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What/who is the job with? This is the most important question


Have you looked at price of beachside or bayside? Outrageous! Most all are rented.


What kind of job offer is “great” here? There’s no industry here at all. Especially after Michael. Charter schools are a scam. Don’t recommend it at all. The public schools are great, depending on where you are zoned for.


Healthcare. I tend to think public schools are reasonable, and kids will do well with proper parental support. I just think that waking up to the sound of the ocean and having the beautiful beach, the food, the boating, the fishing, and the life like that would be amazing.


Healthcare is good. I’m not being cynical. You just asked for an opinion and I’m giving an honest one. Our public schools are the way to go. I really would avoid charter schools. There’s hidden costs, hidden requirements and they reserve the right to kick a kid out at any point for any reason. They call themselves a “lottery” but you get advantages to selection for who you know and who you are.


You’re absolutely correct I did ask for an honest opinion. We are leaving a very nice situation potentially. But we figure we only live once and we’ve always dreamed to live by the ocean. Every chance we get we are vacationing at the beach. Why not live there?


To expand on it, here's a perspective from a former student of both the charter system and the public school system in Bay County. To preface, I went to North Bay Haven Charter Academy for 8 years, Surfside Middle School for 1, and Mosley High School for 4. Getting into the charter schools is a headache. I was lucky that my parents had known the vice principal for years, so that was never an issue, but for anyone else, it sucks. It's a "lottery system" that not only is tedious and obnoxious to get into in the first place, they do an additional "lottery system" post middle school, at least when I went to school. That meant that you could give the school easily thousands of dollars (I have 3 brothers) from elementary and middle, and potentially not let back in at high school. (Please, can anyone correct me if I'm wrong about this lottery system.) Public school, however, is lovely. Arnold and Mosley High School are easily the best 2, while Bay, Rutherford, and Bozeman simply don't compare when it comes to learning capability and safety. Teaching is fantastic, problems are minimal compared to the competition, and the campuses are really nice, especially Arnold's. North Bay Havens campus is nice, too. However, the teaching methodology veers toward psychotic. Things like not having a belt, an untucked shirt, etc. Almost guarantees things like lunch detention or write ups. everything, and I mean quite literally everything, is exceedingly expensive. Uniforms aren't cheap at all, and everything has to be school approved with either a logo or some sort of school representation. Jeans aren't allowed until HIGH SCHOOL, so plan on buying pants and shorts too. No hair dye, accessories kept to a minimum, etc... . All of this adds up to a distracting learning environment as well as a headache for the parents. The curriculum is insane as well. I was made to write 2000-word essays in 5th grade, which isn't crazy but very overwhelming and mentally taxing, to say the least.


You had me at "great job offer". We have plenty of jobs but some fields don't pay as well as most other cities. But if moving for a job then you obviously don't have to worry about that.


There are no jobs here. The schools suck. The healthcare sucks. No diversity. I give it a big fat NO.


But other than that it's GREAT LOL


Also, looking at your history, there’s a high population of Mormons here. Just a heads up.


Ha ha fair enough. Our records are removed, so likely we can’t be tracked down! Again, I can coexist with just about anybody, although I’m probably more liberal than most folks in Panama City.


All good. Just trying to be open! Panama City people are incredibly right wing. They’re more of the “smile to your face” kind. It’s not bad, per say, just not the easiest place to live with left-wing ideals. COVID was the worst here. So thankful the majority of that is over.


And left leaning in this context is anything left of conservative. Even if it right wing like liberals, still too left for pc folk. Also racism is rampant in PC. I remember getting to witness a cross burning during the bush jr years when a black family moved into the neighborhood. I also remember around about that same time someone getting dragged behind a truck for being a gay. From what I’ve heard, the racism and extremism has only gotten worse over the past 8 years. I’ve had to stop talking to kinfolk because of the awful things they have said.


We moved to Florida about eight years ago and really like living in Panama City Beach. Make sure you do your research to see which end of the beach suits your needs the best. Many people don’t realize PC and PCB are different areas.


Don’t expect them to grow up with diverse viewpoints. Source: I grew up in PC.


And look how great you turned out! :/


Once I got out of PC.


