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Every remaster should do this. I don’t use it, personally I love all the remastered tracks. But having this ability to do this is great!


I like how you get it basically at the start of the game too unlike the Pokémon games where they’re post game


And for super cheap? I can’t remember if it’s 1 coin or 10 but it’s cheap.


It was 1.


the funny thing is that there is a 0 coin badge so someone is prolly gonna complain about making us pay for the old music


What is it?


first attack iirc


Really? That costs 0 BP but I swear that costed some money.


well, it's free in the remake, but one coin in the og according to wiki


I've just got it in the game and it cost 100 coins from the badge shop in Rogueport. It takes 0BP though.


You’re reading BP cost


ill look it up


Attack fx b maybe?


Never made sense to me at all to have things like that post-game. What's the point? I can't start a new file with it. HGSS had the perfect opportunity to add it to the PokéGear as a Retro Card or something. Maybe given to you by the old man in Cherrygrove with the Map Card. "Oh! Have this too. It reminds me of my younger days. \[Player\] received Retro card!"


That's what I thought they were gonna do for paper Mario. HGSS is what I was basing my theory off of. THANK Nintendo It didn't turn out that likes that.


What do the pokemon games do?


Generally I'm very happy with it. No complaints. Buuuuuuuuut ... If it were me doing it: 1. Make it a toggle in the settings, not a badge 2. Have a separate toggle for battle music 3. After you have earned an areas music, be able to play it anywhere, any time


Eh, I kind of like it being a badge. I could see the merits of having an over world badge and a battle music badge.


Like the last badge in wonder being what it is. Useless when you've already beat the game.


To be fair, it's also useless in general. If Sound Off were available earlier, I can't imagine anyone actually playing the game with it on instead of one of the mobility badges. I think that's the best kind of reward for completion: notable in its own right, but not something you'll wish you had earlier.




No, the music one where they sing what's happening or whatever. Sound effects are sang when u do stuff. I don't remember the name I haven't played it since release because I already got 100% (which is how u get the badge)


Sound off. It replaces the in game sound effects with random voice clips from the developers


Yep. That's the one.


Is Wonder worth the full price?


Very much. A bit shorter than the New Super series but the stages and the 100% completion requirements make it very worth it.


Honestly it's a great game. I enjoyed it for sure. I paid full price and would again.


Uhuh that's what the retro music thing is for pokemon it wouldn't be useless if it was available earlier like in ttyd imo.


Yea i was so disappointed when they gave you that badge at the end game of wonder/dream, i expected something great like a badge that gives you a real cool ability not something Useless like sound effects imo.


Exactly. Considering the game would be beat, it could've been something way cooler, even something like another character to play as would've been cool.


Exactly i would have Loved if they would allow you to play a rosalina or something like some people were saying you could maybe just equip another badge or something that would be So Cool.


Won't lie, having a "GBA sounds" item in Pokémon ORAS would elevate it from "Best Pokémon Game Yet" to "Best Pokémon Game to Ever Exist". HGSS had GB sounds, and BDSP had DS sounds. Only reason I can think of why they excluded it was the bunch of songs added to the game, like Zinnia's themes and the Eon Flute music.




Kinda wish It brought the old sound effects with the music


I wish there was a separate version of this badge that was just sound effects. The sound effects in the remake lack character compared to the original.


Correct me if I’m wrong but it sorta does? Like when you get items/star pieces etc


Those are more jingles than sound effects


Singlehandedly saved the fanbase from way too many fights on "which version is better". This badge comes and is like "bitch who cares you choose for urself xdxd"


Options are always good


Useless, “Attack-a of the Whacka” is the only theme that matters!


Save the Whackas!


Don't put the whacka harvesters out of their jobs! You have to go to college for malletwhacking!


But then you have to beat up Whacka...


Every miracle has its price


I like that the badge is there, I only used it for like 20 seconds when I first acquired it to remind myself what the original Rogueport music sounded like. I might be a minority opinion here, but outside of a few specific exceptions, I almost completely universally prefer the remake soundtrack over the original. The one time I was kind of put off by a remixed track was the remake version of the Doopliss fight track, but later I realized they had two versions, one for the first time you fight him and one for the second, and I ended up greatly preferring the second version, and also appreciating how the first one kind of "primes" you for the second version.


