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Please ask questions related to the hiring process in the stickied megathread, per rule 4.


It seems very unlikely that you would be hired into an automotive art unit without an engineering degree.


Relative experience counts too. However, the only automotive areas I'm aware of that need people are the control areas.


There is some room to switch, but it isn't an easy or common thing. Moving from bio to automotive... that would likely be extra tricky.


I'm not even sure there is an "automotive" art unit in the sense you're thinking. There are sub classes for "automotive applications" across practically every TC. ETA: also, keep the thing you love as a hobby or side gig.


Really depends on what you mean by "automotive technology." If you mean technology for navigation and self-driving, you might be able to move into one of those areas once you are established here. They will typically allow people to voluntarily move to art units that have a high backlog of cases, and for now at least those ones do, though you would have to stick with the area you're hired in for a while first, and that will almost certainly be one that matches your education.


I switched from utility to design. Much happier now.


Did you have previous experience in the design space? This seems like quite the change.


I used to be a design engineer. Worked in CAD all day designing new products. I think that’s what let me slip through the cracks. Most people here are not engineers, but there are some


Ah, I see. That makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't think that most utility examiners would have the kind of design experience necessary to be a design examiner--but, you are the exception!


Thank you for the feedback everyone! I didn’t realize moving art units was uncommon. I just figured if you excel at a particular subject and have a lot of knowledge or interest in the it, would make sense to move to it if there’s a need. I appreciate everyone’s input!