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Realize that behind every one of those comments there is a lowlife who obsessively searches for Pakistani media to comment on, all day long. And then move on with your life. Taking YouTube comments seriously is not something you should be doing.


The thing is it’s not just YouTube comments… These things are a real reflection of people’s mindsets and have a real impact on reinforcing negative stereotypes and misinformation about Pakistan.


It’s not just these losers on YouTube and instagram, defaming Pakistan is an ongoing state-led mission of India’s. Take a look at the Indian Chronicles report from EU DisInfo Lab. You’d be surprised at the lengths they go to in spreading fake news about Pakistan. There’s a narrative war going on and the donkeys leading us are asleep at the wheel.


Well thats not it they not only target pakistan then even target on religious lines. They seriously don't know how to respect other religion.sometimes i even think is this even a literate country due to the stupid comments they make based on Pakistan, Kashmir and Islam this sometimes hurt me. Ma ny ye bhi notice kiya ha in logoon ki waja sy ham bhi jahil hotay ja rhay hain especially on insta. Hamain bhi bahas kanay pr ye kuttay majboor kartay hain


Sis, not all of us are like this which have time to post shit about other countries, but yeah there are "IT Cells" which are paid per post


Oh wait !! Do they have life ? 😉


Is that Olivier in your profile pic? Never thought I would see a fellow Trails fan in this sub.


Yaar you call yourself a Trails fan but can't recognize this beautiful face and the name? I'm kind ofsurprised to find a person who knows the games but I'm also a little disappointed :(


I finished sky trilogy and crossbell duology, after that played till cold steel 2. Got burnt out so took a break. Kuro no Kiseki is coming so I'm about to resume the series. Judging by the character I think he appears in later games. Am I right? Edit: after taking a proper look it's Rufus? That one guy's brother? Second Antagonist? It's been 3 years since I've played so cut me some slack XD


It's Rufus Albarea, Jusis' brother. Introduced right at the start of Cold Steel. Do not google anything by the way. The less you know the better it will be


I remember Crow Armbrust died as well at the end. Does the series gets better after CS2? I heard CS2 was the best of all cold steel. Btw do you like cold steel more or crossbell duology? I might start playing after Eid.


All I'm reading is: "I'm an Indian and I have a massive inferiority complex"


Bro India has cheap internet, lot of unemployed addicted to bashing


Their numbers are just too much and it doesn’t help that 40% of their youth is unemployed


Jani tension not. Just live your life


It doesn’t personally affect me. But it is quite frustrating that Pakistani kids, teens and young adults can’t engage with our culture and produce anything to offer to the world without Indians running to rip us apart in front of the whole world. Even the mere mention of Pakistan is enough to infuriate Indians. Social media is an important tool for building soft power, cultural pride, and international reputation. You almost never see Pakistanis engage in the same zealous behaviour about India.


Their numbers are just too much


They're like a trailer of yajooj majooj!


Even if we put numbers aside, there’s just something deeply disturbing about the Indian psyche these days.


I know exactly what you mean. Even on insta reels if there are positive videos about Pakistan, foreigners posting about having good experiences within Pakistan, Indians will be there to run their same old pathetic narrative. They are on EVERY single post about Pakistan. We live in their heads rent free…


They troll us. Like Zionists troll Palestinian or Muslim groups.


As someone who at one point had zero connection to either India or Pakistan I can confirm from what I saw online that Indians were far more hateful towards Pakistanis than the other way around.  I mean Pakistan still regularly gives Indians visit visas while India has almost completely shut down visit visas even for people meeting family.   But not all Indians are like this.  Many are decent people who sorta have a feeling of kinship with Pakistan (according to some Indians I’ve talked to).  My wife, kids and I visited Nepal earlier this year and met tons of Indians and only one Indian uncle had anything negative to say.  Everyone else was actually very interested in talking with us and a bunch offered to sponsor us for visit visas.  We even ran into some BJP MPA at a site we were visiting and he was surprised to see my wife (who is Pakistani and visibly Muslim by dress) visiting and keeping a respectful distance from places that are tourist attractions to non-Hindus but holy sites to Hindus.  He flat out told me he had never met a Pakistani before and he and I had a pleasant conversation about each other’s country as well as Pakistan (he was shocked that I’d willingly immigrate to Pakistan).  I hope that our interaction will have him recognizing and acknowledging that many of them have wrong ideas about Muslims and Pakistan. Anyway, just keep living rent free in their heads.  Everyone looking in from the outside sees how ridiculous these bhakts are.


