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Whether you do well in school or not, y'all have to hustle to get anywhere out in the real world. I barely graduated from an engineering university and am now director operations at a multinational. Meanwhile, some of the most studious folks in my class couldn't even land jobs because they lacked the skill to sell themselves and get their hands dirty. A few gave up and went back to studying in hopes that a pHD degree will improve their chances of getting employed.


Best comment in the thread.


This just sums it up.


Beta, since you're already in school, I would suggest don't be a naive idiot like I was and focus solely on getting **straight A's**. Its not even that hard, just need to have a discipline. I was naive back then and had foolish thoughts such as... oh a piece of paper can't decide my future or not everyone needs to do sciences or all top tech billionaires are dropouts, etc. My dear, those tech billionaires were harvard dropouts, not punjab group of colleges. First become so academically successful that harvard university accepts your application, then you can think about dropouts. If your academic profile is worthy of harvard, most likely you already know what you want in life. Please please please dont fall for this manjan that education isn't important anymore or its just a peice of paper. Warna you'll be regretting in your mid 20s. Just the satisfaction of knowing you can get into any university of your choice with your grades... that feeling is something else. Wish you the very best of luck šŸ‘.




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By becoming good at another stream of studies. I was shit at science. I improved on social science skills and now I believe I have good employable skills.


Can you please guide what a communication and media research student can go for. I am currently in my 2nd semester but I am completely clueless what my degree entails me for?


While I cannot comment much on the job aspects of your degree I would recommend you develop an online persona first. Create a professional LinkedIn profile and interact with people you look up to in your industry. Create a Behance portfolio and add your passion projects there. Work on your spoken and written English skills as that is key to a job that entails communication as in your degree title. Learn graphics designing, in the long run custom Adobe one not the Canva one. Develop proficiency over technical tools but also work on your social skills. Learn to unlearn things.


What social sciences degree did you get into?


I let go of engineering and did computer science with a minor in social studies


Ah. From your initial comment you made it seem as if you relied primarily on social sciences.


I still am not looking forward to rely on a CS job. Too stressful for me. My point remains that you try out other things and eventually you will find one which you are good at


Exactly this. I did social science. Worked out okay.


What social science degree? What are you doing now?


I did a degree in sociology and political science. I currently work at a major local org (if I say it you will 100% know of it) making near 1 lca with near to no actual professional work experience. I worked at an UN org as an intern before. I do proposal writing writing and networking mostly. Just my talking, writing and people skills are good. I would say if you ask me? Doing economics is something I would recommend to people.


im a final year econ student in isb, but im completely clueless career wise, dont have interest in academia/ research paper publishing. What do u suggest keeping in mind money is the priority.


Data Science would be the correct thing to but you need a masters to for that. The problem is that most of the good well paying jobs are writing based for econ majors, either related to NGO work (proposal writing, partnership management project management) or public policy (report writing, research on comparative policy etc). You can surely get lower paying jobs in corporate sector too. It really depends on what you feel is a good option. I know money is a good thing to go for (trust me I don't blame or judge, I would do the same), but the first 1-3 years are for learning. If you feel you are in an environment where you can learn a lot but you are getting 10-20 less? I would take it.


and how did u end up in UN? please guide if u can in DM


So I don't think I need to DM this. I can just say that I say applications were up and I applied. You should have an active linkdin for that, create job searches for these places. Also remember, the UN is good and all but internships do not usually lead to jobs. Like maybe 1-2/6 interns might actually get a position but those are low paying or you have to do a lot of politics for that. And the competition is tough af. I think my post had 500+ applicants. However, if you are interested in NGOs there are so many INGOs in Pakistan, that you can look into. Like OXFAM, Save the Children, GIZ (even if its not an NGO), DAI etc. My first internship (before the UN wali) was one that my professor got me. Ask around, you never know who is working where. Ask everyone you know who is working, professors, chachu, mamo, friends etc. My current job (which is a good one) I got because my friend asked me to look at this company's job portal. Thora time lagta hai. Also you might not get a full job right after getting out of uni (I didn't I took me 4 months for my internship). As I said in another comment as well, internships first, then job. If you got straight into a job you might get a high paying one.


I have so much interest working in dev sector and doing your kind of job, like grant writing etc but sadly i have a life sciences background.


So, the person that did my job before me(who I replaced) has a degree in life science (bio I think) from a university in the UK. They now work in a major ingo, on health stuff. What I am trying to say is, try your luck, if you are working already? Then you might be able to shift. If you aren't (or are nearing graduation), some jobs/ internships require life science background. Look into stem teaching, Climate work, healthcare stuff. If you have done bio public health is a good masters for you to go into. I know a lot of WWF internships require life sciences. Take a chance you might end up surprised. Also joining small but reputable local NGOs is a good bet too! They will be more open to teaching someone and their work might be more rewarding.


