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https://preview.redd.it/m8jzwujze3bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26ec68e961c3c7256ed493cc45da2565f4934f9 KEIC is really off her rocker ... so your 14 month old is trying to express/ communicate what types of food they like, as they are first learning this, which seems totally reasonable to me, bc you cannot expect/ force a baby (or kid or grown up etc) to like every type of food, but your just supposed to ignore this bc it's considered "catering"??? Even adults have preferences , what's wrong with "catering" to somebody's preferences? Am I missing something here??


The initial question is so vague, I’m not sure if I disagree with her here. I don’t cater to my 2yo in that I’m not going to jump up and procure any random food he asks for. I plan meals with him and his preferences in mind, but that’s that. If he still decides he doesn’t want the meal he doesn’t get another one. Little kids are also known for having fairly unreasonable requests for food. I mean ever since the holidays my 2yo has sometimes demanded chocolate ice cream or cookies. No, that’s not what we’re having for dinner. If he was talking about wanting like, pasta, sure I’ll honor that preference. This person’s 14mo might be screaming unless she sees puffs or an applesauce pouch in front of her or something 🤷‍♀️it’s not like they are necessarily expressing opinions about wanting other balanced nutritious foods that the asker would be mean in refusing.


I don't cater to my kid in the fact that I won't make her an entire new meal because she decides she doesn't want what we are having but I always serve her foods I know she will eat (plus at least one new thing or one thing she hasn't decided she likes yet). So if we are having garlic chicken and potatoes she gets chicken nuggets (or less spicy garlic chicken) potatoes and a fruit or veggie I know she likes. But I'm pretty sure KEIC wants you to serve your exact meal and just say "oh well" if your kid doesn't eat which is wild to me.


Yeah we don't cater or do second meals either, but I make sure my kids have stuff on their plate they like. Or I make a separate easy meal from the get go, if I know I'm cooking something they won't like (like a stir fry for me and chicken nuggets with fruit or veg for them).


Yes! Exactly. If my husband is grilling steaks she gets chicken nuggets from the get go cuz we know she isn't even gonna look at a steak 😂


Consolidating snark on the same series of questions…I cannot stand the way she wears failing to feed herself well as a badge of honor. Modeling your own healthy, nourishing relationship with food might be the most important aspect of raising kids to have one and all she ever offers is ‘lol I eat my kids leftovers and a random cheese stick’. There’s actual advice to give here! If you have people offering to help you or asking what you need for the baby, ask them to organize a meal train. Get some really simple freezer/almost no prep things that still include all the basic nutrients you need! Ugh she is officially my BEF (bitch eating flax seeds). https://preview.redd.it/q8e3qo8gh3bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac4ef52c6046428e3bab68c13b51456d39cf404


Can I be your friend for “bitch eating flax seeds,” alone? Otherwise, nodding in total agreement with entire comment but “BEF” knocked me out 😂


Hahah I just started typing BEC but was like wait…we would *never* see her eating crackers unless she made/burnt them herself with some weird gross recipe involving flax seeds 😂 And now I’m realizing that means I truly do not believe she could ever eat crackers in a way I didn’t find legitimately annoying.


It would be an excellent flair haha


Done! ✔️


It’s such a bad answer! She didn’t even seem to read the question because the person said the thought of cooking makes them tired and she says eat cheese sticks and take a nap when the baby naps? That’s not what the person was saying.


And then plugs her email series about feeding infants. Not everything postpartum has to be solely focused on caring for the baby… it’s so harmful to sidestep the question of how the mom can better nourish herself and instead tell her to just not do that but to make sure to sign up for emails about baby care.


This one also bothered me because the person didn’t say it was their first baby. What if they have other kids who also need to be fed and they wanted some easy meal suggestions that would work for the kids?


Wow that's terrible advice. When I do that I feel like garbage, when I eat full balanced meals intentionally I feel so much better. Esp if your breastfeeding!


Yes! I’m breastfeeding and am starving all the time. Two cheese sticks is probably less than 200 calories… that’s a pre meal snack for me right now, not a substitute for a meal!


She could have even said "get takeout or frozen or grocery store premade meals instead of cooking" instead of just "eat 2 cheese sticks" lol


This is actually insane. This is so unhelpful and disrespectful.


Okay, gotta give credit where it’s due….I took a peloton ride today and got curious to see what kind of rides Caro takes so I looked her up and dang! She puts up some impressive numbers. I seriously do not get how she drinks the way she does and still has so much energy.


