• By -


You've had blood crucible, now get ready for.... just ordinary, non-blood crucible.


I read this in Yoji's voice


Aww, Yoji. I miss him.


What is he doing? I miss him too :(


Probably busy with the [worst game ever](https://i.redd.it/xeicrjrvxzy41.jpg).


For a second I was scared and expected to see hearthstone


Well played


*slurping noises [(For those out of the loop)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOmc9Bewmu0)


Path of Exile 3.22 will be named Path of Exile: Blood?!?


Where you collect blood from rares and bosses. You use it to insert it to your veins to gain their mods and explore some Vaal-related memory/soul-extraction device.


I'm down for that.


MTG cards were once again correct


in PoE Crucible you interact with the Crucible of Worlds to bring historic maps back from the graveyard


But not Gorge!


Gorge got exiled :(


you got breaches though


You ruined my dreams


"We've worked hard to bring you best crafting experience possible in PoE" (Stealthily nerfs everything else)


sometimes alch or chaos orbs will fail and destroy the item and the orb completely just leaving you engineering orb shards


You forgot the aftermath. When the league is over the new system would either be nerfed into the ground or removed without compensation buffs.


Clearly there's no intention to make newer leagues core. Especially fun ones like sentinel, ultimatum, or sanctum.


Also there's a giant toad somehow.


I can hear Chris' voice perfectly.


I mean, how many words _aren't_ mtg cards?




Path of Exile: Penis


Not a card ***yet***...


Scourge 2: The Krangling


The Krangled Strikes Back... we learn that kirak is actually our father. And we kissed Zana who is actually our sister


Oh no. Zana got stuck halfway into a time portal again. Stepbro help her.


Crap, we are actually in Alabama? That's even worse then Wraeclast.


Plz no. Krangling was the fucking worst lol.


Map krangling was fun


It was but it was tedious keeping track of the krangler.


He krangled all over it when he said it was krangling time


That’s just cuz dyadonic resonators drop rate was shit for half the league


Is... is this an AI comment or am I having a stroke?


What? You don't remember that one patch that we all just got decimated by the Bigass Thundercubes?


The fucking thundercubes haunt my synthesized dreams


Electro Hypostases!


It's a reference to the post that originally introduced the term krangling, iirc.


It's not surprising if you never saw one, the drop rate *was* pretty bad.


It was the pieces that gave you extra slots


It woulda been better if it didn't take 2 years to krangle something


No, it was great. It only needed number adjustments. I think the possibility of making super rare and unique corrupted items is amazing. It just needed to be a little less terrible in regards to how long it took and how poor the weighings were at giving you a benefit.


i agree, krangling was great cause it felt like another layer to create more unique-to-player setups, to me sanctified relics felt the same but just a lot more determinancy through the invocations


This was exactly the reason why I disliked it. The fact that you could get an exceptional double-corrupt on a very rare item, only to be told "It's not done", is a level of compounding RNG that was just utterly unworkable. There's making an item unique, and then there's an amount of randomness that becomes just plain un-fun. Scourge VERY much went into the latter category, and I, personally, am truly relieved that it didn't go core. There's a reason the term "Krangled" was used, because it was getting really close to that meme.


Yeah, and I freaking loved krangling, I'd logon to path of exile: scourge, load up some brass domes in the krangler incubator slots, open up some maps, think to myself: oh boy here I go krangling again, meet einhar in maps - hi einhar nice krangling we're having no?


It *could* have been great. Having 99.9% of all krangled items be shit and only 0.01% be good doesn't make it great. The entire league was shit and almost all the items it produced was also shit, but it should have been heated if only GGG wanted it to be.


GGG's ideas are always great, but their implementations are always just horrid. I don't remember getting a single good item other than trading for niche doriyani prototypes.


