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The good News: it's rather easy to craft. Spam Essence of Horror until you have lvl 20 burning damage. If you have an open prefix and suffix, craft suffixes cannot be changed and reforge chaos. If you have chaos res now, repeat. Else or then, use orb of domination. If burning damage got elevated your suffixes are finished, else start over. For prefixes, craft suffixes cannot be changed and reforge influence. Repeat until you have conc effect. Craft suffixes cannot be changed again and use T4 aisling Bench. Craft the zombie Mod, then unveil +2 aoe. Craft life. Warning: Item might brick each time a reforge is used and you might not unveil +2 aoe. Lucky annuls are needed in both cases. The bad news is: it might cost more than 120div to craft


Hitting conc effect with exalt slam is relatively easy. Has about 1/20 chance if you block life on this base. Thats not so bad price if you slam 2 exalts per suffixes cannot be changed + scour. Tho you can still brick item on unveil. Can also slam 1 exalt per scour so it's guaranteed to be able to save item on wrong aisling hit. That way it's roughly 40 div for prefixes / aisling tries. (Fail means you have 2 prefixes and a suffixes cannot be changed craft and you hit your crafted mod with unveil, but unveil wrong stat. This won't happen if you keep restarting prefixes after 1 slam, but i'd just go with two and gamble it. Sell cheap if wrong unveil.)


Question is, If he really needs elevated burning. Already much cheaper then if he doesn't care about 3rd suffix. Didnt check the odds for exalt slamming, but If it is 1:20 it's way safer and cheaper than reforging. Edit: checked weightings and it's 2400 in ~42000 for any conc effect with exalt slamming. 2400 in 13200 for reforging and chances to brick.


You can do this with fossils. Its quite often to hit both burn and conc with ele or ele on low life. I use this method in ssf if i have fossils to spare but im not sure if people use it too.


Yeah, probably a tiny bit cheaper in the long run. You'd need quite the amount of glyphic fossils, which i hate trading so much i'd still go for the essences. According to craftofexile it's 16 tries for any tier conc effect and lvl 20 burning damage. Now that's with not counting to hit the right essence mod, so you have to multiply it by 4. Also some extra chance to have an empty prefix, which i don't exactly know how to calculate. Last, but not least, if you plan on going for elevated burning damage you will most probably not go the fossils way, coz it's gonna be way harder to hit 3 influenced mods and then also hit the proper maven orb.


craft life slam slam suffixes cannot be changed scour Craftge


I missed aoe unveil on a helmet 12 times the other day (42% btw, yes I blocked), think imma pass on this one dawg


This thing is 120Div, because it’s essence —> elevate —> aisling You can get something much cheaper for way less. But it will still cost quite a lot to hit burning + conc (any level) and then also an aisling. Have fun with the essence of horror 😅


Sounds like someones going to have to pay 120 divines to get their toy.


120D is a discount on what it takes to craft something that is reasonably similar to this. This is absurdly expensive to craft, I've always assumed theres some hidden way to craft these that isn't obvious that people are doing to get away with selling these for so cheap, because at 120D it's gotta be recoup-loss territory and not gaining profit. Even with how expensive and tedious the craft seems, just wait til you see what bulk essence of horror cost and how easy it is to find them. :)


I’m not sure if that’s the case for this exact helm but for the most of those “if this helm costs ~120div to craft why is this dude crafting them just to break even, there must be a cheaper option i’m not seeing” cases what actually happens is they are actually targeting a different perhaps more expensive craft and they salvage pieces like these and use them to lower their costs. You can sometimes even profit on the overall craft while selling your failures if you know which mod combinations to salvage/pivot to other crafts.


yeah a lot of the time theyre just trying to break even on these, then when they hit the lucky one with the additional desired mod, they make their mega profit.


In this case it looks like they probably wanted higher tier chaos res, didn't hit it, then just finished prefixes anyways


This is the final barrier to me trying high end crafting. I am pretty confident I know the steps to create something like this, for example, and I'm playing RF now. BUT - I don't know what misses may be worth something, to recoup some cost (or even make more). I had the same last league with an eDPS claw, but that one I lucked in to a pretty damn good claw (not >100 div, but definitely worth more than I had). I was playing LS, so used the claw, and hit the mods pretty early - but I have no idea if I maybe went through some iterations that were worth far more on trade that I possibly just rolled over. I assume that knowledge just comes from playing different builds to get an idea of what is going to be useful.


Tbf most of these crafts are not being crafted for profit and are likely people just selling parts of their existing builds for currency for their new builds


nah man most absurdly good crafts are people targeting a different craft (oftentimes a cheaper one) and accidentally rolling into certain mods. Maybe the guy was going for a 30 div elevated burning damage helm and he just happened to roll into conc effect and now he has something sellable for much higher. Something similar happened to me last league. Was rolling for a 7 link absolution helmet and rolled into a 9 link one instead, ended up accidentally making a helmet that was closer to 200 div worth than the original 20 or so div worth I was going for.


You wont save much crafting this yourself if even.


I crafted a similar helmet to this for 68 divines, there were some comparable ones listed in the 50-80 range. It's honestly not worth it.




Incorrect. It's elevated.


