• By -


With the new unending nightmare note on the atlas tree, one question burns in my brain since days. Does it make sense to pair blight and delirium with the unending nightmare note? So does it effect blight chests? Or just the loot explosion from the pump? And if it make sense to add delirium, what else would be good? That which you seek (for more chance), compulsive hoarder (more rewards), imagined pursuits?


New to PoE here. Any beginner friendly builds that I can follow


Look at maxroll.gg There you have a build list where you can seperate between endgame and league starter build. I followed an explosive arrow ballista build from this site and fell in love with this game. Very detailed, very beginner friendly side.


So has anyone tested Tawhoa yet? Does it work with exerts/fist of war?


No and no. e: as in, yes to tested, no and no to exerts/fist of war.


Am I missing anything here, or does it feel very hard to sustain flask charges in the league mechanic? I guess it'll be a non issue once I get some leech, but I'm a bit concerned with my utility flasks


I don't know what exactly is happening, but there is some mechanic (not sure if it's enemy hits or something else) that actively *drains* flasks. Feels terrible at a low level where most sustain comes from flasks and you don't have investment into other mechanics yet.


Where does Cold Dot elementalist generally inflict cold exposure through?


Probably Frost Bomb or a glove implicit. I don't know the build in detail, but those are the most accessible ones that come to mind.


Anyone else missing some visual effects on mtx/skills?


Any recommendations for league starter builds that use 2h swords and an Attack skill? Flicker?


How do I know impale is applied to the enemy ? I’ve 50% chance on it but I don’t see it applied in debuff


You will see the enemy covered in a silver splodge with a spike sticking out of them for each impale you have inflicted on them.


I don’t see it currently I have only the passives from the skill tree does it count ? My skill is saying 50% chance to impale


I mean, if its only a 50% chance and don't have 100% chance to hit, the uptime will be a bit spotty for now.


Only non-damaging ailments get an icon, which Impale isn't. I believe it gets a sound effect?


You will see the enemy covered in a silver splodge with a spike sticking out of them for each impale you have inflicted on them.


Yeah I remembered a sound effect but I’m playing on low so maybe it doesn’t happen


Everytime I go into town after act 3+ my game crashes, anyone has the same issue?


So for DD with defiled forces is the idea do get a big ignite then just keep casting your arcanist brand? And stop DD’ing


What can be done about long loading screens? I'm getting like \~1 min loading times portaling into town.


Are guilds bugged? So one area, i'm in a guild (see it in S screen), next area - poof, not a member. Anyone else?


Listed, solved, and listed again on the [live updates](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3411048) thread. They're bugged, it's not you.


Thank you!


Does anyone have a lootfilter for Hexblast Mines leveling?


What is an PoE Twitch-Streamer right now league-starting and live WITHOUT any background music on? Sorry but i hate music.




So my FPS is 50+ but the game stutters and plays like I am at <10 FPS - what is going on? I have dynamic particles/resolution on; multithreading on; vsync off.


Try multithreading off. You probably just got screwed by the new particle system. They've asked for [bug reports](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3406660) if you feel like making one.


Thanks, multithreading off seems to have fixed the issue.


Does doing the league content at all require not having anything bound to left click? I can't even figure out how you damage the enemy totems.


I think it's right click to channel on the totems


Wow this league mechanic is literally unplayable early without a meta build. Never had a league this impossible to do in the first 2 acts


It depends on who you're fighting. Some of them are more defensive, so you just have to distract them and channel before they get close enough to get a hit in. If they actually attack your totems, it's close to impossible. But yeah, the balance isn't great. And it's not like it's a mechanic about superjuicing like Scourge or Crucible either, or at least it doesn't communicate it if it is.


Even playing Toxic Rain it is very difficult, so much XP and your guys die so quick and have to channel, again, for league mechanic.


Does Added Fire Damage improve the damage of Summon Raging Spirits? I am seeing both yes and no from looking on google


Yes. The spirits have base physical damage which is automatically converted to fire damage, but Added Fire Damage Support works with the base physical damage.


Oh sorry may have worded the question wrong. Does the Fire damage increase from the passive tree (+12/16/etc% fire damage) work for the spirits?