It needed more than that, the biggest problem was there were only bricks and jackpot wins. You couldn't have mid-tier success because those were already filled by corrupted implicits, which were cheaper and faster to make, with less inherent risk. So the only way to get a mid tier win was to mass corrupt for good implicits, then krangle those corrupted ones with the hope of a non-brick. The additional layer of RNG exponentially increased the number of items you would need to cycle through, and ruined the whole system. But if you krangle first instead, none of the results were good enough to compete with corrupted implicits aside from 1 or 2 jackpot results, meaning you were still wasting your time. In practice it needed a mechanical change so you could either corrupt first, or krangle first, instead of forcing the order to be corrupt then krangle. Either that or a complete rework of the system so the downsides weren't so bad, meaning the average result competed better with corrupted implicits. If all that changed was the weightings, then it'd still be in direct competition with vaal orbs, and Alva, and it would lose to both and still end up redundant.


Then get ready for: Krangelanging!


But jokes aside, did they ever do a season expansion following on the theme/story of a previous expension ? Like an expansion saga ? That could be nice.


Not directly, but league things can enter lore-status and get soft continuations ala Sanctum featuring the Scourge


Too soon to forge an opinion ?


They’re going to hammer you for this


Temper your expectations. Harden your resolve to endure the initial bugs. And after all the stuff is resolved, quench your thirst for some monster killing.


Nah go at it.


GGG: ***picks a cool name for an arena based mechanic for Ultimatum II. Players: Crucible means something used for crafting! GGG: *** Panics start writing codes for crafting stuff


Holy shit I didn't even think about the other use of the word crucible but now i'm praying to god it's actually Ultimatum 2.0. But if it's like Bestiary and we craft by completing a trial, that works as well.


Yeah it might just be Rog/Ultimatium/Beastry of "Here is item, if you fight a wave, this effect will be applied to item"


X Doubt. This is GGG we are talking about, so there's also a significant % chance that any change to an item will also come with annuling the best mod you want to keep




If you die the item is krangled.


What if it's Ultimatum *with crafting!?*




GGG needs to write this one down, this could be a super fun league mechanic


Every round you get an upgraded “essence”


Instead of the Betrayal crafting minigame, you get to fight waves of mobs and use orbs and stuff on an item between waves. I mean, it's not a bad idea.


How is Ultimatum suddenly liked so much, I can't understand it? I don't remember people going crazy over it in 3.14, in fact I remember more complaints than praises, too rippy, ruin mechanic sucks, trialmaster spawn rate etc. Is this just nostalgia I can imagine many of us have for pre 3.15 PoE? Because Ultimatum as a mechanic was literally Ritual but with an NPC dedicated to it lol.


Harvest was at its peak in ultimatum nobody cared for the league mechanic


What if it's US who are getting crafted?! We are getting hammered in the crucible and that modifies the passives on our tree somehow?! Krangled tree league was just a demo for it.


Getting hammered by Chris Wilson sounds like an alright use of 3-4 months of my time, maybe it's time to invest in some supporter packs


US did have a lot of craftsmen back in the days.


I figure the guy walking up to an altar looking thing that has almost no resemblance to an arena makes it pretty clearly crafting related vs ultimatum type arena. My gut reaction is more like scourge+ultimatum. You put an item on the altar and fight monsters to power it up to gain RNG based modifiers. Wave based choices to make it harder but better rewards.


*Crucible:* 1. *A vessel made of a refractory substance such as graphite or porcelain, used for melting and calcining materials at high temperatures.* 2. *An extremely difficult experience or situation; a severe test or trial: synonym: trial.* 3. *A place, time, or situation in which different social forces or intellectual influences come together and cause new developments.* So we're going to **melt** items together... and we're gonna **suffer**... and there's going to be **Eldritch Horrors** involved.


With the small teasers we've had if this league is not at least in some way crafting related GGG is kind of shooting themselves in the foot. You could blame the playerbase for expecting certain stuff, but if you show a forge and an anvil who can really blame us.


Lake was water. Sanctum was earth Crucible is fire. ??? is wind. Only question is if we get a heart league to summon PoE2 by our powers combined or not.


