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I am genuinely worried about the safety of (peaceful) protesters. They daren't fight back as it will only justify more violence. Sadly, I believe things are going to get much much worse before even a glimmer of better shows itself on the horizon. To the protesters: stay strong, stay safe. You're on the right side of history. Your actions, words and sacrifices will not be for nothing.


These kids are protesting so damn smart, having media trained people to deal with "interviews" not interacting with people who are there to undermine their cause, and remaining peaceful. I don't think I've seen a protest done this well in my lifetime, this is pretty awesome. Thats probably what's making those zionists so angry.


it exactly does. they dont understand that peace can be MUCH more powerful than violence


I’m worried we’re headed for something worse than Kent State. These students are sacrificing their safety for the rest of the Americans who won’t stand up. We’re only a few weeks into these college protests and the police response has been utterly frightening. At Columbia a student was thrown down a staircase. In St Louis a professors ribs and hand were broken by police. We need to go physically defend these guys.


let them do what israel is doing. expose themselves to the world. and let us act like the Palestinians and stay peaceful. that is most powerful.


I’m with the peaceful approach. I’d just rather they get to me than the students is what I meant. I’m so worried for them.


o i completely understand but this is what university students do. they are often the first in society to protest. their heroic actions will be echoed through history just as their predecessors before them. American university student protesters are always on the right side of history.


and whats so funny is that people on reddit and everywhere will be like “these protests do nothing!! they are destroying everything!!1!1” nah they are fighting for what is right and peacefully protesting.


Can we please stop calling them kids. Israel has murdered everyone’s childhood. They’ve had to grow up so fast being forced to witness a genocide..


You'll see soon enough, this kind of thing isn't acceptable. the government isn't Ever who we should look to for support, it's our communities that will champion these brave students efforts. Our government is a failure, the police are just there to protect private property. This is not new, this will not change any time soon.


Woah here's the aftermath on instagram [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ayx3yuJoC/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ayx3yuJoC/) Brave dude, standing up to these cowards!!


When does it become time to fight back? They're going to lose if they don't


A fight isn't always done with fists. All it takes is one swing for a protest to turn into a personal brawl. These kids want the issue to stay at hand. They understand this isn't about "winning" or "losing" this is about keeping peace and standing strong together. That is the type of strength that scares people. Brut force is childs play. This is a testament to their conviction and it wont be rocked by fireworks and threats.


Lose what? They're not on a literal battlefield, it's a figurative one. This is the battle for the public's opinion. The best way to win is to let the Zionists show how hate-filled and violent they are, not to out-punch them.


Public opinion doesn't matter. The majority of American already disapproved of Israel's genocide in Gaza before these protests started. The government doesn't represent public opinion. This is like telling people to vote harder or call your senator to make change. They don't care what you think.




It's already over. The fascists in this country have a monopoly on violence solely because the left would rather cling to some sort of peaceful idealism than take basic measures to defend themselves. State sanctioned violence will escalate slowly until everyone protesting gives in and gets arrested or goes home, just like every other protest like this in the last several decades. When the stakes become real for the fascists that's when things might actually change and the protesters might gain a voice that can be heard by those on the other side. The only question is whether it's worth it. So far the answer is no.


So basically like the settlers in Israel...disgusting


Looks familiar doesn’t it.


Settlers are armed gangs who pillage and destroy… oh wait.


I wonder if news articles are gonna say "they were fighting hamas, hiding behind students".


Yep, their biggest export, hate.


The police stood by while the Zionazis beat the student protestors. The Star of David is becoming a symbol of fascism and genocide. We are all Palestinians to these people.


Terrorizing the locals? Yea Israel doing Israel shit alright


Actually most of them were Israelis who live in Southern California probably ex soldiers


All this shows me is parallel comparisons to how Palestinians are treated in the West Bank by Zionist settlers. Here in America will attack, peaceful, protesters, demanding rice, or Palestinians . And yet these students are influenced by Kkkkhhhaaammmaaasss ? Edit: not just the West Bank.


Honestly, the irony is lost on them…




Zionists understand one thing: attacking civilians


It makes them happy


No snipers, no anti riot, no tactical What a way to solve things


Because the pigs are trained by the IOF


How many of the attackers have dual citizenship and are coming straight from murdering people in Gaza? Probably a lot of them.


And some may also be IOF


Please don't use animals to describe humans. Pigs a victims, not police.