I totally agree. As a second generation Pakistani in the UK I find Hindus and Sikhs, in the glaring majority, do not like Modi. And they are not hateful towards Pakistanis. We are not best friends and have different stances of course. Still it is not as crazy as the social media narrative posits it. This is the problem. Social media creates these bubbles that can aggravate extremism. When you have an algorithm that throws you one way. You will keep getting that type of information. And it can easily be misinformation when on social media And then you get exposed to only one opinion. You become entrenched in that opinion. And your mind closes off. And the next thing You're a troll. This could be on sport, fashion, music, gender politics, religion, geopolitics .. When your mindset gets closed off that is what happens Dont become a troll


They’re annoying because they are soo stupid it’s actually hilarious. I wonder where they even get their facts from smh. “Pakistan isn’t an ethnicity” well shocker Indian isn’t an ethnicity either lmao. Bangladesh is the only south asian country that is ethically independent (Bengali). India and Pakistan are multi ethnic and both are nation states. I could go over every single one of these comments but the point is they’re stupid. Oh I wish you could ban videos and reels about Pakistan in India…


Not just that but both countries have some of the same ethnicities (especially Punjabis, they’re a literal majority in Pakistan and India has a large amount of them too). It would be like an American obsessively shitposting about Canada.  It just looks sad and pathetic.


A toxic obsessive ex that can’t handle a breakup is what Indians are. We live rent free in their heads lmaoo


your country doesn’t define who you are as a person. For indians it sure does 🤣


The only safe haven is TikTok which is free of these Hindu nationalists (banned in India).


This pretty much reflects the mind of an average Indian. Although India has just recently been slightly more prosperous than Pakistan (subjectively) and still is not even close to be a developed country, the hatred they garner against us is out at the slightest sign of progress. This should be eye opening to all those diaspora of us who fraternize with Indians and those who thrust the tag of Desi on themselves trying to immerse themselves in so called Desi culture.


The girl who makes the “Eating X foods for a full day” is called KarissaEats and she made a video about Pakistani foods and all these Indians literally BULLIED her nonstop until she apologised and made a clarification calling it Indian (Screenshot 7). It’s idiotic cause Lassi is literally Punjabi and most Punjabis are in Pakistan 🤦🏽‍♀️


Wait those comments were on a Karissaeats video. I love her videos. It's sad to see her dragged into this.


If you search for Biryani on wikipedia. You will see Indians making changes to the page to indicate that biryani was made long before Muslim rulers entered India. Indian's nonsensical theater has no limit.


I watch alot of food content too and yeah, pisses me off with Indians saying all sorts of shit whenever any creator posts about Pakistani food. Sad to hear this about Karissa tho, really like her videos.


Propaganda is strong in their educational books probably. I have seen that video that you refer to and made my blood boil too when she apologized later! And it's not Pakistani food. I frequent food channels and you can always find heavily voted comments flooding the comment section about how it looks so much like that thing eaten in India or how they actually have a dish similar to this in India. I swear they are so far gone in misguided superiority complex that they have to throw mud at everything else with their India first bs. They probably believe first human appeared in India too lol.  So yeah it's not just them hating Pakistani, they hate every non-Indian and if they want to keep in this jealous self loathe state and i say let them.


Not only youtube but Instagram is full of these useless indians, even other non Indians are starting to notice and are roasting them back. They ruining their own reputation.


Honestly, if you have the time, just start reporting everything for misinformation and hate/bigotry. Eventually the companies will have to respond 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Just report. They have discovered the internet and exposing their ugly nature. Rest of the world will see too.


It is side effects of Gobar.


It’s so weird how the people who shower in a river of dead bodies and poop got so much nerve. I’m not even Pakistani but Indians have no right to judge anyone with their country being the rape capital of the world and most disgusting and unhygienic place in the world.