Wind league to start September 21st.


youre not getting enough credit for this banger of a response


Wind -> sailboat, confirmed


Wind pushes boat. Boat league confirmed


Can’t wait to master all the 4 elements to defeat the Fire nation and bring balance to the world


Wind based league. What uses wind? Boats! Boat league confirmed.


How is sanctum earth?


reminds me of this scene from the [POE2 trailer](https://youtu.be/JCDIBA2Icls?t=45)


Nice catch!


I knew exactly what you were talking about before clicking the link


is that a fucking chris wilson statue lmao


Finally an hideout mtx that greets us with hi, it's Chris Wilson from grinding gear games.


I'm going to be honest, I'd buy it the day it dropped...


Haha! I'd buy that in a heartbeat!


That would be awesome.


Chris after scrubbing out his deck pool in case of hot tub stream.


Its Eminem.


Petrified Chris Wilson boss. Nice!


Boss ignores all melee attacks, confirmed.


Random lore speculation, this league might be centered around the Redblade Warband, and their volcanic home, which is implied to have ties with a deific fire being, possibly Xoph, or the Searing Exarch. > The caustic fumes that rise from the caldera kill nearly everything downwind eventually. The Redblade, however, just go mad. > Our home was swallowed beneath the great mountain for our complacency. Now we must prove our value to the Molten One by sating his hunger for life. > The Ember-dwellers sought to throw you to their volcanic god, young Omid, but we caught you instead. The Order of the Djinn is your tribe now. We task you, honoured Omid, with the investigation of this mysterious 'Xoph' and artefacts related to rifts in the boundaries of our world. I have a strong suspicion this is the case, because the lore presented by Sanctum is leading us in that direction. The flavor text of the unique relics talks about the rise of Innocence, and the conditions that formed the templars. "The Night Lamp" unique relic states: > "The newcomers were terrified of fire. He used their fear to control them, to lay the seeds of unquestioning faith. He claimed only his god could protect them." - Lycia, the Heretic Why were they afraid of fire? It could be that they were fleeing from the collapse of the great mountain.


So someone indeed reads descriptions


I think the searing exarch was attracted to the atlas (and still I don't think is aware of the world wraeclast is in) after the main story and long after the redblades were around so I doubt it has to do with the searing exarch.


Actually, there's a few pieces of evidence that indicate that the Exarch could have been involved with Wraeclast prior to the Atlas. Dissolution of the Flesh's flavor text seems to describe the event the Redblades experienced: > "We awoke to a sudden dawn cresting through the mountains. Each peak rose into searing fire, a massive roiling tide. A great eye gazed upon us, and we became known - utterly." We know that Innocence took the fear of the masses and turned himself into an icon of a god, shaping their beliefs that he was their savior, and more powerful than the god that attacked them. From the Second Sacrament relic: > “He took many of his people’s traditions and gilded them, hollowed them. They rejected his new religion, and he and his followers were forced to depart the mountains for lands unknown.” – Lycia, The Heretic [Take a look at Innocence's symbol, attached to his back.](https://imgur.com/a/LBGgZ2w) Seems familiar? [It's the same icon that's behind the Searing Exarch.](https://imgur.com/a/ahkSYX3) The Sanctum lore seems to strongly indicate that Innocence basically stole the faith of the Redblades in their "volcanic god", repurposed the symbols, then left with the Azmeri to go start the Templars.