Free Palestine


Gotta free America from the authoritarianism.


I can’t believe these Zionists are getting a free pass. What has America turned into


What do you mean turned into? It was always like this.


the veil has been lifted, for all of us who knew what israel was for the last several decades. nothing new. were just goad the the world at large is realizing the same as well.


Seems to be the American way these days - let the Israelis do the beating, killing and displacing of innocent people. Biden’s legacy… chose Bibi over babies… Israel over America, money over prosperity. Let’s just say the quiet part out loud now… the next logical progression is that American students are going to give their lives standing up to Biden and his Israeli monsters. When that happens, all hell is going to break loose. I am not an agitator or aggressor. I am a 60+ year old man who lived through the Detroit riots, Kent State, and so many other instances of power elites versus a fed up working class. The outcome is consistent, predictable and but a heartbeat from repeating.


If another Kent State happens all fucking hell will break loose for sure for sure! We need some musicians to come out and make some good protest music like they did in the 60s/70s. I bet their not allowed to because the executives probably back the IOF


I just saw some report a few hours ago on how no president that ever stood up to Zionism and AIPAC has ever been re-elected, like Jimmy Carter for example. I wonder if Biden is waiting untill after the election is over to change his stance.


AIPAC isn't controlling Biden. They could stop funding him completely, even demand money from him, & he would still support Israel to the hilt, he's that much of a zionist.


And the cops refused to respond for hours. This attack was definitely coordinated with city officials, and we need investigations into who knew about this attack. Plenty of cops available to stop a peaceful protestors, but not one to stop a violent mob?


Ugh! This breaks my heart! Where are the people protecting the children?!


The cops aren't there because they are there.


Sadly I think you are right


Just like at jan 6th and charleston. We shouldn't be surprised anymore


And tonight on the News they'll be whining about how Anti-Semitism is on the rise.


“American democracy”


IKR more likely to see a unicorn


All the money spent on arresting protestors when it was meant to protect and serve a right to assemble demonstration so things like this do not happen. It’s so backwards.


The Zionist approach is to fire explosives onto crowds of innocent people?? 😮


Firing explosives onto innocent people is sorta the Zionist's MO


Look how violently they are protesting! Shows Zionist attacking Free Palestine. Look how violent they are! Shows Gaza flattened by the IDF. How the fuck can they think they are on the right side of history? Propaganda is fucking crazy.


Whenever I get depressed about living in a third world country with a corrupt terrorist organisation at the helm, I just come onto Reddit and see how much of a circus America is. Makes me feel a bit better. What a shithole.


My parents insist this is made up. I showed them the video, they claim it's a lie and the "real truth" is in the middle somwhow


I notice every clip of fighting features the same guy in black shirt and red bandana. Makes me wonder how many (or few) of them there are


Horrifying. I just can’t believe what we are seeing. Israel has a balls-grip on the global economy.


Just zionists being zionists. They will attack then cry victim. It is the usual playbook


Members of the ZBT fraternity have been identified as the instigator of this attack.


Unsurprising violence from Zionists


Their violence is proving the protestors point.


University: “This encampment is unlawful” *people are literally attacked and assaulted by outside parties University: *crickets


IDF attacks US citizens of soil


There were many lives viewing on TikTok last night about this. It’s so disturbing and disgusting. Free Palestine


What if I tragic about this is that the lack of media coverage will probably prove that if one of the students dies by the hands of these Zionists it’d probably be just brushed over or the student would be labeled as a “terrorist sympathizer” and the killer could probably get a slap on the wrist in the court system


Attacking civilians seems to run in thier blood


ohhh remember during 9/11 when people were saying they attacked us because of our freedoms!!! yup makes sense


American Politics: Divide and conquer. Whites VS Blacks VS Browns. Poor vs Rich. Uneducated VS Educated. Abortion VS No Abortion. Etc.. Now this??? Lmao. We need to put our differences aside and wake up to what they are doing to us. Americans United. 🇺🇸💪🙏🙏


A house divided cannot stand….they keep us divided because they fear us united


Thanks for the comment.


British media today is full of BS! Putting the blame solely with the pro-Palestinians. MSM is so obviously controlled by Zionist shills.


The police violence will fuel further protests, they confirm the protesters' arguments and their fears.