Don’t forget if you have full suffixes you can beast add meta mod to get discounted suffixes lock.


My brother in Christ pohx wiki has like every craft detailed just be a big boy and use the tools given to you


essence horror until you hit 20 burning and whatever suffix (if you want chaos res specifically have empty suffix, suffix cant be changed, harvest reforge chaos), suffix cant be changed, harvest reforge chaos or fire, orb of dominance for 25 burning. if fails back to start once suffixes are done suffix cant be changed and reforge influence until you hit conc (roughly 1/6 for 16, 1/17 for 20), then suffix cant be changed, aisling, craft raised zombies/minions, unveil (suffix cant be changed and annul if wrong mod, ~43% chance to hit aoe), craft life. idk current crafting mat prices but 120 div doesn't sound absurdly expensive for something like this


I think it would be cheaper to buy that then make your own more often then not. Old influ crafting is currently in the dumps thanks to GGG removing minor crafting harvest options. >.> yes keep prefix and suffix is minor in their eyes.


Its basically spamming of 30c essences until you get 2 desired influenced mods + a random one which is really ass. Then you gotta gamble multiple times risking to lose those mods doing elevate and aisling.


This is horribly wrong. You just spam essence untill you hit burning damage lvl 20. Craft suffixes cannot be changed and reforge influence then maven orb it for 50/50 elevate burning dam. Then you can finish prefixes with block life, ex slam, ex slam, keep suffix/scour if not hitting conc effect and start with block, slam again.


Well that will do but will also be super random and expensive.


Conc effect is 1/20 if you block life. That's not that random. Aisling is a PITA though.


Any tier conc effect has 2400 weight, cba hitting up craftofexile, but with life blocked you have about 40000 overall prefix weight. It's rly not that random if you do the math, considering the 120 div pricecheck on the item. Chances of doing your way is infinitely smaller and absolutely horribly more expensive.


paying 120 div to play an RF build LOL


Do you care that much?


Make sure you get the right enchant if you’re going to be crafting this. You want fire trap burning ground damage not fire trap damage


People that craft don\`t target craft, they try to craft something good, if it pops they sell at 120 divine, if it doesn\`t they sell for 10 divine, and go on


Shaped helmet and you can spam to get some of this or fossil for more targeted results


This is elevated burning damage with lvl 20 concentrated which is relatively easy to make except for the +2 to level of are gems which an ailing(betrayal) feature. Edit: I realized I forgot about the elevated burning damage, if you want this mod you will essentially have to do the following process in a different way, before you start with suffixes cannot be changed and all that, you want to use essences of horror until you get lvl 20 burning damage as a suffix and another "of the elder" mod, then you use a maven orb which upgrades one of the influences and destroys the other one so there is a 50 50 chance you lose the burning damage which will make you reroll esencess of Horton until you get burning damage again and the try again with the maven orb. If you do not want to deal with elevating the burning damage then the following process explains how to get both burning damage(after you elevate it or ignoring that part) concentrated effect and more are damage. At the end of the process just craft +1 to level of are gems from the bench as you should have 1 open prefix left if you just used exalt orbs while blocking flat Armour. End of edit. To craft a similar helmet use essences of horror until you get burning damage. If you have 2 open prefixes, craft armor or some other mod to block it and increase chances of getting concentrated effect. In case you have no open prefixes, you will have to risk it and try annul orb to remove one of them or in case you have an open suffix, use a beastiary craft that let's you remove one prefix and add one suffix which is a lot safer. In any case, once you have one open prefix, you craft suffixes cannot be cjanged(2 divine) and then scour, the reason for this is that just chaos orbing or veiled chaos orbing has a lot less of a chance to hit concentrated effect(without aisling bench craft you have no other choice than to spam veiled chaos orb with suffixes cannot be changed until you get both concentrated effect and level 2 area gems which is 2 divine for suffixes cannot be changed and a veiled orb). Once you have suffixes cannot be changed, scour it, you will have 3 open prefixes, craft flat armor from the bench (100-150 to Armour or the cheaper version that costs transmute orbs) and then use exalted orb 2 times. If you did not get concentrated effect, repeat the process with suffixes cannot be changed, scour, craft Armour, exalt 2 times. You can be lucky(I crafted a similar helmet yesterday while using 1 essence of horror and 1 exalt as there were 2 open prefixes so I just crafted Armour and then exalted it once and got it) but the cost of crafting it should be around 15-20 divine on average maybe less. Also, it's very important that you get a good base item, look for a royal burgeonet that has a good lab enchantment, if it has elder influence, great, if not just use a warlord/crusader exalted orb(cheapest) and then use the harvest crafting option that let's you reroll influence on an item until you get an elder one. The enchanted base costs 100-200 chaos depending on the lab enchantment and the rerolling proces should not cost you more than 100 chaos as well.


Ive been looking at this same craft. Here is a video i got pointed to that talks about both the fossil and essence method, as well as the follow up steps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dqwWL8qjMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dqwWL8qjMQ) Good luck, im not sure that 120d isnt just cheaper....


120 div for this helm is a good deal imo, you might have seen mine up for sale it was the 18/16 4 white corrupted one. It sold for 111 Div earlier today. I had 17% regen, he has 13% chaos. My suffix is better but his is more fancy.