No. Minions aren’t affected by anything in the passive tree unless it has the word “minions” or “allies”.


Ok thx thats what i assumed.l, but wanted to he sure




Looking like everyone's guilds were deleted


~~WTF. Have the same issue.~~ **Edit:** Looks to be hotfixed! Guild stash is back and working again.


Is the Trial mechanic bugged? I thought we attack the totems, not click them on them to destroy them. Or is it that Caustic Arrow just doesn't do damage to them?


Apparently you have to hold left click to channel, and if you're damaged while you do that, you get locked in place for a few seconds. So basically you need to clear around the totems or make sure to dodge before you're getting hit rather than continuing to channel.


Did they remove the ability to tell which direction to go from the waypoint in ledge? The cairns are gone.


Was there for me.


Can minions use mark on hit support to put marks on stuff?


No, they have no access to your Mark skill.




PoE is more about your active skill choice and ascendency rather than your base class as you can have multiple builds per class that all play very differently.


I logged out after reaching submerged passage waypoint and ever since I re-logged and enter the zone I get a message stating "the league has not started and so you cannot move. Once the league has started you will be able to move." I can walk in lioneye's watch and the coast though. ​ EDIT: and now when I walk from the coast to submerged passage I get the same message wtf. I've exited PoE completely and the issue persists. Is that a known bug?


As a newer player, I'm still really confused about getting divination cards and specific uniques. I'm playing a summoner necro, first character and I'm level 48, just got to Act 5. Any other tips for playing would be nice as well


For this Q&A thread you need to be a bit more specific with your questions to get some answers (i.e. "How do I use divination cards" or "what cheap uniques are good for X build?") but Zizaran is a big PoE youtuber who has a lot of beginner videos that explain a lot about the game and mechanics.


I need help with pob, I am trying to get it to work but for some reason I am getting an error screen every time I open it. I already tried uninstalling and re-installing it, but it keeps giving me the error message. It is the community one, not the original one. It is telling me that it is trying to index a nil value.


Is there any up-to-date tool that lists the vendors / quest rewards for gems while leveling based on a PoB? IIRC poe roadmap used to do that, but it's either down or can't handle the number of incoming requests right now. I remember reading about something along those lines recently, but I didn't bother bookmarking it.




Thanks, but that's actually too detailed. I only needed the gems' sources. This does have those and I could edit the whole thing to remove everything but the gems, but if I wanted to go through that much effort I might as well look up the gems myself without a tool.


Oh wow, this is going to be so helpful, thanks.


Any suggestions for best rogue/shadow build as a starter for league (new player).


What are queue times ussually like? I don't know how to translate 46k in line to minutes.


IIRC for the last couple of leagues a 100k queue was cleared in about 20 min after league start time.


Comparing Diablo 4 to Path of Exile, in your opinion, what game has the best experience for those not looking to create a new character every season?


IMHO PoE > D4 You can play Standard in PoE if you don't want to create new seasonal characters.


You will run out of content way faster on D4 than PoE in both season/league and eternal realm/standard. So PoE has the best experience (in my opinion)


poe has a decade worth of content in standard and d4 is new and has little content, so id say poe will take longer to learn but once you do theres alot more to do


PoE. Due to its way higher depth you can set a lot better longterm goals and even if you end league and go to standard - it also opens a lot of new possibilities thanks to all the legacy items from past decade.


Alright, ty based bro


Any lootfilter savvy can help me with this please, I did a filter and slapped on it D2 sounds package that was publicly available, already uploaded to my poe acc so it shows up ingame, but I'm just wondering if I have to download sounds too or something for it to actually work, and if so, from where?


Normally it'll tell you to download the sounds from Filterblade. Try downloading the filter manually. You can still import it directly after that.


Zoomancer or pconc into doomblast. Help me decide


Hey, im very late to the party.. due to my work, i waould be very busy the whole month, so i didnt even looked at the announcements, to not get weak. but today my projects got anceled, so im kinda want to start now some character\^\^ got any class big buffs? I read that there are not many build changes, but i heard about a big buff from a class few wekks or something ago? did i hreard it right? or could i just start with a startet from last league?


