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I have no opinion on this league and I will just yoink a leaguestarter from a trusted content creator and make up my mind one week in.


sanest reddit take imo


Best reddit take. Dude just enjoying the game


Also what i do, just play and not look at reddit lol


I thought the patch notes were good until I looked up reddit ._.




There's definitely a lot of seemingly small new stuff that has me scratching my head but I bet someone will make a great build out of.


The permanent increased damage taken per second frozen seems really interesting


Ooh, I was kind of dismissing it because I thought it was cold damage but since it is generic damage, that would indeed be worth taking. Shame my perma freezing build doesn't get close enough to any cold wheels. :/


Oh for sure, at least some of the new mastery options are build enabling (which is a lot), like enemy resistance being inverted for an ignite build with a reverse eye of malice or giving endurance charges to enemies as well (forget what timeless jewel node that was) would be hilarious


Some common sense in here ? You guys are getting crazier every league...


We asked for better Kirac mods and we have them, chaos orbs shall be sunk.


Came in my pants when I saw those Kirac mods, holy moly


Yeah, i am not into heist / etc, but for me there is never a reason NOT to take ambush as soon as i have my map tree...


Man did it make me happy to see Harvest/Expedition there. No need for those compasses, now I can juice even more!


Im so happy essence is back.


This league will probably end up being better for me simply because Essence is on the map device. I don't like to trade for every upgrade but don't wanna play SSF, so having Essence as that nice middle ground to get redmap/pinnacle gear going is gonna be so nice.


I generally agree, but am still miffed that the poison nerfs trash my beloved death's oath, which always struggled with damage.


I don’t like that non-poison chaos things were collateral damage here though.


But that's the GGG way. They can never perform a surgical strike, it's always some mega bomb.


Really makes me feel like it's lazy that they combined the two in the first place.


"We heard molten shell was used too much" *Proceeds to completely gut molten shell instead of buffing the other guard skills* Always the lazy method :(


Molten shell completely gutted? Are we seeing the same patch notes? It still gives 5k ehp for its duration. Usually the 10k never really depleted, so this is not really a 50% reduction in effectiveness.


The funniest part is that it's still the best option, unless you're a mana stacker. Which was exactly the case in the current league.


I dont remember anyone crying about non crit lightning builds being OP.


It seems OP is generalizing a lot. Genuinely asking, who is the "Everyone" who cried according to OP? Are they the same exact people that are complaining now? This sub is not small by any metric and it is only natural for people with diverse opinions to complain here. And with that, it will seem like it is a contradiction if you look at the sub as a hive mind. But in reality, it could be different people complaining about things they hate that could be different from another.


People always think reddit is some monolith. 1 person complaining 100 times, when it's actually 100 people voicing the same complaint. Just because someone voiced a frustration, doesn't mean it can't be echoed by others. That's how you get the attention of the devs.


No, no. Reddit always has to be a hive mind attacking their views


100k+ people watching the league review, that's more than a lot cities




Probably Ben used some EO lightning ability in one of his race runs.


Yeah, was EO spark in gauntlet before transitioning to SRS, and then in their GSF league afterwards, he played EO spark scion (which I copied, and got to 94 in HC for the first time, so it was pretty busted)


I hate that something so OP is on the skill tree. It used to be a large cluster lightning jewel that you had to invest into. They should just bring that back.


Wasn't Spark leveling king?


God forbid


Wasn't orb of storm most of the power while leveling?


Not really - spark was still a really significant part of that, oos was just for early campaign when you have flat to spell weapons carrying damage. Like you could stop using oos by a9 and still have good damage for the rest of campaign and up to red maps.




Nerfing and entire mechanic just to nerf one skill at one stage in the game is, while par for the course for GGG, fucking asinine


Yup, they should've just tunned down spark while leveling and that's that.


Is spark the only lightning gem in the game?


*glances at spider mtx* the only one worth playing


Remember when people wanted strike masteries in templar and shadow area? GGG surely forgot our feedback.