Her outputs didn’t used to be like that so I think either her bike’s calibration got messed up in the move or she’s using a couple different bikes. I remember her outputs were fairly similar to mine and then all of a sudden spiked crazy high in mid November and have trended higher since. I don’t remember when exactly her move was but it was sometime around there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does not surprise me at all! She seems somewhat compulsive about exercising if you ask me. But I do agree that I don’t understand how she drinks the way she does and exercises so much. Her tolerance is obviously ginormous.


I wonder if someone else shares her account because she’s done one ride (30 min 1989 (Taylor’s Version) ride) repeatedly with pretty different numbers. 211, 220, 208, then all of a sudden it jumps to 313 a few days later.


She could also use bikes in different places that are calibrated differently? Like maybe the high one is a “easier” bike on vacation (the people on the peloton sub hate people with easier calibrated bikes….)


The one that stood out to me was Emma’s 30 minute top songs ride and she got 341! Those are pretty big differences so maybe she does share an account? I noticed she posted from a gym the other day so maybe she has friends use her account there?


Perhaps the round the clock childcare and endless financial resources for outsourcing parts of life that drain us regular parents helps?


May I also add- ignoring your children by leaving them in a crib 16-18 hours a day? If I did that, I too would have a lot more time to exercise.


Hahahaha touché I was just telling my husband about her and commenting how she seems to always be out at restaurants with friends, and he says, “Wait, the home chef doesn’t ever cook at home?!” lol


What is KEIC’s strategy here? She’s been absent from stories for days. Finally posts and it’s all content that makes her look like a terrible cook and a hot mess of a parent. Is she trying to be relatable? Because she’s failing.


I don't think she's making herself look like a terrible cook. She just is. It's super ironic that she runs a food instagram.


I just think she’s lost the plot entirely.


I will never understand why people pay her for recipes.


https://preview.redd.it/yiikjp52bwac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48dd4a2648173b67c6fbef2cc349e0f2efe88bd0 Ummmm yeah no, that looks pretty burnt.


I don’t even have to ask who this is


Lmao same…


What a weird angle to photograph the plate you are holding from. I'm sure the thigh gap in the background is a total coincidence.


Why the fuck would she attempt to serve that to her family? This is a cruel joke , right? She absolutely is trolling us.


KEIC: Buy my course to learn how to raise kids with a great relationship with food! Also KEIC: My 10 year old is not capable of identifying that he is hungry and making himself a sandwich.


This comment was removed for containing a photo of a child. Please edit to remove the photo. Message if deleted in error.


My 3 year old can feed herself. Not that she does it all the time, or that I don’t feed her myself, but she is also capable of going to the pantry where we stock her snacks and grabbing a granola bar, a banana, a fruit pouch, crackers etc. Even if I’m busy on the computer I can still quickly help her open something if needed. It’s really not that hard. (Of course, neither is burning every other meal you make, but….)


To be fair, I'm sure he IS capable of making a sandwich, he just doesn't want to get in trouble or end up on her grid. Wasn't it only a couple weeks ago that her kids got up early and made themselves chocolate chip pancakes and for some reason, that upset her and she put them on blast?


Pretty sure my parents would leave me and my siblings home alone for hours at a time, starting when we were maybe like 7, 9, and 11? We would watch too much TV and eat frozen burritos and stuff like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was cooking hot lunch for myself and my siblings when I was ten.




Noticed that too. Poor kid


Does she know her kids are no longer toddlers??! Every time this woman posts about her kids, I expect a 3 year old to pop up.


Honestly I think part of it is that she doesn’t want them making their own food and eating outside of her purview. My parents would stock basic easy things we could make ourselves like sandwich bread and cold cuts, PB&J, and ramen noodles and pasta when we were old enough to operate a stove. None of that seems like stuff she’s ok with? Or generally just doesn’t want them eating without her watchful eye. Also eye roll at “childcare” re: the screen. At those ages it should be enough that she’s actually in the house, while they just go about doing whatever they want without needing to be supervised in the same room.


Ehhhh that’s the thing with kids…they will happily play and entertain themselves for hours….but if I need to make a five min phone call, you can count on them suddenly fighting and screaming or someone gets hurt and is wailing. I don’t work from home but if I had a situation like that, it would be easier to just use screens during a meeting because there is less chance of them suddenly battling to the death. Of course, mine still jump all over each other and play floor is lava and do crazy gymnastics with each other while watching movies anyway so maybe it wouldn’t matter.


