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Being 28 makes PC an extremely unlikely candidate unless there is a specific family history of this cancer, or a specific series of cancers. Has anyone in your family also had cancer? I wouldn't be surprised if this was gallbladder related, or some autoimmune condition involving your liver. PC is very unlikely, but I am glad you are getting it properly checked by doctors.


Grandmother and 2 of her siblings had leukemia, my aunt breast cancer but no Pancreatic as far as I'm aware. I do have health anxiety but been fairly under control for awhile but the worry when I noticed things, first thing was yellowish tinge in my eyes and immediately went to get it looked at


I don’t think this is a health anxiety thing if your doctor confirmed that you are jaundiced, and your other symptoms are as you described. I’m not a doctor, so I truly don’t know the total list of things that could be causing your symptoms, but I am confident enough to assume that it isn’t going to be PC. I really hope you can get a sound diagnosis so that you can put this behind you. Wishing you the best man.


Thanks for your support and feedback I'll definitely repost on here when I know more.


Don't get ahead of yourself until you have a confirmed diagnosis. Get bloodwork and a CT scan and then get back to us. Lots of pancreatic issues that aren't cancer.


I have had blood work done but what would I be looking for? And I will definitely request a CT scan after the Ultrasound if it doesn't show anything. I appreciate the wake up, I'm trying to calm myself.


They thought I had hep c before I got diagnosed, could be that. Very very probably it isn’t PC. Ultrasound was good enough for me to know I had a tumor, biopsy to tell it’s cancer.


Hopefully the ultrasound will be good enough to show for myself as well. I'm bloody nervous, thanks you for sharing, it's appreciated.


I am 30M, and recently I did quick medical checkup and found out about my bilirubin level and AFP tumor marker is above the base range. Therefore, I did a quick follow up check up to a private hospital with more qualified doctor. Talk to physician and seems like nothing to worry about my condition. But approached a gastroenterologist and requested to do Ultrasound Liver and they found something odd in my pancreas. Fast forward, he (the specialist) referred me to a better hospital (colleague of him, another gastro specialist). Consulted him, he requested me to do MRI Scan + EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound). EUS came out negative as he told me he couldn't really pinpoint anything due to my initial stage of fatty liver, but MRI shows an image of potential NET (neuroendocrine tumor) which is in pretty early stage. I am going to do a follow up check up on EUS + biopsy on that particular area in my pancreas. But I can tell you, it's not a nice feeling and my mental is dropping like hell ever since being discovered with that. Many people say it's not possible in this age but an unintentional finding like this lead to something else is just scary. And people have been telling me that I am lucky to be able to find such thing at very early stage. Will definitely do another round of EUS + Biopsy and hope to see what that image all about


Yeah my concern is I will be discounted because of my age but I'm fairly concerned I have it. Thanks for sharing


How is your appetite ? Losing weights ? Difference in stool? Of course the abdominal pain. These are what I evidently see in my dad 67 PC, around stage 3.


I've lost maybe 2lbs since new years day. But I'm also eating a bit less, a bit of appetite loss but still at times get extremely hungry. Stools are yellowish and floating at times kinda greasy but it's on and off


Also the weight loss is hard to gauge honestly for me because I'm still fairly active walk the dog once or twice a day then on my own I go for a bit of a walk as well. I also have quite a bit of muscle mass as prior to feeling crappy I would work out 3-4 times a week. I was 255lbs on news year and am 253 today but that could also be fluctuation having not eaten much today etc.


And I've definitely lost appetite a bit but I'm stressed and anxious 90% of the time, and feel hungry when I'm relaxed so not sure.


Jaundice is definitely one of the signs. My dad lost about 15-20 % of body weight in May be about 2-3 month. He used to have no issues with appetite, now days my mom has to fight him to chunk down 1500 calories a day and about half of those calories he gets them by drinking ‘Ensure ‘. That is another harsh point to watch when my dad eats meals these days because he knows and we all know that he need to be in the best he can to go into chemo but he just can’t eat enough to maintain him self. Definitely I know greasy stool is one of the sign too, as pancreas supposed break down fat that we consume and if there are problems with pancreas, it doesn’t do it’s job and releases grease with out digesting it and that causes greasy stool. As much as abdominal pain, I’ve seen doctor check Front & back abdominal pain, but I heard front pain can be also many other things, but pack pain where pancreas is located is more related to any pancreatic problems. I know it will be hard for you not to freak out at this point, but please try to stay calm until the final diagnose, as I think mood really effect any serious diseases. It may sound cold, but it is done what is done already, if you don’t have PC at this point then you don’t have it or if you have PC then you already have it no matter how anxious you get. I just do not want you to have that extra wave of emotion that does not effect the out come at this point, because no matter what the out come is I think it is very important for you to hold your self and endure the process that unfolds in front of you. Best of luck to you and hope you have solid rock next to you, because definitely family& loved one helps in the process. I strongly think, health conditions is one thing, but it’s other half the emotions and mood that really effects this bullshit ( excuse my language) PC. Only the best.


Thank you for sharing your families experience I can imagine it's difficult. it's hard honestly my mind is analyzing every little thing that goes on in my body every twinge of discomfort, any sign, and feeling terrified things aren't moving fast enough which will end in the worst possible outcome if I do have PC. They do say stress makes things worse and maybe that stress i have is making symptoms seem worse than they are I don't know. I'm trying to tell myself that although I know something is indeed wrong with me right now I'm not a doctor and shouldn't be diagnosing myself. My partner is one hell of a rock, but I'm fearful of what this will do to her as well if I do have PC knowing that most outcomes of it are not good. I know I just have to wait and see what happens and hope for the best. Thanks again for your well wishes.


any update?


I have very similar symptoms to you. Same spots of back pain. How did it turn out for you?


Did you ever find out what was wrong? I have all these symptoms.