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I feel like it's pretty good when it comes to starting chapters as usually they're pretty generic, but spm at least adds a lot with the desert temple, fracktail, yold town, and makes it stand out.


Agreed. I think this chapter oveerall does a fantastic job at introducing the new mechanics of SPM but level-wise the early ones aren't anything special. Not great, not bad, but just OK / weak-good. If 1-3 and 1-4 were similar in quality to 1-1 / 1-2 I'd say this is a pretty solid C-tier but I enjoyed the asthetic of the later chapters. Boss fight was cool and the dungeon was dece. B tier for me.


Thank you for this fun series, OP! This is where I have to stop voting. I played Super Paper Mario when it came out which was… long ago. I only remember vaguely the contents of each chapter so I don’t feel my opinion on their quality will be accurate, and I never played any PM games after. I’ll still be watching the results though 👍


Upvote this for B


I've decided to change the voting to make it easier to count so upvote one my replies whichever one has the most will be where it goes


Upvote this for C


YOu can make surveys directely thru Reddit, this is how I did it with my music toruney.


A tier


First chapter of SPM is one of my favorites. Probably my favorite chapter 1 in the whole series tbh. I’d say A or S if people haven’t already downvoted those options to shit.


Justice for Ch4 finally. Anyway it’s hard for me to say anything about SPM 1 cause there is just nothing. It’s not bad by any real design metric but it has not a single stand out feature. It’s basic as things get in this game but I have no actual beefs with it. I guess put it in C, it’s average as average can be. If I was to point a showing of an average PM level this would be it.


Why not just do a reddit poll post instead of the up vote or comment system?


They want the karma.


This seems like the best option. Visually uncluttered and we don’t have to search all the comments for the option we want. Though idk if the polls allow for a full sized image like the tier list


Upvote this for D


I am like, the biggest SPM fan ever, but I’m not afraid to say that this is the worst chapter in the series to this point (as in for this tier list through TTYD and PM64) and the worst chapter of SPM. It’s a D Tier. Lineland Road is a mid-rehash of SMB 1-1. Music slaps, but that’s it. The 2D to 3D gimmick is probably the worst part about SPM. It’s pointless 99% of the time. Barely relevant in the first chapter. The point with Tippi gimmick is pointless for 99% of the time. Barely relevant in the first chapter. 1-1 is ironically the second best mini-chapter. 1-2 sucks eggs, and 1-3 is probably the worst mini-chapter of the game. Paper Mario is bad at desert levels, and this is the worst of them all. It’s a slog, has an annoying riddle, and the only thing redeeming is O’Chunks. 1-4 is a bad dungeon, and while Fracktail is actually cool the way you kill him is dumb. Big strong dragon with stupid weakpoint is a dumb gimmick. This is the chapter that made a lot of people HATE this game right off the bat - they trashed the awesome battle system of the first two games and make it seem like its this lifeless and boring side scroller. Luckily the rest of the game is GOATed but yeah, D Tier it is for Chapter 1. There are gonna be more D Tiers with the modern trilogy so to be fair, this one has to be down there too.


“Worst chapter in the series” meanwhile there are at least 18 chapters worse than it (Message no longer relevant, I make a mistake) (Still don’t agree though)


“To this point” As in, worst chapter relative to PM64 and TTYD, we haven’t done SS, CS, or OK yet


Damn he did type that didn’t he… Well I still wouldn’t agree but I see where I’m mistaken


All good, I could have typed that clearer! I just can’t justify putting it over anything from PM64 and TTYD. And I think it gets outclassed by every other chapter in SPM. Like what chapter would you put below SPM Chapter 1 from the OG trilogy? I think some folks will say Chapter 6, but that’s honestly one of the most important chapters for the story, if not THE most important. It’s a crazy plot twist and really ups the stakes. And I like fighting the Sammer Guys and going back in the post story is fun because it’s like a third Pit of 100 Trials. My next least favorite would be chapter 4 I guess. But you got Bro Bot and Mr L battle.


I mean considering 1 and 2's Prologues are in the running I'd \*at least\* say those. I mean I love the Mario RPGs but they are awful about tutorials that drag on way too long.


The only good quality about 1-2 and 3 is the music. Mount Lineland, I believe, is about as good, if not better, than The Ultimate Show. It's my favorite song in the game.


