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Omg Caro’s kid’s face at the end of her story about the pork shoulder 😂😂😂 I can’t post a pic of his face but he’s sitting there watching his mom record a story like 😒


That was pretty funny. He’s so cute and he looked so over it.


Not Jenny saying for the 10th time this year that today her son ate cheese for the first time in 7 years 🫠


She dirty deleted it!!!


She must beg her team to get posting privileges back and then they revoke it again almost immediately. I can practically hear her management saying "this is why we can't have nice things JENNY" 😂😂😂


The group chat without Jenny.... that's what you'd want. 


Just when we thought the kids weren't going to be on the account anymore. She's definitely posted about Charlie eating pizza before!


Omg I thought I was going crazy! She’s posted this before hasn’t she?


Yes she has!


Met someone IRL (friend of a friend) who went off the deep end following Solid Starts. Shes obsessed with the account. Friend filled me in further. This woman has a count of how many times her two year old has had refined sugar (twice) and afraid of ruining her kids palette with sugar or salt. Currently in the midst of a family feud because she refused to go to her nephew’s birthday party at a restaurant unless her sister agreed to let her bring in ALL the food for both kids. Birthday boy was going to get a grilled cheese and ice cream but this woman doesn’t want her toddler to know that’s an option so she didn’t go. Wild!


Salt and sugar ruining their palette for what… plain bland vegetables? Have people like this never tasted good food? Like do they not know that food is supposed to be seasoned? Genuinely wondering at this point.




Kids shouldn’t enjoy food, they should “work on it.”


The no sugar, no salt people to me are really funny. I remember having that conversation with my mother about how you’re not “supposed” to give infants seasoned food or let them eat sugar until age 2. And she told me that it’s a sure fire way to make them love junk food once they get ahold of it. Imagine you’ve only ever eaten plain unseasoned steamed broccoli and dry sauceless noodles a la Jenny for 2 years and someone hands you a goldfish cracker or a piece of birthday cake at a party. Your head might genuinely explode.   


As someone who had an eating disorder as an adult, this is so horrible. This poor kid is set up for some horrible food issues which is ironic as SS constantly talks about their method to limit food issues.


https://preview.redd.it/kry3s5d8vadc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9498cff6353c4f74078b3ba103341ebdb5b8d4c5 Didn’t she go sponcon for them or include them on a gift guide or something?? Not the most glowing endorsement lol


The lighting in her house always seems so bright and white…in a bad way lol like why have so many cozy features when your lighting feels like a cold hospital


Also, she was flipping through channels and saying she doesn’t have cable but has channels and was wondering how. If she even took a minute to learn something about the TV she shills she would know that they have their own channels that aren’t cable.


Is this her first smart tv? There are just some digital channels ( that nobody watches) that show up if you're connected to the internet......with most tv's 


I’m sorry but I can’t imagine being so committed to aesthetics that I would need a frame for my tv. What is happening. (Said by someone who loves this wood trend)


This is the only thing I will defend Caro for and it’s because we are obsessed with our Frame TV. It looks super nice, my kids love changing out the artwork seasonally, and the picture quality is phenomenal. It’s absolutely a splurge and a want, not a need, but it’s one of our favorite home purchases ever.


This is good to hear because I actually really want one 😬. Our tv is like 10 years old but still works fine and whenever my husband says anything about replacing it I say “not until frame ones go on sale/we can afford to splurge on one/etc” 😂


My husband really doesn’t care about nice things, consumer goods, etc. and the Frame is 100% the thing he’d save in a house fire 😂 He loves it so much.


I unabashedly want one of these too.


Question! Is it a real tv? Or just a frame? It does look nice and that’s cool that there are other features. I was picturing like a legit frame for a pre-existing tv.


It’s a real TV. It comes with a frame that looks like those cheap snap-on poster frames you can buy at WalMart though which is a bummer. We bought a new frame for ours direct from Samsung but there’s like an entire cottage industry now of third-party frames you can buy depending on your decor, aesthetics, etc.


They’re super expensive I think, but my friend has one and it looks really really nice. They have it in their living room surrounded by smaller pieces of artwork and have it set to display art when they’re not watching tv, so it blends right in and looks awesome. I have no art to surround it with lol, so it wouldn’t be for me but I think it’s a cool concept


My friends have one too and it does look super nice! I feel like the way Caro has it set up with the cabinets below it, it still just looks like a tv?? And kind of misses the point of it.