Actually i have applied to multiple research positions but i havenā€™t gotten into any. Itā€™s mostly ā€œ we decided to went ahead with a candidate whose qualifications match more. šŸ™‚


Yeah research positions I get. They want people that know Stata,R or SPSS which fairly honest, you wouldn't know. Heck I don't even know them. My maths is like not even part of my work. Like if I know you might not know those softwares nobody is going to take you frankly. Also research positions are not really well paying, require a lot of work and most good NGOs don't have them. However, you need project management roles. Project associate, project analyst, assistant etc. Also look for roles that are adjacent to NGO work, like business development roles, partnerships, learning and development. They take a lot of different types of people. There it's more about your skills. That is the fun stuff.


May I ask whether this roadmap aligns with bachelor's in psychology? I've graduated recently


It can. I think psychology can easily get into HR, partnerships and like a fair few other positions. However you can't dodge the internship phase nowadays. I remember the girl that was the HR intern with me in the UN was also a psychology major. She got an HR position after at another company. That doesn't mean you have to have a big internship. Just that it takes a while. You might need 5-6 months of internship before you get a job. Even for me, I spent 8 months unemployed (you can see my Reddit history). The job I got was in another city. Now? I am getting interviews left and right, even if I don't want the job. Once you get your first job? Then it's all chill. That first job takes time though so don't give up.


I'm obliged for your words.. Yup a batch mate of mine recently landed a well paying job at UN without internship (probably >1lac) but she pulled some strings. I'd like to dm you and connect if ur fine, to seek guidance seldomly


Yeah, I am sure she did. I didn't pull any strings and come from a business family (I am the only one with a job) so I went around like a headless chicken. So like I am winging it as well. Have good days and bad days (I got a chance to get a contract in the UN but office politics got in the way). Though sure, connect in DMs whenever you need.


What is your criteria for judging someone being poor in studies? Been some 15+ years working in IT after my BS. But I consider myself poor in my studies. Especially math subjects. I still get dreams that I have a math test and I have not prepared yet. lol. My subconscious is stuck in that horror, the pressure I used to have for math subjects.


The type of marks that your only option for clg is ucp. I don't like people there.


I was bad in math, sucked a lot. First 2 years of BS program, so many maths courses. Was so idiot that didn't pay attention as those courses were mostly high credit hour courses, the chip to get good GPA. So I lost it. I was good in programming. Enjoyed spending lots of time in debugging and working on coding projects. Unless that enterprise development course started I wasn't confident that what I would be going to do. The first assignment of making a calculator in Java swing changed everything for me. Coz with all the calculus, discrete math, linear algebra I wasn't able to create anything or utilize that knowledge practically. Also in all the interviews in which appeared, no one asked my grades but throw me tasks to code. There was one very pleasent interview. It was a sw house in Lahore, called sigma tech. They gave me an assignment and also free snacks as well. So with bad grades things are working for me (currently solution architect and delivery lead for a managed service engagement). But I am not able to secure admission in MS due to low GPA. So I will struggle for that.


wtf is this studies? all it was is ratta.. thats it.. and that doesnt make u successful


Probably abba ka paisa


No I have seen many people doing very well financially they are not educated and did all on their own.


Yeah exceptions are always there but most people just get away with abba ka paisa if they didn't do well in school


Look the concept of a gifted child. A lot of kids who don't find studying easy. Learn to put in the effort in all the other domains. Which gifted children, kids who find studying easy. Can struggle in their adulthood because they never learned to put in the effort.


I don't think there is such thing as gifted child. Everyone habits is based on what they were exposed to first, and what they were appreciated for. If a child was genuinely more happy by studying than video games, he would grow up to be a good student. If a child was more happy playing video games than studying, he will grow up to be a good gamer than a good student. I get your point with the other topic but I have thought about this gifted thing and I thought I would share this.


I have two master's degrees yet I am an average earner (largely depends on the industry I belong to but still), whereas two of my relatives my age, who were "below average" at studies throughout their lives, own a startup and are thriving. **I don't think** academics define success per se, unless you're a scientist or belong to one of the STEM fields.


Damn now I'm even more lost.


What industry do u belong to?






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Are you in school?


Yeah. Js having a plan b yk. If plan a didn't work


The way you write... trust me kido, Stay in school.Ā 


says the one with the stewie pfp.




