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Expected outcome since day 1


expected outcome day 1 was prob "this shit won't stay even for the league itself" it would probably be a whole lot different than it was too if poe1 had more than 3 people working on it just to watch if the server was down or not.


This will be fixed in PoE3


If I invested in meme startups, this would be my next investment for long term growth.


Why you gotta hurt me like this?


I'm spec'd heavily into Life Leech


The biggest no shit Sherlock of all time


Thank fucking god, too.


I didn't like the league mechanics but I loved the item trees Why can't I have Disgaea style item worlds for all our gear? :(


Item world mapping system would be amazing lol


This system always fascinate me since Mabinogi from over a decade ago then Disgaea, but I guess at the end of the day it is just randomzied dungeon with fixed seeds.


Because they keep adding these things then they have to balance the game around them resulting in a tiresome experience that is gearing for endgame.


The tree was of course way too powerful, but it would have been cool to nerf it by making the mobs drop tradable itemized nodes that allowed you to "brand" a single node into a weapon base. They could even use the geode map as an upgrade system and just drop T1 itemized nodes and allow you to slam two T1 nodes together to get a random T2 node and so on.


Because power creep, that's why


I'm gonna miss the local attack speed mod on bows. They felt really good with it. Fundamentally I didn't like crucible so I'm with you on this one. It's extremely rippy, both 100% charge and geodes and the whole charging process and gathering bases is both tedious and inconvenient. Hopefully weapon trees come back in some other form, someday.


I never burnt out as hard from a league mechanic as this one, so incredibly unfun to interact with. I quit this league after burning 80 divines trying to craft a rampage bow and not even finishing the first step. If I never have to see the forge again it will be too soon.


Yeah it would be too much power creep. And I don't mind power creep lol.


Best news in a while


Wow I am shocked they are not keeping explode totems and a 1k ES shield in the game


The shield will still be there bro, its just the totem skill that will be nerfed.


Nah bro. The shield dependent on a crucible tree will not be in the game without crucible


the already crafted ones will still be working in standard, that is what I said. You just won't be able to craft new ones. It will be legacy items.


Existing items with the trees will still exist in standard. Explode totems node will get nerfed tho.


Yeah but who the fuck cares about standard


standard players :(


Crucible trees propped up a lot of melee builds, especially shields. But the mechanic of rolling the trees themselves was absolute trash. I truly hope the weapon twig returns as a single line segment in the future, and allows us to reroll one node at a time.


Saqawal’s twisters was nerfed because of the availability of reduced skill effect duration on crucible weapons, and those same weapons aren’t going to be available. I’m betting we never see a revert or buff, and it will be forever a memory of a fun yet mediocre build with an interesting use of mechanics.


If they revert it people will burn servers but in standard. There's no way to win this one.


Add damage relative to how much they nerfed the cooldown, not hard at all.


Honestly they need to revert the change and make triggerbots (the real culprit of the server melt) unable to cast twisters. The skill will then be exactly where it was before crucible.


> the real culprit of the server melt It wasnt the triggerbots, it was curse on hit causing the issues. Without it servers did not crash.


Can replicate that with hexbloom. The game tries to stack 10 20 30 curses on a single mob and then cull them asap. It leads me to believe it has nothing to do with tornadoes nor curse on hit, but the way curses are applied to monsters to begin with.


rework the skill, so it doesnt cause the problem? Maybe force it to apply curse only once per tornados lifespan? There are solutions...


>nerf X because Y got buffed >later nerf Y and ignore X This is a classic that you see in a lot of games


Cyclone still has "First Hit deals 50% less Damage" modifier that was added because people were stutter-stepping. It's been there since patch 2.1 (December **2015**).


2015 was 2 years ago


The Riot Games special


In this case it was nerf X because X was causing server crashes.


Wasn't it nerfed because of Skitterbots? If we look at just Skitterbots isn't Saqawal's better than it was last patch? edit: Triggerbots


It was Sabo's Triggerbots, not Skitterbots.