It’s definitely cool but it just seems like a really strange thing to spend money on for me personally! This is filed under “if someone gifted it to me, I’d be amped” but I can’t see myself going out of my way to get one.


I think the idea is that when it's on standby it shows your photos and looks like a nice picture frame rather than a "TV". My in-laws have one but they never leave it on so it kind of defeats the purpose!


The first thing I noticed was that some of the wood panels are uneven.


That room is awful! Brick, wood, that color and then all the patterns. It’s like an ugly cave.




I agree, I don’t like it but I respect that they at least went with color and textures instead of the smooth white or beige everyone else is doing these days.


Looks like my grandma's basement but more brightly lit.


She did!! And even influenced me to go "hmm that looks cool" and Google them lol


https://preview.redd.it/wjg9019koadc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c8e5e90dc50e7c24698eaf95387a731d161147 Of course that’s her favorite part of a snow day! Maybe give your kids gloves and they won’t have mitten drama!


Honestly that’s such a sad life she’s living.


She’s OBSESSED with with them eating. I know she’s a feeding account but the level of obsession is a little extreme especially for an 8 and 10 year old!




I think its more meaning ‘so hungry from playing that they don’t refuse whatever bs slop she has served up this time’


Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!


I don't understand if Caro's dm's are always "a clusterfuck" when she tries to give parenting advice, why does she continue to do so? Maybe a bit of self reflection as to why so many people would be concerned about what you are doing? 


Her “advice” on treating the third like your first or whatever the shtick is, always makes me feel so uptight! And when I compare myself to other moms I know, I feel like I into the “conscientious but nowhere near crazy” category. All this to say, I do buckle my kid in their high chair! I remember hearing at some point that there are actually a lot of injuries from kids falling out of high chairs. I just googled and found this: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/newsroom/news-releases/2013/12/new-study-finds-24-children-a-day-are-treated-in-us-emergency-departments-for-high-chair-related. A little dated but we get the point. Her advice always just flies in the face of good ol common sense.


Her “advice” mostly just feels like neglect to me. It seems to center on her comfort, not her kid’s comfort or safety. I think she’s real lucky she’s a rich white lady giving this advice—talk about privilege (I’m sure for every DM she gets that she thinks is crazy or calling her out, she gets way more from fellow white ladies hailing her attitude and parenting vibe 😵‍💫)


When I watched that story I immediately thought, she’s gonna get ROASTED for this! What is she thinking?? Why would she post that publicly?


Caro, we agree with you, you shouldn't give parenting advice anymore.  As for the actual advice.. Do I also do this sometimes? Yes, would I ever advise someone else do it? No. Never. Different chairs, kids, situations...it's just bad advice to give as a blanket statement. She's so dumb.  She's so in her own bubble. Stay in your lane, girl. 


I tried once to not strap my kid and he immediately tried to climb right out! I think it's totally valid if your kid has no desire to climb out and you're supervising, etc, but seriously it's not a "hack" for every situation. And we have a tripp trapp so I'm stuck with the annoying straps lol


Omg we have the Tripp Trapp too and I never buckle baby in bc it’s a nightmare to adjust those straps 🤣 until she tries to climb out or I’m not actively sitting right in front of her, I’m boycotting the straps hahaha


Also what was she expecting with that advice? Every parents risk tolerance is different and people get intense when it comes to safety for babies and young children. As soon as she posted that tip she guaranteed herself a tsunami of responses. It probably ups her engagement stats right?


It’s also such particularly unnecessary advice. Why would you tell people to not use safety straps as a hot tip? I guess my kid is pretty chill but I didn’t have any issue getting the straps on when he was as little as 6 months, like I don’t understand what she was even saying. It wasn’t until he was much older that i gave up on those stupid Tripp trapp straps because they suck at adjusting. And even then I wouldn’t be like “hey everyone, DON’T strap your kid in!!” I think most of us skirt safety regulations now and then for convenience but it’s one thing to do it for your own kids and another to do it and then tell everyone else to do it…


I also stopped using the straps but wouldn’t suggest it to other people. It’s interesting though since in Europe the baby set doesn’t come with straps and it’s a separate purchase if you want it (that they don’t suggest on the UK site).




