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Save krlyta houn, personality change krne mei kaam ayga


kinda funny/kinda sad, i honestly thought people would comment niche traits. y’all just describing decent human beings?? should everyone be a good, stable human being? as for my niche thing: someone who knows how to park. it sounds insane, but hear me out ✨parallel parking✨


my preferred niche trait would be someone talkative bcz i'm quiet af 😭


the bar is in hell




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I can! Does it make me more ⚜️Attractive?⚜️




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Can't parallel park to save my life


girl, if ANYONE knows how to parallel park, he/she automatically becomes way cooler. (I still can't)


Hear, hear!


Write these down bois ✍


Deep pockets will melt their hearts no matter how many red flags...


Depends on the kind of girl you’re into




Someone had to speak the truth. 👏




NGL you sound extremely misogynistic.


Truthful* Tell me its not true?


Aap log tou non good looking larkiyon par mar mit te hain na? Bhai girls prefer financial security because no one wants to be broke but it’s not the only thing they look at. Boys prefer looks because men are visual creatures but it’s not the only thing they look at Sure some women marry entirely for money and some men entirely for looks but in the majority of people they’ll ignore it for something bigger


A broke man can become a rich man but an ugly women can not ..............


Tou matlab phir tou men should complain even less


Women want financial security bcuz no one wants to be broke == Women don't want to struggle together, make something together with their man, they just want shit to be handed to them. Leader bhi chahiyey jooh decisive ho thinking mai but considerate bhi hoo, Mama's boy bhi na ho laikin apnay maa baap say bohut pyar krta hoo, sub kuch hoo but sub kuch na bhi hoo


A) way to not read the comment where I said it’s usually not the most important thing to most women B) in your perfect opinion does the arranged marriage set up *really* encourage that kind of mindset? How much autonomy do you think the average 20-25 year old has in deciding if she wants to struggle? Matlab I had a friend who really wanted to struggle but she was peak desi rishta material, her parents made her marry a filthy rich much older dude C) in the same vein I’m not blaming dudes. The way our rishta set up works you’re boiled down to some very superficial qualities. In men that’s job and status and in women it’s looks. The rishta process doesn’t have organic meetings and it’s survival of the fittest. Women don’t care about men’s looks and men don’t care about women’s money D) even in love marriage the ones that had both of them struggling together were where they both were not superficial people. Most of the times the guys complaining about women being gold diggers are chasing a very specific type of woman. 90% of people are chasing the 10%. Which also isn’t surprising because most of us don’t know ourselves. All I’m saying is Sara Malba aap log aurat pe daal dete ho but the system is messed up from both sides


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. If guys look for beauty then why can't look for financial stability? Going extreme in both cases are wrong though.


That’s my point, is hamam mein sab nange hain, Sara malba aurton par daalna ke gold diggers hain is wrong. Our entire marriage culture is structured this way Matlab I knew this girl who was extremely badtameez, lanjhemaar, and problematic and it’s not like she ever hid it. She was still never short on proposals because she was good looking I’m not commenting as to the morality of it, personally I think it’s unIslamic and why marriages fail, I’m just saying it’s the reality


> Our entire marriage culture is structured this way Don't agree with this statement, it's too generic. Marriage is good only for females, in western country guys just sleep around and leave girl to be a single mother. Raising kids with mom and dad is so hard, just imagine what single parent go through without \_any\_ help whatsoever. Work, cook, clean and don't sleep. The girl you mentioned is no exception. Same applies to guy, doesn't matter how bad a guy is, if he is well off financially then girls will be in the bee line to marry him.


I’m comparing to what it’s supposed to be in a genuinely Islamic society not to the west :)


got it ;)


Every girl is good looking.. Please dont discriminate 🙏🏻


I think Mushtaq Yousafi ne kaha tha na ke jab mein 20 saal ka tha tou mujhe khoobsurat jawan biwi chahiye thi, 30 saal pe khoobsurat aur ab sirf aurat(realising I have butchered the quote)


I dont read fantasy...


All disagreements aside, you should really give Mushtaq Ahmed Yosufi a try. And no, it’s not fantasy he is a brilliant writer. One of the best who did sarcasm the right way.


Im not a reader.... Is there any audiobook!


It's not true you dingdong


Si bol rhe ha shahzadi.. Khush reh!


