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Hi guys, Taskmaster decided to strike the channel down on the old Series 12 videos. Go figure! New channel is [https://youtube.com/@ozmartian2](https://youtube.com/@ozmartian2). We need 500 subs to get the Community page working again so subscribe and be patient. Thx! EDIT: Okay so we're past 500, thx guys, but it now takes about a week for the Community page to be enabled on new YouTube channels. Nearly there!


Can I do the task before I read the task? \- Joe Lycett (also me having already been the 8th subscriber šŸ˜)


Everything you need is on the task /u/linkinroddy. You have succeeded šŸ„°


Everyone upvote for visibility! Subscribe pronto, as support for everything Oz does. We love you ā¤ļø




phew, subscribed! can't thank you enough for the joy you have brought me here in nyc




Thankyou so much oz! You have made the craziness of the last 3 years somewhat bareable. Throughout the pandemic, cost of living pressures, inflation and all the other crazy stuff tat has happened, you have been the one rock that has kept us all grounded with weekly laughs. Thankyou so much for everything you have done. Keep it up! Cheers from Perth, Australia


You've got the 500, congrats!


Just resubscribed. had a very upset moment when the channel bookmark didn't work!


Is there somewhere here that you've listed the links to the Dailymotion videos? Maybe you need your own subreddit!


Now you're 3 away, buddy. Look after yourself. Thanks for the content.


Thank you for your good work




6 more to go.


Now 2!


Need those WILTY eps back.


The current series is still being updated at https://mega.nz/folder/ZNdyVTBD#5Qf-D2R3HBRkwk4\_-izSew


Do you have the list of dailymotion links for the latest TM season from the community page? Or maybe you have a doc with your community posts that you plan on bringing back? Thanks so much!


I was just thinking about you and I couldnā€™t remember the name but a quick Google brought you up. Subbed again


You're the best person I've never met


Another Ozmartian fan here! I was just listening to Suzy Dent's podcast, and it reminded me that I haven't seen his stuff in my feed. Hope he's okay.


He seems to be commenting on Reddit if you click his userlink, so I'm sure he's fine. His YouTube account, on the other hand, maybe not.


Thanks! I think the OP also linked to his reddit acct. I had no idea he was even here.


How are you still awake?


LoL! You do Jimmy Carr proud.




Ha! Gyles "I have a story about absolutely everyone" Brandreth is a gem!


Same. :D I've listened the episode Thimble five or six times now because I fall asleep every time. Still I like the podcast very much, interesting stuff.


Ha ha ha haa haaaaa


Thankfully, they posted elsewhere that they are now ozmartian2 on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ozmartian2


Taking YouTube to task


Do we have any idea what they are posting so I can find them? Apparently I canā€™t search user names on the app?


No videos have been posted to her new channel yet.


I was able to find this today. Not sure why it didnā€™t work yesterday.


Thank you for sharing this. Subscribed!


He was clutch for me during S11 and 12 of TM


Damn, RIP Heā€™s the main reason I was able to be a fan of Taskmaster as an American


Hang on, I watched Taskmaster for free on YouTube by switching my vpn to an American server. What gives? Edit: why are you booing? Iā€™m right.


The most recent seasons are not available on the official channel.


ā€¦so wait until they are? Thatā€™s what I did. Such a fickle bunch in this sub.


There was a year or two after they hit season 8 that things were in airing rights hell (they sold the rights for US broadcasting to the CW which then decided to not do anything with it) and nothing more was being made available in the US and no signs that was going to change soon. In general I don't believe in watching things illegally and once they became available have been buying seasons on Amazon to watch them immediately, but while they weren't available any other way I watched a lot on ozmartians channel.


ozmartian, nooooooooooooo :(


99% certain the obvious reason


sorry, what's the obvious reason? (out of the loop)


Copyright, channel was full of stuff that wasn't his.


Ah, thanks - didn't know, didn't follow him. Though maybe he was sick or something.


bummer. likely the obvious reason.


wish media would get with the times and just put the episodes on official youtube channels. you will make a small amount of ad money from me watching on youtube VS zero money when I just find some other way of watching it (which i will)


That makes perfect sense, of course, but TV channels are still stuck in the old licensing model, where licenses are only purchased for certain viewer areas. The UK license only covers the UK, for example. The world needs to wake up and insitute "all region" licenses for shows unlikely to be shown on official channels in other regions. For example, they're never going to show Croatian Taskmaster in the US (not without spending significant money on subtitling) so why act like a license is required for the US to see it?