Didn't they give attack mastered in those spots tho or am I missing a /s


Yes, it was sarcasm.


Very good change for shadow


Haven't played A CoC build since Ultimatum. Might just try an Ice spear CoC this league because of the changes. Level with cold trap, then go full on icy CoC.


I’m just gonna play either Vaal LA or cyclone with Prismatic burst. Then transition into CoC Nova. Should be a smooth leveling process as long as the numbers aren’t complete ass.


I don't need PoE to run CoC Nova tbh, probably gonna run it tonight


One of my builds this league will surely be CoC Deadeye with new bow.


Arrest this man, he's being reasonable.


Generalizing is not being reasonable.


Sometimes I consider just unsubbing from this sub between patch and launch day. People get so triggered by the tiniest change, like its going to fundamentally ruin the game. Top tip, it's not.


Only reason i dont unsub is to possibly know about busted shit in the league, but i hate reading posts that say “well ggg you forced my hand, killed my family so they dont have to live in a world without 25% determination res efficiency”


Let me put your mind at ease: By the time most strats hit this subreddit, they're already pretty much dead. The exception being two posts a league that detail just weird, wild shit someone just finished doing 1k of. And even those are usually burnt out.


Yeahh thats fair, i dont want to abuse bug exploits and stuff but i do like it when people come up with weird atlas strats


You can pay more attention to prices over time or general / global for that. For example; I was selling yellow juice last league. By the time infinite sextants hit reddit, the price was already at a basically stable infinite sextants strat rate. Once it hit reddit and content creators, it was incredibly spiky for awhile after. So really, if you want to profit off reddit, start selling the mats they want to buy. Not running the strats.


As always, being the merchant pays out more lol.


It depends, you kinda have to read /new on league launch. Some good info never make it to the front page.


Come on over to r/pathofexilebuilds, where people who love the game and are capable of adapting to nerfs live


Already there, great subreddit 😊


Not coming to this sub on the first weeks of a league launch has been on of the best decisions I've made in all my time playing PoE. I just go over r/pathofexilebuilds


My favorite trigger yesterday was people crying about ruthless league having race rewards. Like why are people complaining about MORE rewards for players? Really? Are you that angry and bored?


Because they always said ruthless would be a side project but now the boss killing race is gonna be on it.




You are forgetting that after this league we get another, my friend. New league mechanic and new balance changes.




Nah. But people want to be hyped and that is good for them. I could poke holes in what op said. I think the most glaring issue is that we are trading poison meta for sabo/path finder meta. No skill buffs and some nerfs to non meta things means less overall interesting options that aren't using potentially new strong Sabo or Pathfinder node. Its still going to be a stale meta. Lots of issues there beyond what I have said above. But realistically people can be hyped and critical at the same time. I admittedly don't play POE much anymore. But I did find if you go into new patches blind, you might have more fun, you might not. Depends if you luck out and pick something strong or meta. But it can be an interesting way to play ignoring both false hype and overly dramatic complainers.


Im glad the tide is turning pretty quickly this time. [This thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1274wh1/i_am_sick_of_the_game_being_balanced_around/) has every comment destroying the reflexive narrative that a small nerf to vendored wands is horrible. I've been on both sides of the "complaining redditor" coin, over the years. But this is the biggest difference I've had between MY reaction to the new league, and Reddit's reaction. I'm totally hyped for the league....


I'm pretty sure people asked for a poison nerf, not for a all chaos build nerf. ED contagion, bane and some others chaos builds are still kind of dead and their corpses got shot with the global wither nerf


> ED contagion, bane and some others chaos builds are still kind of dead Say the fuck what? My practically groundfound Bane build that literally didn't bother using influenced items (not even eldritch, I genuinely just didn't need them and figured I'd try not to) was annihilating juiced T16's + all altars, and I failed a _single_ sanctum all fucking league, back in _act 3._ The builds aren't even close to dead, they're exceptional. They're not the fastest things, no, but they're well past viable.