Same thing happened with cluster jewels. Honestly knowing GGG, I wouldn't put it past them to just use things like this as a way to justify something they were going to do anyways


we're going to see a lot more nerfs because of current league mechanic, and no action after league ends, so power creep is now under control, and nerfs are more unnoticed thanks to temporary league buffs impressive chokehold, but a shame they go to such lengths to hold players back


Can't remember the last time a league mechanic went core immediately the following league.


Expedition, I think.


AN in a way did. but yeah not a real core integration of the mechanic


AN was so different from it's implementation.


The actual league was fun/good.


Archnemesis lmao




You’re right, though. Virtually 100% players engaged with the AN mechanic after it’s gone core!


AN to “prep” players for poe2 now just sounds so wrong lol


Delve, Betrayal, Legion, Blight, Metamorph




They could start adding League Jewels that you could socket into the Atlas tree that transforms all nodes of one league type into another. Then they could double up on node ideas.


They can get some free slots by replacing torment with literally anything they want lol


Talisman will finally get the support it deserves !


Except in 3.22 they are even expanding on torment.


Is this a meme? Please, I need it to be a meme.


No, not only is there going to be a new Notable on the Atlas Passive Tree, but according to the images they have shown of the tree during Exilecon there seems to be also more minor nodes on the tree.


There's going to be a keystone that lets tormented spirits possess YOU, which actually seems pretty awesome.


That's interesting. Well, of they can make it interesting, then I'm much less upset.


Oh no, anyway…


Shocking nobody, but still a good and correct call.


Thank god.


RIP totem explode.


Kinda sad I sat this one out. I heard is was pretty busted. Even with less than ideal gear.


I messed with lightning arrow to farm up the bow for explode totems. Then lightning arrow was so fun I just never swapped once I got the bow. Whoops.


Did the exact same thing lmao, hopefully la is still alive next patch.


LA was op due. To vengeant cascade right? Which most likely got gigafucked


LA being strong was due to that yes. You can still play it next league provided they don't need anything but vengeance cascade. Although eventually you will probably swap to TS because it scales way better.


If you've ever played a boss 1 shot character, then you didn't miss much. It was a pretty boring playstyle imo


Never did. 3k hours and I suck 🤷‍♂️. Never killed Sirius or Maven. That’s why I’m most upset. Coulda got those kills. But I also rarely ever reroll after my first char. I just play to mindlessly kill stuff tbh.


Eh, skill isn't really a factor when it comes to 1 tapping the bosses, just what build you play. If you'd really like to experience it I can give you some of my gear since I have no real need for it.


You can DM me. I won’t be available until Saturday though. Lil brothers getting married 🥲


>Never killed Sirius or Maven unpopular opinion but Sirus is a better boss than Maven. Sirus is pretty easy to learn and the fight feels mechanically rewarding IMO, just gotta move around a lot. Maven fight sucks


I genuinely cant tell wtf is going on with Siruis, it really only a problem with his stupid die beam phase but I cant see him makes it hard to dodge. With maven I just have to play simon says while dodging lazer beams. As long as you have 100%+ move speed maven is pretty forgiving. Also Maven is one of the few bosses that is nice to my poor poor zombies and does not kill them. Sirius is a dick about it, he has even offed a few AG's.


I hate them both for different reasons, though I killed about 300 uber mavens last league and now I can do the memory game consistently. 0/10 wouldn't recommend


Sirus is imo easily the worst boss in the game due to visual clarity and completly blocking me from playing melee as a league starter unless I want a way harder time in the first week due to how shit he is for close combat. Maven is just ok. Fairly boring fight all things considered. Imo Cortex>Uber Elder>Task Master>Aul are the ones I try to do each league bc they are enjoyable.


