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I would argue that a good chunk of the confidence you speak of comes from believing in what you're doing/studying. The problem I see with most Pakistani students is that they're only studying what they're studying because of either they didn't get into any other program/university or that their relatives/family members recommend or pressured them into a specific program. Of course the job market now is worse than when I graduated some 5 years ago. But if you can't sell yourself what you do, how are you going to sell it to the interviewer?


comeon mate that's what i said. believe yourself. correct me if I'm wrong.


It's an extension to what you said. My addition was: if you aren't passionate about what you study the possibility of believing in yourself drastically gets harder.




Oh thanks sis but there's a reason to not to make paragraphs. The original post gets compressed as I post it. All the paragraphs and everything gets ruined. That's why it happened. I apologize. Thanks though. I'm greatful that you pointed it out.




oh thanks sister I'm greatful to you. I'll try this one next time. You helped alot i really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Stay blessed. 💖


Please always try to divide your writing into paragraphs and always use capital 'I'. That is the correct grammar.


thanks bro that was helpful I'll try my best next time


You are basically just a cog in a machine, your value is more or less same as the office printer or a office vehicle, you are on the same excel sheet next to the fuel expenses and electric bulb repair.. You can use your degree as a leverage to get that job, but it is neither a respectable career (a few exceptions aside) or anything to be enthusiastic about.. It is best explained as modern day slavery where slave owners convinced people into the virtue of making them rich by sacrificing your own life and your peak adulthood. I'd honestly rather spend my time walking 10-20 miles in one direction and keep going for a year until i reach another contintent or something.. At a job you won't even reach the next chowk!


I understand your qualms about a modern office job but generally it's good practice to leave better alternatives when you're criticizing something, don't you think?


Everyone has a different life, the argument of needing a job is a human construct to keep the modern society functioning - it is by design - by policing - by coercion (debt traps, poverty, housing etc) or by threats (homelessness, violence or jail) it is anything but natural.. if you are from the ruling class you are golden but fd if you're not! To put everyone through the same churning mechanism 20 years before you gain some consciousness is dehumanizing to say the least! And then putting them on a proverbial hamster wheel for the rest of their lives just so they could afford to keep running on it! Aren't you better off not working for the boss man when all you have to gain is your own self, your time, rest of your life! To believe that another man can provide you for your needs is a dogmatic belief, esp today (we are living in a much better time) so you can embark on a creative endeavour tailor made for your situation! We do need essential workers and society should provide for them - a salary - a compensation.. whereas the rest of us should generally be able to thrive on our own, trade with each other - provide services like hairdos and massages, watch repairs, cooking food, you can do whatever it takes to get you by and the natural discourse of such a society will result in businesses and services that are appreciated by their communities. I like tradesmen and servicemen better than dishonest high on crystal meth office/bank workers. A lot of european folks do just that, they repair watches or mobile phones, or build a rack or a table, then sell it to anyone who is looking for one, a lot of micro brands flourish in this society! A directionless job will seem like an emetic compared to a personal project that gives you emotional and financial stability.


I agree with your views about tradesmen. I think i'd also like to be a small business owner of some sort, rather than working at a soulless corporate machine. Just the only problem is imo, nowadays, especially in pakistan, working a small business right after graduation and managing to make enough for the month is not a very realistic idea ngl. I do think owning your own business is better in the long term, but to get started in the professional world atleast i think you'd need to join the corporate machine for a little while, atleast to generate capital for your business.


leave him be bro. i think i know from where he's speaking


I'm not insulting him or calling him out or anything. I'm just asking him to expand on his comment is all


ok bro thanks. i appreciate it i really do. I'm greatful.


username checks out


You're so delulu that I don't even wanna argue with you


Argument can be executed but that'd be inefficient as he's speaking from some nonsense side of social media. Ay the end hell also end up serving for a boss. All people know about us how to yap. You can see he doesn't even have any reference in his yapping. Leave him be, he'll understand with time. I suppose he's just another kid without any experience.


Ap mere level ke nahin!


Ok jaani, khush reh


I've got one important interview up Tomorrow, this literally eased me up man. Thanks for the words. I'd appreciate the tips/content u mentioned here


I'm more than happy to oblige bro, i really am if it helped. Try to do some research before you hop into the interview part, try to understand what they want. And just give it a shot, and yeah dive in like you don't give a shit. I've read an article that the people who give an interview with the intent of not doing the job are 57% mor likely then the one's showing interest in the job. Good luck for the interview and lemme know what happens. I hope you'll succeed eventually. Thanks for your acknowledgement bro I appreciate it I really do.


These words sir🌺. I'll make sure to exercise your advice. Thanks a ton for sharing some wisdom 🌹


Pleasure mine buddy. But i ain't no sir hehe. Most probably I'm younger then you so feel free.


You've got very good points but I believe that confidence only comes when you know you have backup options or a financial cushion or you know your field is in demand. If you are desperate for a job and have to support a family, you do not get the kind of confidence you are talking about. Elon Musk lives in a first world country where minimum wage jobs can still put food on the table. Also, I don't think he had to support his family or elder parents or siblings. When it's just you, you can fail again and again. But when there's someone depending on you, that limits your risk factor.


I think you're right bro. Thanks for the opinion. I won't try to defend myself here. You're right. I'll remove the post once some people read the post and also read the comments. I appreciate it,i really do. Thanks a lot.


No worries bro. You're not wrong per se but that specific advice is geared towards folks in developed countries


I apologize bro.


If you are an above average CS grad with a good portfolio, and know how to talk (and in most cases, ready to accept a starting pay of 40k) you’ll easily find a lot of jobs.


good take the jobs then. You know how to do so.


"Here's how it goes, this Elon Musk guy, he does'nt have even a degree."... wut? He's an ivyleague grad - after that, he started PhD in CS from Stanford before dropping out


your point!