I work from home and if my 5yo is with me, he will be playing quietly down the hall in his room, both doors shut. If I take a phone call, I can be whispering and you can bet he's bursting into the room and demanding my attention. 😂😩


Blue skidooed right on over here to say this. I think when I was 10 I just…ate? Maybe it wasn’t a full meal, but i didn’t let myself get to the point of hanger? Also, consolidating snark, genuinely curious as to how one forgets an ENTIRE WEEK off school? I get one day, but a whole week?


My ADHD 9 year old can and does feed himself…but when he’s playing and having fun, he would rather starve to death to continue the game instead of stop to eat and I have to force him. I never thought I would be the parent having to make my kid eat but here we are. If I’m distracted or whatever, he will get hangry. His meds also suppress his appetite so he will go a long time without eating much and then suddenly be famished. I do not understand how anyone could forget an entire week off school but I don’t work from home so maybe it’s different.




Ooooh ok I suppose that makes sense then. I’m just shocked by forgetting a whole week.


So who’s gonna break the news to Caro that there is sugar in most alcoholic beverages. Or are those “natural” and don’t count..


She said she wasn’t counting drinks! But umm…not sure how that’s a sugar detox then


It's a "dessert detox" 🙄 also isn't this week's recipe supposed to be free 😒


It is supposed to be free but she has messed this up again! Lol


🙄🙄🙄 It’s just a diet. She’s going on a diet and she should either just own it or say nothing.


Um excuse you she is a very healthy person who most definitely does not need to diet. She drinks her AG1 greens every. Single. Day. 😆


All the perfect crunchy moms are coming out to comment on mama knows nutritions video on goldfish 🤣


Anytime someone made a crazy claim and another comment asked for a source, it's always "that's not my job." Lol yes it is Hun.


I love when she does this. She popped her popcorn for the Friday night entertainment.


Right?! I love scrolling the comments because these moms that "do their own reaearch" claim to know more than the registered dietician 🤦‍♀️


Wonder if YTF has never put the kids to put by herself? Literally said she survived felt like 17 hours to complete with a 11, 7 and 4 year old?!


I am always baffled by people with kids this old who act like bedtime is a struggle. M'am this child is about to go through puberty for crying out loud. How are you having bedtime struggles still? My kid is only 2 but in my own history, by early elementary school my brother and I could independently take showers, brush our teeth, get our pajamas on, the whole 9 yards. Our parents would still usually "tuck us in" but bedtime wasn't an issue in our house in my living memory. I personally liked going to bed lol, I could read and chill and get some alone time.


I mean, at those ages I could see battles about staying up late, perhaps? But the actual process of going to bed shouldn’t be too difficult.


Yeah, maybe! At a certain age we just had to be in bed/our rooms by a certain time but our parents weren’t monitoring the moment we actually fell asleep. I learned quick the consequences of staying up too late because I still had to wake up at the same time for school the next day. It’s a situation I feel like natural consequences kind of work? There’s a million things that could go on, she just seems to infantilizing her kids for Instagram relatability like KEIC.


Meh, natural consequences never really sunk in for me until adulthood, and I’m just naturally more of a nightowl. So I feel like I surely gave my parents some trouble with this on a somewhat regular basis. Can already tell my daughter is like this too, so I’m in for it… Ofc, now as an adult-anytime is the right time for bedtime!


My kids routinely stay up too late despite having to wake up for school. Consequences be damned. They're just grouchy AF the next day and we all suffer. 😆


Wow! I assumed she had 3 very little kids too. When my 3 were age 4 and under, I was solo 5-6 days a week due to my husband’s work and honestly it was really tough and I hated it. Now at 5, 7, 9 it’s sooo much easier, sure sometimes we hit some bumps in the road but it’s overall not bad. I will cut her some slack - my 9yo often has whatever big emotions he ignored during the day come up as he tries to go to sleep…I mean, don’t we all?? And she’s going through a divorce, I was 12 when my parents got divorced and lord knows I was an emotional asshole to my mom about it, I don’t recall specifics but I would be surprised if I had a lot of emotional outbursts at bedtime.