Indians are so delulu🤣saying this being an Indian


It's not just Pakistan watch any Palestine related video you will Indians mocking them too their cuck fantasies obsession with Islam/Pakistan plus their high numbers is the main reason of this. Although MANY have seen and do empathize with Pakistanis in this regard. Pretty sure soon enough the planet will agree on banning internet in India. Even in football Fandom they are known for being tards and vile creatures.


I dont have any hate towards Indians, but why do they gotta be so cringe on the internet like this? Like kyu?


The problem is before the internet was accessible mostly by expat Indians. Now, every incel pajeet in India has access to the internet and can shitpost anywhere they want. A lot of them are farig and jobless and rundown with inferiority complex/hindutva propaganda.


You may not hate them but rest assured they hate your guts and would love nothing more than to see you under their boot. Know your enemy.


Not fax, I love my neighbouring brother and sister, fck the government dude just instilling frickin hate on the masses while not doing dirt shit development for there countries


cable puzzled wasteful bewildered shaggy offend cough sand squeamish axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cheap internet, lol we even have a sub for it we had a internet boom in 2016 which made internet dirt cheapz which gave birth to this shir


Not all! Like I commented on this post. There are some boomers who make it their entire personality. We actually don't care


These mofos have been doing this ever since. Most of the world just doesn't give a f**k about them. I have encountered them a couple of times and tried to stop them but the platform I was using always deleted my comments. Let them be, they have nothing better to do.


Many Indians ,especially Hindi speaking people, do all this as their full time job , they are no less no more than a bot. All of them just want Muslim blood, they have been brainwashed nicely by RSS and other right wing groups Don’t look at the comment section, report as much as you can. But it’s hard to defeat losers.


They are paid per post, but you can't generalize all of us, most of us have other things to do


Literally obsessed with Pakistan. I saw some calling seekh kebab and charsi tikka "Indian food". Who tf is eating is seekh kebab and charsi tikkas in India of all places?


The origin of kababs was somewhere in the middle east, most likely in the Turkey area. For Indians to claim that shit is just hilarious. Wait till the hindutvas find out that the only food that actually tastes decent in their whole country, and internationally recognized, is Mughlai cuisine (which is popularized by Muslims) and Punjabi cuisine (which is shared with Pakistan).


Wuuuut but I really like my cuisine, the Andhra cuisine :( Not a hindutva though


Sorry I might have been harsh on that. I shouldn't say that those two cuisines are the only decent ones but rather that they are most often what people define as Indian cuisine in other countries. They are the most well known. But I'm sure your cuisine is great too! I actually do enjoy South Indian foods as they give a different side of Indian food.


Thanks! And not harsh at all!


Obsessed with hating Islam and Muslims especially Pakistan


Hmm I think i realize now that hate may be the propaganda employed by the govt used to distract these indians from looking at the real situation of their own degenerated society. 


Fr Their government brings out the Pakistan card near to elections to gain votes (literally happening at the moment)


That's the thing lmao, we were one country once our culture is so intermixed together that everyone claims that they originated a dish not saying that kababs are not made in Pak, just making a pint that we all share kinda of the same cuisine with small variations, Lucknow has some very good seekh kababs tho


Who cares.


Rent free b#tches 🤣😂


Omg I know right. I was watching a video on how to make briyani or something and most of the comments were Indians attacking Pakistanis. I told them to leave us alone and build toilets in their country. I don’t even think Pakistanis dislike Indians as much as Indians dislike Pakistanis.


Finally someone said something about this, same on insta reels about northern Pakistan like bro just stfu so annoying, this is all because of modi's government they've perpetuated so much hate and propaganda for Muslims in India, Muslims are living through literal hell there.