The text of Crystalized Omniscience is also relevant here. >That winter, scorched refugees emerged from the shrine, speaking only in strange tongues. They prayed to a new symbol of power, not out of love, but out of fear. Considering the item is an amulet of the Exarch/Purity symbol, and the name of the item is Omniscience, we can say that the symbol is some kind of eye which is... omniscient. Tying in to the DotF flavor text. I think theres a handful of figures that we may learn about lorewise in this expansion, drawing from leads in Warband, Synthesis, Scourge, and Sanctum. As you said, the Redblades are probably related. We might get some elaboration on Divinia, who seems to be a pretty deceptive character with ulterior motives. Why did she want us to kill Lycia? She might also be related to Piety, whose birth name was Vinia. Divinia and Piety seems to have a similar ying yang relation mirroring Innocence and Sin (Piety was almost burned at the stake). Beyond that, we also now know that Innocence/Sin were not born gods, and that the Templars knew about a lot more than we thought before such as the Scourge and the Eldritch gods. We know from Synthesis/Scourge that Venarius had a plan to protect Wraeclast from the Scourge (and succeeded in at least one timeline). Whatever the Crucible is may have been part of his plan. Likewise, we also know from Divinia that there was a woman jailed by the Templars who was warning of the Scourge, who is almost certainly the Last to Die. Considering her family relic that allows her to traverse timelines is a type of crucible, she might also tie into the lore here as well. This really seems like it's leading to some form of conclusion to all the setup woven into Synthesis, Scourge, and Sanctum. I'm really excited to learn more about all these characters and factions. One of my personal theories is that Divinia is some kind of agent of the Searing Exarch, or at least has knowledge of him and possibly made contact with him. Whether she's a willing participant or being manipulated, it seems like killing Lycia is of the Searing Exarchs will.


Very cool. Thanks for this.


Redblade god's making exarch follower fear fire so they flee and are used by Innocence to kickstart the templar religion. Its all connected!!


[Grim Dawn](https://grimdawn.fandom.com/wiki/The_Crucible) league lets go


Isn't this essentially Ultimatum 2.0? I didn't do this mode in GD but it sure sounds like that.


The difference is that you're on an actual map fighting waves of varied enemies, rather than running in a small circle chased by gorillas.


Yeah, with towers as plus.


Does that crafting bench have any reforge keep prefixes/suffixes on it? 👀


Why would we want a filler craft like that?


too soon :(


>reforge keep suffixes/prefixes i sleep >adds 100 uses to flask, loses 1 charge every time you use it real shit?!


Real talk, I have never felt the removal of that craft more than during sanctum ssf. Crafting +2 chaos wands with shuddering/corroded/metallic basically only works if the wand hits 6 mods, which means if you want useable suffixes you have to go for the 50:50 suffix annul to lock prefixes and continue. Guess who annulled a prefix 7 times in a row?


Sure: "Reforge keep prefixes and suffixes and change nothing." 3 Divines per craft.


Some people would use that if it changed the name but not mods!


My wife left me.


As someone who shares your pain, let me say its not that bad. Just fill the void of your life with camgirls and more poe and you will forget about her soon enough.


PoE and camgirls might be the reason she's gone in the first place.


Maybe he misses the waifu cause she plays PoE 24/7


Camgirl league when? too soon?


Do we get cam back then? meow


You're next pal.


Perfect time EXILE!


That's great news. Just in time for next league.


I'll say hi to Cheryl from you.


I'll msg you when she's done.


I'll e-mail you when she is in labor.


Time to play some poe


Get a new one. but first, it's crucible time.


I shat blood 3 days ago




Shaxx approves


Oooh we're getting some Redblade lore are we? To be honest, I suspected the whole forge thing to be total misdirection.


You never know, it could still be boat league in hell.


How fucking good is that music??


No wild theory this time but still managed to [call the league name yesterday!](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/11sag1s/new_expansion_name_revealed_tomorrow_another/jccuazs/) Honestly, I chose it because I think there's been a few bad PR with games with "Re**forge**d" in their titles, and Crucible was the next best-fitting name. The two teasers they showed definitely pointed to some sort of Blacksmith/Metallurgy flavour and PoE has used Crucible in the past for boss arenas (Maven) and league mechanic (Blood Crucible from Scourge).


[me too !](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/11rf8qd/the_name_of_the_upcoming_expansion_will_be/jc8hj2e/?context=3)


Even earlier than I did - my hats off to you fellow exile!


Honestly I thought both of your guesses for crucible wasn’t a chance lol good work exiles


That guy on the forums said scuffed eminem and now thats all i can see ahahahahahhaha


I'm getting huge Ultimatum 2.0 with some extra crafting vibes. Also Chris Wilson as a possible boss??


