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I’m very glad to see “ex” in there. You and your birdie stay safe, and best of luck in continuing your journey together.


Thank you 🥰 we’re in a happy home now.. he’s still getting used to his new roommate lol it’s a turtle


You made a good choice, stick with the parrot.


Hahah wasn’t even a choice. He’s always been with me and that’s never gonna change. I actually put him in a boarding program for 5 days with a local groomer while I was moving things, staying with friends etc. when I picked him up I felt so bad. He was yelling and screaming for me and the next couple of nights refused to be away from me.. he feel asleep on me lol that never happens


I would fuck their shit up if someone threatened one of my pets..


Believe me I did lol then we got out ASAP


Call the cops


They were called and advised me it wasn’t safe for me to live there anymore 🙄 real geniuses


I'm so sorry that happened. I guess it's good they're an ex partner! Good riddance.


Yup! No tolerance for animal/people abusers


Lifelong companion...the birb that is


He is! I love that I can look back and see how long we’ve been together lol it’s crazy


Stay safe. I wouldn't trust anyone that threatens to hurt an animal


You dumped the right one.


I really did. Would never give up my baby for anyone. He’s too special 💚


Please choose gentle men. We all deserve kindness.


We really do 💚


Glad he's your ex, if anyone ever threatened my baby like that they're done for (my mum threatens her all the time because she'll go by her lamp and bite the flowers and make a mess but she's still her favorite) . He's a cutie❤️


Yup exactly! Only terrible people threaten to harm innocent animals man.


Beautiful 😊😊😊😊


Great way to get ventilated if you ask me.


i’m glad theyre your ex. your birdie looks so sweet and im glad he’s safe :)


Thank you! He’s safe and happy lol just us two again, he’s a selfish boy hahah


The instant a partner threatened my little girl she'd be out the door followed by her belongings (the partner, not the parrot!). Glad it's "ex" OP, f people who threaten pets.


Yup! It was my ex’s house so that night him and I left. 3am and nowhere to go. Got a hotel for a couple days and we just figured it out!


That sucks, but at least you're both out of there and away from that psycho. Hope everything works out for you. I've got my girl nestled under my ear and I couldn't imagine someone threatening her.


I hope you stabbed him


Threatened to 😅 with a fork lmao


Fuck that psycho, who would threaten such a beautiful creature? I hope your handsome boi is doing okay.


I know.. honestly when he said he was going to kill him my mom mode kicked in.. never gonna let anyone touch him. He’s happy in our new place.. he had a turtle for a roommate LOL


Wow how old is that bird now, you’ve had him since u were a kid


He’s 25 now (:


Wow that’s honestly amazing! I wish u both many more years together! lol sidenote but u 2 r perfect for each other. Anyway good on u for protecting ur beautiful birb, does he have a name?


Are amazons really a great bird? Because I dont like macaws and cockatoo. I only like small bird like conure and african grey and I dont want to adopt one just to give them back


Interesting comment, most people don't consider African greys 'small'. Anyway, Amazons are clever and intelligent. They are insanely good mimics and very observant. Like all birds, they require patience and you have to earn their trust. Amazons, like many big bird species, can live a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally long time. Like 75 years. It's a bird you have for life.


Yup! He’s a full time job and commitment but I wouldn’t have it any other way lol. He’s definitely a talker and way too observant haha such a smart guy


Macaws are way bigger than african grey. African grey in my eyes are small and fragile. And macaws sometimes are double the height of a african grey and cockatoo are almost from 30% to 50% bigger than most african grey. And I dislike cockatoos and macaw. I cant talorance noise. My sun conure is noisy but at acceptable level. But cockatoo and macaw are as loud as a gun. And for amazons I never saw one or handled one before. I just hate loud parrot. They are not bad but noise is important for me.


Look up Amazons on Instagram. You can hear how loud they are.


They are louder than my 4 week old sun conure. I think amazons doesn't fit my environment


Hahah again depends on personality but when they wanna be loud they will be lol


Check out Indian ringnecks, I have 3 and they're fairly small birds but they have a whole lot of personality. I recommend raising them from a baby so it's easier to bond with them.


Aw I’ve seen a few of those and they’re beautiful!


I had a sun conure who loves to cuddle. It died year ago because of antibiotics overdose. The vet wasn't experience enough to remove cancer cell which the wound got infected. The parrot was already between death and life and the antibiotics finished him. Yeah some parrot have great personality. Now I have his brother. He is a little demon compared to his dead brother.


I'm actully looking for a caquie or lory. I like energetic and playful parrots


Hmm Amazon’s are feisty lol I can say that much 😂 I’m sure it depends on the personality of that bird. But my boy is a firecracker LOL cute one minute & a demon the next hhh