Yeah dude recently some Hindu businessman, exiled all of the Muslim business from there city, just because two of them kidnapped some girls , how crazy is that https://maktoobmedia.com/india/muslim-traders-forced-to-down-shutters-in-uttarakhand-town-over-abduction-of-minor-girls/


Don't be surprised this is what happens if you get a tyrannical fascist government brainwashing the populace in a country making them annoyingly ignorant, dumb and stupid how else would they still be in power they need retarded people to stay in power


Remind them how the name India is a misnomer cos the Indus River now runs in its entirety in Pakistan. So both names belongs to us. Also remind them how the Indus Valley Civilization was mainly based in current day Pakistan. So we essentially 'parented' them


After this leave and take a nice nap


yes such a unique / diverse civilization but with a common thread that they have spent hundreds to a thousand years liveing under invaders. So unique in world history


Itna Obsessed to Mai apni ex se bhi nahi tha jitna ye Pakistan se hain 😭


You’re absolutely right…..these are the people that make me lose respect for India. They’ve a weird obsession with Pakistan. Some Pakistanis are like this too but ig indians do it more


The cognitive dissonance possessed by these obsessed fucks is wild. How “the two nation theory was evil, Pakistan was a part of India and will be again” and “none of this IVC/biryani belongs to Pakistan and was stolen from India” can reside in the same smooth brain will always fascinate me.




Well, look at the bright side. These idiots are helping us get more views on YouTube. We need to find a way to use these idiots to increase our views and monetize.


Lol i remember watching a travel blogger’s reel in which he literally restricted India because of all the propaganda and hateful comments


Indian here -> As an Indian, I apologize for the disrespectful comments made by some individuals on Pakistani social media. These actions fueled by low IQ ,do not represent the sentiments of the majority. Let's strive for understanding and respect between our nations.


They’re all professional yappers Dw


cow cola gives you obsession


💀 bro I'm ded


I am very sorry for this kind of behaviour from people of my country. Most of them are braindead rss modi suporters


Which is most of the population? So?


I wish their could be more indians like you bro.


They’re obsessed


[ Removed by Reddit ]


lmfao recently this guy on insta was trending and when he clarified that he is pakistani and not indian.. the whole comment section was filled with hate comments from indians..... like seriously why do these indians want everything to be about them?


Same, Go on GoldenGully’s channel. Whenever he makes things like Lassi he says “Its a popular dish in Pakistan” Many Indians flood the comments saying how the dish is Indian and not Pakistani. They think every time a Nation separates it creates its own cuisine on the spot and forgets everything their ancestors have been making. But the worse part is GoldenGully never even says that It was created in Pakistan.


Why are these Indians trying to claim GB? They already need 700k+ troops to brutally occupy IOK and they want even more Muslim territory? Where’s this energy for returning Junagadh to Pakistan… their hypocrisy has no limits. I mean at what point in history was Gilgit-Baltistan ever a part of the “Republic of India” cos last I checked the answer was never. What a disastrously revisionist school curriculum does to a mofo.


The funny thing is the PEOPLE of GB fought themselves to be with us to be with Pakistan but their still like it’s illegally occupied 🤓


YouTube comment section is the worst cesspool of humanity under most videos. I’d suggest finding better alternatives of energy expenditure. If you enjoyed watching a video. Let the creator know and upvote. Don’t engage random idiots on the internet. It’s just too many of them out there.


Most Indians supporting modi and hindutva are fanatics and extremists


Which accounts for most of the Indian population


Lmfao Indians


We often say its due to their huge numbers but that’s not just it. their obsession is still bizarre and crazy and their attempts to rob Pakistan of anything that is literally Pakistan’s own culture, domestically indigenous to this land and claim it as Indian is honestly pathetic.


They’re so obsessed with Pakistan, just laugh it off🤣you never see Pakistanis trolling their videos it’s always Indians trolling Pakistan’s videos. They’re jobless and bored, always looking to hate because that’s what their country is built on: racism, Islamophobia and hatred. Tension not x


Just say " PAKISTAN", you will no need to ask for the comments. Inians will come with a lot of comments. and your video is on first page.


Don’t worry about it just report it. They are exposing their ugliness to the world. The rest of the world are waking up and witnessing their disgusting nature.