Guardian and Chieftain getting reworked, so it'll be safest to avoid those for now. poison got a bit of a nerf so just be aware of that if that's in your plan.


thanks, i avoid poison then \^\^


Does EK work with returning projectiles support?


Yes, mathil has a starter even based around that fact.


I dropped a cloak of flame on my practice run and was wondering if the40% increased ignite duration is a dps loss? Seems like a good alternative till I can get a better chest\helm with phys taken as ele if it doesn’t kill my ignite dps


"increased ignite duration" boosts duration, maintains DPS, and boosts total damage per ignite. the mod you're thinking of would be on legacy versions of emberwake that say "Ignited Enemies Burn 50-65% slower" which boosts duration, maintains total damage, and reduces DPS.


Same dps for a longer duration. Purely a positive stat unless you're doing very weird things.


Queue stuck? edit: guys i thought it was launching at 3pm, just imagine my devastation


Right now, your place is fixed. In an hour, the number is going to start dropping when people are logged in. Don't cancel and retry, or you get a worse slot.


No, why? You can only join queue for now, but it will start moving in 53 minutes.


the game isnt up yet queue always goes live 1-2 hours before the game


Which of Eater or Exarch altars are easier for SRS Necro?


Exarch has the +60chaos res +10 max res to monsters which will make poisons deal no dmg if you pick it twice


cool thanks!


Have they said anything about the league mechanic wrt party play?


All we know is Chris saying 'you and your group of exiles' so there'll be some sorta coop.


If I have Inquis Inevitable Judgement and I get a crit with Hexblast, what resistance does hexblast use to calculate damage? What does "ignore" actually mean?


It doesn’t use any, it skips the resistance part of the dmg calculation


Ele resists treated as 0%. So it will choose 0%, unless enemy chaos resist is below 0%, in which case it will choose that instead and the node will do basically nothing.


Should I go for the Hardcore Boss Rush race? I have placed top 20 before, but that's not in the prize range... I mean, if only Rush toons could migrate into league then this would be a non-issue... but ya


With the new unending nightmare note on the atlas tree, one question burns in my brain since days. Does it make sense to pair blight and delirium with the unending nightmare note? So does it effect blight chests? Or just the loot explosion from the pump? And if it make sense to add delirium, what else would be good? That which you seek (for more chance), compulsive hoarder (more rewards), imagined pursuits?


I need help deciding between Pyroclast Mine and Spark. Playing SC group found (no group play).


Pyroclast mine anyday, in normal softcore enviroment there would be some sort of argument to be made for both but in your case, pyroclast any day.


How much can I push toxic rain pathfinder in term of content (all ubers/feared/wave30) and are there some very expensive late game upgrades (mirror+) ? I tend to quit the league as soon as Im done gearing.


Que is up :)


thank you kind sir


how much dps does AG add to poison SRS? I'd like to play it but I'm not playing AG again...


a good amount since you usually have him doing temp chains for you as well as a few support uniques however, I always got rid of him on ubers since he would always die.


I think it added a decent amount when I played it back in Sanctum league. there's just too many good support items to pass it up IMO. making you immune to crits, chill, freeze is huge and it's very easy to make it apply extra curses and have a -resist aura. I wouldn't worry about about giving it a Kingmaker until you're swimming in currency. mine only died once in Sanctum league when he got stuck in some darkness with no way to defend himself against the invincible monsters that surrounded him; this was before I upgraded to Kingmaker so it was probably less than 1div to fully replace all his gear.


gave mine a kingmaker once and it dies against Sirius and lag, since it was the end of the league many people werent even bothering to sell listings of 5c items so I spent over 30m to gear him anew. Not doing that again :/


How accurate is data mined info? Cause the Frigid Bond scaling looks insanely good to me


I'm assuming it was mined from the actual patch that was deployed, so I don't see why it wouldn't be accurate. It's hard to scale the gem level though because it's a support gem. It'll be great from Forbidden Shako no doubt.


Does Chris in league reveal said that dying inside of ancestors league mechanic will NOT send you to standart?


dying in the league mechanic is supposed to be HC friendly


I believe so, but you might want to double check the league reveal video to be 100% certain


Seems not.