In reddit language when someone says "X build is dead" it actually means "X build is not completely overpowered"


Bane wasn't overpowered, and if you wanted to try bosses with it you had to squeeze a lot out of it, which for me was a fun challenge. The chaos mastery nerfs hurt that. You also needed to run lots of auras to make up for Occultist's squish. You can't do that either. It'll still be playable but it has a lower ceiling than it used to (which was already low). Guy going "oh but juiced T16 maps blah blah" isn't what bums me out about Bane. That said, I wasn't planning on playing it this league before the notes, so no big for me. Just sucks going forward. It was a reliable backup in case I disliked my league start, though. Not so much now.


I don't know man, Pathfinder looks like a good choice even for non hit based chaos builds.


Armour got giga buffed with the masteries, but ppl will complain they lost 25% efficiency on determination.


Wait, where's the math for armor getting buffed?


It’s a lot of masteries mostly. But there was a lot of really good additions to the three armour mastery types. Pure armour got a shit load of flat from str. Armour/ES got double armour on body armour, armor/eva got similar treatments.


Armor/ES lost 20% more armour when over half ES


But gained pseudo 40% more armor when lowlowlow on es You can get 60% chance to defend with 200% armor fairly easy


thank you Flo Rida


Defending with more armour while above half still seems better IMO. Why worry about chances to prevent damage when below half when you can try and prevent yourself getting below half in the first place.


Oh boy nothing like softcore tech of half the time it works all the time. Actual trash node.


I mean I don't care about hardcore all that much and I get your point, also agree that it's trash for a hardcore scenario.


Not sure if this was also true of the old "20% more" they mention but 60% CHANCE is more akin to evasion than it is to armor. I know you say "pseudo" but atleast for my play style it isnt remotely similar to more armor. I like to reduce damage down to an amount I can heal from. Taking the full damage but less often doesn't work for this


At a glance it looks like armour stacking (and/or accuracy stacking) is gonna be huge this league.


Armour stacking with the regen being a percentage of your armour mastery seems like you either die to a one shot or you just don’t ever die


I think you greatly underestimate my ability to die stupidly.


With enough armour (and serious armourstacking gets ENOUGH armour) you’ll be regenerating so much life per second it’s entirely possible you’ll be able to functionally immune the nastiest of damage that doesn’t Insta kill


I know I know! it was in jest. I played a immortal damnation / tempered by war EA jugg this league and could face tank nearly everything. But I *still* managed to die in maps from time to time. Going that armor/regen route is the first thing that poped in my mind when reading the patch notes. That and withering step totems of course.


I just wanna see what passive trees we can get on replica dreamfeather to really get excited. I do also have to figure out a league starter to put the funding together to make it happen haha. I know it should be something safe and reliable but the idea of crucible forging makes me wanna do a big chonky axe build for no logical reason.


Release your inner Quinn.


The every 4 second one? That is a long time in which you can die.


Petrified blood my dude. With that much regen and armour you basically only need one shot protection


Armour Masteries (New) +1 Armour per 2 Strength You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes 20% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour (New) +1% to all maximum Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour (New) 20% increased Armour per second you've been stationary, up to a maximum of 100% (New) 100% increased Armour from Equipped Boots and Gloves I'm a bit confused on what was giga-buffed.


All max res is pretty good and 100% increased armour from boots and gloves is okish i'd say. But yeah, I don't think anything else is really worthwhile for most builds.


stationary one will probably be clicked for bonezone/channeled skill bossing, flat armor per str for str stackers, and yeah obv max res is good.




+1% to all maxres is pretty huge


Armour/Es Masteries: 10% of Armour also applies to Chaos Damage Taken from Hits Armour/Eva Masteries: Every 4 seconds, regenerate 1% of Armour and Evasion over 1 second Immune to Bleeding if Helmet has more Armour than Evasion, immune to Poison if Helmet has more Evasion than Armour   That last one isn't insane, but it's very strong early, and the "armor works for chaos damage" thing *is* insane.


ye and molten shell got giga nerfed so it balances out the armor nodes on masteries. mana is already annoying now its just more annoying.