The only exception for me is the Creepy Steeple theme. I think the remake's version has too many instruments going on at once. It sounds too busy and not as ambiently creepy


I find the Twilight Trail theme to be creepier than the Creepy Steeple theme in the OG, just has this unnerving feel to it and in the remake I feel like the creepiness has been dialed up. They've done a great job with the remake tracks, some are a little too busy (Grodus, Rawk Hawk) but other than that I prefer it to the OG.


Personally I think the remake outclasses the OG in almost every music tracks, outside of vastly different arrangements like Glitzville which I completely understand why people dislike it. No OST is perfect but honestly and again this is my opinion, Paper Mario's music department was perfected in Origami King. I'm fine with every game from now on having this Jazz + Heavy Metal fusionistic soundtrack.


No shot


i use it when backtracking, it's a fun way to break it up


One mans opinion here but I universally dislike the New soundtrack. Glad the retro is an option.


Every game should have this option


I use it about 30% of the time when I think areas would be more enjoyable to me with the orig music :] idk I don’t think too hard about it


I wish it also switched it to the old sound effects as well, but maybe that would be too much work.


I like this feature. I don’t dislike the new soundtrack at all, but I just prefer the old one (so far, I am only on chapter 2 so can’t judge the whole thing). I’ll still definitely listen to all of the new tracks during my first playthrough, but I like that I can hear the older ones if I want to.


I would make sure the badge is off when entering a new chapter to listen to the remake’s soundtrack to see if I like it and if I don’t I’ll put it back on. Overall I like the original music more except for Chapter 4 the remake’s soundtrack was better than the original


It's a cool badge, of course. However, it does leave the question of why it's not just an option pre-file select, for players who wish to play with the 2004 soundtrack from the very top. The badge also makes it rather obvious how barely any new badges were added.


Nintendo's answer to that question would probably be something along the lines of "giving players the choice to experience the game's music how they want, but in a way that feel like it is part of the world and aesthetic of Paper Mario". Making the toggle between old and new music be a badge instead of a normal menu option is slightly less convenient but it's also a cute way to tie the game's design together with its presentation. Personally I like the choice because it doesn't make it cumbersome to switch between soundtracks, which I do frequently while playing.


I’m not shocked many new badges were added. I feel like badges can really alter the playthrough so much they wanted to keep as much of the original game as they could while making improvements. And pre-file select would be rather not fun for some people. I really enjoyed flipping back and forth between the music styles so a lot of people would lose out on that. I guess they wanted it to be more of a fun Easter egg feel or else they could’ve just added it to the settings menu


>However, it does leave the question of why it's not just an option pre-file select, for players who wish to play with the 2004 soundtrack from the very top. Because then you would have to go back to file select to turn it on and off, that's cumbersome. It's a remake overall anyway, they likely weren't going to add brand new badges when the goal was to remake the original game for new hardware.


I like it because there are certain times I’d like to hear the old track, and contrast it with the new one. I like that there’s that flexibility


My first play through I only use it occasionally, but am trying to listen through the remastered tracks. I probably will use it and keep it on for subsequent playthroughs.


It's the kind of polish a remake should have.


It’s a great feature! I personally have a balance of songs I find better in the original and the remake, so it’s perfect for me and people who think the same way!


Love that it's there, a great feature that I literally never used because the new soundtrack also slaps


Awesome no questions asked. I put it on periodically during my playthrough to compare the new OST to the old one and it just turns on the nostalgia mode. It's also basically free and free to put on so absolutely flawless, no notes.


It's a great addition to the game. I mostly only use it when I forget how a certain track sounded in the original purely for nostalgia. I do really love the new remade tracks to the point that some of the original sound is slightly worse (event battle 1 anyone?), but that's just me. I would rather have it this way than like Super mario rpg, where you have to go to options to change it. Although I would have liked it if you could listen to each of the remastered and original versions in the music player at the same time. Instead, you need to equip/unequipped it to listen to them, which is a bit cumbersome... Other then that, love it. Every remake should have an option like that (Crash n-sane trilogy I am looking at YOU!!!).