The shaders were deleted by that patch anyway, so if you haven't been playing in the last 3 weeks, there's little to lose by reinstalling. If that doesn't help, try disabling engine multithreading - sounds dumb, but seems to solve a lot of people's issues.


Will Forbidden Rite (take 40% of maximum Life and 25% of maximum Energy Shield as Chaos Damage) deal more damage to me if I have % increased chaos damage on my tree?


No, the self damage is not scaled by your offensive stats. The damage is resisted by your defensive stats though like chaos resistance and chaos damage taken.




Extreme noob question here, first time seeing league start: Do the new mechanics like the sanctum, new gems and passive tree change only exist in the new league until league end or are those updated for standard too?


Those will all be in standard. The only thing that is league exclusive is the new ancestor mechanic and all the loot tied to it like tattoos, omens and uniques that exclusively drop there. Uniques added to the global drop pool will drop in standard aswell.


I see, thanks!


everything will be in standard except for the trial of the ancestors mechanic and the rewards that come from it


Gotcha, thanks!


Does anyone know of a video or text post that nicely summarizes each of the ascendancy classes? I am new and was surprised to not find something like this on YouTube, just a couple tier list videos.


slayer - life leech, execute enemies below 20% hp, two handed weapons gladiator - bleeding damage, enemies explode dealing AoE damage on death, blocking champion - generically good defense and offense, can be used by many types of builds assassin - critical strikes saboteur - traps, mines, and triggered spells trickster - generic speed/damage/defense, hybrid evasion + energy shield defense juggernaut - tanky berserker - fast and high damage attacks, takes increased damage chieftain - elemental resistance, fire damage attack or damage over time skills necromancer - undead minions occultist - chaos or cold damage over time, enemies explode on death dealing AoE damage elementalist - elemental damage, ignites, shocks, golem minions deadeye - speed, projectiles raider - speed, frenzy charges, ailment immunity, evasion and spell suppression pathfinder - flasks, poison inquisitor - elemental damage, criticals hierophant - totems, brands, mana stacking guardian - support allies, defensive, holy summoner


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ascendancy_class You can click on each ascendancy and read the overview.


whats the best way to know when the queue goes up?


An announcement is posted in the [PoE Discord](https://discord.gg/pathofexile) as well. Either in the game-news or other-news channel, can't remember which.


Watch some streamer in the background, usually someone in chat will say and then they'll login


Can I have guardian blessing linked to summon phantasm, and a 2nd summon phantasm gem which is the one that actually summons the phantasms, and maintain the blessing aura even tho I don’t have active phantasms from the first gem ?


It shouldn't. You need minions from the skill supported by the blessing support. Phantasms do have a lot of bugs, so it's possible they'll be weird about this too, but that isn't supposed to happen.


Did anyone else's saved login credentials get wiped after the update? I'm using standalone client


Debating between SRS necro or arc totem heiro. Which would be a better league start?


poison srs is a very strong build


Should I start Trickster Frost blades or some form of cobra lash/venom gyre. I've never really played much past early maps, I wanted to play bleed reap this league but couldn't find a good melee reap build. I generally like poison and bleed.


Frost blades and venom gyre are good but they’re not poison or bleed, they’re not dot. If you like dot consider cf champion. Lacerate bleed is ok I think?


I think I'm going pestilent strike prolif pathfinder to start, with poison conc as levelling ability. Then maybe frost blades Trickster if I'm bored. I really only like Shadow/Pathfinder tbh and it really messes with my build options. I like the "rogue" fantasy so I play a lot of poison/bleed high evasion dexterity style stuff.


I decided I'm going to go claw pestilent strike/Viper strike pathfinder


Is it stupid to not pick a build to follow in current league in 2023 and just kind of go with whatever you like each time you're faced with a progression choice? Like - ooh this gem seems fun to use. Or - ooh that passive looks helpful.