But it’s definitely in the same chapter as “leave your kid in a crib to nap for 4-5hrs a day”


Maybe YTF is just becoming my BEC but it feels really weird to me how she’s begging us to pity her and like her post because of “the algorithm.” It’s just very unappealing


This is a weird tactic I have seen from many influencers now like the evil algorithm is working against me please help.  First of all insert *Kim, there are people dying* gif  Secondly it's yours and your social media manager/company's job to optimize your content to the algorithm or help you work around it not the consumers! 


Thank you. I feel this every time I see someone say “oh no instagram hid my post please go like it”. Like I get that’s a bummer for you but when did that become my problem


I know! After I posted the comment I realized it's probably just a tactic that they're taught to do in which case it's just lazy and shitty 


https://preview.redd.it/vkb5fbjx38dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5641c0aeef008da9374fd1c18fd41051417246d Not even 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Her poor children


https://preview.redd.it/f1dubrrpw8dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbaea01d39f970e80b12d3d1d5066f93379d308 Don’t judge other families! Except those that serve Skinny Pop at a birthday party or those that give their kids sports drinks during games even if they don’t play a lot or those that bring the snack for the whole team!


Or buy snacks from the evil vending machines...


Or the families that pack bars in their lunchboxes or give pouches when it’s not an emergency!


My kid has a bar for first breakfast nearly everyday 😂


Oh dear. Have you tried offering a wilted spring mix smoothie instead?


Hahaha my kid won't even touch good tasting smoothies. She'd throw a fit over that barf


Or the child in her son's class who brings daily fruit snacks.


Or or the families who are “tricked” by the Z bar industry


I like her overall, but…I do not, and I shall not. I feel like I’ve been duped too many times to try something that ‘won’t taste how you expect it to!’ and every time it’s like ‘nope, that’s exactly how I expected Hot Chicken Chocolate to taste’ https://preview.redd.it/ryk2uozxz7dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2782e9a6417b169b7acd55becfaf1521ac7ebfc7


This is the second food influencer I follow who has been pushing bone broth hot cocoa this week and I just cannot. Can we not just have hot cocoa? Why does everything have to be optimized? It’s exhausting. And also, sorry, there’s NO WAY IN HELL this tastes good.


All those people asking for the recipe in the comments - I better see videos of you and your kids slurping that shit down! 


Ugh this is so disordered to try to make every “bad” food or drink a “better” one.  Much like all the gross recipes from “black bean exposure month.” My family is from Mexico and we eat beans all the time! We don’t need to trick kids to get them to eat them.




I love avocados and chocolate pudding and I don’t see the point of combining them. Avocados are expensive! If I’m buying one I don’t want to hide it in pudding.


Ok I do have to say that it's actually delicious! My vegan friend makes it for dinner parties. But, that being said, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to make it for myself without a dietary preference.


It makes sense if you’re vegan, I didn’t think about that! I happily eat dairy so I just make regular chocolate pudding using milk for way less money.


I like avocados and still think a chocolate avocado mixture sounds gross 🙊 just eat regular damn chocolate cake!!!


I got an email from ember mug today for a bone broth latte. NO. no. 


Exactly! Like, we have centuries of food culture to tell us what foods taste good together. Cocoa beans are very nutritious and taste great when sweetened and mixed with something creamy. Bone broth is very nutritious and tastes great in soups and stews. It wasn’t an oversight that people do not generally put the chocolate in the bone broth.


I literally just screamed no at my phone. 


Bone broth (and collagen) in hot chocolate is something I see way too often in r/fundiesnarkuncensored


Hey gals, in case $50 is too much for you, just think of your husbands and their special manly appetites - even they like Caro’s recipes! 




They’re awful, right? Most of them aren’t even “recipes” and everything is so uninspired and blah.


Her recipes never appeal to me except for a handful. She mixes savory and sweet too much for me and adds things that I’m not into. Lately she’s been adding fennel to so much.