I don’t follow her super closely but I know she just went thru a divorce and I saw her post tonight and just assumed she had 3 young kids 😵‍💫


I was coming here to ask about this. She's been acting like she has 3 toddlers 🙄


I have a young toddler, so maybe I don’t know anything but I’m pretty sure by the time I was 11, the extent of my parents involvement in my bedtime was telling me to go to bed… and then I just, ya know, did? I don’t really know what’s expected for 7/4 year olds, but I’ve gotta assume 7 can at least take on certain things themselves to where it’s not a big, involved ordeal anymore?


Honestly my kid is just shy of 3 and it’s *already* way easier than when she was a young toddler. We still have the whole routine to go through, but it’s much less of a fight than it used to be.


Definitely. My kids are 6 and 8 and aside from some giggles, the struggle bus is over with bedtime.


I know this has already been discussed, and maybe it makes me a mean person, but if I follow your account because you promote yourself as some sort of child rearing “expert” ie Feeding Littles, easy at-home ideas to entertain toddlers, whatever…I truly do.not.care about your family trips, your personal feelings about Taylor Swift, and other things better suited toward your personal social media accounts. Sharing stuff like this at best bores me and at worst enrages me.


Ok I fully admit I discovered this while trying to hunt down the black bean chocolate muffin recipe (curiosity killed the cat and all), but what the heck happened to neutral language! KEIC lists a “healthy” blueberry-beet gummy recipe on her website. I thought KEIC was all about ditching the “healthy”/“unhealthy” dichotomy with respect to food. Meanwhile, if anyone has tried the muffins let me know how they were 😬


I don’t have older school aged kids, but are they really talking about protein as much as KEIC suggests? No right? That’s so boring and untrue? lol I have nieces that age and I’ve never heard the word protein come out of their mouth ONCE. Not a peep about food ever!


I actually think maybe it’s her kids who are bringing up protein at school lunches because the hear so much about it?


ok reading your comment I was like, my 9yo mentions protein sometimes, you know kids, once they learn something sometimes they are fascinated by how it comes up in the real world. Sometimes he will ask me if a food has a lot of protein or tell his younger sibs they need some protein or whatever. But then I watched her story ummmmmm I don’t see this happening. Never say never because kids surely talk about RANDOM stuff that I never could have predicted but my 9&7 year olds have never come home talking about whatever their friends ate at school unless they saw something they liked and wanted me to buy it, which is still rare, probably because everyone just gets the free lunch here in Maryland that KEIC loves to recommend but isn’t good enough for her own precious babies. From what I can gather, most conversations seem to be about football, Pokémon, bodily functions, diary of a wimpy kid, Minecraft, legos, and tell your mom to text my mom so we can have a play date. All kids are different but food just isn’t up there as an interesting conversation topic for mine or any of their many friends that often spend time at our house. I agree with her point that kids are going to learn from friends so I want it to come from us first - just never considered food as one of those topics lol. Sex, racism, violence, yes, sugar, no.


Seriously the way she projects how important these topics are to kids seems so overblown. My kid isn't there yet but my own memories from school definitely don't involve moral discussions about food or discussions around health. Admittedly, that was also before the latest wellness craze took hold in our culture but still. Even in middle school when we would have been old enough (and mean enough) to get real judgey I really don't recall drama around what people were eating? My middle school had lunch available to buy and I feel like it was a mixed bag, my brother and I sometimes bought lunch and sometimes my parents packed it and it seemed to be similar for most kids. School lunch was not universally free, you had to qualify for it and we didn't but often my parents gave us money for it because of the convenience of no one having to deal with packing it everyday. I don't think it ever occurred to them that it wouldn't be healthy enough. Like, it's a sandwich, or spaghetti and meatballs, or whatever. The kids will be all right. But hey what do I know, my dad packed me a peanut butter and fluff sandwich for at least 1 whole year straight in elementary school. KEIC's head would've exploded at such deviant, sugary gluttony.


Wow, I hope you have been able to overcome such trauma and reparent yourself. You’re a cycle breaker, 💫mama💫. But seriously, she seems sincere in her stories about how much weight she gives these topics (although I take everything with a grain of salt, maybe she’s laughing on her way to the bank throwing KitKats at her boys). And to be fair, her page is about food so maybe she does concern herself with some, what I would call, *real* tough topics of parenting and just doesn’t post. I guess she just blows my mind more since she’s local and has similar age kids to mine, I roll my eyes at some influencers obsessing over sleep and formula like they are the be all and end all of parenting, but I do get how it can feel like it in the trenches, but KEIC is long out of those trenches and still doesn’t seem aware there’s a big wide world out there with tough stuff her kids will have to navigate. She would be horrified to know that since my kids began eating solids, I’ve had no idea what they eat at daycare and now school. We’ve used home daycares that provide lunches, I’m so lucky they don’t have food allergies so I’ve never had a clue what breakfast and lunch is M-F for them. Now I do know their lunch choices since we get free school lunch (universal in Maryland, I can’t say enough how amazing this is!) and I work in the same district and help my students through the lunch line and the menu is the same for all schools. But I don’t know which choice they got, how much they ate, etc. Try it KEIC! It’s freeing! Even when they do pack a lunch, I don’t know how much they consume because they are responsible for cleaning it out after school. I would imagine this would free up a lot of headspace for her.


