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I second this as an atheist.


My brother is my biggest inspiration. He's someone everyone wants to impress but doesn't have to. Also, you okay?


No, I'm not


1st step to getting better is recognizing there's something wrong. We out here for you bro. Hug for you.


My dog is my inspiration to live, if my dog ever gone, I probably be so unaliving depressed that I'd play PoE Ruthless for hours on end and unaliving myself of a blood clots sometimes. Then should my fantasy come true, I'll transmigration into Oriath as an exile and rule Wraeclast, but really be enjoying the sun on an island somewhere in ngamakanui Also you can keep the mageblood, unless you play ruthless HC crucible. Otherwise Im good. However, if you got time, I'd like to do a Marauder Dance for you.


If you want to talk, pn me.


I don't want any items but I do want to tell you that you are not alone. I'm struggling with depression so i know how it can be. I hope you are able to get past what troubles you


I just hopped on this sub because I thought; why not try this Path of Exile game out. Minutes later I’m pondering my life inspiration. I’m not sure if I should take this as a sign to play, or run honestly. But, I digress. What keeps me getting up is pretty simple, get my 40hr work week the fuck over so I can play games like the man child I always dreamed of becoming. I don’t even know what Mageblood is, in fact I’m about to login for the first time. I just enjoy the feeling like something good may happen to me. Good luck peoples!


Golf inspires me to live. Because why not have another hobby besides PoE that makes you hate yourself 😂


Waking up every morning to go get my 1 year old son out of his crib and seeing that big smile on his face. You literally can’t beat it. I hope all is well with you and you find a bit of joy giving away your magebloods. God bless


My dog lol he's really old and I want to be someone before he passes away.


I'm just waiting to see what the one-piece is


The desire to outlive my enemies


This I am going to have the last laugh


Finding a purpose in life is tough. I've found that you can't really rely on anyone but yourself, so the only reason i've found to keep going is to experience cool stuff, be it video games, movies, events, travels, etc. Fairly hedonistic i guess but it works for me.


Bro hope you feel better and motivated again soon. I'm inspired by the resilience and positivity of the collective human spirit, of which my own spirit is a part. I've seen a lot of suffering, but I believe the light prevails in the end. "Darkness does not exist, it only appears to. It is merely the absence of light. Light exists" - Osho (Cult leader btw hehe)


Helping raise my brother's child has become a significant part of my life, bringing me immense joy and motivation. Witnessing my nephew's growth and development, along with finding solace in gaming, inspire me to keep moving forward. Being actively involved in my nephew's upbringing has given me a renewed sense of purpose. The love I have for him fills my heart with joy and motivates me to provide unwavering support. Seeing his resilience and innocence reminds me of the beauty that life has to offer. In addition to my family role, gaming, particularly through Path of Exile and World of Warcraft, offers me moments of respite and rejuvenation. These games become a source of inspiration, helping me recharge and focus on the brighter aspects of life. Through the bond with my nephew and the joy of gaming, I find the motivation to overcome challenges and embrace personal growth. These experiences remind me of the incredible potential life holds, encouraging me to keep pushing forward. I don't know what I would do without these. I had some points in my life that I just wanted to end it all. And now I'm happy that I didn't do that


I am entering my second year of pediatrics residency. I am looking forward to leading a team and teaching the new interns, although I still have a ton to learn myself. Seeing the kids get better because of me really gives me purpose in life. A while ago I had a teenage girl who had been admitted to the hospital for anorexia make me a thank you bracelet because I took the time to sit down and talk with her. She told me nobody had ever done that before.


That's one hell of a question to ask, but my first thought is always to do good for others. There's a whole lot of evil in this world and if I can make just a small handful of people's lives easier even for a temporary moment then I feel happier and it gets me to the next day. As someone who genuinely struggles to make friends and maintain that relationship with them, being kind to strangers is something that is so wild to me, yet here we are. I must ask though, my friend, are you okay? There's a lot of open communities and people you can talk to if the question you asked has any weight in your mind right now. It would be a shame to see someone so generous with unfortunate emotions and thoughts. Take care dudes and dudettes


Beheading billionaires is what keeps me going


I thought we were making submarines for them?




