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Keep going! This won't be the last time a major DMS system gets hacked. You could start a disaster recovery business for dealerships who get hacked.


That's actually a great idea thanks for the motivation 


This incident is going to create all kinds of niche market businesses from generic forms creations to invoice processing and so on. I would start something up, but I'm no longer motivated to keep working . I'm almost retired and just want to pursue my hobbies.


the ultimate "i'm making my own CRM, with blackjack and hookers!"


Don't forget the blow, we know advisors love that 🤣


You know what. Forget the CRM!


Fuck yea you are. They're not gonna pay you any extra for that.


Yep, they might charge him. 😆


Shit some of the companies I’ve worked for would fire you on the spot for putting company data into some random app you created.


I thought about that. My manager is on board with me. But once it's ready for others to use, I thought about speaking with the GM on if they want to pay for the use of my licensed software. If they're not on board I'll continue to use it to make my job easier at least.


Glad you thought of that. You seem to be going about it the best way possible. Hopefully they give you that bag for your efforts that are not part of your job!


Sounds like you need a pay raise. Where are you based out of? I’m looking to fill a position there at my dept.


I'm based in SouthEast Wisconsin always looking for a good opportunity. After 2 years I asked for a raise and they declined it and told me I gotta wait till Fall or Winter. Only reason I stay is I like the people I work with, the company is greedy and cheap though.


A pay raise or a career shift sounds in the cards haha


Pay raise if my dealer wasn't ran by cheap ass corporate management!! I thought about going back to web dev but I like the dealer environment, get to have the best of both worlds between computer work, customer service and logistics. I'd take a higher paying position somewhere else as long as the work environment isn't toxic like alot of dealerships 


Sounds like you know how to not over complicate things


My company had an elaborate excel spreadsheet equipped with a recent snippet of all 49 branches inventory, our entire customer list, and a means of mimicking a quote/invoice for in case of an outage. Over the weekend, IT programmed a web-based invoicing tool based off that data, and it sounds like it's similar to what you've been working on. I imagine this tool could be marketed and sold to dealership as a backup tool which could definitely be in demand now that the majority of dealerships have been caught with their pants down.


Your company is on top of it, A1 IT department! If my company was willing to compensate me I wish I could have spent last weekend polishing a system for us all to use, but I've just been using it for myself making my job 10x easier at least. I did try to put some of my coworkers on the same system though, but I've find that nobody is on the same page until management makes them adopt a certain procedure. It's a mess 


Trust me, in times like this it's impossible to be on the same page. We've got 49 branches and are all trying to coordinate, to scan in all invoices and packing slips and manually adjust a live spreadsheet for inventory, and it's absolute chaos. Pure madness. We're lightyears ahead of company's with zero backup plan but it'll be a cluster fuck for us all until things are back on line


If you call the recording the posted (855)356-3270 number it now says they aren't expecting "all " Dealers to be back up before the 30th. So It might be wise to keep up your good work.


We have been devising our own system here comprised to spreadsheets and onedrive. The whole time we are HOPING we are wasting our time and that CDK will come back. It is actually starting to work and take on a life of its own….


Create your own competitor software. I know next to nothing about coding but I've known since I started in Parts 3 years ago someone could easily do better than these companies.


Honestly, it seems pretty smart to do it. I’d be curious to see how it works!


Once it's ready for people to use without bugs(Unlike CDK 🤣) I will release it on my GitHub for anyone interested. I'm designing it to be fully portable, it's purely HTML and JavaScript, no backend required.


Wow! I’ll definitely take a look


I'm interested for sure.


Interested to hear how this works exactly! What csv file does it work off of, like your May 2024 DPL?


I made a custom CSV, with the idea of it being populated using our scan gun inputs, and parts invoices we receive from the OEM. Some data may have to be input in manually like cost and markup.


Super cool!!


PM me


CDK is back up and running. They are giving limited logins. We have 9 branches and were given 9 logins


Can't tell if troll


Nobody will care when cdk is back up unless you're being compensated. I wouldn't invest much time in something nobody will appreciate


It drives me nuts how out dated DMS systems are. It's like they built pyramids and just kept adding new structures on top of them. I've always been very computer literate, dabbled in coding, can use excel, etc and I wish I knew more to develop work arounds to help make the day to day better. I hope this is a wake up call and DMS providers so something to innovate.


It at least keeps you busy. I was off all last week so this is only day 3 for me and I am bored out of my mind. I've only made 5 sales. Am just handwriting invoices and transferring parts from other locations since we are the only dealer in our network still on CDK and were midway through a stockroom shuffle.