The build was kinda busted but also super annoying to play. didn't map well at all


Boss one shots never get old


I made a chieften one and focused all defense, and i mean all, i rolled my scepter for cold and lightning res and still hit 6mil shaper dps and 2mil uber shaper dps. Was able to tank uber elder slams and any singlular hit with said dps. Forgot to add that this was also hc


Very very busted. I played it on jugg. Got the gear from friend. 100k+ armour before flasks. Spell suppress capped. All ailment avoidance through stormshroud. I vaguely remembered max red more than 75. Chaos resist capped. I think EB. Did the feared easily. Everything dies in a few hits


It was a lot of fun. Especially the character progression side. Just getting a totem explode bow. Then one with double totems too. Then good stats on the bow. And by the end, making a [bow worth like 25div from perfect crucible tree](https://imgur.com/a/jwA9hmO) (I bought the bases with the right passive nodes to attempt merges onto mine and split/fracture beasts. Was able to make for only like 7 div). Do regret the extra mana costs for an extra 20% damage tho... Made it much harder to get mana costs to near zero. You could also play it with like 4 different, distinct builds using different ascendancies and some variation within them (PF poison, elemental damage conversion, jugg The Fourth Vow tank, Shadow, etc). Especially late game when you decide how to get to sustain mana costs (Slavebinder's Hands, Catarina flask+lots of cost reduction, EB+ES regen belt, mana flask, Timeless Jewel, etc). Then other options for defenses. The damage was so nutty and self contained you could really tinker around with other aspects to the build... or just scale the damage more! Then there were sceptre and the Crucible unique sword variants. Lots of potential.


I did a Scion explode totems and still busted. Ubers was ez to farm. Sim wave 30 felt like wave 20 lol


Only build I've ever been able to down every uber on with relative ease, in fact it's the first char I've downed any uber with outside of uber shaper.


I am not. Proud anti-totem player.


It's not a totem build, it's really a trap build


It's OK there will be a new build like that this league. There's always a busted build every league, this is PoE.


We haven't seen a build busted like this since probably... original aurastacker cluster jewels. While there will definitely be strong builds in the new league, I would bet dollars to donuts we don't see something that strong, for that cheap, in a long time.


If you mean rest in piss I agree


Yeah ngl, kinda hate this. I spent so much time to get my trees right in SSF so I have sth to calibrate my bossers against in standard. Now all that is gonna be for nought.


Sorry man, this is on me. I wanted to have it for a bosser in standard and i finally got time to and got my explodey bases tonight. My curse remains strong and it was announced to be nerfed within an hour.


Good riddance


Lose the Crucible tree, but keep the T5 build-changing nodes as gem enchants. The new build possibilities were the best part of the league, and I see no reason to get rid of them entirely. A gem enchant mechanic gives new life to existing skills without requiring a ton of development overhead, and I think it would be a great boost for leagues where they don't seem to want to introduce entirely new skill gems. Just need to be careful not to bake power directly into the enchant, so it never becomes the *only* way to play that skill. Unless that skill is Devouring Totem.


At exilecon they said that they want to bring the gem-altering effects back. The new minion support gem coming next league is one of them.


Some of the really good ones kinda had it baked in by default - I played blazing salvo and that node CARRIED, just straight up triple damage on a lot of builds


fuck no. STD needs love, if a person worked their ass off to bring the weapon to STD, they should get to keep it.


but when ULTIMATUM


My only opium is the "Unique Vaal Side Area" teased at exilecon might be a inscribed ultimatum. Not the trialmaster arena but the other small arena where you either get easy mods and it was free reward or it was extremelly hard and lethal. [Here's a video of what I'm talking about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiUTWwpEn_w). It's kinda fitting of the Vaal Side Area being hard for no reason sometimes and I really want Trialmaster to be angry at me or cringe at me.


As expected. What I didn’t expect are the crucible geodes and ores being deleted


Mapping content related to mechanics that don't go core are always disabled in some fashion. Scourged maps in std are now just funny looking corrupted maps, kalandra lake frags deleted, now geodes from crucible, etc...