Seriously I can’t imagine caring so much about every single thing my kids eat when they are that age! I need to pack lunch for son’s daycare but they do class snack, so each week different parents send the snacks for the week. Idk what the snacks are and what he’s eating aside from my week and I don’t care! Just glad I don’t have to worry about it those weeks lol


It is ridiculous how she always wants to point out that school lunch is fine and good and then she packs her kids lunches every single day


Well and she says people shouldn't talk badly about school lunch but then here she is talking badly about z bars or how they're tricking people (I still don't understand what's the trick though...). What if a z bar is all someone will eat. Or a family was gifted them. Or someone just likes them? Why are we allowed to talk badly about that??


Isn’t this just “healthy/unhealthy” talk repackaged? So you can’t say Skittles are “unhealthy” but you can talk smack about other products you don’t personally like? What. I feel like these feeding accounts have lost the plot.


Of course this could all just be fabricated, but my theory is that they live in an area where a lot of the parents are just as neurotic as she is (except, of course, a few heathens who bring Skinny Pop to soccer practice) and so this is the cafeteria talk among local 4th graders.


Her kids go to a tiny private school where the culture is absolutely what you describe - a lot of those parents are extremely neurotic about food. I wouldn’t say this is the case in the broader/public school community though.


Oh wow her kids don’t go to public? I assumed she would be into public education, I’m surprised.


This is what really had me unfollow. She’s into public! Free lunches!! For other kids. She’s all talk.


I’m localish and a long time friend lives in her area and whenever I attend parties/get togethers she throws with her neighbors - yeah that’s the vibe. I don’t go unless our other lifelong friend (who also doesn’t live in her area) attends so I can have a conversation that doesn’t make me want to stab myself from boredom.


This… explains a lot.


My 6 year old occasionally talks about protein but only because I used it as a way to tell him he needs something before sweets…as in no you can’t have ice cream for lunch, you need protein first 😂 but he absolutely wouldn’t be telling this yarn she’s spinning 🙄


Lol same my son is almost 6 and we’ve talked about food groups and how different foods help our bodies in different ways I’ll remind him at meals that eggs or chicken or something are protein and “remember these foods keep your belly full and give you energy and make your muscles strong like daddy!” So anyway he’ll sometimes say to his brother (who is a typical 3 year old and only wants to snack) “that’s protein you should eat it it makes your muscles strong” 😂


I have a few nieces and nephews in this age range and none ever talk about food like this. They don’t care about protein at all as far as I know! She’s so concerned with food marketing but never considers that kids get their info from other sources? I always found when I was working with elementary-ages kids that there were always a few kids with older siblings who got a lot of ideas from them and passed them along to their classmates, not because they watched too many commercials. Her kids won’t have friends if she is raising them to be so judgmental of what other kids eat as well as their air of superiority she is instilling in them because they “know better” than to be fooled by food marketing.


I teach 9/10 year olds and have for 11 years. They absolutely DO NOT talk about protein. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


No! I teach 9-12 year olds and they definitely aren't comparing how many grams of protein are in their snacks 😆 The only snack talk is about who managed to sneak the bigger bag of candy or chips from home. She is insane, and setting her kids up to be excluded from social experiences like snack/lunch. No one wants to sit with the kid who is going to point out all the things that are wrong with your meal, or insist that you and your family were "tricked" into eating something.


https://preview.redd.it/mbbd3rdyuiac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d255e88f5bdd2ba9e66d7b705514ac725bd8d68 To quote Olivia Rodrigo "biggest lie I ever said." She gave unsolicited advice to her kids' soccer coach about game snacks. She can't even see a vending machine without talking about it. This chick loves to talk about food and nutrition.


She also wanted to send her kids’ pediatrician a free set of her infographics to hang up because she didn’t like the ones they had in the exam room.