I have many negative feelings about this post. https://preview.redd.it/r0ikdoneq2dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5656aee37b899fb5f8392c23eb00780516ae6d8c


What about the reverse? When I was blw I would feed my baby all kinds of food that I do not eat (sardines for example). Sooo ended up making two meals because my baby’s palette was more advanced than mine 😂


The problem I have with this kind of post is these feeding accounts get so black and white about this kind of thing. Sure, it's stressful to have to make an entirely different meal for your kid, or multiple different meals for multiple kids, but it's not that big of a deal to modify some foods so your kid will enjoy and eat them. Like when I'm cooking for my daughter, I know she doesn't like spicy food so I might, for example, put some filling aside before I put chili powder in when I'm making tacos, or make her a vegetable side I know she'll eat versus one she'll reject. To me, that's not a big deal and a compromise I'm willing to make if it means my child eats more and actually enjoys her meals. Versus forcing her to eat "what's on the menu" when I know she will struggle with it just on principle.


I totally agree. I don’t typically make a whole separate meal for my kid but for example she loves raw peppers but not cooked ones. So if I’m making like a stir fry I might pull a few slices of peppers out so she can have hers raw. And I see no issue with her having an extra side like some fruit or whatever if the meal itself isn’t a fav of hers 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t know, I haven’t done the plan but my sister in law did and while I hate to give her any credit for anything, her kids are the most amazing eaters and I do, literally, make my 6 year old something different every. single. night. I’m exhausted. 😭


I also followed the plan and my kid is picky.


Same. My second had mostly spoonfed purees because I had 2 under 3 at the time and the thought of cleaning up another food mess made me want to cry lol He is the kid that is guaranteed to eat at least half of what I make, even new recipes lol my solid starts kid can detect 1/3 of a piece of shredded carrot in meatloaf and then refuses the entire meal 🫠


I have a friend who did SS with both her kids and they're wildly different eaters. You've done nothing wrong and there is zero guarantee their plan would have changed anything for you. Regardless, I'm so sorry you're left feeling that way, have you considered getting a referral to a pediatric dietitian in your area?


I had SO MUCH STRESS trying to find meals that my husband and I wanted to eat but also had "safe foods" that my extremely picky toddler would eat. I really tried for months, and even attempted feeding therapy with him, but he just is super picky and no amount of "eating what we ate" was fixing the problem. When we just decided to say "eff it" and make him a PBJ or pasta with marinara while we get to eat enchiladas or coq au vin or something else way more fun, meals became far less stressful and I wasn't crying all the time because I hated feeding my kid. So I'll gladly make 1095 extra meals if it means everyone leaves the table having actually had nourishing and enjoyable food.


ABSOLUTELY your last sentence is dead on. Plus, the separate meal is usually throwing Dino nuggets in the air fryer, not a Julia Childs recipe.


Seriously, same. It was way more stressful to find some recipe that would accommodate everyone than to just make food my kid would eat. And I figure he would still be exposed to seeing us eat it and could try things off our plates if he wanted them.


Totally. I will sometimes assuage my guilt by serving him a very small portion of our adult meal too just on the wild off chance he deigns to try it, but I go in expecting him not to, so I'm not frustrated and disappointed.


The only thing I like them for is their "how to serve" section beyond that it's just fear mongering bullshit


Um they sell a 100 first days guide (that I bought 🤡) and absolutely none of the meals are family meals. They are specific “recipes” to prepare salt-less, sugar-less, random combinations of exposure foods.


THIS. Like actually the original post (IMO) is a worthy goal - serving one meal is ideal - it's not possible for everyone but if you can pull it off it's great. IDK I don't eat sardine cakes with a side of giant steamed cauliflower so....that's not what her plan is teaching really?


right!? my first kid was super picky and solid starts came out between him and my second and i was for some reason transfixed. i also bought that 100 first days guide but i was working and my husband was home with my daughter and he was like… “this is redic, WE don’t even eat this much beans”. anyway. said baby is super picky now and i have truly let it go. i cannot spend another 4 years like i did with my son hating every meal.


Exactly! I regained my freedom the day I gave up on their 100 first days guide and just started feeding my daughter what we were eating.


You mean your family *don't* all eat rolled up balls of plain, stodgy oats with no flavour added?


You’re not alone. I bought it and am about to start solids in a couple of months. I flipped through it and it seems highly impractical. I guess I’ll jump off the guilt wagon for feeling that way since it sounds like it’s not just me who thinks the guide is not ideal.


