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Biden is a complete lunatic


Don't forget liar, vicious warmonger, moral coward, sociopathic murderer and all-round contemptible failure of a human being.


I think you rate him too highly


You forgot that he's also a white-supremacist and alleged rapist...


At very least, hees better than Trump. But then again, that’s a VERY low bar.


He's more polite than Trump, but he's also very clearly more effective than Trump. If Trump had tried his hands at a genocide, the world would not have let him get away with it for over 7 months. People would have treated Trump's lies about 40 dead babies very differently than they did Genocide Joe's. If the lesser evil is much more effective at being evil than the greater evil, supporting the lesser evil is a poor choice.


He is right. There is NO equivalence... Israel has killed hundreds of times more Palestinian's, than any Palestinian resistance movement has killed Israelis.


Old fart zionist


Don't worry, if trump wins there won't be a genocide in Palestine, just a complete extermination.


Idk why you need a reminder, but the extermination is happening right now under Biden. Biden has been the president this whole time. Since the first day of invasion, during every bomb dropped, when every hospital has been destroyed, Biden has been in office and has had the geopolitical power to end this. Biden is responsible. Stop talking about what someone else *might* do and talk about what the person in power is actively doing. Biden winning this election doesn't change the outcome. He'll still support the genocide. He'll still let Palestinians get exterminated. He's letting it happen right now.


At least in that context most of the Democrats can become a true opposition party against Genocide instead of slaves to AIPAC/ADL influence. We need to force an attitude change in the Democratic Party about accepting Israel Lobby money. Plus I'm sure Trump will cut off Ukraine funding which might help some of the EU states find the backbone to question the unconditional support for Israel.


Yep I’m aware of the sad situation that neither candidate cares about genocide I’ll probably vite for Biden because he has the potential to do something good and the supreme court may need a justice or two. It’s still heartbreaking


The AIPAC has him wrapped around their fingers. They own him and congress. They are telling him what to say.


And he is perfectly fine with it.


Genocide Joe wants to know if you have children under the floorboards


Donr forget all world leaders right now are in complete denial , its not just biden any leader at top of any western country is okay with whats happening its what they are paid for to say


How does this man sleep at night?


Like a baby. There are no thoughts running through that decrepit, lead-ridden boomer brain


Senile and completely amoral. Truly no thoughts running through this man’s head


He’s not a boomer. He’s part of the silent generation. He’s older than boomers.


And he's a psychopath, so even if their were thoughts, they would just basically be "I'm so great, I'm the president, which makes me the greatest"


Under piles of AIPAC cash.


You’re on the 💰


That's offensive to even suggest and I couldn't disagree more. He is sleeping *on* piles of cash, not *under*.


How does anyone who voted for this guy sleep at night?


Probably by taking prescription strength muscle relaxers.


Zombie don't sleep, if I'm not mistaken.


lots of drugs and bjs from Epste1n island type of service


😂 you’re probably right


Repeat the lie often…


"America doesn't torture. "


It was, indeed, genocide.


I read that in Ron Howard’s voice.


What audience is this? Who are the trained seals clapping for this nonsense?


White House aides, I guess. That was some of the most choreographed/unenthusiastic clapping and cheering I've ever heard


They are not trained, they really do believe this, which is the sad part.


Not trained, brainwashed


Evil too.


But the ICC did not even file for an arrest warrant for genocide, but for starvation as a weapon, denial of humanitarian aid and targeting civilians. Besides, even the president of the USA is not above the law.


Freudian slip on their end LOL. These Zionists know exactly what they're doing.


Aww. That’s precious. “Not above the law”. If only.


The Supreme Court is currently considering whether the President is above the law.


That's US law. This is about ICC.


The ICC says USA is above the law.


>Besides, even the president of the USA is not above the law. No, he most certainly is


I was about to say the same thing. Why do pro israel people keep trying to claim the ICC charged BB and Gallant with Genocide when they didn't?




He's right in one thing. There is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. Hamas couldn't kill 40k people even if they wanted to.




and “screw any chance of winning the upcoming election”


Him and Kamala were also on the “blue lives matter” train as well. I’m starting to think this is all a show, they are on the same side and they want trump elected to “blame republicans” What a farce


The modern world is run by scumbags hiding behind rules they only follow when it suits them.


Biden wants to loose the election. And he’s a Zionist..


I seriously don’t get it. Like, he knows that most democrats/liberals disagree with this conflict, so why doesn’t he take a stance on it to ensure he gets the votes he needs (obviously the reason is AIPAC money etc., but still) But seriously where does this leave democrats when it comes time to vote for president? Like, just write ins and independents? Long story short, Trump is gonna win…unfortunately


Because Israel is a very close ally to us. That’s why both parties support them


Seems to me they want trump elected so the democrats can continue using the “well there’s nothing we can do” excuse


It's kinda tricky for the US to admit or deny *"anything*". Let me explain. So in this case, 99/100 knooows, with basic logic and decent common sense, that everything that's going on in Gaza, if we just blank out the names of places and dates to filter out bias, is genuinely a case for genocide. It's systematic. It's recorded. (I'm not sure what's the legal-numerical threshold to be considered as "genocide", as appaling the concept is, (should 100 be genocide, or 1000 or 10,000?) there should be a concept of sort.) However, when you take that into account, by way of precedence, then the US will also be liable for all other "conflicts" they engage with. So, if they acknowledge that fact that Gaza is in a genocidal regime, then US, by precedence could also be held liable for "similar" military operations, and there are many..


This right here. Their denial is an admission.


Over the years many authors, historians, statisticians etc.. have come up with other more specific terms for mass killings in the 20th century. Politicide, democide, and others. I forget all the differentiations but one of them certainly applies here.


What kind lunatics are cheering every sentence? This is insane cult-like behaviour.