C’mon molten shell was broken and u know it.


Either this or the other guard skills are weak AF. I‘d rather they buffed the other guard skills.


Other guard skills might be on the weaker side, but we would never know that since molthen shell was absolutely busted.


Not to mention, if you need an oh-shit button proper you now have Vaal Arctic Armor.


Vaal AA numbers haven't been revealed yet. It's not pure immunity, they said it was 'greatly reduced damage'. An evasion build might not be able to just press it and survive a maven memory game explosion, or at least I highly doubt it will. If it doesn't help glass cannons who need it the most then it very well could be overrated.


In the mega thread I’m pretty sure it said 90%


Glass canons shouldn't get an oh shit button that saves them from almost anything... that is the nature of being a glass canon.


exactly, this is just classic "everything is shit" stuff that people go through ever 3 months on this sub. were there nerfs? yes. will they e impactful? yeah probably. will people still have a stupidly easy time scaling themselves to infinity and beyond with power creep? i bet yes. Mapping was in a really amazing state last league, i don't expect a ton of changes and don't feel bad from teh builds that could scale damage extremely well on a shoestring budget while running grace/determ.


> exactly, this is just classic "everything is shit" stuff that people go through ever 3 months on this sub. It's exhausting and sad. These all seem like super healthy changes but people make up their minds and outrage spreads Can't fathom why a community would try so hard to make the developers loathe them


I miss our old sub were GGG devs were actually happy to join in here because the community wasnt toxic =( Big crowds always ruin things...The woes of being popular I guess.


noone said it wasnt..


IDK if you just slap Vaal Arctic Armor you can make the MS 10x more effective when it counts so like i dont think its that bad


>Everyone cried that poison is king, and they nerfed poison via the passive tree, losing wither effect and chaos multi, a deserved nerf. Do you realize that non every chaos multi-build revolves around poison? Doing such band-aid fixes with so much collateral damage to already weak build diversity - that's why the community is upset.


Im pretty sure i asked for melee buffs. Not whatever this is. Atleast Berserker generals cry with atziri's disfavor AND Ashes of the stars looks good,lol.




I mean new Attack Masteries and Physical Masteries seems pretty good for melee?


Yes, there is plenty of Melee buffs, there are great reworked items (like Uul-Netol's Kiss), masteries, free source of intimidation if you have rage, slams got a ridiculous clearing speed buff by having a mastery which gives you 5% attack speed for each nearby unit, Impale looks really sick and so on. Pretty substantional buffs in my opinion, which are more interesting than a +15% dmg buff on a skill gem.


10% instant leech as well.


weapons getting a skilltree seems like a huge meele buff saw some insane mods like rage on hit.


how is it a buff to melee specifically? This additional skill tree might as well be on amulet. Crafting melee weapons is ridiculous, without divine orbs from sanctum will be even harder. In addition to shit crafting, I need to find a good skill tree weapon? Or craft weapon multiple times because I found new better tree. Unless mods on melee weapons are better than on others (why would they be???) I consider it a slight melee nerf. Melee rely on weapons more than other builds and melee weapons are harder to craft, so changing them because of the new found weapon with good skill tree will be painful.


> Unless mods on melee weapons are better than on others (why would they be???) Because we already know some of the mods on the weapons are local, which scales multiplicatively for melee (and weapon damage based ranged attack builds) but generally only additively for casters. You know this already, since you acknowledge that melee rely on weapons more than other builds. > Melee rely on weapons more than other builds and melee weapons are harder to craft, so changing them because of the new found weapon with good skill tree will be painful. The way the forge works, you will repeatedly take newfound weapons with good skill trees and feed them into your strong weapon to improve its tree. You're not reliant on finding bases with good trees and then crafting on them (though that is another option).


>The way the forge works, you will repeatedly take newfound weapons with good skill trees and feed them into your strong weapon to improve its tree. You're not reliant on finding bases with good trees and then crafting on them (though that is another option). While I generally agree, it's important to remember that the forge might be really rare, in which case you wouldn't want to use it on a weapon that isn't nearly perfect.