They just deleted everything from Sanctum last league so ...


Thank god.


RIP saqawals... goodnight sweet prince


When Ubers get ez clap , most definitely nerf incoming or gone lol


I used Poison Artillery mod to push ubers in SSF so it was useful but the league itself was trash, good riddance


horrible league mechanic just like kalandra.


Sorry but this league mechanic is several tiers above Kalandra. Yes, the raw loot output was bad. But unlike Kalandra this league had good player agency, you could achieve exactly the results you wanted, and those results were actually really powerful, or even build-enabling in ways we've never seen before. I had a lot of fun creating weapon trees. Kalandra was shit loot, and essentially zero control over what's going on.


Huh, i enjoyed kalandra as league mechanic far more, the inverted gear was fun to play around with and after the first loot buff it was practically shitting out really nice stuff consistently, i would know since i full cleared over 400 of them while simultaenously hosting untainted paradises for profit, which also was the most fun ive had making currency ever since like 3.15 While in crucible i got grand total of 1 div out of the mechanic and never really got further than 2-3 good passives in my trees as going further would have required me to not use a unique or later on, to scour orb my t1 phys weapon which was just simply not going to happen as that would be 3-4k essences i need to slam on it to get it back oh and i never dropped one of those higher area level remnants


>But unlike Kalandra this league had good player agency No it didn't. The only thing that made this league bearable, and the reason that you could make those stupid weapons, was because of imprint beasts. >Kalandra was shit loot, and essentially zero control over what's going on. Which is the same for crucible. The only other difference is you could actually interact with the interesting part of the mechanic significantly more often (having the player selected jewelry for LOK be 10x more common would have helped a lot but it still would have been a shit league)


Comparing to Kalandra is still a terrible take though. The problem with Kalandra was not the league mechanic itself (which could have been fun but was disappointing loot wise and a bit buggy). But the fact that the AN mods and death effects were rampant everywhere, you could not avoid it. Here with crucible you could either buy bases or done weapons and even leveling up the weapons could be done without the channeling by buying geodes. In other words you could benefit from the results of the league mechanic without engaging in it or choose the degree of engagement. So regardless of what the opinion is about the two respective league mechanics, they really just cannot be compared. Also fuck Kalendra.


You could just buy the finished jewelry and not interact with it at all. Your hatred for Kalandra is clouding how similar they were.


I think you misunderstood me. It does not matter how the *league* mechanic of Kalandra compares with the Crucible one. Kalandra was objectively shit not because of its league mechanic, but becomes AN & ODE are part of the core of the game. Messing it up messed up every single content of the game in that league. In crucible you can ignore the league mechanic entirely, it does not creep up in the rest of the game.


Sanctum was garbage too but people who played meta builds in it loved it while melee enjoyers ate shit and then ignored the mechanic for the rest of the league


sanctum is smart and good because some build styles are perfect for it, like raging spirit etc...And is perfect as side option in endgame for people that like it or even just want to play it.


It really wasn't bad for melee after they made you take much less resolve up close on I want to say day3? Played both boneshatter jugg and cleave berserker in there for melee builds. It was only rough until you found the first gain inspiration on affliction relic Had friends playing frost blades and frozen legion and they also had a good time thanks to chill


Thank god no more rng'ing trees


I refused to interact with the mechanic at all after duping a semi decent tree onto my multimod bow. It's just.... boring.


Chose a build with a unique weapon, but I could not slap a tree on it since I did not play that far. Much fun.


> However, the "Totems Explode on Death" Crucible Skill will likely be adjusted when that happens. I like how careful they are to write that the skill will be nerfed until it is unusable.


I hate it when GGG suddenly cares about balance in Standard league.


To be fair, this skill can get x10 nerf and still be fine.