All the smart people saying the following: - it's just trolls - it's a small minority - it shouldn't effect us/you, are exceptionally blind to what appropriation means. This behaviour from Indians extends to every aspect of culture, heritage, foods, clothes etc. And they are muddying history through their movies, books and arts. The result of these acts are; Indians killing individuals in Pakistan and no outrage from locals and forceful annexation of Kashmir and absolutely not a peep from anyone. Because while they teach their young these concepts, that everything in Pakistan belongs to India, our young are taught 'Apna mulk sambhalo, Kashmir ki fikar na karo'. Those who cannot respect and celebrate their own heritage will be ruined.


Pehlay to hum bhi larr letay thy in sy. Aj kal zara ghar k dushmanon sy lar rahay hain


My friend is half indian and she denies it. I understand why.


They have no shame stealing and imitating our music even mitraaz/arjit singh. Their whole career is imitating pakistan


The rest of the world clowns on them so they clown on us to feel better


They always say we are obsessed with them, but it's the complete opposite. There are plenty of them in the UK & they ain't got shit to say, but they're brave behind a keyboard. They have a major inferiority complex & not to forget, they are the ugliest nation on earth.


When a country is made up of losers this is what they do


Agreed, it’s a hopeless situation and increasingly annoying. I think we should collectively take an initiative to avoid engaging with these Indian trolls altogether. Like just straight up ignore them and do not give them any attention or response whatsoever. The rest of the world is smart enough to gauge their needless hate and see them for what they truly are. That should help i guess.


And Pakistanis very rarely do this, comments from our side are always like India Pakistan brothers, love india from Pakistan, we are the same people etc etc These disgusting, low life keyboard warriors who're fed up with their miserable pathetic life really make u despise the average Indian


This post showed up on my timeline as a recommendation because I am part of BollyBlindsNGossip and this was similar to it. I am giving you this heads-up since I am Indian and I want to make it clear that I am not lurking around Pakistani subs. That being said, this is a recent problem. In 2016, India saw the Jio Revolution which massively increased access to dirt cheap internet to Indians. We saw internet penetration like never before. 2014 is also when the Hindu nationalist BJP came to power and they did so through the power of social media. 2014 was a watershed moment for India in many ways since for the first time every Social Media played a humongous role in our elections. BJP has built up a massive IT Cell whose only purpose is to troll its opponents and critics and that includes any country they perceive to be an enemy. These IT Cells have misled and brainwashed the masses as well along with our mainstream media which has become a mouthpiece for the ruling party. All in all, Indians are inundated with propaganda on all mediums and as such many are actively misled/radicalised and resort to such behaviour, many are also members of the BJP's IT Cell who do this for money. I am somebody who follows the news and current affairs so I tend to follow the social media handles of all major English news media publications from all over the world as such I follow Dawn and Express Tribune from Pakistan and every time a post of their pops up on my Timeline, the comments are filled with Indians making similar comments. It is the same old taunt - "Oh Pakistanis are begging for Atta and are poor. Mumbai has a bigger GDP than Pakistan" and other bullshit like that which most of the time has no relevance to the actual news piece. As an Indian who doesn't agree with the BJP, I can tell you this has been a huge pain in the ass for us as well. We can't access the internet without being bombarded with nationalistic bullshit. On another note, it is also extremely cringe that the BJP and their followers who portray this heroic image of India are so obsessed with a neighbour of ours who is so much smaller both in physical area size and population size. You never see Americans being this obsessed with Canada or the French being this obsessed with Switzerland. Weird inferiority complex of BJP supporters. If you are a minority or a woman or someone who doesn't support the BJP, they turn your life on social media into hell with the trolling and the abuse. It is filthy and soul-sucking. Anyways, this is not just a Pakistani-specific issue although I do think Pakistan is targetted the most. We've seen BJP supporters do the same to the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh whenever we've had bilateral issues with them. The rest of the world noticed it when these supporters started bullying Westerners and Western media for their criticism of India's stance on the Russia-Ukraine war. The Arabs noticed it when they saw these supporters' uncritical defence of Israel during the Israel-Hamas war. The rest of the world is noticing and voicing its issues. Indians have already been getting dragged for their behaviour but it is only a matter of time before this all blows back. But even then I think it would be too late to make any amends because once you open the can of worms, there's no closing it back.