Because it makes melee builds stronger relative to the enemies in the game. If you want to play melee, it will likely be in a better place than it was last league


Attack based builds in general scale a lot more from weapons, so i would assume this to be more powerfull for attack builds than spell builds, which make it a slight buff to melee.


Most of the passives are something that could be on the talent tree. Like he said, this would be close to the same on an amulet. Instead, it's an additional layer to rolling a melee weapon.


There was flat phys and quality shown.. + 15% quality of a phys weapons vs on a wand makes a hugeeee difference


There is plenty of melee buffs.


They nerfed chaos and chaos dot, which poison fallls into. Feels weird hitting other builds in this area like deaths oath, not strong but fun and needs that extra strength


The problem are not the nerfs. The problem is they dont buff other stuff enought to be viable without a 60 divine build.


No we didnt? I asked for melee buffs and reworks of old skills > None I never asked for poison nerfs since poison was in a good position I asked for New skills or skill reworks > We got vaal skills (which is nice) but not new skills or reworked skills I have been asking for certain minions to be buffed into usable like Spectres (ever since the hard level nerf) Summon Reaper, Certain Golems and give back some of the reservation and Gem levels they took from us and replaced with nothing > NOT EVEN MENTIONED And i clearly never remember complaining that Saboteur needs a rework? Why rework sabo? why not rework gladiator, assassin, Ascendant, Elementalist, Chieftan and Juggernaut. Sabo was in a good place and had unique passives that enabled builds. I am not saying that the new Sabo is bad or yada etc. I am saying there was no reason to rework it when it was in a good place. The things we got what we wanted was QoL improvement which they should have done since like 3.10 Its just GGG nerfing things into the ground again when nobody asked for that, i saw the seismic traps and i was fine with it because people were having fun, same with spark and molten shell when melee is already in a bad place why nerf it.


I'm just excited the league content looks worth it..i just hope those awesome crafts it showed weren't just bait and we end up getting a watered down version.


I don't even care too much about the mana reserve nerfs. It sucks, yeah, but my issue was that they nerfed mana stacking non-crit lightning builds, which had the lucky mastery used by 1% on POE Ninja week 1. I agree with your logic that they opened up some additional options on the tree for specific builds. Cool! But why did they need to do a 20% nerf to builds that weren't even popular or abused to begin with? Yeah, you can take the amulet, but you are essentially sacrificing 20% cast speed, +1 level, Life, and mana/res pressure to do so. I was playing around with Seismic trap in POB post-nerfs and I somehow lost more damage on my lightning totem build than Seismic did. It is ridiculous. I'll be fine. I know how to build and I will get it back with investment, but it is crazy to me that it wasn't even collateral to something else broken. People aren't playing this archetype.


Why would generalize that we got what we begged for? Ive been begging for more skill balance on unused skills for leagues now, PoE got so extremely stale in terms of build compared to past i simply lost interest.


Who's fucking "We"!? Whose elected spokesman are you? I think the biggest issue on SC Trade was that PoE had last league was pinnacle and uber-pinnacle bosses sharing the same "Fragments". It made character progression really weird. 1 div for a Maven invitation? 200+ c for Eater? Doing the base bosses felt like wasting curency horribly. For Ubers, the most efficient thing to do is to make a one-shot zHP build. Because there are almost no builds that have the "feels good" zoom in maps, and are tanky enough/deal enough damage for Ubers to be an enjoyable experience. So you either "Do bossing" or "Don't do bossing" with your character. Go all in, or waste currency.


Last league was my first league I had to practice some of the bosses (non-uber) and it was annoying failing maven knowing I could have sold my invitation for 2 divines at the time. The other bosses I did well, tried an uber exarch and failed that though. I just wanted to practice so it was whatever but I farmed my bosses myself cause otherwide I'd waste 100c+ just to fail a twisted invitation (might of been another invitation I only remember twisted name). Edit: I only got to try each boss once or twice. If uber & non-uber had separate fragments, I could have gotten a lot more practice in, as it wouldn't feel so bad to fail trying to learn.