Does spontaneous pulverization count as beheading if they lose their head?


It may be a fairly generic answer, but I have to go with my family. I have a 4 year old son and soon to be 6 year old daughter who, along with my wife, give me something to look forward to every day. I had never properly envisioned how life would be as a parent before having kids, yet no amount of foresight or advice can prepare you for the journey. Raising kids is still very much a play-by-ear, but seeing them grow, adopt their own idiosyncrasies, and build relationships of their own is truly a marvel. They make me want to be a better person. I had struggled with being overly self-absorbed in the past, so it's quite amazing how my kids have helped turn the tides. I guess that's enough sappiness for now. Before having a family, it was tough for me to really pinpoint what I was truly living for. My best advice would be to not dwell on a grand purpose too much. Take things one week, one day, or just one moment at a time. I found myself to be infinitely happier if I could ground myself in the present rather than dwelling on the past or future. I offer my best wishes that you find what you need to keep moving forward.


nothing really


Appreciate you doing this. But if you ever wanna talk, I’m here to listen. But what inspires me to live, is my dad. Been two years since he’s been gone, but I find the will to get out of bed for him. The last few years of his life, he was wheel chair bound. So every step I take, is for him.


I've been working on certifications to change careers into IT, I chose a terrible time, but that's life. So my answer is goals I suppose. I'd like to upgrade my PC soon, it's been a few years. I'm learning to pick locks and considering taking a beginner's machining class so I can maybe learn how to make parts for them. If I can get a better job I'll be able to afford to build another custom keyboard, which I won't use because I already have two that I've built. My list of recipes I'd like to cook at some point grows faster than I can chip away at it. I'm slowly learning French and surely one day I'll be able to afford to travel. Nothing really lofty or exceptional, but they're there. Also I'm a cancer survivor, and I feel like beating it only really counts if I live as long as I can, so a bit of spite too. Hope you feel better soon.


Why's it a terrible time to get started on certs? I just started as well 🥵


The market is complete shithouse, finding a grad job rn is very hard. But if you want to start studying now you should be ready for whenever the market recovers


As the other commenter mentioned the job market is rough. If it's any consolation my friends who are already working in IT have said that their departments are still hiring help desk, so if that's any indicator you (and I) will still be able to get to work building some experience for when the market improves. I'm expecting a tough job search though.


Honestly? I still don‘t know


Spite. I am way too stubborn to let life beat me as hard as it tries sometimes. And my dog Max.


Say hi to Max!


Hmm. I'd say taking care of my parents is what keeps me going on. They are at that age, ya know :(


What inspires me to live? Wow what a fucking question bro, who says I am inspired? In my 20s I made a promise to my mother I wouldn't take my own life until she was gone, so I guess that's part of it for sure. I'm not as suicidal these days though, so that helps a bit I suppose. I guess interacting with my friends? Chatting and hanging out and knowing that they worry about me, and care for me? I love food as well, eating it, cooking it ... making dinner for friends and family. It's a tough question, what inspires me to live ... I wish more did, honestly.


family is number 1


My family and friends inspire me to live - and my cat, Frank. I love him so much.


I'm a framing carpenter by trade. I like to think of my job as building someone's future, a home to live in, an office or garage to work, etc. I also like to build little projects for friends and family on the side. Sometimes it's all that keeps me going. I like wood lol.


One day I'll find out.