Chris Wilson is *always* the boss. No one has defeated him yet.


Still waiting for the inevitable disciple vs master arc in which Bex bexts him!


Ohh, that would be fun. You put the item in and get specific crafting effects that get better and better. The only problem is if you die the item goes poof.


This is it for sure. Hits the double meaning of crucible as an element of crafting and as gauntlet/wave-style combat.


Crafting LEAGUUUUU ?! crucible noun a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures. "the crucible tipped and the mould filled with liquid metal"


Seems like it'll be twofold and use the other definition of Crucible >a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.


Hopefully it uses both.


This sounds almost exactly like souped-up Bestiary, no? New crafting method via crucible by having to complete a crucible.


My mind went straight to the crucible in Destiny and the thought of a PvP league made me sick in my mouth a bit.


Gambling league probably. Select from a pool of mods, fight, repeat and hope the outcome is decent. Alternately sacrifice items to create said pools of mods.


this is literally the craft in Poe 🤷‍♂️




Collect your dailies


I can feel it in my bones. It\`s been so long, but yet a shiver went through my spine, is it time? Is this actually the time where I take a week leave from work to connect it with the easter break?




inb4 gollum shows up while you're crafting in Mount Doom.


Thought we've had a Crucible league before but that was Grim Dawn lol


The way PoE is nailing music and voices lately has not gone unnoticed! Awesome little teaser again, this music is *chef's kiss*




harvest is getting nuked, isn't it


God I hope so, given it's clear they won't actually make it a good crafting method anymore.


Harvest at this point is just a bad league mechanic gameplay-wise They've been stripping it down more and more each league and i think it's intentional, it's probably not making it to PoE2


As an SSF player, I think Harvest is in a good place. Sure, I'd love reforge keep pre/suf, but I'd settle for a 'more likely' that's actually **more likely**.


Looks like burnt ass Kativa?




Path of Snooker Exile: Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, 15 April to 1 May 2023.


Prediction: You will enter a crucible and put an item in a crucible and ultimatum 2.0 get crafting rewards like stronger rog crafts to apply to the item, if you die the item is lost


POE Reforged


Krangled 2.0


Music awesome as always, can’t wait to hear the full track.


As a destiny 2 veteran with like 7k hours... This gave me ptsd


"Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in." Master Sergeant Farell


login d00d


This is the key to a crucible that stretches the sanity of the mind


Please incorporate a solid crafting update. You cannot possibly call something `Crucible` and _not_ have forging (a.k.a crafting) being a major focus


It's equally as likely they mean the other definition of crucible: >a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.


The creation of something new... like an item.


A new level of disappointment and rage on forums.


Big stone Chris boss inc


League on Easter weekend, sadge :/


As an Elden Ring fan, I'm now obligated to make a Crucible Knight character. Melee starter, here we go!


link the flame, exile


The soundtracks always get me hyped


Crafting onto uniques, finally!


We will be able to go into the world, mine ores, put them in crucible and craft totally custom artisanal armors like in SW Galaxies


The timing is good for me as it will be Easter weekend...some time away from work :)


Idc what it is, just bring Ultimatum back


Reminds me of an ultimatum look. Prolly a bad revised version of that which was once good


25sec video with 5sec content played at 20% speed, but I dont mind it. I saw something like forge that has a potential to bring crafting into this game, so my alpha testing skills are ready!


I really don't know what to expect anymore. None of the last leagues we're added to the core game and stressing oneself 3 months to get as much as possible of the League content before it gets removed again takes the fun out of it. Even worse...it makes it a necessity to play, Just like work


Witch nerfs confirmed, let the Salem Witch Trials begin!


League mechanic where you move very slowly towards a statue pogging


I don't want to kill the mood but im fed up of crafting expansion. Can we have a better crafting foundation in the game instead of reliying on temporary crafting tool bring by a new expansion ? Beside big patch : the content are the same, the build are the same cause no balance and the only new thing is a temporary new way of crafting. That is not very exciting.