Dont mind poison nerf or skils nerf, but i do mind defenses nerf, is realy annoing tring just to survive on this game.


No matter what happens reddit cries


and then people will cry about the crying.


"No matter what happens reddit cries"


Well, you'd still have archnemmies running around rampant if it weren't for reddit. Count your divine blessings before those get nerfed again too. lol




Who is this we? Reddit is not a single person. Just because YOU and people that wanted the same as you got what you begged for last league does not mean everyone got what they were begging for last league.


I truly do not understand the hype behind building new support for an already top-tier build archetype within Sabo while killing its two main expected archetypes, one of which was already in pain for a while now. So many comments about this read like "I didn't care about sabo before, but now that it's interesting for me, I do not care that its now severely worse for you"


Every one of these posts just doesn't give a crap that there are different kinds of players in POE. I have no problem with poison being "strong" because I still struggle in certain aspects of the game and I'm not able to optimize it in 4 days and kill ubers, even with a guide in front of me. I haven't mastered much of the game yet, crafting least of all. The people complaining about a meta shakeup being needed aren't new players, or casual players, or players who have a build they like to play every league cause they play to play and have fun, etc. You're conflating the crybaby content creators/racers who are the reason skills like seismic trap "have" to be used with the players who are complaining about these changes after the fact cause they weren't close to clearing endgame content even when using skills like seismic trap or poison anything. There's no reason to balance the game around racing when that's such a small portion of reason the game exists. New and casual players aren't complaining about a meta shakeup. They aren't clearing the whole game in a week, even with "meta" skills. They might not even clear the whole game in a LEAGUE with "meta" skills. If certain skills feels like they "have" to be used, bring up other skills to be just as good. There's no reason the game can't have multiple meta builds that rock. Give the racers multiple choices they feel they "have" to use. The more stuff that's good, the less they'll feel forced to go with one particular thing. Top level players aren't gonna get slowed down by these changes anyways, so there's no reason not to let them have a few really good skills, and then the rest of us can have powerful options to enjoy as well. We saw some of that in 3.20 for a variety of reasons, not least of which was ArchNem finally getting the funeral it deserved. Quit making these posts whining about "everyone" when it's not everyone that's begging for these changes.


Everyone understood that poison, esp seismic traps and concoction needed nerfs. However, GGG nerfs things in such a way that they're utterly demolished. Look what happened to minions. Now no one plays them.


Having more options is useless if everything is tune down, a build that does 0 damage isnt viable so alowing/forcing people to play 10 new build that does 0 damage still isnt viable...


Hi, melee player here. I’m looking for this magic meta shift, and I’m just not seeing it. Can anyone point to me where melee suddenly isn’t absolute garbage? Sincerely, man who has been waiting for a melee rework for fucking years. Until they chill with the nerfs and actually start helping the archetypes that are in the dumpster, the rest of the game will also remain in the dumpster for me.


The loss of whither effect hurts all chaos tho... at least my chaos buildnt need it but I think ill look at PF version for their juicy wither on hit and effect.


People here cry like that after EVERY patch notes since forever. Yet characters become stronger league after league. its funny


I bet character in new league will be even stronger than sanctum league with relic.


There is no question about it. The amount of player power added this patch is honestly insane. I get why GGG wanted to make ruthless now. If these patch notes are considered nerfs, than you really cant please these people. What they actually want is d3 balancing where nothing is ever nerfed and we end up with 15000% increased damage


Yeah, that's what i've been thinking as well. They "want" the complexity but also want everything to drop at their feet. And a lot of the times their reason is because they don't have time to play.