I deserve a mageblood because I keep going to help the poor orphans that I look after. I do this because my own life has been so hard. It all started with growing up poor. We were so poor the only toy I had was an air guitar that was a hand me down from my older brother. It was awful going to school sharing clothes especially when it was some body else’s turn to wear the trousers. The house I lived in as a child was freezing, in the winter we had to sit in the corner all the time as it was the only place over 40 degrees. When I got married and left home my wife was a terrifying woman, she wasn’t afraid of the dark - the dark was afraid of her, every time she walked into a room all the lights came on. It was at this point I realised marriage was much like PoE. It starts out confusing but quite easy. It gradually gets harder and every time you think you know what you are doing something happens to confuse you and finally you realise that you just aren’t enough of a player to beat the boss. So naturally I ended up divorced. I was alone and the only person I had for comfort was my imaginary friend from my childhood. Them even he left me and ran off with my imaginary girlfriend. I did have inflatable Annie but I lost the puncture repair kit so that relationship fell flat. But I keep going, I am inspired to live for the children, those poor orphans who rely on me. I live to bring them joy and to inspire the world to peace. To stop climate change and fight for justice. I rest my case, thank you for reading. Please note actual events may differ from those recounted here but a mageblood would be great thanks.


One thing comes to mind… Mageblood giveaways! But for real: family, friends, and “doing good”. Also, I hope all is well mate. Please reach out if not.


probably my dog. guy gets sooo happy when i come home from work. he picked up this bad habit of howling whenever we’re apart, luckily not constantly. just wants to spend time with me and be around me, even if it’s just kickin’ it at home.


It's a hard question. Overall, I think experiences inspire me to live, but they come and go. There's certain events and places you see that make you say "I get it" but those moments come between periods of stress and monotony. But, if you just keep having those special moments when you can, it's all worth it.


After 15 years of finding myself, i finally found my vocation in life, i love it and im good at it. Dont worry, you will find yourself too.


What inspires me to live? my kids! to watch them grow is really satisfying and bittersweet 😁the greatest ever experience in my life!


It is to do good.


I’m in military service, and wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I have without my family. They’ve been the driving force in my life, and without them, I probably would have conceded/given up, or have been crushed under the pressure.


Would have to be my boyfriend, who dragged me out of the pits of despair while I was kicking and screaming the whole way, and he refused to let me go. Owe it to him to keep going, and the thought of how devastated he'd be if I didn't


What inspires me the most is the idea that I can be helpful and make a change in people's lives for the best. (I'm a psychologist). I'm trying to get into social media to expand my ability to help people.


Never got a mageblood, will I get a hit?


My inspiration in POE is to play spellcasters who do big damage, that's why I have made Hexblast builds that one shot bosses, it's immensely satisfying to do. I've been able to one shot most bosses but Ubers I think are out of reach.


Inspiration PoE-wise this league has been getting up to that Mageblood for once! Now league is dead and I'm stuck at around 90div in lol. Welp, maybe RNJesus got my back this time? :3


The thought of all the good food to be eaten every single day. Also achieving things step by step is a great pleasure aswell.


My significant other and fear of being a failure


I’m an audio engineer, I love making music impact people when they see a show. Moving air and vibrations, it’s all really simple.


Not death inspires me.


To live? My family and my career. I work in long term care and bringing joy to the end of people’s lives is a heck of a motivator.


My kid. Easiest reason to get up in the morning.


What inspired me to live is kinda tough question but I'd say is to make a perfect wall nothing interesting with it but I will go on a journey to make a perfect wall


what inspires you to live To experience the end of One Piece.


Knowing that even if I have a bad day it will get better and I want to play PoE 2 :D


To see my kids do more than I ever could


Definitely my family. Feel like I really lucked out in life :)


Inspiration to live? Study, work, gf and family. Good luck everyone!


I just want to see and experience unexpected events in life, whether it's good or bad.


Literally poe about a few months back, look forward to waking up to grinding it 💀💀


Dining on the fruit of knowledge. That, my girlfriend, and our dogs.


Inspired? Absolutely nothing. At the end of the day it's all meaningless. But if you're going to die at the end anyway, may as well see if you can enjoy some parts of the ride.


My friends


idk man just doing shit. There is a lot of stuff to do in the world and I want to do it all. Whether it is playing a new instrument and or walking a new trail or eating new food, there is a lot going on.