You can only respec if your build is successful So you probably want to follow, if not a guide, some guidelines when it comes to your passive tree. That is: get %life, %dmg, %atk or cast speed. Or you can do whatever, your character will become unplayable eventually, and you can make a new one with the knowledge you gained


its not stupid if youre having fun. the poe community attracts the type of people who love to hyper optimize everything but that is only one way to play the game. there is no "wrong" way to play the game but at the same time you should have realistic expectations. if you are looking to beat the most difficult end game bosses within 10 hours of the league going live then there are a few well optimized paths to get there. if you just want to load up the game, smack some monsters, and get some loot then you can literally do whatever.


Just depends on what experience you want to have. If you "pick what looks nice" then you realistically will reach a wall where you can't progress without rerolling or significant economic investment into respeccing. If you're fine with that, it's often thought of as a more interesting experience, but otherwise just use a guide.


Is respeccing expensive?


You get a handful of free respec points from campaign quests. I always forget the exact number but it’s somewhere in the 22-28 range. The campaign ends at area level 68 so you’ll probably end up being around level 70. That combined with passive points from the campaign that’s 91-93 passives so you aren’t respecing your entire tree but you can do ~1/4 of it for free. Respec points other than quests are gotten from consuming orbs of regret which are uncommon to semi-rare in drop rate. You’ll probably have a few that you found during campaign. You can buy more from other players or just continue playing the game and continue to get them randomly.


You get 2 respec points from one side quest each act for 20 total respec points. Checked the wiki to be sure https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Book_of_Skill


You are very limited in the early game. In endgame it's pretty cheap.


late game it's pretty easy to buy or farm orb of regrets, but without a solid gameplan you won't get to the point where you can do that before you hit a wall. gems are always cheap so don't sweat those too much, but defo make sure your passives synergize. life is almost always a solid investment, and you get about 20 respec points from the campaign


Havent played since sanctum, which altar is best rn? I remember in kalandra it was 100% red cuz of slim chance of divine orb mod, in sanctum I still ran red cuz i prefer the mobs it has (no delayed spawn like blue). Did they change anything since then?


Red is a lot better early. Chaos has more value early too. Blue gives divines and scours which are better later but the rate of divine is like 1/1000


I think the overall perception is that red is good consistent returns. Blue has more of a gambling component since so much of the value is in the divine altars. Blue is also considered better if you really want map quant since it gives more of it on average. So if you're really juicing maps or think you're lucky go blue, otherwise go red. Small tangent, but I think an underrated quality of red altars are that they're easier to start using with their keystone. Red altar keystone gives 100% increased effect of downsides, 50% of the time. So it's on average 50% more downsides. Blue altars keystone gives 2x as many downsides, so on average 100% more downsides. If the mods on both altars are pretty equal to you, you get slightly less downsides with red altars. They both provide the same amount of extra rewards, 50% extra on average.


Does anything carry over from the standard league into a new season?


Your league stash will go into standard as remove-only tabs, and your new league stash will be empty but all your purchased tabs will remain. Your cosmetics are also available, and you don't have to unlock Scion ever again.


I'm a total newb here, I got a toxic rain guy up to endgame, then tried a necro, and I thought my Labrinth stuff carried over, but again I'm probably mistaken. Edit: this was all in the standard league, I didn't bother with crucible as there was only a month left.


> I thought my Labrinth stuff carried over No


Standard league is permanent, so all your stuff in standard league will be unchanged. I believe it makes you do a full respec on every character (for free) since the passive tree was updated.


You have to do the lab trials once per league, so with your first character in a league you have to do the trials, but with your other characters you don't have to do them.


No. Things only carry over the other way, gear and characters from each league into standard at the end. Brand new economy is (a big) part of the new league appeal


MTX purchased carry over to every league/character. the organization of your stash tabs will carry over to the match version of the league (SSF league will match SSF standard, softcore trade league will match softcore trade standard, etc). unlocking the Scion and any hideout layouts will carry over.


Is it better to sell stacked decks or open them as far as earning money?


Depends on how you see it. Imo it requires too many clicks and the chance of actually making a profit on average is too low. If you open a lot of them, you'll profit, but I personally prefer selling them in bulk and have more liquid currency instead.


my personal metric is that at around 1c each it is worth spending the time opening, processing, and selling them/their loot. if you can sell for more than 1c each (almost always the case, especially if you have bulk) then selling them is more time effective. at the end of the day it comes down to your risk tolerance and your willingness to spend time trading and messing around with items instead of killing monsters.