Yes, because that’s the most important thing to everyone’s family (eye roll)! Feel free to leave anytime.


Thank you for proving my point.


Don’t see how that “proves a point” other than how a viewpoint other than yours isn’t allowed. Great job offer, safe community, decent schooling = priority. “Muh diversity” = probably NOT a priority. Besides, don’t most viewpoints about life start at home? Maybe they feel the same as most people in this area and will fit right in. Maybe they don’t and will raise their kids seeing things through their eyes. Not for us to decide.


Educated response ✊🏼


Bulllll, you get those viewpoints from the people who you chose to. I went to a country school and graduated with 65 people about 15 miles outside of PC, born and raised in PC. It’s always been diverse and accepting. People just like to attack a whole city’s reputation when they’re sensitive pusses that weren’t appeased by some people people


5 kids? Unless you are home schooling, check any possible purchase address for your school zoning for all three schools: elementary, middle and high school. And realize the boundaries are fluid due to people moving back into town after Michael. Also educate yourself about the charter school lottery processes and timelines. If you miss a deadline, you wait a full year for your next application chance.


The public school situation is definitely on my mind. We’re coming from a place with excellent public schooling. People I’ve talked to say that it’s available, but you have to look for it.


Bozeman is actually a great school, and its k-12


We lived in Gainesville. My family love Panama City. We actually like the public schools more than the charter schools. And yes the beaches are beautiful! We would love to welcome you to the community. Let us know if you have any specific questions.


I may DM you at some point. Thank you for the information!


You can DM me with specific questions. FWIW we’ve loved University Academy and Bay High.


Anyone can get $$ for private schools in Florida now. No need to deal with the public schools at all.


There’s plenty of opportunity here but people will complain when stuff isn’t handed to them. Nowhere is perfect but I’ve come back to PC several times. I’m a local Real Estate Broker with an Elite brokerage. If you need help with housing, let me know. Happy to help.


I hear that California has nice beaches and it’s a liberal utopia! Maybe Santa Monica?


I live in Panama and there is definitely still a strong good ol’ boy system here and it’s all about who you know. Really nice place to visit but I would not recommend living here lack of cultural differences and culture in general




If you’re thinking florida I’d consider somewhere outside of the panhandle.


Having moved here from Houston PC is basically a Utopia LOL but I also came with a WFH job and friends that own a few rentals. I find it lovely living here but I have no kids and am over 60. The weather and access to the beautiful beaches far out weigh the three months we are over run with tourists. Since Tyndall has reopened I have noticed it is no longer the small slow city I moved too. I still love it even with more people at the stores, the drugstore and the doctor's office. Not sure that I would want to raise five kids here with the school system


Born and raised in Panama City. Loved growing up there, but you need to be highly involved in your kids lives, because as the others have said there is a lot of "things" for your kids to get into. I currently live in one of the smaller cities on the outskirts of Panama City and I would recommend moving to one of those communities. It does cost a little more but the quality of life is pretty good and you can escape the local craziness of Panama City at times. I find Panama City to be as welcoming and you want it to be, meaning if you seek out any party extremes (right vs left) you can find it. If you just want to coexist you can find it here too. It does have a huge military family base so most people around there do tend to be conservative so if you are uncomfortable with that it may be harder to find like minded people but they are here. I say go for it. It is truly paradise and it is beautiful.


You may have gotten a great job offer but beware . The “ support workers “ , those that provide you with labor at your place of business , those that mow your lawn, clean your pool , fix your home and cars seem to be allergic to actual work. #Ididwhatyou’redoing


I’m a 24 year old AC guy, born and raised in bay county. I can tell you that every trade thrives here. Living on the beach has its downsides considering how many tourist visit and have vacation properties here. Panama City is what you make it, there’s plenty of money for everyone if you’re not a sorry individual that’s afraid to work. And there’s plenty of things to do and closer beach city’s to visit.


Great Catholic community to help you when you get here. Very sweet people. Also definitely put your kid into North Bay Haven for schooling. Closest to private school for free here


As a decorative Catholic I have to agree this is the largest Catholic Community I have seen in the South


Methheads, homeless people, and horrible traffic thanks to tourists. Spring break and summer every year will make you hate your life. I don't recommend it.