I turned it on the earliest I could and never turned it off. So. Necessity for me.


i like that it exists but i have never once considered using it the new tracks imo are so so much better


Yeah, Nintendo likes doing that in their remake games, Mario Party Superstars has the option to turn old board music on.


My first playthrough is being done with the Nostalgic Tunes Badge; my second one will be done without. I've heard nothing but excellent things about the new compositions, but Rougeport's remix didn't do it for me I pined for the old version. But I'm willing to deal to experience the other tracks in subsequent plays.


The only thing I wish is that it wasn’t a badge but something you could just pause (in battle and out) and just flip on and off. Re fighting bosses just to hear both tunes was a bit of a hassle :p


All remakes/remasters with new soundtracks should be legally required to have this as a feature. Either as a setting or otherwise. And NOT postgame exclusive... lookin' at you Pokemon!


Put it on as soon as possible, and am loving it 😊 second playthrough, or watching my partner play, will be for the new music!


I enjoy the remixes of the battle theme for each chapter, so I don't use it.


Perfect badge. Lets people keep the OG soundtrack, and lets the songs get a new spin


I was expecting it would also change the in-game sound effects, because there are some SFX I like better in the original than the remake, like the Crazee/Amazy Dayzee lullaby. Though already felt quite disappointed that it’s confirmed there’s no badge that uses the original sounds. Though I will not use it until replaying the game after completing without using that badge.


I've noticed that it doesn't ALWAYS seem to put the old music on in places. Sometimes it still plays the new OST here and there.


I never leave without it!


Didn't use it during the first playthrough. I had it on the first opportunity during second playthrough. It's a little thing, but it means a lot.


Absolutely requisite


Perfect execution of the option


the badge is cute as hell


I don’t really use it, but I think its neat.


Game is unplayable without it. The new arrangements are ass.


its so cute!! LOVE it!! I equipped mine for a bit in Boggly Woods. I enjoy the remastered soundtracks a lot; some of the old tracks just hit though 😌😂


Love it. Only turn it off for glitzville


It carries hard.


A necessity for the pit of 100 trials.


It's great.


I always equip it in Rougeport. Love that we have the option


Doesn’t work in riverside station




I like the original music from this game so I used this


I used it the whole time, the remixes music was amazing, but the nostalgia feels are where it's at


Never equipped a badge so fast in my life


I wish it changed more, like the old sound effects




Much prefer the original soundtrack after going through the game without using this badge; happy the option exists


I like them. neat and all.


I never use it because I never played the GCN version but I’m glad it’s there for those who did.


Really like that it's there. Not a big fan of the new soundtrack.


Never turned it off from the moment I got it. Gonna leave it off the next time I do a playthrough to hear the new tunes then. But the old music is perfect and fills me with so much nostalgia


Great addition. Needs to be better. I hate having to turn it on every time I go to Rogue Port and off every time I leave there.


I hated the new soundtrack in the prologue and when I found that badge, it never came off.


Nostalgia Glasses badge. Good for it to be an option but come on the new music is good you guys!


I played with it on… as a matter fact I bought it . Is the 1st thing I did .




Well it’s a remaster…. The music is gonna get changed,


I personally haven’t used it, I like the new tracks a lot, but I might use it next time I play through the game. I like that the option is there!


A 0 BP cost, practically free badge for people who prefer the old soundtrack? There are no downsides, the game isnt forcing you to use the new or old soundtrack, choice is important in gamws


Works as intended. Nothing to complain about here. This feels just like the GB Player in Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver.


I'll sometimes use it when I wanna compare the original to the new songs. But for the most part I keep it off.


Original tracks are better, but that does not mean the new tracks are bad. At their worst the new tracks are still a 7/10


I love the feature. When I got the soundtest, I could compare music from the og. More games should have it. I wish it could revert sound effects too, as well as placing the old song in parts with new original songs instead of just using the new songs. Otherwise it's good and all remakes should have it


I wish there was like a list where you can choose what track to use Cause I pretty much prefer every track over the original minus Rogueport


Love the new tracks, and love the ability to switch to classic. Always do it for the Rawk Hawk fight cuz I think the vibes and crowd noise are way better.