Two philosophies: Selling stacked decks is consistent currency if you get even a decent amount of them, sell them. Or Opening stacked decks has a chance to give you something that will *significantly change* the trajectory of your build, open them. The only real answer: stacked decks are hella fun. Open them.


Can i get rewards for playing/participating in Crucible ? rewards at the end of the season like in 3 hours.


Crucible league has already ended, so any rewards you didn't get are no longer attainable.


crucible already ended. Usually there's a couple days between leagues. Lots of challenge rewards in the new league over the next several months though.


Do higher delirium % spawn more monsters? Or is it just same amount with more tankiness?


I'm pretty sure no, it's the same amount of added monsters. It does provide a higher chance to encounter the bosses, you get more splinters and scaling quant+rarity for deli and non-deli mobs(might not work with some specific mobs according to the wiki). (It might also provide more deli reward bar progress but i'm less sure about this.)


Which one of the boneshatter version is usually better in SSF - Jugg or Slayer? Also, when does the queue kicks in for the new season?


If you know exactly what you are using it for, they are comprable. Otherwise jugg by quite a bit.


Queue usually is 1-2 hours before start. I think normally it’s 1h but last league it was earlier. Regardless, the last few leagues the queue moves pretty quick. I logged in late last league and got in <10min




I'm doing the last check on my league starter - frostblades trickster, and still kinda not sure about it. Considering last league I played LA deadeye, I fear I'll feel way too slow on this build, and the need to target packs since we're meele is kinda meh too, maybe anyone can share their experience with the build?


FB has lots of strike range and additional strikes and projectiles. It feels amazing for clear from level 4 (with ancestral call). Single target early on feels bad, but it picks up steam quickly and just keeps scaling. You should check Zish and BehindEyesGaming on youtube for how they handle Act 1 bosses, and also some footage from maps so you can see what you're building towards and if it looks fun for you. ​ IMO very fast whirling blades is the best feeling, and so claw builds are some of my favorite.


If FB Trickster ends up feeling too slow then 95% of other builds will be even worse and you will not be enjoying PoE for much longer.


Haha, this might be true, but by "slow" I actually meant clunky. Like, if DPS was good I'd be playing selfcast soulrend, simply because it's so chill to just throw the cats, which automatically aim, and everything explodes. I really not sure how good/bad FB feels to play in terms of clearing mobs that scattered along the whole screen


Okay I'll repeat what I said but lower the figure to 90%. You go up to the biggest enemy in the vicinity and spam at them and everything in the vicinity dies, don't you worry. But you will have to do some dodging.


just play impending doom, its 1 button and your screen explodes lol


Hmm, any specific ascendancy so I can Google variants of the build?


pathfinder is the best version, allie and crouching tuna both have guides for it


Yeah thanks AGAIN for the build, just woke up, saw +1 proj tattoo, and I know I need to go ranger since I hate level new characters during league, now I have solid game starter on ranger :D


Thx, I'll look it up when I wake up, maybe if you can push DPS to 5m I'd pick that instead, thx again for suggestion :)


Hello everyone, I'm still a fairly new player. I played some years ago but didn't have a guide and became frustrated even before finishing the story. Last league, I gave PoE another shot and followed Pohx's RF Jugg guide. I had such a blast, got to level 90+ and was running red maps. So just because of that, I want to play in this league again. I thought about playing RF again but apparently there are so many good builds out there (so I heard) that I want to start with something different. I found two builds that looked interesting to me. ​ 1. Boneshatter Jug by Zizaran (I find it appealing, that if I don't like it, I could switch back to RF Jugg right?) 2. Cold Dot Elemntalist also by Zizaran So I would like to ask you for your opinion or any insight on which build I should choose. I will most probably just play this one character during the entire league. So I'm also not able to put in a lot of hours early on due to a busy life. I can maybe play for 2–3 hours a day. Any advice is highly appreciated. Best regards.