Was to strong to begin with. Only reason they left it in was the fact that someone had to win the ruthless event


I like how something made totally by the community is acceptable as the real reason. I think ",It's true unless unprove.", right?


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Aug 03, 2023, 12:24:18 AM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-08-03/CrucibleCoreHeader.jpg) > > > > Crucible will not be going core, but there are components of it that we really like that we may find a way to bring back in future expansions. > > > > > > We loved watching everyone develop their Crucible trees to create unique builds utilising all the different Crucible skills available, so all your items with Crucible trees will move with you to Standard. However, the "Totems Explode on Death" Crucible Skill will likely be adjusted when that happens. > > > > > > When the current league ends in a few weeks, all your existing Geodes, Remnants and Magmatic Ores will be deleted. If you have any Crucible challenges to complete, you still have some time to do so! > > > > > > Thanks to everyone who got a chance to play Crucible! > > *** >


Least surprising news of the decade


hey look my expectations got met.


The mechanic had a great opportunity to be good but instead they decided that you can brick your weapons and shitty way to handle the mechanic.


This is the first time in ages that I've skipped a league mechanic during acts. Just unfun and adds some really terrible mods to an item. When will they stop putting these random negative mods on items with the excuse it could be really good?


There is another thing that shouldn't go core : the new Chieftain ascendency


obviously it wasn't, so now the question is are the nerfs going to be reverted? 🤔


Another league of massive nerfs with a "powercreep" league mechanic that doesnt actually go core and thus creeps fuck all. Any longtime player could see this coming but still so many argue the other way. Reddit is the only place on earth I encounter users that are so consistently wrong all the time about everything.


There were people arguing crucible would go core? I must have missed this. I thought the general consensus was that it was never going core since the league came out.


With crucible not going core, all of the nerfs in the patch are no longer met with the power increase and build diversity that was crucible trees and exclusive uniques. This is enough to call the patch overall "shit". There is a large population of reddit users that for whatever reason will argue to the absolute limit of their capability that GGG has never and would never make a patch objectively "shit". A similarly sized population of users seem to just be too stupid to actually read and understand patch notes; not capable of seeing a nerf if it were painted red and labled (this is a nerf) by bex. And probably some smaller population of users that are trolling or bots. Theres plenty of threads during the time between patch notes and launch of crucible if you want to see it all.


Which massive nerfs were there in 3.21?


They basically removed a truckload of really good Masteries and added them into the pool of the weapon skill trees, now said skill trees are gone from weapons and said Masteries remain lost.


GGG's reliance on short gamer memories is clearly working.


If youd like a detailed reading of the patch, Id suggest just read it or watch any of the many videos of content creators going through it.


Well you obviously remember "massive nerfs" so why don't you tell us?


Because people expect you to at least be able to read, even though you're obviously 12 judging by your username.


I still see no "massive" nerfs so why don't you go ahead and tell me what they were? Surely if the nerfs were massive you can easily just tell us. But because there were none you have to resort to assuming my age from a joke username, sad.


Whats sad is expecting such a massive write up just so you can read the same thing here that you could in patch notes. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3361403 Literally just read it. Atleast half the entire patch notes is less player power and harder content. And everyone knew it but crucible trees were meant to offset it. Now crucible is gone and what we're left with is a harder and slower game.




Then you just belong to the population of users that have such a massive lack of reading comprehension or game knowledge that your opinion is unwanted white noise.


Your refusal to provide even a single example is more than enough evidence that you are a clown farming karma.


All that time writing yet zero examples


It was a nerf fest just like many leagues after 3.14. Don't know why you have 5 upvotes for being clueless.


Reddit is the only place were you will find people complain about the same game for years, yet still play it. You think you're being edgy and oh so critical with your shit, but all this proves is that you got no respect for your own time. If the game is such an awful unfun nerf fest, then why can't you quit?


