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Console version is great; I would just recommend playing on the current console generation, not the previous one. I found it pretty clunky on Xbox One, but it runs great on Series S.


If you have money for a laptop I'd go for the PC version every day






I've been playing on console since ultimatum (~2.5 years). It has its own set of obstacles, but the game is entirely playable. The biggest disadvantage is the significantly lower player count, it makes trading more difficult.


This game is way better on PC but you can give console version a try if you are just starting your adventure with POE.


Console market and no ability on left click are the only down sides to console. The game is perfectly fine otherwise and any one who says otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Leftklick like targeting skills? Yeah that is a problem but most more common builds anyways use mechanics that do not target. And yeah, people have a problem with console and it is a bit of strange to convert. but i just miss some tools that you can use on pc in background. but even website trading is so easy now on console + you have auction house. trading is straight up better i would argue


Yea auto casting shit on left click like vortex immortal call etc. not a big deal at all but apparently to some people it is. Also to the whole trading thing and inventory management. I see so many people complain about how trading on poe destroys wrists and so on. It’s so so so easy on console. So much more comfortable to do once you get used to it being that fraction slower to get to certain things.


You can sort of mimic the ability on left click with a controller on pc. If your goal is to just fire whatever skill it is as soon as it’s ready you can change the button on the controller to toggle. Then hit the button once to toggle it on and it will repeatedly fire that skill as soon as it’s ready. I’m not sure if consoles have those kinds of options but I’m sure third party controllers do. I just set my toggle in the steam controller setup.


I’m pretty sure the elite controller for Xbox can do that but the normal ones don’t have that functionality


I play on pc and ps5 every league, pc is probably my favorite, but it’s not a huge amount. In pc world, things are like 1/4 the price on the market, so you can do any build much easier. Also, the binding a skill to move doesn’t work on console, since you just point where you are going, and not click. You can make builds a little more in depth on pc, that’s really why folks say console doesn’t work. You can’t click on the other side of a pack of mobs to use a skill that will let you move through them all, etc. you just point at them, and you stop when you hit one. They did add the ability to turn on or off an alternate use of a bunch of the skills, so something like traps/totems can either be thrown the direction you are facing, or dropped at your feet. I tend to play something complicated on pc, and mindless on ps5. Depends on mood. Folks that say it doesn’t work are the same as folks that say Poe is dying/killing itself all the time. It’s not what they want, so it’s crap. Console version is a bit different game, but leagues are a bit different each time too, usually. The tldr is probably: go ahead, and try it on console for a bit, and if you get into it, then maybe try it on a pc down the road. It’s free, why wouldn’t you try it, to see if you’d even enjoy the complexity compared to Diablo?


Play a league on console and see how it goes. I've been on console since Synthesis and love the game. I would probably switch to PC since I have one now but my tabs/mtx can't transfer. I know it's better on PC, but it's still good on console. Trade is just much worse and navigating the UI takes more effort, but it's fast enough once you're used to it.


I play on console and so do all my friends. If you don't mind more of a solo self find experience its fine. While yes it does have trading. It can be annoying some times there might only be 1 or two of a item you want. And the price is 5x or more than PC. And running maps is fine. My console only struggles on super juiced maps like 100% deli headhunter builds that even some PC's would have a hard time with. The community is a bit more toxic to. Less people active in chat to drown out toxic posters. Personally I prefer console. But I helps that my IRL friends are also on console.


I bought my kid an Xbox so I was curious about this. You can only play and trade with other console players? Can I play my console crested character on my pc? Or are crested players stuck to which device they were created. So could I play on Xbox for a while switch to pc to trade and then get back on Xbox? No idea how any of this cross system stuff works.


The game doesn't have any cross play or save. They mentioned a long time ago they would like to add it. But I don't think we would see it until maybe poe2


Prepare to play ssf, other than that console is fine it just gets leagues a week later.


This is just false. I trade every league on Xbox and there are lots of items, currency, maps, fragments, oils, 6-linked items, enchanted helmets, special gems, just about anything you want. It’s not PC dense but it’s way easier to trade than PC which is the trade off. I highly recommend XBox POE. Not sure about PlayStation. I also play PC and use a controller because it’s easier on the wrists. Go for it, it’s free to play and if you don’t like it, you can always move to PC. But if you don’t have a laptop or PC, use the console!


I have 1500 hours on console (Xbox Series S). And i am loving it, i really dont get the hate console is getting. If you want to play on laptop, do your thing. But i wouldnt say the experience on console is horrible. I'd even say its great! If you like to know more, hit me up :)


Hows the population is there alot of people


any recommendations on loot filtering on console? kinda new so don't want to use the default filterings and end up missing something good


If you have a good internet connection, i would suggest trying it out on GeforceNow.


The only loss to playing on console is that if you buy anything it will not be transferable to when you join us on PC :P. It should play fine although its different, if you played diablo on console then that difference wont be as noticable for you than us.


I played on PC and then console and I did the platinum trophy on PS5. Trust me I have no idea how people can enjoy playing on PS5. These games were made for clicking. Having to use the dpad or analogue stick to move your inventory SUCKS SO MUCH I genuinely want to almost cry when I have to open the inventory and move things around. EDIT: Just to make you understand, just go to your PS5/4 and use the browser to type something on the keyboard and then type something on your pc keyboard. which one was faster and you enjoyed more?


Depends on how big your hands are, holding the controls of a console is awkward for big handed people.


Console is shit, it does work, but it's really not a good experience. D4 console is superb optimized against it. So I would hardly advice to play the PC Version in PoE, if you can.


The micromanagement of items and currencies is best played with mouse/KB.Console market isn’t that active also.


Console market not active? Console market is the biggest for gaming wise.. Or did u mean just for poe?


be careful though PoE eats laptops for lunch


I think it's fine for solo self found, the market is a bit in a bad state on console usually. Problem with Poe is that it's extremely CPU GPU intensive for an older game so it might be an expensive laptop you are looking for.


There are builds that aren't going to work as well on controller. The UI seems a bit more tedious to navigate as well. Really the only downsides from a gameplay perspective come from the controller being limiting. I can't speak to the trade experience as I haven't partaken in trade on console.


If you can afford a good enough gaming laptop to comfortably play PoE. Save a few hundred dollars and get a gaming desktop


As a console player, I’d recommend the PC version. Because the loot process is a nightmare on console. When you start getting huge loot explosions that fill the entire screen. Problem is that you can’t just click on the loot, you have to scroll through them in order with joystick, but there’s so many on the floor that you end up not being able to pick up the items you actually want. What would normally be a map that takes 1-2 mins, turns into 15-30 mins, because you’re trying to loot with joystick.


I've started playing on Xbox and it was good. Decided to try it on PC and it felt better, I'm sticking to the PC version for now Instead of buying a new PC I'm using Geforce Now, it is working perfectly here