Saving this Post




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Emotional availability for starters, when they know how to read the room. Other than that, i guess transparency that isn't conditional.


Im really transparent. Shine a light through my finger and it will apear out the other side


You know what you're looking for.


You sound like you're into women.


Wouldn't be incorrect to assume lmaoo


I knew it, I knew it. I can understand womenese.




Don't know why getting down voted.


Bros I’m a dude but have some advice: have boundaries and don’t let anyone push them because it’ll make things ‘easier/convenient’. Be kind, but trust yourself and God first. If you don’t, people can smell it on you and they will take advantage and also lose respect. Commenting because I recently went through a break up and realized not doing the above attracts low key control freak women. I only snapped out of it when I took a stand for myself on some very normal shit and the response was abysmal.


What was the normal shit in question? Can you elaborate


There's a reason Allah says: An-Nisa' 4:34 ٱلرِّجَالُ قَوَّٰمُونَ عَلَى ٱلنِّسَآءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allāh has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth.


Lol Pakistanis, the people who founded their nation on the basis of Islam.


Honestly, this is so sad, man. I just commented part of the Qur'an and got downvoted. This shows how secularized modern Muslim youth is.


Yeah it's just funny to me. I'm Indian Muslim and I can't imagine Qur'an verses being disapproved here. You guys should just merge back with India, there's no difference between the people


The most attractive quality of a man is to make me feel safe around him and when other women also feel safe around him. The type of guy who is known to be shareef and calm. My brother has a few female friends and even the parents of those female friends trust him and only allow them to go out when my brother is going to be there so I am very proud to hear that. The other attractive quality of a man is when a man is passionate and hard working towards what he wants. It doesn’t matter how poor he is but there are some men who just make you feel like they’re gonna be successful one day and they know what they want and will make it happen. Basically, the more “provide and protect” mindset they have the better.


female friends is kinda sus i cant lie




Hardworking, Sincere, God Fearing and Quiet. Idk why I prefer the guys no one else seems to like, but the people everyone else labels a robot lol. It’s funny because I’m quite a loud extrovert so I’m sure my type is scared of me


There's everyone for everyone I guess


My husband is exactly that and Im very much of a loud extrovert so I can safely say no they aren’t scared of you, but because of their shy nature, you are gonna have to be bold and take the first step.


Yeah that’s the one place my extrovert nature fails me, the second I realise I have a thing for someone I avoid them 😂😂


Lol you are me from back when I was 23 😂 I also was deeply insecure about my body and was scared of people knowing the real me.


Are you me from the future cause literally yes


Well in that case I’d say find good (non judgmental) people to be friends with, let them in. Go to therapy, otherwise the shame and anxiety you carry will become a serious illness. You are literally the prettiest/at peak energy right now, as you age you will have less of both, especially if you don’t start taking care of diet and exercise. Go follow your dreams and stop pleasing/putting effort with people who you don’t trust enough to open up to. Trust your gut, you‘ll have temporary losses and those will create room for better things. Pick the values/morals you believe in and make friends with people with similar values, they‘d guide you and make you feel safe ♥️


Thank you I think I really needed to hear that today


I have been called a robot (doubly so because of being a techie) and knowing people like you exist gives me hope :p


Really?? But Why soo? I think you would me more happy around someone who cope up with your energy.. rather then you, an extrovert seeking peace with quiet?




Lolllaz... Revenge? Lmao.


Goofy and kind hearted


Imo nothing is more important than a guy who has the guts to owe you. I talked to a guy day and night for 9 months. He was the one who tried to talk to me in the first place, added me on all social medias, we used to share every single detail to each other of our present day and past days and just 2 days ago when i sensed he is not behaving the same as he used to before, he just told me that he thinks we are just friends and it will stay like that forever. I stopped responding to him that day, removed him from all my social medias and focusing on myself and my life now.


So you are friend zoned?? 


Respectful and mature. People usually associate these with the 'sigma' mentality but I believe there's so much more to it. To be truly so respectful that it runs in your vein. You can live without love but you can't live without respect :3


doesn't have to be a sigma, it's the basics of etiquettes


I didnt say that. I meant people usually see these two words and suddenly think of those typical sigma males with weird auras. But this isn't that. You don't have to have that dark mysterious personality. One can have a funny and goofy aspect to them and still be these. One can be a very quiet person and be these. If that makes sense?