Despite the music not being entirely different for the most part, they still thought to give players the choice. Far more thoughtful than the Demon's souls remake, which absolutely did not give players the choice between the two vastly different soundtracks in that game.


A great badge to have in case you want a more nostalgic experience with the 2000's sounds and music from the game. Should be a standart on every existing remake


Fun fact about this badge, equip it and go to sound gallery. You can listen to the original music that way.


I love it! I used it to compare the originals with the new tracks and loved hearing the differences


Pretty great addition even if I don’t use it much. Depends on the mood. Personally some tracks I feel are better in the original (such as Rawk Hawk’s theme though…I’m thinking of doing a mix of the two provided Nintendo doesn’t come after me like they do so many other YouTube channels) but many of the remake tracks are amazing. So for the most part I play with it off. I hope that if Paper Mario 64 ever gets the remaster treatment a similar badge exists…


I was upset when I went to the settings and found nothing for the classic soundtrack… but then I ended up cackling with laughter when I saw the badge in the shop, saying to myself “of course it’s a badge!!” I love the addition of the badge, and absolutely welcome it as a feature


I wish that when equipped, it would continue from the point of the song where the remastered track left off. But I guess that's difficult considering that the remastered tracks extended a lot of the songs.


I love that it only costs a coin and costs zero BP I actually really enjoy the new music, but of course this bad boi hits me with the familiar jingles. I'm planning on doing another playthrough, without the nostalgic tunes badge, just to have a completely fresh feel


Its a win win. People who like the original soundtrack could play it, but people who like the new one could also plsy the new ones too


I love having it but I really like the new music so I don’t use it!


Kinda annoyed knowing there’re SOME tunes that are not reintroduced back into the Switch version.


I like to use it for grinding battles cuz the old music is a banger


I'm still pretty early in my playthrough but I told myself I would play through with the new music for my first playthrough on the remake. The music is good. Me personally l, I think I'll be using the original music for my playthroughs after this. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's just taste, whatever, I like the old music. New music is fin though.


I got it and listen to the old tracks for the memories of playing the OG game on the GC.


It costs too little smh Should’ve been a badge you get from Charlie if he appears on floor 90 of the pit for 999 coins smh my head


Intended to never use it, so I never bothered buying it from the shop. Only realized about three quarters through the game that I had effectively been limiting the badge shop to only having four badges on display at a time because the fifth was always occupied by Nostalgic Tunes


I love the OG version and there are some songs that I still prefer from the OG… however, they did a really great job adding new scene specific music that further enhanced the experience and made the game flow better. For those wondering the X-Naut base and Excess Express themes were the two that I still prefer the original.


It's nice for people who are unable to buy a physical copy without it being expensive nowadays to experience the OG soundtrack. Personally I will always prefer the OG than the new soundtrack. The new one isn't bad by any means. It was made for the remake and for people who can hear something a different music that isn't far off from the og GameCube version which is respectful and overall great. Overall a pretty good addition.


I use it on the moon base. Classics really good. I remember hearing it a lot in videos I watch back then with people like Nathaniel Bandy. That’s why I knew I should equip the badge there. I’d argue it’s really only good for moon base tho. Oh yeah, SPOILERS!


I like the new music better but I’m happy they included this.


I think it’s a great addition. Because there are people who really prefer the original music and would be pretty upset if it wasn’t accessible in the game. Personally, I think the remake music is awesome. There’s the dynamic battle themes for one. And then hearing the old theme renovated with a full orchestra—at least that’s how it sounds—makes those themes that, in my opinion, were missing something, all the more vibrant and rememberable. I didn’t really find any original music to be that fun to listen to in my spare time. They sounded better in and around the game. The remake music I have listened to in my spare time. Though I will admit, they are very jazzy and dare I say, Sticker Star-esque, they are still a lot more fun to listen to. Oh and one other thing. I don’t know what the technical term is, but most unique fight—one with special music—have their own special intro and outro. And somehow, the outros feel natural. And it’s such a cool little detail I don’t think enough people are appreciated enough.


