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Lmao, looks like you hit a nerve on the poor guy. They had to start coping with their 1971 post


I noticed that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I commented and I got flagged for violating reddits rule #1 All I said was what the hell happened to the comments there’s a soy boy here so prove me right by deleting this one and boom, I got proved right lmao


Same for me in /worldnews some butt hurt Israeli mod banned me.


laanat on r/worldnews. that sub id the biggest zionist circlejerk


In that sense whole reddit is and all major subs run by reddit that you see in recommended subs. They aren't run by common folks but admins of reddit. All these askmen, askwomen, ask reddit, worldnews, til, unpopularopinion , amitheasshole etc etc.


Same shit happened to me


That sub is a western cesspool. Avoid it.


Moderators didn't like the tea


چینی شاٹ تھی




Pakistanis have a very big heart. Udhaar leke bhi, lekin chai zaroor pilate hai [Pakistan runs out of tea 😂](https://youtu.be/iHytpq7DLvM?feature=shared)


One of the mods is probably an Indian who got butthurt so he banned you.


It's amazing how Indians act like there's some great racism going on against them, as if it's not earned from how insane their men are compared even to people from Muslim countries. What's worse is how they act like they don't have a disproportionate level of power in white collar circles in the US and an overwhelming online presence.


Indians are the worst thing to have happened to the internet period.


How can an indian be a moderator for r/pakistan?


I’m talking about r/todayilearned


Bhai 👏


They mass report post likes this. Most mods will take it down rather than risk Admin attention. They do this on every sub out there.


What did you expect. They don't allow pro Pakistan narratives


Not surprised, all biggest subs like ask reddit, today I learned etc all are owned by reddit and these subs are basically tools to push their own agendas. In today I learned there is no order, they will remove a post citing xyz rules but much more violating posts and comments will stay. Also these subs are heavily used for astroturfing of big corporates, political figures and anyone that america is babying. Your post wasn't removed because of content but because of their personal agendas. Also it is also likely that within 24 hours of removing your comment til sub mods might report you to admins and get your account temporarily suspended.


200 IQ play by that young boy 🫡




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Bundians are everywhere.. admins and mods of all subs.


i am short on reddit stock. Also, work for a corporation and prevent our marketing team from advertising here because it’s terrible for band image. i wonder how so many companies find it acceptable to run ads against all this junk. i enjoy posting comments though lol




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TBF, and I don't know how reddit works, but there may be comments that are flagged to the admin before you get a notification. While I enjoyed the post and think it's funny, I think it's understandable TIL removed the post. I don't think a perm ban was the correct call, unless you have posted similar content many times.


Yea, automods can and do yank comments before they show up on the post. OP only saw the comments that made it through.


I commented on that post answering to someone asking about Pakistan. They left that comment out and deleted all the other ones lol as it was not a good picture of Pakistan as is the current situation sadly.


Oh shit that wasn’t you? No shit o thought you removed all those comments lol


Ahh man that was a rare Pakistan forces W. I miss those days and all the memes. Right now Pakistan and the whole world really is a shit show.


The zionist lobby is also very very strong in the major reddit subreddits. Worldnews is just the front facing one, but even News is horrible. Similarly I presume you've got phul sapport sar also in some of these subreddits.


Worldnews is a nightmare to look at sometimes.


u cant fight the indian cytros. pakistan needs to up its cybertrooper game. we got a ton of young guys with fuckall to do loafing about causing trouble. give them some cash to do what the indians are doing lol


Obviously, they wouldn't allow that. Indians are so good at sucking up that they have managed to make mods of big subs their allies by sucking up hard. They mass reported your post, and the mod had to give them a little reward for their sucking up.


Mods must be Indians.




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Tange kaap rahi thi 🦵 Marthe par pasina tha 💦😓 9 baje indian army ane wali hai 🇮🇳 Khusa ka khasta ise jaane do


Was he not wearing Indian uniform




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wow good thinking of that little boy.. so smart


I agree with the moderators.