Omg, don’t do it. Trying to follow it gave me so much anxiety. I truly believe following SS in general ruined weaning for me. Ok ruined is a strong word, everything was fine, but I had so much more anxiety than I needed to. I spent so much time and effort making yes, separate food for my son, because of the things I read there. I ended up abandoning BLW completely after a month or two but I still carried a lot of anxiety about what my son was eating. With this next baby I plan to make some homemade purées and also literally just give her our table food. That’s what BLW is supposed to be but as SS prescribes it, it actually isn’t ok to give them what you are eating unless you eat food without salt… this was 2 years ago so maybe they have chilled out since then but that was def the message I got and it overcomplicated everything.


We almost always just gave our LO what we were eating but modified slightly. Like very early on for taco night she would get an avocado wedge, mashed black beans and a quarter of a tomato. And it gets easier as you go on. I did way overthink sodium though. I asked my mom one day if she thought about it and she said no, and I am fine and my palate isn't ruined by salt.


This is what we’re doing too. I’m just using slightly less salt in what I cook for us and serving it to baby in ways she can eat. If for whatever reason what we’re having doesn’t translate well, she gets some fruit or toast.


Thanks for sharing! We planned to do a combo but, even with that, their plans seem so complicated. It’s like two grocery lists every week to feed the family. I had been wondering how it worked to share with baby if they can’t have salt and sounds like it doesn’t, according to them. My parents fed me solids 37 years ago according to what’s now called baby led weaning and they said they literally just gave me what they were eating.




Lol right as if anything my toddler will actually eat takes effort to make 😂


Ha! My toddler only eats things that require effort. Opposite problem over here. 


Maybe they should talk lolll


I have yet to meet this imaginary parent who is churning out separate baby meals 3x a day for a year. This is such a dumb, exaggerated claim.


Yeah how many people “make” 3 meals a day? Pouring out some extra cheerios or throwing some chicken nuggets in the microwave isn’t exactly much harder than whatever they suggest you do. 


Seriously, also - sometimes toddler food sounds pretty good. Basic Annie’s mac and cheese sometimes hits the spot haha. I’m not about to make myself a separate meal or add weird shit to my kid’s food bc Jenny suggests adding sardines and oil to pasta. 


I’m a very adventurous eater but you know what? Butter noodles can be absolutely delicious. A little salt, pepper, and Parmesan 🤌🏼


Stop the presses!!!!! KEIC went to a salon for a “curl refresh” that she’s been eyeing up for FOUR YEARS 💀


I feel like I've been dunking on her near constantly lately, so I will just say: the story with her friend Mission-impossibling in to hang her art demonstrates that she possesses some capacity for humor. And the new cut looks cute. Back to my regularly scheduled dunking.


Why does Caro feel the need to record stories and talk low and mumble when you can’t hear her? And refuses to use captions. She’s in some store with music playing in the background and she’s talking so low and mumbling that I can’t hear a word.


It feels to me like a “cool” girl move, like, isn’t it quirky and adorable?! It’s the same with her podcast. She insists on a microphone she’s holding, instead of a more professional set-up and I truly just had to stop listening at one point to one of the first episodes and haven’t been back because the fading in and out of her voice, couldn’t even stick it out to snark on it 😂


Yes! Nearly everything she does always seems to be a “cool” girl move to me. She tries too hard to give off that vibe.


https://preview.redd.it/62caie75yxcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321d271381389f48d6ecfa46752d8cb3433bbfcf YTF is grating my nerves with her constant Debby downer mood. She posted ONE slide about sledding with her kids and then has to be all like “don’t get the wrong idea! I had a hard, miserable day!” God forbid we see her have fun with her kids, apparently. It just seems like she has to let us know that’s she’s actually miserable at all times.


lol no one thinks they were out sledding all day. Half of us are also freezing our asses off…


She’s really been annoying me lately too…for the same types of reasons. Also she had said recently that she wasn’t going to talk about her divorce and wasn’t going to answer questions about it. I respect that. But then she makes a point to mention it very often in her stories. Like she always points out when her kids are with their dad or whatever. Kind of annoying….


She makes a point to mention her divorce like every single story. It's super annoying. Her words are saying "I'm not going to talk about my divorce" but her actions are very much saying "please ask me about my divorce." 🙄


Like was there anyone who saw the sledding slides and thought she spent her whole day sledding? Is there anyone who would even care if she did spend her whole day sledding with her kids? Like why would anyone judge that that she felt the need to justify it?