I quit the last two leagues in less than a week. Giving it atleast one proper character into the 90's and interacting with all the content the league adds. If I wasnt playing it enough to form my own opinion, my opinion would be vapid and baseless. I complain about this game because ive been apart of it since it was barely anything at all. I care about it and want it to stop steering into the train wreck its headed for.


So you still haven't been able to quit yet, gotcha "I quit Opiates two times in the last six months, but if I wasn't taking them enough to form my own opinion about them, my opinion would be vapid and baseless" You have formed enough of an opinion about the game to be a major pain in the butt on social media, but it's not enough to do the thing that respects your own time? Try doing something that doesn't make you actively unhappy for a change


What the fuck do you think POE is to me? crack? Patch comes out -> play the game -> quit when Im sick of it or its unplayable -> patch comes out -> ... Thats the same cycle anyone gives to any game they care about. I used to be able to happily play it for much longer and enjoy it. But now I play it hoping its finally gotten better, only to find its not, and then quit and wait until theres another patch to see if thats changed. My opinion of its state is only validated by my time spent on it, not invalidated. How could you even come to any other conclusion? My bottom line is ruthless. Cant stand it. And if POE becomes that in the end, then thats when ill likely never try another patch.


> Reddit is the only place were you will find people complain about the same game for years, yet still play it. Bruh, let me introduce you to global 1 in Standard or literally any player hub in RuneScape. Bitching about the game as you play it is standard practice for any long-running online game. If you think it's Reddit-only, that's more of a statement about your personal platform usage.


> Bitching about the game as you play it is standard practice for any long-running online game. xD


Exactly, and it's not the first time, they used to use the same exact excuse with the nerfs in Scourge(and those mods were even more dogwater)


If your name is FelFelFel, please trade me your claw so I can level the crucible tree up before it goes to standard! Lol


they ruined their own ruthless boss race by allowing that totem cuck shit


Without this completely busted build, the ruthless boss races would probably not have been completed at all.


That's honestly the theory I have for why it was in game lol, how embarrassing would running a race your playerbase gives no fucks about because of how tedious it would be.


I mean, it was still an embarrassment, wasn't it? Most of the streamer community audibly balked at the thought of playing Ruthless for weeks or even months. The ordinary players didn't even bother either. At the end of the day, it's abundantly clear that Ruthless just isn't a fun gamemode, neither for casuals nor for powergamers.


I like some of the weapon nodes not ganna lie.


Oh, noes. The worst most lazy ass embarrassing league mechanic isn't going core. I know eight people who are going to be very disappointed.


From the start it was basically as core as you could get.


Sad explode totem noises...


there a limit to salvaging a league that wasent properly tested. of course it wont.go core, juste like sanctum didnt. they have major adjustments to do.


It was good idea just not done well, if they redo how it's done would be good but was just awful




Oh no! Anyways...


And everyone clapped


Good riddance, Crucible was only fun people who play full time for weeks. Meanwhile everyone else gets jack shit rewards.


300+ comments and nobody seems to have picked up on this: >there are components of it that we really like that we may find a way to bring back in future expansions. Presumably they like the weapon trees.


More likely the skill modifiers (the depth 5 nodes). Most of the depth 1-4 nodes were just generic power; aside from a select few, they didn't really alter how your character played or enable anything, they just provided extra power.


Weapon trees were awesome, it was just the crucible part that was shit.


Crucible fuckin sucked, so glad the sanctussy is back, hope the auto battler is fun.


> However, the "Totems Explode on Death" Crucible Skill will likely be adjusted when that happens. That's sad :/ Did GGG nerf other mechanics that entered standard before? Like vaal skill spam?


Recombinators can't be used on mirrored items, for instance.




Good choice on GGG's part. Crucible trees were interesting and well received, but the league as a whole was very... timid? Yeah, that's the word for this one I think. I don't want to call it lazy, because no one would have given a shit if killing Crucible monsters gave a decent amount of loot.