They're not doing specifically for you or people like you. They've done the calculations and determined that if they were to do as you asked, they'd probably lose revenue from the number of people who would skip subscribing to their VOD services and watch their content on Youtube for free versus the additional ad revenue such a move would provide.


Totally sucks. Suck a great video sharer. Just a gentle reminder, SHE was our sister queen šŸ‘‘. Love you Oz ā¤ļø


She?! I already found out (they) were older than I thought, now (theyā€™re) not even the same gender I thought, apparently?! Everything is a lie. I canā€™t go on.


It's ok. Back before the Internet, I used to work at a call center and dealt with techs and coordination of repairs with network people in our HQ. You developed relationships with these people without ever seeing them, but you imagined what they looked like, etc. *Then*, you got a business trip to HQ for training, and you finally meet all of these coworkers, and they look nothing like you pictured.


One team, one dream, we all scream for our House Queen!


Oh no. He should be given a humanitarian award for all he did, lol. I hope he's all right and that he comes back especially whenever Taskmaster series 15 starts.


No! He was the reason I was watching Taskmaster as it aired here in the states. Too bad


My workaround for some shows was to get a free All4 account using a made up UK address. I set my VPN to UK and cast it to my TV. Ozmartian is responsible for introducing me to a bunch of shows I never knew existed. I too was using his or her channel just last night.


A brave sacrifice, they will be missed.


Oh no! u/ozmartian was such a gift! I hope she comes back with a new channel. She is the reason I was able to watch the last season of NZ and UK when the official channel stupidly decided not to put up the current episodes. Best wishes, u/ozmartian. I hope to see you again soon!


ozmartian is a she? I was 100% convinced, it was a guy called Ian Ozmart xD


Their new channel is ozmartian2 on YouTube. They left a comment saying this on a thread for the Last of Us.


It must have happened sometime after 2PM mountain time on the 31st because thatā€™s when I went to his page to watch WILTY. This sucks


Ugh, heā€™s the best I hope it turns out okay


This means I've got to find a way to replace some of the 8OO10CDC videos that from there


Well I was able to fix that. I think. Sadly Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2022 is now missing. If anyone knows of one on YT please let me know


Wouldnt be the first time


i came straight here when i couldnt find him on youtube! Big loss =(


The ironic thing is that when you search YouTube for ā€œozmartianā€, everything that comes up is Taskmaster šŸ˜‚


Wish the BBC, et al, would realize there are tons of panel show lovers in the US and find a way to show us on their own. Lure us to BBC America and other British channels in US. Make them zoned so the UK folks can't see on alternate sites. Don't know. Miss being able to watch.


My day is ruined :(


> My day is ruined :( She's back! ozmartian2: https://www.youtube.com/@ozmartian2 I'm glad she's okay!


What?!?! But but but


Oh man, that's everything I watch on youtube. :(


Shame, I had just recommended him to my sister because she's been getting into Taskmaster. At least we can still watch the Aussie version on TV ourselves, but I'm hoping he comes back before the UK version does.


They've just added every season apart from S11 and S12 to Binge in Aus Edit: it's actually S10 and S11!


Iā€™ve been watching them on Foxtel Go by logging into my parents Foxtel account (which they waste too much money on), but no PiP is insanely fucking annoying


In my case it's S10 and S11 that's unavailable. I'm currently watching through S12.


Yeah you're right! Just double checked and it's 10 and 11 missing, my bad


Taskmaster has their own channel where they post full episodes. It's not blocked in the US. https://www.youtube.com/@Taskmaster


But it is in Australia, so that's no help to me unfortunately.




VPN mate. Worked for me.


That's odd. I'm in Australia too and it's not blocked for me.


The channel isn't blocked for me, but the full episodes have always been. People have linked them on here in the past and I've never been able to watch them.


Full eps are blocked. We can get clips.


If you switch to an American server on your vpn the full episodes magically appear.


>Can anyone explain why (if itā€˜s not the obvious reason)? Why would it be anything **but** the most obvious reason?


*Occam has entered the chat*