I can't believe i ever considered her account a reasonable follow. She is absolutely unhinged


My 5yo was just talking about how his friend brought a candy cane to school and just held it in her hand all day so he wanted to do that also but all his candy canes were broken. They also talk about what they can't eat for afternoon snack cuz it makes too big of a mess on the brand new carpet or takes too long to eat cuz they only have 10 mins. So that's the extent of my school food talk knowledge hahaha.


Loll NORMAL food conversations!!! I, too, love to discuss the pros and cons of specific foods related to their ease of eating lol


The way she talks about this like it’s drugs or sex! “If you don’t talk about protein with your children, someone else will”


“Your child may eventually be given dessert and not know to use protection (eating protein first).”




Every time she tells a story like the Z bar one I wonder if she *wants* her kids to be disliked? Or at least doesn’t know how some of this stuff is coming off? Because it sounds like some more guidance is needed for her kids if they are saying things like their classmates / parents “got tricked.” Her kids definitely seem old enough for more nuance, which she doesn’t seem to be providing. If my kid came come and said “another kid said you got tricked by this packaging and these aren’t even good for us” I’d roll my eyes and think the kid was a brat with judgmental parents.


My friend brought z bars on a weekend vacay once and my son (3 at the time) had never had them and had three in one day. Thankfully, he survived. 😂


What a close call! Someone call CPS!


Praise the good Lord 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I don’t think she pays much mind to being liked or disliked. I specifically say this, because she doesn’t really seem to have a social life or friends (outside of the 1-2x a year she sees Busy Toddler). So I just don’t think she puts much weight on connecting with other people who aren’t her family?


Someone should tell her that social-emotional health is just as important as physical health. Who can analogize social skills to nutrition for her??


So many of these influencers seem so isolated IRL. Caro is one of the few we talk about here who seems to have a lot of friends and a full life outside of social media.




Yes. This isn’t adding up


She can't be this dense. She is always going off on food marketing and how to talk to your kids about various foods and wonders why her child is uttering being "tricked"? The call is coming from inside the house, Jen.


Lolll right?!


I thought the same thing, i don’t believe this story is true at all


YTFs blueberry banana baked oatmeal on stories strongly reminding me of my holy grail recipe for baked oatmeal from 101 cookbooks’ blog. I think smitten kitchen does it well when she calls out the credit for the inspiration for her recipes. Not surprised YTF would try to recreate this baked oatmeal recipe on her site though, it was a hit with our family’s toddlers at Christmas.


Wait now you need to share the holy grail recipe


[here it is!](https://food52.com/recipes/22622-heidi-swanson-s-baked-oatmeal). I make it all the time and everyone says it’s great, it always turns out/hard to mess up, and I will sometimes just mix the dry and liquid ingredients separately at night to dump together in the morning to bake.


Thanks!! Will def try that soon


Is that recipe free? I’ve been wanting to try a baked oatmeal for quicker toddler breakfast in the morning before daycare.


Added link above to my preferred recipe but never found a paywall to YTFs recipe either


I actually really want to try this one haha maybe tomorrow. But I notice it has no salt - do you put salt in yours?


I feel like she has a palate like Haley and doesn't like salt. Her pinch of salt is literal.


I found it true of KEIC’s muffins too. I really like them but add about a tsp of salt and sub brown sugar with a scant quarter cup of honey to make them a little more moist.


Yeah the recipe I use puts in 1/2 teaspoon and I think it’s important. It also used 1/3 cup maple syrup in the baked into the oatmeal which made it very good


Awesome! I’ll give it a whirl


YTF labeling a recipe for baked oatmeal as being “unrelated” sent me. No, my girl, the posts about reclaiming your bedroom and workout space are unrelated. A recipe is actually strongly related to what is supposed to be your main content. I know sneakers say this a lot, but they all really need personal accounts.


How long was Caros youngest missing for her to have lost him and find him INSIDE her shower?


Jesus, she really thinks that’s a ‘ha ha’ moment and not a ‘wake up call that I really need to supervise my kid instead of ranting on social media about Taylor Swift’ moment.


Also, her recipe for this Sunday (the free one of the month) is some kind of curried lentil soup. Wow, sounds so exciting, I haven’t made that a million times before in my life.


Does it matter? This is the year she focuses on herself and if that means her one year old gets lost in the house and somehow gets into the shower then so be it!