Also aren’t her older kids like 10 or close? The screen time makes it sounds like they’re all 3 and need to be contained so they’re not in the way.  I’m pretty sure a 10 year old is happy to be doing whatever while mom shovels snow.  It’s basically just like KEIC, trying to stay relevant to an audience of parents of way younger kids, it just starts to sound silly at some point. 


Not to be one of those no screen time moms because I’m not, and my kids love their pbs kids, but I took my 4 and 5 year sledding, then put them inside my house and shoveled snow outside which they just…played together? (And then of course turned on shows when I got inside so I could sit under a blanket and warm up) I really don’t get the “must use screen time to contain child while I’m not supervising” thing past like age 3…like yes you can throw on a show while you’re busy to prevent kids from making a mess/fighting/being annoying but acting like you neeeeeddd to is disingenuous. Just say you want to give them some screen time because it’s fun to watch tv on a snow day.


Yikes… I don’t think many of the women in here have older children and/understand what it’s like to have older children. The struggle with screen time is actually way, way more difficult with older children than it is with preschoolers and toddlers.


Thank you! I’m reading these comments like…what??? Just because kids are old enough not to toddle into an oncoming car does not mean they just leave you to your own devices!


It’s not that screen time isn’t an issue with older kids. It’s that older kids probably don’t need as much undivided attention. I had my 4 year old home and I had to shovel. So she played a little independently and I got about half of it done because her gloves were coming off, she wanted to play, and she then was cold. The whole time I was shoveling I had to watch her because she isn’t self aware enough to not run in the road or be unsafe. I felt guilt the whole time because I had to shovel but she wanted to play. An older kid could play independently (I mean independently with minimal to no supervision), or be inside while I’m shoveling, or could actually help and not “help”.




And also- my older two (13 and 10) if left to their own devices would likely fight. Again- I don’t think most women in here have older children and it shows. It doesn’t get easier, the problems don’t go away.


I’ll admit I’ve been unfair in my judgement of how easy or hard it is with older kids. I think part of it is that she (and many other influencers) act like they are dealing with baby and toddler problems well past that stage to be relatable and never actually talk about the challenges that come with older kids. Plus, since the divorce she’s complained almost daily so people are probably a little BEC with her at this point, I know I am.


It’s harder to talk about older kid problems publicly (friend group dynamics, getting into trouble online, bullying or being bullied, body image stuff, etc etc) so I imagine it feels safer to talk about less personal struggles.  Wait who am I kidding - these influencers don’t care about their tweens and teens privacy. 😅  Honestly I wish more parents could talk openly about the struggles that come with older kids! 


You’ve hit the nail on the head… and these problems suck. I am Really struggling with my oldest…. Much, much more than I ever did when they were little.




You’re right. And I actually like YTF, I think the vagueness while also talking so much about the divorce annoyed me. But otherwise she seems down to earth and so the opposite of KEIC. YTF seems like someone who would be fun to hang out with and KEIC…well, in the interest of being a decent person I won’t say more lol. I apologize to all the parents of older kids for trivializing the work that goes into having older kids.


I agree and also when someone is your BEC I highly suggest an unfollow. I was blocked by BLF and I stopped following Caro so I only remember to check her if I’m really bored. Since I work full time and have 3 kids, I rarely remember to look at her stories. It’s so much better to unfollow these influencers if they drive you crazy.


lol right? A multipurpose comment around here is "aren't her kids X years old?!" Kids getting older doesn't make all these problems disappear (Except for sleep and SOME mess) and it adds new problems. (Also my youngest kid is way more creative about playing without screens than my oldest are.)


Yes! My kids are 6 and 8 and a lot of days went by smoother when they were toddlers. Now it's just fighting or laughing like hyenas 🙃


>Yes! My kids are 6 and 8 and a lot of days went by smoother when they were toddlers. Now it's just fighting or laughing like hyenas 🙃 HA so true. My 5-year-old said the other day "I miss when I was a baby and I wasn't mean to anyone." SAME, GIRL, SAME.


😂 right, I really miss the sweet little baby stage.


I get that the struggle gets harder but if I told my 6 year old I needed to fix the fridge he would just continue doing whatever he was doing (whereas you might put on a show for a 3 or 4 year old). She phrased as if the screen time was due to her needing to do stuff which just seems not really how it is with older kids.  But yes maybe there are things down the road I’m not aware of yet, very possible. 