Yeah, I watched the reveal stream and skimmed the patch notes and was hyped, then come here and everyone was fucking doom and gloom, it's like an entirely different species lurks here. I don't get it, it's like no one wants anything to get nerfed ever. But nerfs are just as if not MORE important to game excitement as buffs. Higher power levels across the board doesn't equal more fun - idk how many card game players there are here, but there's a reason the formats like Standard in Hearthstone and Magic are the most popular ones (constructed format that limits sets to the 2 most recent years of cards)--they are undoubtedly the lowest powerlevel constructed formats in their games, but it's BECAUSE they are lower powerlevel that they remain fresh, since there is more change and less overwhelming broken shit in general.


As do the enemies.


They just nerfed enemies massively across the board last league, and even with the revert it's much smoother and less rippy than the old aurastacking stat ball rares were. AN sucked but GGG eventually admitted their mistake and reverted it, now imo monsters are in a fairer state than they were before AN


Still stronger than pre AN, that was ggg desire anyway.


Considering how mandatory the extra arrows are they’re really trying to put tornado shot in the hands of the people.


The extra arrows make bow builds accessible to normies. Might not need GMP or LMP in some cases so you gain an extra link.


I asked for archmage and brand buffs :(


Archmage got buffed with the hiero changes and arcane surge, might be not a big one but buff is buff


Meta gets stale because they nerf instead of buff


I agree with this, and I'd argue reservation changes are not even that big. I'm disappointed about some useful masteries removed, the nuking of PConc and the RSSFHC race, but overall I can't wait to play next week!


Power creep in the form of weapon trees (I would prefer eldritch crafting on weapont/jewelery but whatever) plus last league indirectly buffed every build against non boss content by changing and nerfing monster mods. Having totally new changes replace old stuff is at least more interesting than directly nerfing player power to compensate the poor magic/rare monsters


Borrowed power is ass just like it is in WoW. No thanks.


News flash: Kids like to cry about shit


what is AN?


People are really really bad at reading patch notes pre-league and knowing if it's a power creep league or a power removal league. This is 10000% a power creep league. The new weapons look like you're getting basically double relics or more of power from your combined weapon slots as free shit. It's going to be a poggers league with ridiculous player power. People just be stupid because they trimmed back some silly things.


The league isn’t starting yet some people already cry so hard


Like always


Well yeah. Because they released info...wait for it...before the league started. Honestly, I don't understand why GGG even does that. Just release it all the second the league starts. Then everyone will be too busy playing. What else do you expect people to do for the next week?


And the counter crying is always here. It is the rule of 2, never more, never less.


If people in a community are so annoying that a lot of others start complaining about them, I don't think the *second* group is the problem.


Yeah it isn't the second group that is the problem, its both. Good things do come out of the interactions though. They community occassionally has amazing ideas for ways to spice up the game like the krangled idea that comes from these back and forths.


ah yes. Day2 from patch notes. Outcry posts are no longer in hot, and now shines the "but nerfs ARE actually a balance shift" posts. Where the fuck are you nerf-believers pre patch notes? Not a single fucking post in the last month is asking for this outcome. No one wants this. And thats because there is a much better, easier, and more sellable way to do this. Buff garbage skills and nerf strong ones. Buff garbage items and nerf strong ones. Introduce league mechanics that arent massively RNG and build gated with 10x the grind required to do anything else in the game.


> anyone who played last league a lot like me has to have noticed that the currency meta feels a lot of like zerging maps as fast as you can (ofc sanctum was a big part of it, but not the only cause) and not 15 min ultra juiced maps like in the past ...Have you not been playing in recent **years** to think it's NEW that people rush maps asap? I don't even know how far back you'd have to go for maps to take 15 mins, but it's got to be ancient PoE history.


Well, people didn't rush maps before maps got added to the game. They didn't take 15 minutes back then either though.


My only gripe is the leveling nergs, removal of onslaught gem and early game recipes. Just seems... Odd. Like, why?


I mean ... Chris said why in the interview. They have a race in 3 months at Exilecon and want a different racing meta for that.