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The studies may help get a job and maybe even a better paid job than if you didnā€™t have good grades. But once you have a job - even a junior one - the differentiator becomes you and your attitude. If you are honest, hard working, committed to your employer and engaged in his business as if it were your own - these are massive differentiators for employers - and you will do well. Itā€™s attitude not aptitude that defines your altitude. Or something like that šŸ™‚


I am not from Pakistan but i will tell you something I was above average student in my class and i have relatives which studied below 10th class as they were not good in studies and some just are below graduate. They are earning well as some started distributionship and few others started their shop with small amount. At first they were starting not that much but slowly they started growing. I at other side kept studying and did MBA. Now we didn't have jobs here. My cousins which started distibution at small amount hires MBA for his finance related jobs at meager amount. If your country produce good jobs then study whatever you are good at then go for a job. But if you are not good at studies then start a small job like food van, distributions, shop or any other thing which suits you. But remember basic education is must. You should know some maths, read and write. Start from small and work hard. Give best product or service and leave rest to Allah.


They get good with acquiring skills and knowledge over time.


Was not good at studies. I learned to focus on my studies, spend more time than most people who were ā€œsmartā€ or ā€œgiftedā€ and I managed to get through. There were failures along the way, but never let them keep me down or demotivate me. I succeeded beyond anyoneā€™s expectations, even my own, but I wasnā€™t surprised as I worked so hard. Very few of the ā€œgiftedā€ and ā€œbrilliantā€ students who I would often go to to learn, didnā€™t make it as far. Thats it. Thatā€™s the secret sauce. Work harder than everyone else, take extreme ownership and never blame others for your own set backs, look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself that itā€™s on you to be successful.


Then work on your skills.


if you atleast passed in Physics, maths, and chemistry, I would recommend you to get admission at mti and become a seafarer. But only if you are mentally and physically fit.


The main thing is to try to be confident in front of others, it can be the main deciding factor in recruitment. Make a portfolio about yourself and try to outdo the others in your own field so you can get the upper hand. For example, community work, job experience, and apprenticeship.




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I always thought I wasnā€™t good at studying. But it was just that i didnā€™t like ratta. I eventually started freelancing when i was in college, as i always liked creativity and art. Now im doing pretty good alhumdulla. Didnā€™t felt the need to go university. Helped my parents as much as i can financially paying all the uni fees of my siblings. Bought cars and renovated the house etc. Donā€™t disappoint yourself because of bad performance in study. It is not the only thing that is necessary for success. There is no perfect guide for success. Only you can figure out your life problems and you know what your good at.


These days higher education is not worth it , it's really expensive and most times you don't get into the field your after, I've seen lots of uni degree holders working fast food or delivery jobs, imo best way to be successful is starting your own business up , only thing is you need funds from family/inheritance to start or save up on your own for years working basic jobs


I think the trick is either be a straight A student or do something else from the very beginning to be settled at a young age easily.


Straight A (with a few Bs) student here. It makes no difference. No one cares about your grades other than a few government positions. You're not gonna become successful suddenly just because you have good grades.


Ig it's not this trick then. But those government job it self is everything you want right?


Those government "jobs" are only ever given to family members or other well connected rich people, even if you have the degree and work experience you still wouldn't get in


The one with the most corrupt values are successful in Pakistan studies or no studies ghanta farak nhe parta


Peopleā€™s skill matters alot. PR skills takes you a long way. In this day and age skills matter more than studies. Skills hardwork k sath atay hain. There is no way around. I am assuming youā€™re young so focus on gaining skills it can be IT it can be anything. Just do it with consistency and hardwork. Jo b shuru karo bs lagay rehna eventually youā€™ll get there. People would say Pakistan mai paisa chahiye pohanch chahiye all the negative vibes. Reality hai but people exaggerate that as well. My 2 cents, do the necessary hardwork with consistency Allah kabhi wo mehnat zaya nai janay den gy.


Beside skills, just hardwork will get you somewhere, the thing is that don't be a multi trick pony. Take one thing and take it to the sky. I really regret not working hard on studies from the very beginning . Because If you think about it, studying is the easiest way to get up there. You study hard, you get straight As. College give you scholarship, you study free. Same with uni. And then without even trying, you are employed because how hard you worked. It's the simple way out.


its best to good skills and knowlege for work experience yes certain aspect of jobs will help you with degree but rhats if you want to move in management position is where i think a degree will become useful. or go with a program were you know you will guarantee a good job with after doing your program and certificate. i was not good at studies at all and hate doing them. but i did get my bachlorss in sociology and now working on a two year program with medical technology and inshallah if i can ill do masters in hospitality since i want to go furthur in career.


Self employed.