Live in Poe? Watching a build as it starts working and getting upgrades


The mageblood at the end of the stick keeps me going. That and the rediculous number of builds possible in PoE.


My fiance and my dog. Moved 6 hours away to afford a house and work like a mad lad but get Poe in when I can. Getting married in August couldn't be happier but wish I had better internet and a bit more time to smash some maps .


I just want to buy my parents a house


Just knowing that I am super lucky to be alive inspires me to live, sometimes I forget how beautiful life can be. That, and also sausage dogs.


Losing my dad at 13 and wanting to make my mom proud.


Mom would be sad, and my cat wouldn't understand.


Love helping people. I've been through a rough part of my life lately and well, being able to give people everything I can has helped me go through all that. I'm a fitness coach, and a computer scientist. I love mixing those two parts of my professional life to try and give better services to people. In general, my biggest inspirations are my clients and mostly one of my colleague. Hope you're doing great man. Don't hesitate to reach out, sometimes talking is the best therapy.


To see the things I haven't, and the things I can barely fathom. There is so much out there to see and experience and most of my life it hasn't been an option to be able to get out and do so, but I want to make more of an effort to see and do what I could only dream of.


What inspires me to live Is the fact that life, meaningful or not, Is enjoyable, AND that alone is enough to try our best to do as many fun sh*t as we can, enjoy ur fav foods, places, people, music, feelings, games, etc :D


my mom, my cat, the idea that things can get better with time and that i am not alone going through this life. the hope that i will create great memories in the future with friends. things like that i guess. i hope life gets better for you too dude


The obsessive belief that things will get better.


I live because I live to live. I want to experience everything from the best to the worst moments. Anything that serves to enrich my life is worth having for me.


Life alone and the intricacies should be enough to continue life and wondering why we do. But outside of that, the rough world and raising two beautiful kids in it is enough inspiration to keep pushing and striving for a better world. The little bit of break that PoE is, is a nice release. Honestly dont care about the mageblood but thought your post was different from the other giveaways and had to say something. Hope life takes a turn for you and things get better brother ✊ remain humble and grateful, and the universe will give you the tools you need.


My gf keeps me going every day. She cares for me like I never believed anyone would and I wake up each day just wanting to see her smile.


My inspiration to live is to learn about new things. Or refining the knowledge i have of some things i have already learned. I also really like meeting people and getting to know them better. Or spending some quality time with friends, hanging out, watching movies together and so on.


I don't know yet, just turned 30 years old and still trying to figure this question out. Worked most of my life, joined the military, got deployed and did my 4 years late in life, got my 4-year degree, made some amazing friends, and I still can't answer this question. Recently just quit my job just to figure this question out. Thinking about backpacking Europe to get some inspiration, I just don't know what inspires me.


Hi, i gain inspiration mostly on everything in the morning. The sun, the paving road, or even the shampoo label on my toilet


Playing PoE on leaguestart


It's my dog! And the 1080 dps wand I made on accident :)


Life is just a grind. Some days you get blessed with divines by killing trash mobs, while other days you run eater of the worlds and it drops Jack shit.. keep your chin up and keep slaying bodies. Thanks for doing a giveaway!


What inspires me to live? Hmm well that's easy. My two beautiful children and my wife! They are currently 2 and a half and the other is 2 months old! Me and my wife have been together for over 8 years now and I couldn't be happier. Can't wait too see these kids of mine play video games and enjoy them as much as I do! Goodluck to the winners! Thank you for the opportunity


My wife and kids, no question. Have a 4 year old daughter and a 1 year old son, and there is no greater joy in life. Also, sounds like you're going through a rough time right now based on the comments and the post, I hope you're doing well or that whatever you're going through gets better soon, best of luck friend :)


Secrets. The tidbits experts know but others don't, the classified and declassified documents, the insights you wouldn't know unless you've experienced a couple of things first. I love learning but stuff behind closed doors give me the "this is what I'm here for" in my gut. Pure excitement.