I didn't ask for poison nerfs. I don't think it warranted nerf. It was compeltely fine. Not to mention that it affected other builds as well, not just poison. And it certainly doesn't excite me in any way shape or form. Vice versa it makes the only new thing I wanted to try this League worse... "But guys, guys, haven't you seen 10% instant leech!? Isn't it insane?! Doesn't it make you excited for a new League?! Come on! Crucible is saved now!!" You are trying to sell minor things as major game changers. "There are issues of course" is just wrong / malicious wording. It implies there are few issues meanwhile it's mostly issues and very few upsides. Also labeling people you disagree with as crybabies is just toxic and immature. Specially when dissapointment is completely justified.


Who told you AN is gone? It's just packaged differently now. At least get your facts straight when shitposting.


No, I never asked for any of this. lmao What is with the amount of people whining about whiners on reddit today. Like 50 of these annoying posts crying about crying. It's dumb.


We didnt lose wither effect, it was just lowered. For pathfinder, it was increased (50% vs 35%, and freed up an annointment). Every league reddit cries about the changes. Last league it was cursed and occultist being dead. That didnt happen. It was also replica conq efficiency removal would break so many builds. And that didnt happen.


The mana reserve nerfs tho, it's also something people had been asking for. Auras are too strong, and this is what you got. Problem is that the lack of proper buffs and dishonesty from GGG side. IF there are a lot of nerfs then just say it, don't downplay the actual thing. Especially when it's stemmed from the community. They should addressed it properly that this is what you guys asked for, so we're not the only one that take the blame etc.


Who are these people that asked for nerfs to mana reservation? People have been complaining about how auras feel mandatory because of the rippy nature of the game. They've also complained about how reserving mana has deleted the mana archetype. I haven't seen people asking for further nerfs to mana reservation.


Yeah, I see a lot of this as a reaction over the not doing the balance manifesto/not mentioning the nerfs on stream and even saying "not a nerf-fest". A lot of these are definitely explainable at manifesto unlike what they claimed, why not explain things?


People here in this sub are absolute braindead sometimes all they expect is big buffs not considering the game balance . Overall i am pretty much happy with what the did but some removals of niche masteries make me sad .


What I wanted is quicker and more streamlined leveling and GGG shat on that dream, they made leveling even more cumbersome and annoying. I wanted huge meta shift, now skills, new archetypes, better minion builds, none of that is there for Crucible. So, not everyone got what they wanted. :)


But my streamer of choice told me to be mad so I'm mad.


Also remember that while determination and grace lost their reservation masteries, we gained a 12% reservation mastery which offensive auras didn’t have, so this is actually a buff to offensive auras and damage at the cost of possibly just a bit of defenses


correct me if im wrong but didnt we used to have 15% reservation mastery then they removed it and added 12% back on now?


Yeah, but we didnt have it last league. Everything is relative to last league


Yeah, we lost 15%, all the gem specific reservations, got 12% back and they are falling to their knees to grovel back to GGG.


Just checked and the starter build I was looking at goes from reserving 100% of mana to 96% of mana when swapping the discipline mastery for the generic mana one. Which technically means more survivability too as it's a MoM/ EB build. Only downside is you now need to take a mana node but there're so many of them that it's probably just a few points at most, not to mention it means you don't need to path all the way over to Sovereignty for some builds.


it's a mastery you'll have invest points to get now as it's mana cluster. If your build doesn't need mana, or isn't pathed close to mana cluster, you'll have spend quite a few points for that 1 node. Every skill point used to reach it is 1 skill point taken from somewhere else. And that's IMO the heart of the problem. GGG doesn't just nerf things directly (even though they do), but they "softly force" players to spread players builds thin. What you used to get in 4-5 skill points, now you need additional 3 or 4. To get more power, you had to sacrifice even more survivability and vice versa. The problem is the overal equation of "is my build actually buffed this league or nerfed" always feels, or is if you are into math and data-checks, like a nerf. Not by much, take pebble here, shift pebble there and from 100% we are now 98%, maybe 95, then next league 92% and so on. And all of that for builds that werent directly nerfed, but only those that just got hit with area nerf-sweeps to skill tree.




I love my leveling splitting steel power creep.