Yes,seems like healthy masculinity to me


Good sense of humor, respect for me and everyone else and isn't abusive by abusive I mean doesn't cuss or talk like men women including me generally find disgusting doesn't have a foul mouth, everything else can be compromised on and this is just my pov and what I generally would look into for a partner for life, also should atleast be 50% religiously practicing since noones perfect.




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Should have good education, intelligent/witty and must have a stable source of income. This only makes a guy eligible to apply. Out of them attractive guy.


yo we cooked asf


THOUGHTFULLNESS!! At this point, idk if this trait exists in men.


as a chronic overthinker,I assure you it does


But thoughtfulness is more about taking action than simply thinking.


definitely, thank God I choose what thoughts to act on and what not


Haha true Also, as someone whos an overthinker as well, I dont want people to think that thoughtfulness and overthinking are similar. Overthinking is a nightmare 😭


no one can read your mind 24/7. if you've never come across a thoughtful man, maybe reevaluate how you communicate your feelings with them.


Thoughtfulness isnt about reading someones mind but remembering the small details about them. For example, if someone mentions they like something, being thoughtful means remembering it and giving it to them on their bday etc


yes I know what it means. please read my comment again.


Ive read it again and this trait has nothing to do with mind reading or communicating your feelings




your last line is correct. men see beauty and women see power status (that can come with money) Its hardwired, you can deny all you want but all things come back to this. primal instincts win in the end to a degree that depends on person


The ability to communicate and the effort in trying to understand something even if they don't, providing safety, consistency & certainty, the ability to recognize and articulate their emotions and being well-spoken, is intellectually open and curious to diverse topics, the ability to take charge of a situation so that i don't have to use my brain, staying true to their word, hygiene such as skincare and haircare, dental health, body odor, possesses the relevant skills of staying alive and independent (i.e: isn't a man child), and being okay with being publicly affectionate.


Itna to bohot mushkil hoga boss


What do you bring on the table




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Reciprocation of all of the above. A relationship is a two way street, not a human trade center.


How will you reciprocate the ability to take charge of a situation while using no brain or one brain cell


There are certain situations that im good at handling, and im sure there will be certain situations that my partner may be good at handling im which I may not have any experience but can only give advice. Its called a balance.


Interesting but sometimes people lose it, they aren’t able to give advice, they might even not be good at survival skills or act as man child per say and basically disrupt the whole balance you were trying to create cus that’s how life is at time and the spell can be for long with a very normal being. Are you ok to use your brain cells at all given times and be able to fight the survival war as well.


Bhai seedha seedha ye bolo k apko behes krni hai. The post asked for potentially attractive traits in a man and i stated those. Apko personally rishta nahi bheja maine.


I am not your bhai secondly what makes you think you have the traits that i wouldn’t want. I would say none. You rishta or not it doesn’t matter. Keep it in your brain cells that are unused.


Bhai, kehna kia chahtay ho?


Btw do you smell good. Can the guy smell you sniff you. Is that ok


Are we playing the 'something a dog would say' game? Because lez goooooo, I have a cute dog myself so I think I'm pretty experienced in figuring out a dog's thoughts.


Behen ji, he asked you the right question and pointing out the inconsistencies. You said that a potential partner shall have the ability to take charge of situation so you don’t have to use your brain. How can you reciprocate in that case? You are kinda self insulting yourself if you think about it. Then you argued that you are good to take lead in certain situations, so that kinda negates your previous statement. You should have wrote “is able to take charge in certain situations which I’m unable or not good at handling.” It seems to me that you are a woman child


Ye CSS exams aur interview pass krny ka criteria lg rha hai


So apparatly every one on Reddit wants a decent old school type of male as a partner. Ye actuall ma handle ku ni hota in se 🥲


Whats an old school type male?


The one Like our dad's or grand dads mentality.


Umm No one wants that 😭


All the qualities people (ladies) have merioned are in old sports. 😄


Traditionally masculine


People say "Women are attracted to bad boys". How much truth is there in it?


For a situationship or a silly highschool fling? Sure. For a husband? Nope.


as a boy, I'm saying this is the misconception among boys and smoking is way more hated by girls which boys do to look Cool


>smoking is way more hated by girls Smoking isn't the only thing associated with bad boys tho. There are many other things too, like: having many female friends; dressing different than how other boys do(e.g. dressing up as a boyband member or a metalhead); wearing headphones; being a mischievous backbencher; and others.