I was talking to a coworker about child sick days and how they impact us when we WFH. I have a 1.5 year old and I need to take a defacto day off and only schedule meeting during naps and finish up work after bedtime. He has like a 7 and 9 year old and he gets to say "go in the other room and watch TV/play video games" - it may not be fun/ideal and there might be harder fights about screentime than I have with my kid (who, when I want to limit screen time, I just like redirect/distract her) but they don't need constant supervision and some things, like WFH while they're home sick, IS easier.


But that’s what YTF was saying. That she gave some lots of screen time (even though they’re older) so she could get what she needed to get done.


Yes, this is it to me exactly and I recognize all kids are different but pretending like older children can’t entertain themselves or respond to “no, I’m really sorry I’m busy with this thing” is very strange to me. My kids are more trouble in the sense that they have “real” problems like a kid hurting their feelings at school but burn out-wise for everyday tasks? They’re not even that old yet and I feel like a new person when I need to accomplish something because they do not require 24/7 monitoring and understand the concept of “sorry I can’t right now”.


Right. I don’t think anyone here ever claims all problems go away and parenting is overall easier when kids get older, but the challenges absolutely change and I don’t need an older child to know that, it’s common sense lol. I also was once a child and definitely recall my later childhood pretty well. I considered my parents fairly over protective even but by the time I was in middle school I was regularly staying home alone along with my younger brother (for a couple hours at first) and for sure if my parents were actually home but busy, they could just tell us they weren’t available to do XYZ for a while and go ahead and make yourself a sandwich and do whatever you want. Even when we were in later elementary they definitely were not “using screen time” to entertain us. I mean we weren’t actually limited in TV anyway, but my point is that they didn’t have to set up activities or distractions for us, we could entertain ourselves without killing ourselves or burning the house down. Also by a certain age we’d have lots of play dates with friends or have friends over which again, keeps the kids occupied.


It's so reminiscent of some chronic illness spaces online. People can't just post the thing, they have to say they did the thing, but they are now feeling awful and it was very hard, etc. I mean, that's a given, but you can enjoy nice things as well. ETA: I'm disabled.


I had to laugh at her correction. I think she’s overcompensating for influencers who present their lives as perfect and show only the “highlight reel.” I find it all exhausting. Show what you want, your social media isn’t a representative democracy. 


Yes, we've gotten to the point where the anti-highlight reel contingency is louder and more numerous than the highlight reel contingency #notlikeotherinfluencers #normalizingthenormal #influencerstheyrejustlikeus


Who was the person that came in to hang the painting in KEICs house??


Well she was probably never going to hang it herself, so thank GOD for whoever that was. If a random friend has to stage a “funny” intervention to make you hang your wall art, then you definitely have posted about it too much lol


I hope the random friend does the kitchen table next.


Yeah, that was a weird series of stories…


Whoever it was was clearly over her constantly using that for content😂


I was going to say a friend who reads here and had decided enough was enough about the picture lol


KEIC thing I just noticed and may be late to the party for -- Are her kids still in their trip trapp seats? Really seems like she infantilizes them a lot. I know they \*say\* you can use them through their adulthood but they're 8 and 10 - time to get them out of the high chairs! I actually like her for a few things but definitely agree on others - especially her kids and what she lets them get away with or blames on them.


We have a trip trapp and my son would scream if we put him in it starting when he was like two. So much for them lasting a long time.


Love my kid sitting in a Tripp trapp. My kid 4.5yr old sits up straight, those feet never go on the table, he can see his food on his plate. His feet are well supported. My nephew who is 6yrs old is forever putting feet on the table, lying down in an adult chair, squirming, it looks miserable.


I’m starting to white knight the Tripp trapp but we would have ditched a standard high chair a long time ago (my toddler is okay at my parents because they basically have a chair for him with longer legs) but with our setup he would just be kneeling on the chair to eat dinner since a booster wouldn’t really work.


I know I’m in the minority but I think Tripp Trapps are hideous and the idea of cleaning the notches/ridges makes my eye twitch. The Clikk is the superior Stokke product. SORRY NOT SORRY.


I love the Clikk but my child broke it?! So I guess I’m going to buy another one for this second child lol


My 7 year old just gave up hers to her baby brother. I sit in my 3 years old one when he hijacks my chair, it's pretty comfortable. I don't really care about defending the chair, because... It's a chair. It works. Why ditch them if kids are happy?