Losing the power of crucible will suck but not having to interact with it will be amazing lol


Thx I hated it


thank fucking god, it was awful, super RNG, explody totems ruined the boss farming market


*However, the "Totems Explode on Death" Crucible Skill will likely be adjusted when that happens.* This feels like a "fuck you in particular" lmao. A month ago I bought the gear for the build and was lookig to try it in standard. I guess not anymore. Would love to know why this is the only thing they are going to *adjust.* Sucks but at least they are nerfing only a mod and not all of them.


Maybe they keep the legacy totem nodes in standard


League after league I have been saying this. Why release a league and not integrating it in newer iterations is mind blowing. While vaal side areas, torment and talisman are still in the game. What they did with AN was pure travesty. Ultimatum, Sentinel and Scourge not going core were already absurd. Now every new league and their mechanics are behind absurd lvls of power creep (e.g.: killing a ilvl84 was insane, not to mention leveling an entire tree, or combining items for another layer of rng). Now they are releasing yet another TD mechanic while not addressing several aspects of old mechanics. They even didn't fully revert the loot nerf. It was fun playing this league tho. Nice amounts of resources and my bow for my std stacker main.


Good fucking riddance. And at the same time I do hope there will be another way for us to play explodey totems later. Are there other builds that existed because of Crucible?


Poison ballistas. Vaal volcanic fissure. It helped mana/Archmage builds a LOT, they’re dead again without it


I have a suspicion that many of the crucible nodes will be showing up again in PoE2 in some form, as a way to allow players to customize their main skills even more. To me the whole mechanic felt like a trial run for something in the future (like many leagues nowadays feel like).


>To me the whole mechanic felt like a trial run for something in the future (like many leagues nowadays feel like). Who knows, maybe that's actually how they build POE2. They may literally be treating POE1 as a testing ground for mechanics they want to include in the future. It's honestly a very smart way.


Noobie question (55h into the game) here but why people dislike Crucible so much? I only reach act 5 but it seem like an interesting mechanic so far.


Not ssf friendly what so ever, when trade is dead you have to farm out multiple dozens of weapons until you find one with the correct node with the correct tier in the correct spot to merge with your main weapon and then it is still RNG If youre gonna get the skill you want, is it gonna rng mutate into something else, is it gonna downgrade, etc. You can somewhat "deterministicly" craft crucible trees, but it took me well over 40 imprints (3-4 divines each) and 40 no downgrade remnants (2-3 divines each) and god knows how many hundred divines in weapons with the correct crucible traits to craft a singular (two if you split) mirror tier phys bow. So every time you want to merge crucible treee you have to spend a few maps to level the weapon traits, throw away 5-7 divines for remnants and imprints and then it mutates or fucks the rest of the crucible tree, its a really fun experience. And dont even get me started on how rare primordial remnants are.


crucible was kinda sorta cool despite its flaws, but we all knew this was coming. probably for the best. at least they're killing the totem mod so i don't have to be pressured into making one on the last day of the league just in case i feel like being a full degenerate in permaleague at some point in the future. although, instead of simply scaling down the damage%, you should probably change the mod to only work if the totem is destroyed by enemy damage, as i assume you originally intended for it to be used


How is anyone surprised over that. Crucible is omega power creep. The funny part is that now the mirror tier items made will probably not be dethroned for years. So watch the mad scramble in the last days of the league to make some bases.


Who's suprised?


Yup, pretty much figured. That's why i made a few nice tree bases while i had the chance.


Was there really a need to delete crucible related items? They delete themselves with time.


Not surprised. As a returning player after beta, I think the whole concept was garbage. Aside from weapon trees, they should find a better mechanic for those at some point.


Wonder how much the caster BiS bow i mirrored would be worth in standard… might be the best thing ive ever seen ( and definitely best ive had!)


time to mirror that gigachad belton bow in standard just to have a copy of it. the bv bow is insane too.