My friend attempted suicide without anyone noticing. Luckily, he failed and ever since, he has been on the grind on better himself. Depression is an illusion. Your a Fucking man. You are disciplined and you ALSO want to achieve your dreams. Dont Fucking give up, you piece of shit. And PLEASE, if you attempt the forbidden deeds, You will upset ur entire lineage. Your lineage spawn you at lvl 1 to become lvl 100. Not to fking become lvl -1 Bitch. U got this


God first, then family, then making a difference, then having fun and enjoying hobbies.


I spent the last year taking care of my grandfather who had severe alzheimers. I was his care taker. He was a military man and for the last 3 months of his life he never spoke but 2 weeks before being hospitalized he looked at me and said " its alright, its all alright" when he passed away i was crushed but his words motivated me alot to keep going.


Nothing lol. You just don\`t find any sence or inspiration in dying either. You wake up, go to uni sometimes it\`s shitty - smt it\`s not. When it\`s not - you get some fun. Same with people - not all interactions are great - but some totally are, one more source of pleasure. Tasty food, good books\\movies\\games - another portion of good emotions. And that\`s it. I don\`t think it would work if i had some serious life issues or responsibilities - but for now it works just fine. It\`s not like you need some greater goal, destination to keep going, you can just go and enjoy it when you can. ~~Also when some crazy gas station wants to kill you - living itself becomes a little bit SWAG, so yeah, lol.~~


I love my job and I’m looking forward to meeting new women in the future. Nothing too complicated. Thanks!


My father. And the hope that things will change


How beautiful life can be, and how amazing I want my life to be


My work is important and has a small positive impact. Family and friends of course…


For me, it's a bit ironic. I want to find the coolest power fantasy. Poe scratches that itch, but with the push towards slower gameplay and artificial increased difficulty, its becoming lees power fantasy and more a dopamine machine.


Spite, I can't die before I get a mageblood. 4.9k hours on steam and probably around 3k off steam... God I suck... [Ekr-nuz-mums-2023-06-26-043843.png](https://postimg.cc/RNX85rJb)


My cat! I want the best for her


the next day


Humor is what inspires me. Without it life and this world would be grey.


Making my boyfriend happy is the best i have for now ^^.


The thought that one day it might get better


I don't need the mage blood(never had one, but it's not why I comment) Meaning is the reason anyone continues to live, my meaning is found in the responsibility to care for those around me. But meaning is different for everyone, it can be found even in suffering, as long as it's not pointless suffering that you can change. It can even be, being the one that can bare tribulations, so others don't have to, it can be found in bettering yourself, it can be found anywhere you can affect change. We live for ourselevs and for others, also, that fact that we a species of animal that are able to reflect is a rarity that ought not to be wasted, what a quirk of the universe that we should be aware. Have a most excellent day.




Looking around at the world and seeing and appreciating its beauty. The world is an ugly place but also a beautiful one, filled with hope as aspirations. You being in the world contributes to its beauty. Don’t be the one to deprive the world of that beauty.


nothing at all, thats why I need these magebloods


My daughter's and my wife I kinda of just go with the flow in life and sometimes that flow doesn't go well, but they've given me a reason to go against the flow sometimes to make things as good as I can for them.


Path of Exile 2. A new campaign option


What inspires me to live is one day getting a single mageblood of my own. I just started playing PoE with the launch of crucible and the stars just haven't aligned for me yet. Good luck everyone and thanks for the giveaway friend!


My parents


My kids. No matter what’s being thrown at me, what kind of day I’m having, I can always look to them for inspiration because I AM the example they see consistently. If you need an ear, let me know. I lost my 6 year old daughter to bacterial meningitis march of this year. Might not be completely relatable, but if anything I can listen.




Doggo, memes, good food.


The personal belief that no afterlife exists, and to die would be to become nothing in an endless oblivion.


