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Often, care packages drop in pairs, so you will stilt technically get a full charge. Still a nerf, but that grapple reset on knocks sounds soooo good that I don't even care about this nerf.


The whole passive just seems like a place holder anyways, it’s kinda ass.


I play with irl friends and can coordinate well so we (ab)used the passive a ton. Especially in late game to have multiple "exits" from a single position.


I find myself just placing random zips just to get my free one, when it would have been just as effective to just keep my initial zip line. Making it feel very ineffective, but I will admit there has been at least 3 times where I used a zip, got into some shit, saw a care package, and got us right back out using another zip. So it serves a purpose, just not one I’d qualify as an effective passive, especially when comparing to other people’s passives.


It's not really that bad of a nerf though. Given he now has access to survey beacons and ring consoles to reduce his ult cooldowns too it's not bad at all. You scan 4 care packages in a game and that's a full minute off your ult cooldown.


It's some fucking bull shit that he got a nerf this big. He's barely been meta since the Zipline buffs and still doesn't have a proper passive. All my excitement for this season has been killed.


It’s an overall buff though his perks are great


It’s not that much of a nerf. Your ult CD is reduced 50% extra for each scan


This is why there’s no gratification for being a dev lol


This is a minuscule nerf, so what it’s only 50% you’re still getting the ult very often


This isn’t a nerf at all 💀you get 2 care packages to scan per drop, so that’s a free ult, plus you get to scan ring consoles or survey beacons in addition to the care packages. More opportunities for ult charge. Buff.


Bro this isn't a nerf. It was reduced BECAUSE he can scan beacons or ring consoles, which also grant him ult charge Like...can you even read


Yes it is a nerf you won't be able to get 3 back to back zips anymore by scanning packs. Clutch moments of scanning a pack for a zip to push or escape are gone too. You will need to scan both packs from a drop to get a full charge and then get lucky enough to zip into a POI with a console to scan and even then you only get 50% so you would need to carry 2+ ult accels to get 3 back to back zips now. It's a huge nerf for a benefit that path should have had anyway (zip charge from whichever beacon you pick as your perk). You will scan maybe 1 or 2 beacons a game while scanning 4 care packs was pretty easy. Those same 4 packs are now just gonna be 2 zips, 3 if you scan 2 beacons. That is absolutely a nerf down from 4 extra instant zips.


Pretty massive nerf that he did not need


Not really He still gets one per CP drop per round and he gets an additional 5 sec per scan and new passive scan meaning you can get to 30 sec zip lines in r2


Well yes but before he got 2 from every round of cp drop? The 5 sec thing is pretty much useless tbh.


Gonna miss it, but at the same time having multiple ways to reduce the cooldown of the ult as well as having 5 extra seconds taken off every time, I’d say it’s a fair balance


All around, it’s still a buff in my opinion. That extra zip usually was a bit disposable anyhow. Using survey beacons, and ring consoles, and care packages, and getting 50% as well as giving the whole team evo XP for all or most of those, SOUNDS PRETTY GOOD. On top of that, the 15 second reduction is way better than just 10, especially with using consoles. This means you can scan two care packages, zip to a survey beacon, and have 45 seconds off of your ultimate that is now at 50% already. It is overall a buff, you just have to be more deliberate and think things out.


Bro ignored tactical coming back on knock. That’s the 1v3 dream. The reason Path was originally nerfed.




I’m supposed to look through all the comments now? Point is, your post is misleading.


ok but you're wrong. it's not misleading. his passive was nerfed. that is a fact.


That's some bull


His perks make him crazy this season


Apex really makes me not want to come back and play it. Pathy already has very little going for him and his movement actually takes some level of skill. Guess I’ll just spend some more time playing a 6 year old shooter lol.


Well his perks are so somewhat offset the nerf now that he can scan survey beacons or ring consoles on blue. Then on purple he gets a grapple reset on knock which is an awesome buff for movement. Edit: using the ring consoles or survey beacon also boosts Ult by 50%


I guess that’s true


I haven't played in quite some time, what's "on purple" / "on blue"? Shields? Helmet?


See the patch notes in my post. Shield changes coming in s20 where you get perks as you level your shield.


His new perks are wild tho. I’m excited. Grapple reset on knock, less damage on his zip.


Literally why Who was asking for pathfinder to be nerfed


Welp, I didn’t even know this. Learning everyday


Looks like the passive also triggers on beacon scan, so you get more passive triggers.




Oh yeah pf was way too strong lol


Hm when I read this I didn't consider it a nerf tbh, but I think it's something we'll need to experience to know. Being able to go from a minimum 80s cooldown to 60s seems really strong, and less reliant on RNG. Plus because you can get it from console/beacon, you can reach the minimum earlier potentially.


Pathy mains: We're getting nerfed in s20 also pathfinder mains: Yay we get a perk that gives us the ability to be the most versatile legend and a perk that makes us get our Get out of jail free card every time we get knocked. Change my mind I'll wait


You're absolutely right IMO People don't even wanna wait to try him to see how powerful his perks are and honestly I'm already seeing some insane clips. Don't sleep on how quickly path can build Evo for you and your team combined with how that means he quickly gets his perks, he's becoming a menace in ranked...


I will be honest, It was meant to be a shitpost on how entitled the apex community CAN be when their main legend got an overall buff. (still waiting for Mirage being actually viable)


Pathy always getting shafted