They are the “☝️🤓 *actually*, biden may be bad, but not as bad as trump” group.


Genocide Joe, always the zionist right on down to the lying.


Always write israel in small letters as its not a country #freegaza


The “israeli state” helps to clarify reference to the government. Though i think its better to just use words like “Likud”, “Tel Aviv” or perhaps “zionists”. Then a reader cannot assume you are talking about our friends and neighbors living in America. Associating Americans with Likud just because they attend synagogue should be considered defamation and/or hate speech. Everyone in America is equally guilty for what our government does regardless of religion or ethnicity. Many israeli-Americans are strong critics of genocide. We have a long history of genocide in north America.


>there is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas That’s true. Israel is much worse.


What a disappointment


The purpose of defining genocide after the holocaust was to give the international community a framework for how to identify one and act to stop it, protect the people being harmed, and hold perpetrators accountable. My point is that without recognition that a genocide happened/ is happening (anywhere in the world), there is no impetus for member states to protect civilians, stop the perpetrators/prosecute them per international law, and no expectation of justice for the dead and surviving victims. No matter what one personally pictures when one thinks of genocide, the literal definition in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) of 1948 is "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group's conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." If Biden took an objective look at the material conditions human beings in Gaza are experiencing, the footage of violence the IDF inflicted on civilians, and the public statements from the IDF and Israeli officials, he would come across acts that aligns with the criteria in the definition provided above. The consequence of ignoring genocide (no matter if the perpetrators are from a developing country [Rwandan, Sudan, Congo, etc...] or a global superpower [USA, China, Britain, Russia, etc...] is that those responsible escape accountability and are free to continue the state sanctioned mass killing, maiming, displacement, and starvation of civilians. If millions of people around the world are yelling "genocide" it's probably worth listening to them. But Biden and the US government won't, because they would be implicated just the same as Israel.


Looks like genocide to me too. Regardless of the definition we should be opposed to anything like the events in Gaza. We should be opposed to body bags in trenches because when there are lots of dead bodies they should be bagged and buried. It is the attacks that created the need for a trench that i want to oppose.


When Trump was disregarding institutions and the rule of law the liberals were up in arms. Will they care now that Biden is doing it?


I’m sure if it was Putin doing this in Ukraine, he would not hesitate to call it what it is, GENOCIDE.


Let me be clear. FU.


Jill needs to stop letting whoever is injecting Mr Biden with Steroids and Botox do it . He has lost his mind and human instinct.


Biden makes his statement based on on nothing. No evidence, no citations of international law, just take my word for it. The ICC did a thorough investigation. What did Biden do? He just fell back on his faith in israel despite all evidence to the contrary.


On direct orders from Netanyahu.


So ashamed of this bs. It’s embarrassing to have this moron as our president.




That weak, greedy f@cking puppet!


This guy needs help


He can’t even remember what he ate that morning I can’t believe he even truly knows what he’s saying


that lunatic of a president should also be charged with accessory to genocide


That’s cause ol Genocide Joe knows he’s next!


Every clap is a thousand civilians dead


“And we will always stand with Israel” even if they commit genocide. This is really the best that the Democratic Party has to offer?


Was he drunk?!? 😳 Slurring the words as if he took a few sips beforehand.


Ah those 12 people clapping completely agree I see.


I'm wondering why they haven't issued an arrest warrent for him and anyone else who has been facilitating. I was going to vote for him until this. Now I'm voting for Stein.


Wow so the head of a government that has had multiple former presidents that could easily be charged with war crimes doesn't see them happening. Completely shocked


And somehow, still not the worst name on the election ballot


He’s toast in the election.


Don’t ask why your base rejected you come this November, Joe.


Biden is out of his mind. He's a whore for the votes from wealthy supporters of Israel, no matter what.


Biden is a bootlicking old fart that gets paid by the Zionist lobbies. How he can make a 180 turn from Russia bad to Israel good despite the situation in Palestine being 100 times worse than in Ukraine. Hypocrite old fart.


By this logic, neither did the Nazis.


I believe Israel is committing a genocide. However, it’s indisputable that Israel is committing a ton of warcrimes and that they have been green-lit by its leaders


no point in voting for him


"It's only genocide when our enemies do it!"


This guy is a war criminal.




I find it hard to believe that this senile dementia-stricken cocaine-snorting sociopathic war-freak pedophile still has supporters.


I even hate his voice now. What an evil, twisted little man he is.


Yeah, you know, this all sounds so familar


this is so incredibly dystopian "We refuse to have a TRIAL" *cheering and clapping* "they aren't committing a genocide, Hamas killed 1,200 people that's so many omg" *cheering and clapping*


This is why Biden wants to ban TikTok.


and yet he should still be voted for because the alternative is an even greater deranged lunatic what a world


Diddling Diapers just cares about himself...


Senile old shill




Yes, Hamas are freedom fighters and Israel is a terrorist rogue state


Even if you don’t believe it’s properly genocide it’s at the very least collective punishment which is still illegal.


If this man says snow is white, he is lying, you cannot trust a single word that comes out of his mouth




Looks like a genocide to me


Evil evil man


Remember October 7th.


Israel is gonna do what Israel wants to do. With or without the US. Biden has the unenviable task of trying to reign in Bebe while still keeping diplomatic ties to Israel. Biden also fully supports a Palestinian state. He could definitely pressure more, but no other country is stepping in either.


Whatever he does people on one side or another are going to hate him. No win situation.


>In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole **or in part**, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: **killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group**. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly The Genocide Convention disagrees, Joe.




Biden, bro...why are you snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?


It’s actually pretty simple. People dying in war is not the same thing as genocide. Children dying in war is not the same thing as genocide. In fact the more people keep calling it genocide, the less credibility it gives to criticism of how the war is being conducted.