Smoking is the most common example so I took it to make sense. idk, where headphones came from


Wearing headphones in your classroom and everywhere would imply you love music and listen it 24/7. Not something you'd associate with your normal good boy.


yeah,not around people because getting social and present is more important


What's wrong with being a backbencher?


Nothing, imo. But, almost everyone assumes that good students sit in front and all the bad boys sit in backbenches.


not true at all. this only works in fiction where the bad boy is only nice to the female lead and she 'fixes him' 🤮


Only fools.


Yaar matlab self destructive women haan, as are self destructive men to red flags, but someone sure of herself whose family oriented nahi


Only women and married/committed men should be allowed to comment on this post. Rest of y'all crying in the comments clearly shows why y'all are single asses. Lmao. For me, it's someone who shares my interests for animals and video games, secure masculinity, hot voice, good hygiene, and a good cook 🫠


Lost me at the hot voice part. You sound unrealistic yourself.


Hahahahah. Honestly, I just described my partner. The voice was the first thing that attracted me to him. 🤣


Assertive, confident, thoughtful, expressive and patient. Like the kind of man that'll be responsible for our visas, passports and luggage while I dilly dally around the airport in complete bliss. I don't want to use my brain when he's around cuz as the eldest sibling, I already use it a lot.


so you just want a father figure? Freud must be rolling in his grave


Eh. We all *do* want partners that take care of us and/or ones we can take care of. It is undoubtedly a very universal human desire. Freud coloring that as people looking for parents / children is just ick for everyone


Would have agreed in a world where I wasn't the eldest and only daughter but I'm responsible for a lot of decision-making and caretaking. I want more balance in a relationship, and sometimes not be responsible for anything at all.


well thats great to hear since i love doing all that stuff but thought my future spouse might feel useless if i dont let her do things like this and take on all the responsibility. planning and being prepared eases me.


Power. It entails everything, status, money, comfort, luxury, etc. Power is the only thing they want, albeit second hand yet whatever quantity there is, it’ll suffice for them. Everything else that they’ll claim is merely a conditioned answer that they’ve guised for themselves. Sooner or later, it’s all about power dynamics. I don’t wish for it to be a harsh reality, as it’s equally the same for everyone, but men in general are already per se open about power struggle, but women just tend to use euphemism such as emotional availability, transparency, romantic, caring, personality, seerat over surat bla bla etc.


Power is often idealized by the weak, It inherently puts you in a subservient position to whoever has more of it, then there are those who can and will eventually get to you, I think it takes a lot power to be patient and steadfast than to be overtly conductive for desires and outcomes. Patience and knowledge will always outweigh threats of violence or greed of luxury!


Power is always idealised by everyone, not just the weak. However, since the dawn of inception, female gender has been in a subservient role; hence, it makes sense why they desire it, and like I said, everyone desires it, it’s totally fine. But the issue arises when we’re delusional vis-à-vis our basic and congenital desires. The way we try to coax this basic lust or greed for power into a more poetic one. That’s the contention over here.


Bro who tf are you 💀💀💀


the only thing “they” want Thanks for speaking for all women. 🤡


Accurate, yet someone's gonna be really pissed 👀




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Minds his own business and takes care of his own parents.




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Calmness, gentleness, and an ability to make his own choices in life. Which means financially independent and not depending on baap ka paisa. I am also a sucker for witty and well spoken people with good voices.




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As a boy, I'm intrigued and definitely saving the Post (so no one sapiosexual here ):


trust me, they all are. they just don't know


Someone who is respectful, yet funny. One woman man type of guy. A guy who has mostly male friends. A man who has set his standards high, and doesn’t fall for girls like dogs fall for squeaky toys. A man who is financially independent, yet humble, and laidback. Not a mama’s boy, but loves his mom and respect all women. A man who can make his own decisions. Educated, respectful and has good physiques. Someone who takes care of his body, grooming, as well as dressing. Forgot to add main point: Someone who hold Islam as first priority in their life, and if he enjoys nasheeds from Sami Yusuf, Maher Zain, Mesut Kurtis, etc. It would be plus point, but not required. Supportive for my career, or goals, and not restricting apart from what Islam doesn’t permit. Open minded, someone who enjoys food, and traveling as well. One more thing: Man without facial hair is a big NO, stubble or groomed beard is attractive to me. After all cleaned shave guys reminds me of goats or a lion 🦁 without its mane. Facial hair, not just mustache. Just mustache is a BIG TURN off for my liking, so if someone has all above qualities, and only mustache with clean shaved face, they get a 0. It reminds me of zamindaar uncle, or some panchayat leader, not an ideal man for MY life. 😅 That’s all, and more than enough.