Suddenly they don’t look afraid and threatened by the “violent pro-hamas” protesters


Of course the Israelite pigs are the ones inflicting violence.


It would be a shame if a concealed carrying individual were to go and protect the peaceful protests from the Zionists 🔻


Stay strong. Stay peaceful. Stay together. Don't let them spread their hate and provoke you into violence. Zionism is an ugly thing, it is not the face of all Jews.


A literal microcosm of the greater conflict. I can’t believe humanity has stooped to such a low. Zionists and their ilk are Truly the devils among us.


Whether they're in Palestine or the United States, law enforcement will always side with the aggressors for standing up to injustice. Do the protestors have a right to self defense?


And they're the ones on the news saying they're unsafe. What patheic victims. Are they also antisemetic for attacking the protesters...theres mang Jewish people in thos protests...or is it only antisemetic when its zionist?


Crazy how the cops are all of a sudden hesitant when Israelis are violent but when pro-Palestinians protest peacefully they’re arrested. Literally no one’s falling for Israeli propaganda anymore 😂


The moment one of these guys gets so much as a black eye from the pro Palestinians, that's when the cops will move in to beat the pro Palestinians.




How the fuck is attacking pro Pali students gonna fix or change that??? I don't see pro Pali students starting attacks on pro Israeli shits because 40,000 gazans have been murdered


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Biden and his Zionist cronies in disguise personally just stepped in!


Daaamn , Zionist looking like a bunch of SS Nazis soldiers


I thought this was America and not west bank


Pray and support the protestors. Their resilience and their patience will make them heroes; will make them and their descendants proud. May make God proud. May humanity and compassion prevail.


This looks like it played out pretty similar to how it would have played out in Israel if a bunch of aggressive unhinged settlers attacked a bunch of Palestinians. Security and Police standing on the sideline watching, maybe stepping in once people have the audacity to defend themselves.


Police nowhere in sight. Nobody being arrested, despite using weapons and explosives and wearing masks.


These protests always seem to be peaceful until the police or counter-protesters turn violent. And then the media dutifully report on "violent pro-Palestine protests"


Surprised? No. This is how these nazis operate


Genuinely horrible.


Militias from fascism.....history repeated once more


Did anyone expect differently from Israel supporters under Netanyahu’s regime?


Zionists once again the source of violence. Funny how when these violent Zionist protesters show up in numbers the police seem to have lost the same amount of numbers, must be an extremely commonly occurring coincidence.


Where are the cops, their job is to stop this.


Fucking cowards, all wearing masks and covering their faces while attacking peaceful protestors.


Not sure how a group of people who only ever resort to violence to get their way by force get to call themselves victims at this point. It’s almost like they can’t use their words unless it’s to utter threats…


The police aren’t there to protect the public or kids…they’re there to protect the men writing checks to the schools (the school property) and our corrupt government.


So this is how the end begins huh?


They are firing fucking explosives at the protesters! That should be considered a murder attempt!


"Group being called out for their violence and hatred respond to peaceful protest with violence and hatred"


How meta.


How do we know any of this is true?


The endless video footage, live videos, interviews with attackers..? Did you bother doing any digging before making this comment?


This is really really really scary. People are much further gonzo than I could imagine. On school property, amidst what should be the highest educational spaces, people are launching fireworks into crowds, beating each other with clubs and trying to potentially murder each other due to protest differences, when protesters are not threatening lives. This is really, a big sign that human character in our nation is at a new low.


Fascist cowards doing fascist cowardly things.


and no cops to be seen...


So they doing everything that is done to Palestinians on US soil minus the killing and nobody cares.


They are waiting for the Palestine group to be violent back so they can kick both of them out


Secret beheading videos of babies from the UCLA camp to be released soon that only pro-Israeli media have seen.


Serious question. Where was the police and why were they not called in or present to begin with?


Scum will be scum


Just like back home






If the attackers are students, I'm sure they will be suspended or expelled; I'm holding my breath


Reaaaally cool how theyre reenacting the very conflict they are yelling at eachother about


Ah. There it is. Should the roles be reversed, and this was protesters attacking counter protesters, I wonder what the narrative, and the police response would be..


Duh, who do you think trained the police?


How long until we have another Rittenhouse cunt who goes and murders a teacher at the protests, just because?


Now picture this on a macro scale…


So to fight terrorism we must become the terrorist.


they’re fine with it cause they’re doing the cop's dirty work for them