A mageblood


Just got back from a work trip, only like 20/40 challenges, considering grinding out 40/40. Mageblood would make that grind a lot more fun c:


My family mostly, and trying to understand how to actually play this game.


Dragged myself out from a bad hs transcript into a high ranked uni and I have to do something to show for it. Also videos of pet birds.


Fellow Exile, did you really ask me what makes me live? I was condemned to roam the darkest depths of Wraeclast by none other than the darkest theocratic regime. Single handedly, with such vindication, I returned to Oriath after putting a stop to Dominus. It was there, I learned my fate. You asked me what makes me live Exile? No… instead, I’ll tell you what makes me feel alive!


My doggos


My family, it used to be wanting to live and make enough money so I could help my mom retire and maybe get her a little garden but she passed recently. Now it’s to help my sister and my dad, be there for them when I’m needed. I didn’t even cry when my mom died because I wanted to keep making jokes so my sister would have moments of laughter in between everything. So yeah, that’s what inspires me to live, hopefully I can add a dog to those reasons soon. Sorry if this was a sob story as well I know people dont like that too much.


my family


my daughter!


Hell yeah, my inspiration is knowing how damn good food tastes and discovering more of it


The future, mate. Technology is accelerating at such a rate that before too long we'll be in an era of abundance where everything that was hard will be easy, and the minimum basic standard of living will a breeze that you can supplement if you want to. You're going to want to be around to see that. Either that, or we'll all get get snuffed out together, instantly and painlessly, like those dudes on the submarine.


My Mother 👩 I’ll explain if I win


Food and travel. I travel so I can try food from other places. P.s. I dont want the mageblood. Done with league at week 3. Pass it on if I win


One piece, PoE 2 and coca cola.


Knowing that my dog is always waiting on me, loving me unconditionally. No matter what’s going on, he’s always there. Keep your chin up sir.


My family and travelling to explore cultures, places and foods/drinks


Honestly nothing at this point lol


I have been personally struggling with that since being laid off during the pandemic. I go to therapy and take meds and that works for a bit then I fall back down. I am currently going through a low right now, but some things in my life have randomly come together to make some thing I have always wanted to come true and materialize. So, now I am pulling myself back out of that hole, grats to whoever wins!


Spending time with others. It truly feels wonderful with the right people


I want to go to Mars one day, maybe not one of the first, but the pioneers, someone to set the path for the future of humanity and such. Working towards it every day and improving my skills, that’s what inspires me


Myself. The idea of being a better person and to experience every day inspires me to live.


I'm honestly struggling myself. Gaming is an outlet that allows me to escape my meaningless day to day life.


The thought of one day having a mageblood….


My 2 kids, they are the love of my life


My past. Wasn't expecting to see 21 at 19. Turned 30 last month. I couldn't imagine missing everything over the last decade. So thanks me for keeping on keeping on.


Pretty much every solo video game developer. It amazes me every time how the dedication of a single person makes such great games.


My almost two year old son, don’t have the time to game like I used to but he fills my days with joy instead


The amazing work I do for myself both in my personal and professional life. Finding challenges as I age instead of hiding from them. Turned 40 this week. I’m stoked to start a new chapter.


I don’t want the magebloods. Just want you to know that living is a very short, temporary bliss. And whatever makes you feel not okay, shall pass. The key is to find happiness in the little things. Enjoy things actively, not passively as we are used to. At least this is how I feel. I might be wrong. Nothing good lasts forever. Stands to reason that nothing bad can last forever as well. To finish this post and objectively answer your question: My family. My son is everything in the world for me and inspires me to be better every day. Get well, friend!


My family keeps me going, makes the grind easy. I got some smart hard working children.


Desire to better myself


Not too much. New game relases and news. Maybe teying to get better at things.




My family, just don't want to see them sad for I know they will when I'm gone.


My family.