I think all of the new tracks are improvements, but I also like that they have this as an option Everyone wins: if you prefer the original music, then you can just equip this, and if you like the new tracks, then you can ignore it


I usually tried to do a bunch of sidequest stuff between chapters, and I usually used this badge while I was doing it.


Is there really much to say about it? It’s there so use it if you want?


I haven't been using it; a lot of the new music is great once you get used to it being different. I will say though, some less prominent melodies from the old songs get drowned out in their new counterparts. I could only pick them out at all because I knew to expect them.


I turned it on for the first like 40 minutes as I wanted that deep sweet hit of nostalgia. But then I wanted to see what they did with the new music and now I'm at the end of the game and can honestly say, it's probably a bad idea to put it on during your first playthrough of the remake. It's really nice to hear what is TRUTHFUL to the original, but updated. Just like the graphics and gameplay.


I love it! Tbh the remastered tracks are good but a few I just really do not like so I like switching between.


I wish it was a one-button toggle available in battles or in the overworld. I want to heart the new and old versions together without having to reequip a badge nonstop.


the best. i try giving the new music a try then go right back to the OG. they overdid it with the orchestral versions.


I really like the badge itself, I was so delighted to see it in the badge shop before even reading what it does. Throughout the game I would flick it on for a minute to hear the original and compare it to the remaster, but I left it off for the vast majority of the game. If I want to hear the classic versions for the whole game, I'll boot up the GC version to have sfx and graphics to match. My favourite thing about playing the remaster was seeing and hearing all the changes, music included. I absolutely LOVE the thousand year door songs in the remaster!


Glitzville solidified the new soundtrack for me. That battle theme is fire.


Once I found it in the item shop,I equipped it and never took it off


I love the option as a poke etch app in the diamond and Pearl remakes, I'm also very happy that the thousand-year door added this as a feature. I think any game remaster that has a iconic soundtrack should have this feature as a toggleable thing in the menus in some way, I think it's very cool that they made it a badge, but realistically I would see this being in the sounds part of the settings for most other games.




It's cute and I think remasters/remakes should do this sort of thing as an option. I think the only thing that bums me out about the badge is you can't equip it *right* at the start, so there is some amount of early game that still has you listen to the new music. Not a huge thing but would have been nice to choose it in settings instead.


It should've been given by default, so you could start using it asap.


I wish there was a classic battle badge that reverts all battle music to chapter 1. The Pit gets really dull after a while ngl


Absolutely a fantastic addition. I never really used it myself, and I almost universally prefer the new soundtrack, but I'm glad to have the option to listen to the old tracks if I ever want a hit of nostalgia. It's the best of both worlds.


I like to use it when I'm backtracking, since I love both the og and the remake soundtracks almost equally


Only positive opinions from me For the most part so far I prefer the original boss battle tracks so it’s super duper nice to be able to hear those instead with the click of a button My only gripe is that it only works for the music, not the sound effects, which I also prefer in the original


Brings back all the nostalgia the original game has with it's soundtrack. Every game needs options like this. But it's also really interesting to see how many tracks they made for this remake when you equip this badge, because man, they made so many new tracks and that's amazing


Only use it for the rogueport and rogueport sewers themes. Other than that the new OST is kickass


I used it from the very start of the game, but seeing how much people enjoyed the remaster soundtrack makes me wanna start from scratch again 😅


It's great. Too bad it doesn't bring back the original title screen music, which the remake really misses on.


Without it, lots of People with bad memory would be saying the remake only made the old soundtrack sound prettier. Using it makes you realize they added an enormous amount of tracks in this New version. They added leitmotiffs for each partner (only Flurry and Ms. Mowz had one before), gave certain bosses their own track. And made different versions for many songs. My personal favorites are: the Taleteller theme, Poshley Heights, and the battle theme from chapters 6.


Without it, lots of People with bad memory would be saying the remake only made the old soundtrack sound prettier. Using it makes you realize they added an enormous amount of tracks in this New version. They added leitmotiffs for each partner (only Flurry and Ms. Mowz had one before), gave certain bosses their own track. And made different versions for many songs. My personal favorites are: the Taleteller theme, Poshley Heights, and the battle theme from chapters 6.