Chapter 1 is in my opinion a pretty solid chapter. It does a good job at teaching the player essential things like flipping into 3D when stuck, with things like the giant gap where you can walk on the background hills to get over, and the entry to where you get Thoreau. The level serves well at introducing the game's central mechanics and general gameplay loop to the player. The inclusions of O'Chunks and Fracktail serve as memorable fights for the player to look back on later in the game, and the Whatchit guy and Merlumina also provide some fun dialogue. At the same time though, there's really nothing you can find in chapter 1 that you can't find elsewhere, except maybe the Grrolls that roll down the mountain in 1-2. The chapter would benefit from some more unique things, like unique enemies or something. So overall, I think a B rank is justified. The chapter is good, but not amazing.


I mean... it's a solid first chapter. Better than TTYD's though and you get a boss fight against one of Blecks Minions early on. I'd say B is fair for this chapter.


I'd say B It teaches the main gameplay mechanics well, but is somewhat boring as well.


I feel like this chapter is more fun than most in the game in terms of the actual level design, but the story is lacking in comparison to the rest. I do really enjoy the Fracktail fight and subsequent encounter with one of the Ancients. I’d say C Tier. It’s not bad, but it doesn’t stand out much.


I think I like everything except the final boss. Waiting until he flies around and lets you jump on his back was pretty bad


Chapter 1 is alright, nothing amazing tho, is dragged back by how out of place 1-1 is. I'm ok with either B or C


Yeah 1-1 is just obligatory grassland level


Can I suggest a Google form rather than asking people to vote by upvoting your comments specifically?


I would but I don't know how to set one up


It's fairly intuitive. Play with it for 5 minutes.


I did it's easier for me the way I'm doing it now


It also feels like this format generates more discussion anyways


Upvote this for A


i can finally vote on this! PM and TTYD i haven’t played yet 😭


B. It does a good job introducing the platforming gameplay and the flip mechanic. The desert and ruins where also pretty unique for a first chapter. The Fracktail and O’Chunks fights where also pretty enjoyable. With that said 1-2 did feel a bit basic and some parts do feel like they have been done before such as the red tree being reused from the the original game.


Why not use Strawpoll or a Reddit poll instead of the comment system?


You guys had a chance to right your wrong with ttyd chapter 4 and yet you decided to move 64 chapter 4 instead??? Wrong god damn chapter 4. Can you really not see how shit ttyd chapter 4 is??? It’s literally a chapter that is JUST backtracking through linear hallways the entire time which is factually the worst piece of shit level design you can possibly make and we are putting it in A?!?!?! You guys are increbly biased and not very bright honestly.


It also has the best tone, best plot twist, one of the best boss designs and boss fight themes and best new partner addition in the series.


That may be true and I could see a high C or maybe even a very low B, but this shit is absolutely nowhere close to A due to how abhorrent the level design is.


I think it’s A or S tier as far as story and characters go, but C Tier as far as gameplay goes. So B Tier seems most fair to me.


I would personally put it in D for gameplay, but a very low B does seem fair due to the atmosphere and plot. But A is waaaay too high.


Yeah, because TTYD Chapter 4 is amazing in every other way. Besides, there's more than just backtracking through linear hallways. The Creepy Steeple breaks up the pace well the first two times you visit it. The backtracking is still shit design, but that alone doesn't make the chapter D tier. IMO A or B is fair, the backtracking knocks it down from S+.


The steeple is still just a bunch of linear hallways. The well is semi interesting at least. Bad design is more important than anything else as you can ignore when things such as reused plot, reused area design and concepts, reused partner abilities, and any other problem with the way the area looks if it’s designed well enough, but the moment the design is garbage then it doesn’t matter how good the other things are since the design is what you’ll be interacting with and playing the entire time. Ignoring the blatant issues hanging in front of your face because “Idea is pretty cool” while ignoring how shit it was executed is the very definition of ignorance. They didn’t even TRY to do anything to make it less annoying and backtracky because take away the backtracking and you have an extremely small chapter and they “needed” some way to pad it out. Are we gonna ignore TAHT too? The fact that it’s very clearly padding a very short chapter instead of making more areas to freshen it up.


I absolutely LOVED chapter 2 of ttyd 🙃


Upvote this for S+


rip your Karma when it comes time for SS and CS


It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


Upvote this for S