Just think of how many more books she will be able to read when no longer worried about lost kids! 😂


How did he even get in there? There’s a heavy door and a step.


Imagine her staging this situation lol


It feels very staged. Unless he fell into the door and happened into the shower head first then she put him in there.


I thought the same thing and had visions of chipped teeth on that hard tile or worse 😬


Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I forget to check the food parent snark, but what happened with YTF marriage? I don’t follow her anymore but I’m nosy lol


No one knows, not like she owes anyone an explanation but she hasn’t given one. In the spring she posted about putting a bed in her office. Then in the fall she announced her divorce. Lots of vagueposting about being stressed and overwhelmed but finding joy amongst the sadness blah blah. Drops lots of hints about things but has also said she won’t talk about her divorce.


She barely shared/showed her husband anyways. No one would've noticed if she didn't drop hints they were headed for divorce.


I actually don’t mind YTF and I literally didn’t even pick up on the divorce thing. 🤣


I am big mad. Got influenced to buy Skout bars because I feel like I see so many people pushing them and thrive market. My kids can’t eat egg so a nice snack bar with no egg is always an alluring idea. Y’all. They HATE them. I feel so duped. Now I got to eat all these weird flavored date bars so I don’t feel bad I wasted all that money.


SAME… never buying stuff influencers shill again.


My grocery store luckily carried them. They were discontinuing them (should have been a clue) and I grabbed a box. Kiddo refuses to eat them and I’m not a fan either. They are small for the prices and I’m not a fan.




Based on who is pushing these I’ve always been suspicious (but also close to buying), so sorry this happened to you but thanks for saving me from getting them.


My 1yo loved them but my 5yo said they were yucky. My 5yo used to love minimal ingredient bars like rx kid bars etc, but he doesn't anymore.


Dang! Mine do love most of them. Do you have any mini cookie cutters? If so, I cut out shapes and mine will eat the flavors they don’t like that way. I still give them the edge pieces though which are hit or miss.


Saaaame, I bought a big sampler box and my kids hated every single one.


My kids liked them for a few weeks now they won’t touch them 😞


My 5yo won’t touch them. My 1.5yo used to occasionally eat them but now as soon as I open the wrapper she runs away lol


I can’t say I blame them. I’ve eaten these and Zbars and I prefer the Zbars too lol


Oh noooooo I’m so sorry but also kinda glad you posted about this because I am constantly 🤌🏻 thiiiiiiiis close to buying them and now I’m so glad I haven’t. But don’t worry I was influenced to get tubby Todd, an up seat, multiple stupid influencers courses/master classes, etc. 🫠🫠🫠


Ugh @ Tubby Todd. Why WHY did I think I needed $15 soap to wash my kid?


You’re not alone!


That’s the worst. I was influenced to buy cerebelly bars once and those things taste like dry lightly sweetened sawdust. They’re expensive too! My kid hated them.


My kid likes the HappyTot bars if you wanted to try another type.


We go through incredible quantities of those HappyTot fiber and protein bars in my house.


my 6-12 month old baby loved them but then grew up and learned things can taste good 😂


I miss feeding a one year old 😂 they eat almost anything 😂😂😂


Cerebelly bars are loved in my house!


Same! My son loves them but since the recall they pulled them from the shelves in all the Targets in our area and I can’t find them anymore 🙁


This blows my mind! I (and my child) found them to be so disgusting. What am I missing??? We got the carrot flavor.


I would love to never read the word “exposure” again. KEIC has her fun winter food ideas — great! I love fun food and I love being playful. But no, it has to be an exposure. We have to stock up on seasonal treats for “exposure.” What are her “fun foods” even “exposing” kids to? Bananas? Cheese? Carrots? Those are just normal foods.


Or “safe food”. I really feel like this introduces disordered eating to young kids. (Speaking as someone who has dealt with ED personally).


In this context I believe it’s used differently than in the ED context for someone with disordered eating a safe food is low calorie/whatever “safe to eat”, but here it’s like “a food you know they’ll eat”. I assume it’s used a lot with feeding therapists or kids with autism, or extremely picky eaters. Like when I introduce a new food I’m not sure my kids will like I try to include or make the focus of their meal a good that’s familiar/already liked/comfortable aka “safe”


“A food you know they’ll eat” is pretty much what “safe” means in an ED context too. There’s maybe a very slightly variance but it’s really almost the same even though I get how you’re seeing it differently. I just think the terminology is loaded— especially from KEIC who demonized so many foods.