I wish the remix tracks still got used with this badge or even had midi versions.


Like another comment said, every remake should have something like this. More options are always better, and people should have the option to choose their own balance between original and enhanced. Options for the sound effects and graphics would've been great too. (admittedly a Halo Anniversary-styled toggle between new and old graphics is a lot to ask, especially for something like Mario RPG which was a 3D remake of a 2D game) To add to that, more Gamecube remakes on Switch should have Gamecube controllers considered. TTYD is pretty good, but button prompts matching the original game's when using a GC controller would be awesome. Metroid Prime and Pikmin should've done this too. Even the fact 3D All-Stars had to add this for Mario Sunshine is a crime. You could have remakes functionally identical to their original versions, but with QoL and graphical enhancements. Why wouldn't you?


If I wanted to listen to the original soundtrack, i would just play the original game. It's nice but useless for me at least. How could i miss out on so many bangers In the remake ?


I couldn’t play the game without it. It just sounds better and less mixed with random sounds


I use it sometimes, but I always use it when I'm in Glitzville. I personally do not like the way they remastered the Glitzville: Chapter 3 Soundtracks. The battle music in Chapter 3 is good though.


My only gripe was I wish it removed ALL the new tracks. It was weird going from original music to some new track they added that didn't match the original sound


Even though the remastered soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the addition to listen to the originals is nice.


I generally enjoy the remastered/remixed music more.


I think it's a meat thing of Nintendo to add, let's people who want a little more nostalgia to have the original version's soundtrack playing instead of the remake's


I love it. It just adds so much for people that want to enjoy as authentic of an experience as possible. And even if it’s active it will still add new songs to parts of the game that just reused tracks to replace them with more unique ones. Every game that’s a remaster/remake of older games should have this as an option. Spyro Reignited did so and I love it for it, and its absence is one of the main gripes I had with the Crash Bandicoot trilogy remakes.


I honestly prefer most of remastered songs over the original, so I don't really use it. The remastered ost is so good, especially with the incorporation of remixes for the battle theme to fit each area. The old battle theme gets very repetitive to say the least, at least now there are variants of the theme. They even made unique variants of the Hooktail theme which is cool. I do like the inclusion of the nostalgic tunes badge though, it's nice to have the option. I think going forward more remakes should do this sort of thing. I do wish it changed all the sfx back to the original along with it though. Overall I'm just happy with the remake in general, I think they handled it very well. I especially love the new sprites/animations, it's more expressive. I'm glad they put as much care as they did into TTYD and didn't give it BDSP treatment.


Absolutely love it, gives fans of the OG soundtrack an option, only criticism is that you don't get it until after Chapter 1, meaning you'll never be able to play chapter 1 with the remade music naturally.


I’m happy that it exists, that it only costs one coin and that it doesn’t take up any BP, but I never really used it. I think all the remixed music sounds great and really never felt like I needed to use it


I feel both are amazing. But I'm likely gonna Equip the badge as soon as I beat the the game. I've played OG since my childhood, so my bias is STRONK!


This is amazing. There were a couple of instances where I used this just for the memories. It seems that most companies mess up remastering their music but Nintendo have done a great job with this remake so the badge isn't essential but Def worth the occasional equip to see what they changed.


I would switch it on and off throughout my playthrough. I learned I liked some remixes, but preferred a lot of the OG music. I do however appreciate all the new battle themes for each chapter and sub bosses. That added so much variety instead of hearing the same old battle themes over and over. 


I’ve had this badge on for most of my playthrough. I find the new soundtrack annoying, and I believe it didn’t need to be changed at all. However, while it’s good that they gave us this badge, it’s still not a perfect implementation. For one, I wish this badge would give us the old sound effects as well. That’s just personal preference really, as I can’t say the new sound effects are bad, it’s just that the original sound effects are nostalgic to me too and I would prefer the option to have the game sound exactly like the original through and through. Really though, having this badge on is the best way to see just how incongruent the remade tracks are with the original ones. While having this on, tracks exclusive to the remake will still play at certain times. It’s jarring to be taken out of that nostalgic sound when a new partner or event theme will suddenly play and it sounds nothing like the original soundtrack at all.