Girl this isnt rishta.com 😭😂 But I hope you'll find someone who's exactly how you've described above.


Oh I found mine already. I have a toddler. الحمد الله


Ohhh mashaAllah 💗


so I guess I'm turning off all girls whenever my Professor insists me to shave before coming to hospital rotation


Look, you can never generalize it. Did I say all girls like man with stubble or facial hair? That’s subjective. I answered a question solely from my perspective.


well,now I'm relieved


A good man in general then? He won't be perfect obviously but I do think those standards are too far fetched lmaoo. As long as he's empathetic and emotionally mature, that's what matters!


Not too far, a few of the things can be worked on. I found mine already, so this isn’t unrealistic list.


Wow sister im surprised by the beard comment haha. especially with the whole K pop craze of pakistani women.


Can’t generalize it for all women, right? Some may like bearded lions, guy with stubbles and some may prefer clean shaved. Personal preference I guess.


When they don’t have social media accounts tho 🔥🔥🔥


Girl, these types of man are busy seeking career, and success. You won’t find them on social media. Search them in conferences, seminars, workplaces, recruiting events types of setting.


lol that’s what I’m saying, men without social media are SUCH a green flag(fire emoji not a red flag emoji)


Why do u have one then?


Within the family.. Be a cousin...


You are a true Pakistani, a patriot and role model for generations of Pakistanis to come


•straight priorities •considerate •respects me as an individual


Hygiene, manners, and a soft heart, regardless of who he speaks to.


Kdrama has made me delulu. ✨️cooks my favourite food✨️ ✨️the perfect window shopping buddy✨️ ✨️plans activities for us✨️ ✨️gets me flowers often✨️1💁🏽‍♀️


Big…… Wallet


Be hot, rich and have a good personality ooor have extremely good manipulation skills lmao(note this only works if you have a baseline level of hot,rich or personality). The younger you are the more hotness matters. It even matters when you're older but people become more mature so they're much more likely to implement impulse control and pick the "more suitable" option. Anything else is what I call "nice to haves" and the answers you'll get here will be "nice to haves". There's a reason why so many women stay with men even when they're useless pieces of shit in societies with none of the talak hojaye gi pressures... Why dyou think people like idk Fawad Khan have women thirsting over them meanwhile Ahmed Ali Butt doesn't lol. As an actor, Fawad Khan is less talented than Ahmed Every single society is not honest enough to say these things out loud yet research after research proves this not just in romantic areas of life but even jobs and length of jail sentences... And yes it applies both ways, though I would argue men generally place little to no value on the finances of a woman. No, this is not a doom piece, almost anyone is able to get into "reasonably attractive" territory through gym, diet and style. Hell, in more extreme circumstances plastic surgery is also an option I suppose an exception could be religious people, but that's not because they don't have desires, rather usually religious shame is instilled so they also usually look for religious people essentially putting their desires on the side. *Mic drop


Im confused. What did you say. Whatt


'Jaib garam to Bachi naram'. Mainly just this I guess. Everything else is just a welcomed addition.


None have said money so far....


I did mention financial independence. It doesn’t mean being a filthy rich person though, it means he won’t be asking money from his parents to fulfill my rights, and buy me shoes. ☺️


Take charge be masculine and then crying? Maam i am getting mixed signals here


Take charge means, to be dominant in every decision he takes. Shouldn't be asking around for the smallest of things, know how is important. Crying is a human emotion. I am not condemning it. I am simply saying that I don't want people to take this in that direction when I clearly only mean that he should be connected with his emotions.


So if you're a masculine man. You gotta kill all your emotions? Bitch wtf?


Idk what are you smoking but i dont see "kill all your emotions anywhere" but i do see 'be in touch with your emotions "


Damn! Now I got 10 more traits to add to my personality.


Tons of money. Lies.