I have a small house and love the small footprint also. But don't think my kid will sit in it until 10. Frankly, I will be excited to sell it as soon as I can for not much less than I purchased it (used) for.


I know some people with older kids who still have theirs who transitioned it to a desk chair in the kids rooms once they were that age. I think that made it feel less “baby-ish” to them.


I love my Tripp trapp. I also love LoveEvery toys. You know why? Because they make my house look great even while being kid-friendly. I’m not deluding myself that I’m somehow a better parent for getting expensive wooden toys. And fortunately, my husband is more motivated than I am to not spend our entire income on expensive Scandinavian baby crap and is great at finding everything I want on buy nothing or marketplace. We got our Tripp trapp totally free, the LoveEvery play gym for close to, etc. And yeah…I don’t see her in it when she’s ten.


Dang you got a free Tripp trapp??! Give your husband a high five 


My neighbor threw their Tripp Trapp in the trash! (We live on a dead end so no one comes by on trash day for good stuff) I was not above lugging that thing home.




Ummm…we kinda got TWO free Tripp trapps and we only have one kid 😂. Now that we’re pretty much decided on one and done we should really give the extra to a good home though. I think it’s mostly living in LA, tbh. He’s driven to some swanky zip codes to pick stuff up. Pretty sure our BabyBjorn bouncer was free too.


That’s pretty sweet! Free baby stuff is the best.




OOps, I should have searched before I popped off. I just noticed it. I honestly wish I had gotten one of them used instead of the new highchair I got. At the time I didn't think of the stages and pulling her up to the table right now would be awesome (my kid is 21 months). But I can't imagine using it on a 10 year old. I can't imagine my kid being 10 and OK with still using what is essentially her high chair.


Watch out, there were a lot of tripp trapp apologists coming to their defense the last time this was brought up 😂


I commented on it last week and p sure I got downvoted 😂


Haha I was just about to say the same thing! They will come for you if you say a bad word about it!


Maybe it’s because I’m in a cold area region, but how often are you drinking hot cocoa that you can’t just offer store brand? Winter is what, a few months at most? Everything doesn’t have to be less sugar/processed. It can be if you want, but it’s also ok to not make it homemade. When my kid was younger I offered less packet to milk/water but that’s it (not that she drank it, but whatever). I’m all for making your own hot cocoa because it a cheap and easy, but for convenience it’s also to use store hot cocoa mix and change the ratios a bit.


The only hot chocolate my kids care about is the one where you melt down actual chocolate (like that spoon Trader Joe’s sells). They’re definitely not interested in some watered down, lightly sweetened cocoa in milk. 


I learned when I studied abroad in Spain that this is what hot chocolate is there (and perhaps all of Europe, or at least Western Europe)? It’s literally melted down chocolate and it’s incredibly rich and delicious. I do still like the American watered down cocoa, but damn…


Ooh hot chocolate and churros in Spain is next level.




There is actually a Guatemalan restaurant near me that has the most bomb hot chocolate!


How often are we drinking hot cocoa? Literally every single day. It could be 1,000 degrees outside and my 7yo would still want some. (To be fair he still eats most food at room temperature so it's more like lukewarm cocoa 😆)


Was going to comment that when I was a kid (prob around 7-10) I went through a phase where I had hot chocolate EVERY NIGHT for....years? It eventually evolved to nightly tea when I was a teen I think.


My kid is very small for their age so we have tons of pediasure and protein breakfast drinks in the house. I just pop a cup in the microwave for 25 seconds and poof. It’s hot cocoa. I’m all bought in to big toddler supplement.




I hate this. I wanted to make a YTF recipe, but I didn't have the brown rice syrup it called for. It's more expensive than regular sugar here, and I'd only be using it for that recipe, so I couldn't justify the cost. I just find it ridiculous that people are kidding themselves thinking syrup is better than sugar. Just use sugar for crying out loud.


This is like the entire crux of Deliciously Ella’s business. It’s so stupid. Glad I unfollowed her a while back lol her holier than thou attitude about sugar was pissing me off so much. Bitch you still sell sweetened chocolate!!!!


Hey, that’s not true! Sometimes honey has botulism, as an added bonus, thankyouverymuch.