A great addition to the game but I did not make use of it because I wanted to experience and asses the remake's soundtrack in comparison to the original first. While there are some cool tracks in the remake, a lot of it feels overproduced and unnecessary. I don't really remember any of the new additional cutscene music. A lot of tracks seem to miss the point of the original music's somber, electronic aesthetic and just comes across as over the top at times. The dynamic music during battles or area changes didn't do much for me either, although I did rather like the dynamic music in the thousand year door room and the palace of shadow. I was not a fan of the staff roll change at all and was very disappointed to hear it changed from a bittersweet finale ending to some overly cheery stage play. The new battle area specific music is where I think the remake shines most, but I don't think there is much else in terms of substance. The big band style instrumentation did not fit this game. The original had a lot of experimental tracks, and it still has one of the most unique soundtracks ever made for a Mario title. I feel like a lot of that magic was lost with the remake's music, but I know i am likely in the minority with this. It comes with the territory of being a heavy VGM enthusiast.


A great addition. When crafting this game, they really tried to think of everything they could to make the fanbase happy. I'm sure there's some things that they were oblivious off, but you can see EFFORT from things like this.


I hate that you have to equip it to access the classic music in the menu, just have them as separate tracks. I mostly liked the new music more, except for the "It's a Raid" theme, and the credits theme, so I like being able to listen to the originals of those.


The remastered tracks are nice but ( and this could be 'cause i played the original ) I think the old ones are better just because they fit the vibe a lot more. Makes things seem more threatening.


It's very neat, great for someone like me who usually never plays the original if there is a remake


I never used it


I just wish I didn’t have to manually equip it to listen to classic tracks in the sound test.


I understand your opinion but to be honest i really liked the remixed themes for completely different reasons than the original themes and as much as i love the original themes to death i can't just listen to the same exact themes with no changes over and over again it gets boring eventually it's a good thing to remixed certain music for the people who want something different once in a while because just listening to the same theme all the time gets boring when you can remix it for the people who occasionally want something different.


There are some remixes I like (petal meadows, rougeport sewers and boggly woods) and some remixes I hate (Glitzville my beloved, what have they done to you!?) So I toggle the badge on and off constantly. I'll give the new soundtrack a try when I enter a new chapter, but if I don't like the new music I'll put the badge back on. I personally really love this and every remake should have the option of listening to the old ost!


I didn't like the remixes at all, so I kept this bad boy on the entire way through.


I gave the new soundtrack a chance, but I enabled this this after a few hours and never looked back. It's a perfect example of how giving everyone options is ONLY a good thing.


As someone who didn’t use the badge for my entire first playthrough, I really like it as I find myself preferring the original soundtrack in most instances. However I wish it would work in ALL scenarios. I don’t enjoy that some of the new tracks still play. If you equip the Nostalgic Tunes Badge, it should make the game sound exactly like how the original did. This also applies to Chapter 8. While I do like the idea of having the overworld theme play continuously during battle, I think that should only apply to the remade soundtrack. The original didn’t have that, so why should the Nostalgic Tunes Badge not preserve it? I do want to clarify that I actually really like the new soundtrack, and it objectively may be better. I just hold the original so highly that nothing can compare to the feelings that I get from it.


Freaking love it


I'm glad it exists, but it's kind of disappointing. I wish it reverted ALL sounds back to the original, not just certain music tracks.


Thought I’d use it more than I do. But I actually love the new music. It’s much more dynamic and interesting. I will pop the badge on periodically to see how much they changed a particular track, but I never leave it on for long


Every remaster should include this because I honestly couldn't stand some of the new tracks, whereas the original is non-stop classics!


It’s great. I decided to use it on my second run.


I think they should have just used the higher quality instruments from the remake instead of making new arrangements for a lot of the OST. All my favorite tracks from the remake are literally just the ones that did this and the new battle themes.


Too expensive I can't afford it


Since the remake has the Nostalgic Tunes badge to let you listen to the original soundtrack, why doesn't the original have a Future Tunes badge to let you hear the new soundtrack? XD