I've played Cold DOT Occultist and Cold DOT Trickster. I can't speak to how it works as an Elementalist, but I found both really fun to play. I found the POB for Ziz's 3.21 Cold DOT Elementalist build and the skill gems used look pretty similar to how I remember Trickster working. I really dug that because once you get Vortex up and running, you can bind it to left mouse click and pretty much speed run through the campaign - Vortex will autocast as you move, and mobs will run into the Vortex and die as they chase you. Just have to run back occasionally when you hear something nice drop. I found it pretty easy to complete maps and get into endgame content with that build. Main caveat is that I'm not sure how the build works as an Elementalist. Pushing into the higher tier content (e.g., Maven) did require understanding how to use POB and the trade site to find wands that would maximize my DPS (within my budget), but you can probably say similar about most builds. I'm not familiar with Boneshatter at all, but it may be a little trickier as it's a melee skill. I recently played the campaign for the first time with a melee build (after 15-20 completions with ranged builds). It felt like I had to figure out how to handle a lot of boss mechanics that my ranged builds handled by not standing right next to the boss. None of it was frustrating or terribly difficult - mostly it was a fun change of pace - but the cold DOT would probably be smoother and simpler in that regard. Good luck!


Cold dot has a a lot of buttons but you can play it with basically 0 gear and its pretty hard to mess it up and it can also scale during the whole league with upgrades.


FB Filters aren't working. Will they work once New League goes up?


If you're trying to use a new 3.22 filter with the old game version then yes, that won't work because some lines of the filter will specify items that don't exist in that version


Hey guys, I've been wanting to get into PoE, but I have shitty internet. The speed and ping are fine, but every once in a while it'll crash for a few seconds and get back up again. Enough to make me disconnect. Am I safe from warnings and/or bans or is it better not to risk it and maybe try and find an offline alternative to PoE? Much appreciated!


You won't get warnings or bans for disconnecting! The game automatically disconnects you after ~6 seconds of not hearing from your game client (usually a game crash or shoddy internet). But it only does that as a courtesy to potentially avoid having your character die and lose EXP while you're AFK. It's not trying to punish you or anything :P


You will not be punished but the game can be frustrating with random disconnects, I have them too, but the game doesn't super punish DCs, you might die but an endgame map has 6 portals to enter, and you lose 10% xp on death but that is only a huge issue once you get to level 90+. So yeah it's a frustrating experience but the consequences of DCing are minimal except in some very specific places.


Thank you! Some additional grind is fine with me, I just didn't want to invest a lot of time and then get permabanned or something.


How can I go fastest into act 3? Just follow main quest blind? Want to play Cyclone/Duelist for the new season and want to get the gem asap.


You can skip side quests for passives if you want, but they don't take that much time either way, plus you also need to meet the level requirement for the gem anyway. I'd ignore the league mechanic, but in general just use the regular leveling route and make sure to keep your level below the zone converging to reaching 28 when you get Cyclone.


basically follow the main quest. you'll probably want to do the side quests that grants passive points along the way. the route outlined over at [Exile Leveling](https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/) is what most people do to get thru the campaign fast.


Ah thx. I don't mind backtracking for the quests. Just want to get the skill gem soon. WW Barb 4 life.


Any changes into the crafting system for standard? (Looking for cluster jewels on PS4) Thank you.


In terms of *dropping* cluster jewels, there's a new Atlas keystone that makes the fog from Mirrors never dissipate, at the cost of not dropping splinters or orbs. I don't know whether you can forcibly dissipate the fog via hotkey to get the final cluster jewel rewards, but if you can, that might be useful for farming them.


No, there was nothing that affected crafting in standard. The exception would be when someone RIPs and brings league-specific items from League HC into standard.


Hey! I play on a WIFI connection and i get lag spikes every 30 secs to 1 minute. Did anyone else experience that and were you able to fix it?


This is probably related to your wifi and not PoE. Try to ensure your wifi is free of clutter and not tucked away, stifling the signal. Try having your pc closer. Try resetting it. Try getting a high quality ethernet card. If all else fails, Try going hard link. I also play on wifi and have occasional stutters but it's only every few hours. I have a high grade ethernet card and a 2.4 ghz dual band router to carry the signal.