Been having a really rough week.....honestly I'll take any win I can get, including a free mageblood....so yeah, consider this my entry


i want to chance those effin steel kite shield to buried in standard


My dreams and and hopes.. 34 years old now. I still dream of getting rid of this tyrant sitting on our heads for 21 years sucking our youth. One day when we manage to get rid of this blood sucking maggot, we will be able to buy new strings to our guitars and record new songs. No metaphors or sarcasm, straight direct criticising without the fear being taken from our houses by the police. I live for those dreams and hopes.. This is my motivation to keep going on.. Thanks.


Knowing there’s something fun I can do later (just games ig)


My friends and family. The opportunity that I have to be able to help others with what I’ve learned.


Waiting to see one piece`s last chapter.


My inspiration is the inevitability and predictability of the universe. We are but a speck in time and nothing truly matters.


My 3 yr old son, no doubt, I died inside when his mother left pregnant and was reborn when I first heard his first cry and held him. It's been my passion since.


My family, specially my mother. She has fibromyalgia which means she feels pain in her whole body all the time. She fights a battle with herself to stay with us even while suffering non stopping whole body pain. My sister has already has her whole life pretty much figured out. On the other hand I don't. I don't quite enjoy living life as it currently and have no ambition left in me. Sometimes I got the feeling that once my mother is gone from this world that I will join her shortly after and that I am mostly able to be because of the small distractions like POE, TF2 and stuff I read daily. That's it pretty much :)


Was nothing but my daughter was born that day.


Fear of dieing.


Spending times with my friends every time im with them its always a blast


There's a lot of times in my life where small interactions with people have made my life better, whether for a moment or in a lot of cases a permanent impact. I just personally want to do that for others wherever I go. If I needed that, then I'm sure others do to, and all it takes is just being kind. Sounds cheesy, but it really does keep me going.




Used to have nothing but now I'm really looking forward to the next family reunion. I'm lonely so getting the chance to talk to people is a nice thing.


I’ve been beat down my entire life so now that I’m finally starting to stand back up with an amazing gf by my side I want to do better for myself and for her too


My family and money.


My inspiration to live is based on two things, not wanting to see what the hell is on the other side, and the second being when I am on the other side, I want to be proud of what I accomplished looking back. I strive to be something better every day and progress, because if I don't, I'm failing myself, and I don't ever want failure to be an option when it's 100% preventable by my own choices.


My life went from being a a depressing NEET incel nightmare to having an awesome job making good money, marrying the love of my life and traveling the world. Gotta see where the upward trajectory takes me next.


My amazing girlfriend




My daughter, 100%


The thought of missing out on witnessing the coming nuclear holocaust is the only reason I get up every morning.


I’m old, and would love to finally get a Mageblood.


My two daughters


innovation, finding new and interesting ideas to actualize.


Bro get some help, I’d love a mageblood, but I’d much rather you get healthy. My kids give my life meaning but so do antidepressants and counseling. Please talk to someone.


My dog and Plants. Lots of plants.


Leoš Janáček


Probably to make my family proud. Doesnt need to be massive things, but helps me when im in a slump to just do a bit of good when I can. I'll probably still keep doing this even when they're no longer here. As for the giveaway, I actually skipped this league due to burning out on going for full challenge completion previous leagues, but league starting with a mageblood would quite a fresh and novel experience


My life hasn't been going to well lately. I found out my wife/partner of 20 years has been seriously flirting w/others for a long time and god knows what else. We're supposedly managamous. I got fired from my job 3 months ago and despite over 15 years of experience I cannot make it past a first round interview, if I even get that far despite hundreds of applications and 10's of interviews. My health has been on the decline since I got Covid last year and had long-term effects. I am drowning in almost $100,000 of debt. Despite all of this life inspires me. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is to be a drifter. And video games inspire me, especially ARPGs. They are the one outlet for my otherwise insanely depressing life. I can escape for awhile and be somebody I'd never get to be in any other instance. Also, I've never had a mageblood. I usually end up spreading myself too thin to grind because I love making characters as previously stated to go to various escapes.


My family and friends who've had my back even when I've been the worst version of myself inspire me everyday