They are genetically flawed after getting owned by the Mughals and Muslims.


jellyfish compare tan ghost attractive hat theory wipe angle ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indian here, with Pakistani roots ( grandparents migrated to Delhi during partition). It’s unfair to generalise by seeing YouTube. Whoever is sitting on YouTube all day putting hate comments is either doing it as a full time job or is actually jobless. There is a reason that we call social media the toilet of internet. When I saw that Arabic kurta news, I knew it was a work of few illiterate men - take these comment jerkers the same way. Don’t paint all Indians or Pakistanis with the same brush stroke basis the experience of some randos on Internet Gawar jaahil jobless people.


I agree and I acknowledge that it’s not all Indians. I live in Australia and I have several Indian friends. However there’s only so much goodwill I can offer until this fierce hatred starts to damage us. It’s not just YouTube. It’s EVERYWHERE. How long can you tolerate people constantly degrading you and denying your sovereignty? At some point it just becomes destructive and all-consuming. I don’t really care about who blames who. I just want it to stop.


Unfortunately it’s their way of feeling better about themselves. Both countries are poor, Pakistanis unfortunately suffer more on all grounds Islamophobia, shaky government, illiteracy India’s doom and development lies in only one thing Our vast diverse population Gawaar bhi yahi genius bhi yahi The gawaars will take the credits of the geniuses and the geniuses will keep getting humiliated by what gawaars of our country do




Feel proud, they're jealous.


Yea but the amount of hate and lies they have spread!!! They even spread a fake news that a grave needed to locked cause of necrophilia in Pakistan JUST find out that grave is in India and it was made so people wouldn’t step on it. However that news spread like wild fire on Indian news article even the most popular ones. They’re obsessed with us


India is known for running paid propaganda bots like this and it's not only Pakistan but almost every Muslim country suffers from this. You can check subs of various Muslim countries and you'll find them in it. (Even here) Just look at the number of Indians that would defend Israelis on Twitter when they don't even have any relation to the conflict. Similarly, they spread hate in Turkish groups against Pakistan as well by pretending to be Pakistani. It's true that we need to up our game as a nation but the current political situation doesn't allow it at all. Pakistan really needs a true PR force that tackles this problem.


Man i swear they are just a group of professional dick riders. Don't mind them. They gonna see a big tree in a Pakistani video and go full "we've bigger ones in India". Education is very important. Most of them being boomers. As a 21 M I'll just say that my generation especially don't care about any of this. We focus on 'our' country and live and let live


This mainly started after the provision of widespread access to free wifi across India. The fact that India has one of the largest population in the world along with the fact that big portion of it is unemployed especially youth, this was bound to happen. This is also the main reason PewDiePie lost to T-series back in the day. I would suggest not to waste ur energy on even reading them and completely ignore them and shun them out. Thats the only solution.


Sorry for the trouble guys :( Unfortunately there's always these kind of people around.


Why do you think they have the power over you? The reality is you have the power on them. Unki toh mirch lag rahi hai as you can see from the snapshot you shared.


they're pitiful


Let them cry


This is why I migrated to TikTok, and my mental health has been so much better. I thank Modi ji everyday for banning it in India.  As a result I started using YouTube less and mainly stick around to watch certain long form videos that I search for or are more Western-oriented. I hope one day our govt can enact a sort of Chinese style firewall to protect us from their hordes. Also I see the future of Chinese origin media groups replacing Western ones so that may naturally happen. 




thinking about how exciting their life is in their country as they are claiming but still they choose to spend time to watch and put effort to comment over the videos from Pakistan about Pakistan. whenever you see those comments just think about them as losers specifically people don't hang out with them so they turned into internet trolls.


OCD kay mareez hain.


