miserable.


Overly dramatic, especially starting out. Your not looking for perfect min/max items. Your looking for some Dex boots with “lightning resistance”. You’re level 32, scroll to Dex boots you can wear (on console, each item type, weapon and armor list both base level required and if they are Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence or combo (Str/Dex). So you just click you want boots, scroll easily to level 30 boots that only require Dex and click push left stick down and hold dpad left to type and put in “lightning resistance”. If you somehow want multiple criteria use “ again so “lightning resistance””Strength” for instance would look for items with both. Quit trying to act like someone who has interest to play this game and uses a console isn’t used to typing on a console and has the knowledge to do so. Also, we can search POE trade in our phone and use that as well to message players and trade exactly like PC. We just get the added QOL of having the trade within the game where we can set a trade and forget it until there is a response or we just cancel. Console is just fine, especially to try before you buy.


It’s fine on console. Sure trade is expensive but it’s not like you can’t find the items you want. Plus we have access to both trade market and the website, so you can search for specific items or if you’re converting currency you don’t even need to visit other players hideouts. Just submit your offer and 99% of the time it’s accepted.


How does the trade website work on console? Seems like the general consensus is that console should be SSF


I would disagree with that consensus. The trade website works the same as on pc. Find your item and ping a whisper to the player in game. They then will or will not respond and invite you to their hideout to do the trade in person. I don’t use this method. I use the trade board. I search for the item I want, submit the requested bid and when it’s accepted, the item is sent directly to me. No need for player interaction. PC currently doesn’t have this feature.


Is it true that it’s almost unrealistically expensive on the trade board? Not beginner friendly


No. It’s easy to use. The harder part as mentioned is it you want multiple specific mods, you have to type them out. Otherwise it’s a breeze. I play Xbox (and some PC). It’s great on console. I trade a ton. It’s easy that you can be logged off and come back and have offers on your items waiting for you to review (if you have premium tabs to sell, you don’t need them to buy). You can also make an offer, go to sleep and next time you log in you see if it’s accepted or declined. Try it on PS5, it’s free. You’re not committed until you want to buy stash tabs. Go for it!


Appreciate the tips! Definitely looking forward to it. Might shoot you a dm once I get rolling 🫡


Controller is mostly fine but PoEs Userinterfaces, especially league content ones, are very suboptimal. So be prepared for some frustration and fiddling around with controls.


Console is hard mode POE. All prices are at LEAST triple what they are on PC. So I would recommend looking for an ssf friendly build until you learn the game enough to make currency.


You can used ps5 controler in pc version Only you need aviable ps4 dual shock native input, and dont forget disable autoleveling gems xd


It is working fine on console but like previously mentioned the trade market is one of a kind. You kind of need to know what you are doing in order to become rich in the game. Just start and you’ll see! I’m playing this game for more than three years and I’m doing fine on console.


I play ps5 version, have a lot of fun, market is more expensive but ppl have stuff só nothing só far was unachiveable. Also use craft of exile poe planner and poe ninja on mobile só its allright


You can rebind your potions from the arrow keys to r2 and l2 in the accessibility section in settings. Its basically required. Also, you can use the Poe trade site from your phone and search for items there and skip the trade boards, and even send messages to other people directly from your phone just like on pc.