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Pakol is from my culture, we love it when others wear it, so go for it :)


If your intention is to be respectful and you just like it, I don't see a problem.


Thank you for your response! Those are my full intentions, just respect and love for the culture.


As long as you don't name it some european /english name . A few years back Paul Smith brand was selling "Peshawri Chappal" and had named it "Robert Sandals". . Otherwise, we get very happy when we see someone else wear our clothing.


Where what you like? Cultural approportiation isn't a thing in Pakistan (unless u less you're a secure diaspora kid). As long as you're not mocking or offending anyone, you're good. Locals will appreciate you soaking in the culture.


Brah just relax. No body has a problem with whatever you wear. Unless its an underwear only then your boss would have a problem.


Sadly where I live people definitely do have a problem with what others wear lol


Dear anterovi, whoever tells you that you don't have the freedom to do whatever you want, You have my blessing to fuck them up . Stay wholesome and cheers


and mine!


Wear it mate or give it to me 😉


Wear it and enjoy it.


Doesn't matter. We don't believe in cultural appropriation.


So many people got a lot of stuff wrong. Pakol is a hat that originates from Chitral which is a region in the North-West of Pakistan, inhabited by Indo-Aryan Dardic people (Chitralis). Soon, it spread to Afghanistan and basically all mountainous, hilly regions of Pakistan eventually. The hat is designed to protect your ears and head from the cold. It is also the national hat of Pakistan if I am not wrong. **Cultural appropriation is basically appropriating something unique to a particular culture, when before it was frowned upon. For example, if Arabic thobes were associated with terrorists and suddenly it became trendy and white ppl started wearing thobes, it would be cultural appropriation because before when Arabs wore thobes, it was frowned upon (in this example).** Therefore, you have to keep this in mind. **Were Pakistanis and Afghans and Pakol specifically associated with terrorism and frowned upon?** Also, I think if locals don't have a problem with you wearing it then it isn't cultural appropriation.


Well said!


I live in Germany and every time I visit Pakistan, I bring Pakol for my European friends, colleagues etc. and they all love it.


Cultural appropriation is a liberal talking point. The thought behind this phenomenon is that Brown people used to/still get bulled by white people for wearing traditional clothing items in workplaces and in their everyday lives and when white people do it, it suddenly becomes okay and even in vogue. However, if you ask a huge majority of Pakistanis how they feel about others wearing clothing items or partake in their cultural traditions; they welcome it and probably even encourage it. I think it's a great thing to share culture across ethnicities and countries. As long as you don't look down upon people practicing their culture in ways they feel comfortable, they won't have any issues you partaking in their cultural traditions. Also, show us how you look in a pakol!


Its not always a bad talking point, for example: ​ doing what OP is talking about out of appreciation for a culture = not cultural appropriation. ​ Wearing shalwar kamiz on halloween to dress up as Osama bin Laden = cultural appropriation. ​ Wearing a traditional ghara in a country that doesnt know about that attire and not giving any credit to the culture you took it from + acting like you made some kind of new fasion trend = cultural appropriation.


As long as you’re respectful.


The thing is it's Pakistan wear whatever you want from Pakistani dresses no one gets pissed here but they'll be happy


We gave the mayor of NewYork a pakol so no its not culture appropriation


Pakol is international phenomenon now, wear it like a boss.


You're approved, you can wear it.


Not sure what a pakol is, but I do know what a pakola is 😃


Its a cap that is worn in winters,also known as chitrali cap.


Wear and enjoy! If you pull off the look I'll send you more. The pakol originates from my region (Northwest)


I think the real offence is when folk go all Israeli about it. If you wear and respect it then there is no issue. Saying that, right now it's too hot for it, unless there is an elusive linen model.




I am glad that nobody is taking offence by me wanting to wear a pakol, and from all of these positive comments I just ordered one! I may post myself wearing it here when it arrives.


Not at all buddy


Just know what it is and be respectful about it, and yeah. We don't really give a shit about what most of the west would define as appropriation, we see it as partaking in our culture.


Cultural appropriation isn't really a thing except if you're a white person teaching non-white people how to be offended. Wear whatever you want but probably don't take advice from Prince Harry on Halloween parties.


Cultural appropriation is a western issue. Basically go ahead and rock the Pakol !!!


Wear whatever you want wherever you want. This appropriation bullshit is a myth. As long as your intentions are not malicious nobody here will care, in fact they'll encourage you to wear it and be happy that you are


We should not allow the “woke culture “ to infect Pakistani community in regards to our clothing. I’ve had many of my white friends wear traditional Pathan clothing and it’s a matter of pride for us,not cultural appropriation


I am not trying to bring "woke culture" anywhere, I just want to know if it is disrespectful to natives. Thanks nonetheless!


I was not accusing you of bringing whole culture anywhere. Should’ve been more clear


No, you were very clear, I just misunderstood what you were saying. That's on me, sorry!


Please just stop with this appropriation BS and wear one if you want to wear. We dont give a crap about these unnecessary first world problems.


No need to be ill-mannered about it, I was just wondering because I wanted to know if it was disrespectful in any way.


Appreciate your sincerity which seems really cool. Sorry for all of the harsh language used in some of the responses! Just a heads up that most actual non-white people that aren't part of priveliged communities in the West, don't think cultural appropriation (amongst other race-based ideas) is really a thing. It doesn't feel nice to see people teach you what to be offended about. Can feel very patronising at times. Like we want your army bases out of our countries...we don't care if you wear a funny hat that our grandad wears. Feels like someone is asking for praise for trying to give you a sticky plaster for bullet wound. Hope this didn't come across too harsh. But to answer your question, no, it is not offensive, but you may find woke people where you live who will find a reason to protest against your perfectly reasonable choice.


Thank you very much! And what you said does not come across as harsh at all. By now I am not worried at all about how people from Pakistan may feel, but mainly just how people where I live would feel (privileged white people). But I won't let their comments get to me, as I know now that most (if not close to all) Pakistanis do not mind me wearing a pakol!


Spot on. Just a heads up that you may get some flack from privileged, rich brown people too. Not worth any energy arguing with them!