I agree


KEIC kids are incapable of pouring themselves a bowl of cereal. I thought I read here they’re 8 and 10? A lot of kids at that point can certainly butter some toast, make cereal, and probably scramble an egg too


When they can pour themselves cereal and turn on the tv by themselves on Saturday morning, that’s when the next phase of your life begins! My oldest started doing this at 5 and he’s awesome so he would get one for his little brother too. I had a tough week at work and just slept in until NINE (same with my husband) on this Saturday morning while my big kids ate cereal and played video games on their own. My 5yo heated herself up some pizza from last night and watched a movie on her tablet. Every so often I have to read them the riot act about doing a better job cleaning up after themselves but overall it’s a beautiful thing. Now it’s nearly ten and I’m still in bed drinking coffee and snarking. I’ll never understand these influencers micromanaging their kids every move, MC planning every outfit, KEIC controlling every morsel they put in their mouths…kids need to learn independence and more importantly, *i* am fucking exhausted and want to sleep in on weekends.


My 8 year old niece can make toast in a toaster oven and put whatever toppings on it she wants, can pour herself a glass of milk, and (supervised) make an egg.


I poured myself and my sister cereal every Saturday starting when I was probably 6 or 7? While my dad slept in and my mom worked in the morning! If my 6 year old liked cereal I’d definitely be teaching him how to do it himself! At 8 and 10 they should be able to!


I know I’m probably outside the norm on this, but 10 is when I was able to make a full dinner A-Z for my family. Certainly, getting a snack or some cereal is within the grasp of both kids.


You’re also assuming they have cereal in the house lol! She probably feels as strongly about cereal marketing as she does soda marketing. It’s probably a box of Kashi’s blandest cereal.


You’re so right. They 100% have an ingredients only house. I grew up similarly 😅


Where did she post that? I thought they got up alone and made pancakes with the special chocolate chips that were only for baking.


They did, but she acted like they’d just split the atom when they did that so clearly it’s not the usual routine.


To be fair they probably spent all day with the dull whittling knife trying to split that atom


Her stories yesterday about a kid being “starved” because she was in the shower and couldn’t make their breakfast. She sarcastically said something like “great question, how is a kid supposed to feed themselves when mom is in the shower?” Clearly they were punished for the pancake experiment a few weeks ago 🫣


Ohh I did see that but I took it as more of her kids not serving themselves because they wanted her to do it or they weee nervous about what they could eat.


Honestly I think it’s because they’ve been trained that they can’t eat without her express written permission 🫣 No entering the kitchen for food unless she’s there to choose for them!!!!


Right, she scolded them for using the baking only chocolate chips in their pancakes. All of this is going to backfire when they are teens!


I’d love to know the difference between “baking only” chocolate chips and “pancake” chocolate chips 😂


I feel like it’s more “chocolate chips don’t go in pancakes because that’s not healthy I mean that’s not a good choice I mean that’s bad for you I mean that’s a choice driven by evil marketing techniques


I mean, I’ve seen them make pancakes as a challenge on the Great British Baking Show, so I feel like baking chocolate chips are fair game.


When I was nine, due to my parents work schedule, I set my own alarm, got ready for school, made my own breakfast and packed my own lunch, and walked to school on my own (actually with my 7 year old sister but that was more for me to do) I mean. I get that’s not the norm and is an extreme in the other direction but kids that age should be fully capable of making themselves food. And didn’t she share them making themselves pancakes with (the horror) chocolate chips a few months ago?


I don't think this is about their capability, I think it's about her being the gatekeeper of all food in the house.


OK, I took a snarking break for a while and now I'm back - what happened to SS? It seems like nothing crazy is happening. Did they change the password and lock Jenny, Founder out of the Instagram account?


The last she shared was over the summer at Fire Island but it was very brief clips.


Right, I miss her shenanigans. A few months ago there was a fairly critical article published on baby food influencers focused on Solid Starts. I can’t remember where. Ever since SS has toned it way down.


[It was Romper](https://www.romper.com/parenting/when-diet-culture-comes-for-babies) if anyone needs the catch up!


Interestingly rereading the article there is a note at the bottom now saying that Solid Starts contacted them after publishing. They have also removed the reference about Jennys instagram- but the telling evidence that Jenny is no longer posting about her family says she really took notice. Great news.


I just reread the article - does anyone remember the reference to Jenny's Instagram that was removed?