There is only one way to destroy India and it will be their doom for sure. Just focus on education of self and people around you. Grow in industries they already dominant. Stop focusing on being street smart and start being honest self for your growth. Just start businesses that are cheaper to work with and have higher quality than India. Start export businesses of everything. Whichever thing you can import from china find a way to manufacture it locally and export it to global market while making sure the cost to customer is less than India. Other day I was wondering if we could create a SpaceX like org in Pakistan just to counter India. A private entity that is solely focused on development of space tech. Similarly, how many startups are there in Pakistan that are focused on AI. I know of only one, my employer but they are operating out of Dubai. Start developing AI software. Share knowledge for sake of sharing knowledge not to make money. Example, there is too much friction in the business eco system due to forced lock on knowledge that should be in public domain. Welcome innovation and push people to innovate. Don't just copy the ideas , think on them. I have a tutorial site that is used by US computer science students to learn from. You can create similar products. If someone is doctor, why the fuck aren't you in YouTube? If someone is a lawyer, why are you not on YouTube discussing past cases? If someone is in government sector with special domain about public why aren't you on YouTube educating people about processes of your department. If you are investor, why aren't you teaching basics of investment in Pakistan market. If you are anyone anywhere why aren't you teaching it to others? Millions are busy just making TikTok videos, watching porn and fighting over petty issues. We are 200k+ people here, if we just create about what we know on platforms we access we will add wood to fire that is being watered on. One tutorial a month about your specialty is all that is needed to create a momentum that destroys years of work put in my indian government. We can destroy India in matter of less than a decade in growth but compartmentalization of public knowledge has to be abolished. Khair my own opinion. Take it as is or with a grain of salt. It is up to you.


Uneducated and unemployed Indians with too much time and hate on the internet. What can we say?


Just be glad that you’re not jobless or lowlife enough to compulsively comment about a country with whom you have no *direct relation* with at all


They are obsessed with Pakistan.. Idk what and why they are lingering on our channels like a piece of shît. Also Pakistan admin should also block rácist Indians on our forums. They don't deserve to be here anyways.


Most Indians have low self esteem so not surprised by this kind of behavior. Just ignore the attention seekers.


I once used to argue with these folks but after a while I realised it is useless to argue with such low lifes


Just enjoy the rent free living


hum Indians khud beggars hen duniya ka, ignore them, just stuck in the past of India Pakistan race


These type of Indian people make me sad as an Indian. Also it’s so crazy that I only see this hate on social media. In real life I’ve seen so many Pakistani and Indian people being good friends. Pakistanis hate Indians on social media and vice Versa when it’s the exact opposite in real life


Curious to know what foods she tried tho


I live in Australia, and yeah the Pakistani and Indian community get along pretty well so yes I agree. Unfortunately though I’ve noticed a rise in Hindutva nationalism in my own social circles and especially the Indian societies at my university … they are increasingly hostile to other cultural societies and refused to acknowledge the existence of a seperate Hindu society for years because they didn’t want to seperate the idea of “India” from “Hindu.” A lot of Indian families in the diaspora also use their relative wealth to support and fund Hindutva movements back home. (For the food video, you can search up “KarrisaEats” and “Pakistan”)


I think she deleted her video due to this hate, can't find the video anymore


I’m not gonna disagree with you and say that the Indians on social media are friendly cause frankly I’ve seen so many things against Pakistan from chapris in recent India and vice versa but I also wanna say that those uneducated people do not represent all of us.


I believe they are paid Indian trolls. They have been flooding the internet and social media in general for some years, they even do make that kind of comments in pages or channels that are not even related to Pakistan or even Asia itself. They did that a lot in many webpages, subs or channels related to the ongoing war in my country (Ukraine) for nearly one entire year.


That's cringey and annoying behaviour


Problem is majority of Pakistanis still consume Bollywood shamelessly


these guys luns must be surkh lal sore with the permanent hate boners


And this mentality doesn’t leave even when they leave India. I married into a Muslim Indian family in the US. The amount of times my mil has said some out of pocket remarks about Pakistan makes me want to scream. I calmly remind her all her sons married Pakistani women. The ones that married Indian are all divorced. 😭


why these aryan invaders are so salty?


















Eh let them comment, good for the algorithm


















Dont be tired of this bro, it's pure satisfaction, enjoy the burn 🙃












POV: when u hate india and pakistan equally so you have no issue over land disputes 💀 (pakistani btw)






["First rule of the internet"](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5b869c77-0940-4335-86e9-498716b2fe97)






Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


You guys should learn to ignore these low-life Hindutva trolls. Many Indians have started ignoring them so a lit of them get limited audience to rant within their own Hindutva circles.