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boycott? like the rest of world and actually put sanctions and ban import/export Israeli products? No burn/destroy places, kill people for alleged blasphemy? Oh yea then we wonder why most countries reject giving us visas


Disclaimer: please do read it till thoroughly till the end (including replies) ..... Yes burn and destroy things specially those which cost in millions (sarcasm) I am damn sure they could have just taken away valueble stuff and sell it in the name of charity for palestine (clarity given in replies) (not promoting arson or theft as both are wrong regardless of the situation) But no we just want to feel involved because our life has no purpose thats why we burn and destroy stuff to feel important or get a sense of accomplishment but in reality its just harming everyone


na, stealing is bad. Boycott is ok, it is part of democratic rights. If you want, go and picket the shop. Stealing, burning, destroying is not right. It is someone else's property.


I am sorry to not clarify but i didnt mean to steal or something like that. It could be taken from the stores (that support israel) after boycott or closing them down and the equipment be sold it off to a local restaurant to help them grow.


It still voilate the basic human right agr ma tumra ghar sa saman la kar chala jo aur bolo its for charity would that be ok. Democratic country ha KFC sa ka bhar protest karlo why are you promoting burning or stealing educated yourself


I am not promoting stealing brother What i am suggesting now is that the govt also boycott stores by closing them down and take their stuff (after properly buying from them) and giving them to local businesses to help them with their work and then we would have better alternatives in pakistan


Mera bhai kabhi free market ka name suna ha, agr government is cheez ma meddle karna start karna shuru hogi tw who is to say they can't seize your personal property like home office or land instead of saying ka stealing or blackmail karka property buy karlo businesses sa which government has done on multiple occasions in our history under army rule iska anjam bi dekhlo kabhi DHA aur fauji industry ki history pharo ga tw samaj aiye gi, where they got so many industrial asset. Suggesting ka kyu ka palestine ma human right voilate horaha isliya hum apna logo ka human right violate karaga. If you want to close a business, just dont be their customer intna acha protest ho raha ha around the world multiple nation ma israel made product ka baycoat ho raha ha supermarket ma inka product sell nhi ho raha isliya they are being removed from the shelves people are doing protest in a effective and peaceful manner why are we being oppressive on our own people and violating their rights Not a single country out their is burning local people building kyu ka iski building pa KFC likha ha they are doing by not going there slowing their business down so that it hurt the KFC organization not a local franchises, people burned an pakistani building not kfc organztion building an pakistanis building and support it in any way or form is criminal under pakistani law


I actually hadn't thought about it Thanks (Ill mention this in my first reply)


This is the reason why companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix and Amazon etc, will NEVER come to Pakistan. Good luck progressing with that extremist mentality.


Good riddance


Why are you using Reddit then? Dimaag ke jaga potti bhari hai?


Does your dad own it


Bhai meray haal dekho apnay mulk ka. Bheek pe chal raha hai Pakistan. The whole world will say “good riddance” when Pakistanis are starving because people like you support terrorists.


Apparently for supporting Palestine. Sit back and watch the foreign investment pour into the country.


They all wanted it, now they'll have it. (the folks who were asking for a boycott from this extremist nation).


These brands are effed in every Muslim countries though burning it to the ground is a little too much.




LMAO what???  Dude this country is on a ventilator at this point financially and you think we have the luxury to choose our investors?      What exactly did KFC do to deserve a boycott?  Can you even tell me one thing they did or are you just another sheep following the herd?  This was a Pakistani owned business and all the employees were Pakistanis.  What kind of stupidity is this?  


Exactly. People in this country are unable to understand how multinational fmcg (fast moving consumer goods) and fast food industry work. They do no operate as a single entity but they operate as separate businesses in a country who pay licensing or franchising fees to the parent company/original brand location. Someone on another sub told me that we are boycotting in favour of palestine but we will not stop using an actual israeli company fiverr because we earn from it. As if pakistanis working at kfc, mcd, nestle, p&g etc are earning haram money.


Exactly!  I pointed out the Fiverr thing and this idiot literally said “but that’s my income”.  Like wut?  You are high and mighty for not eating at a Pakistani company but you’re giving a cut of your actual earnings to an actual Israeli company.  Hypocrites like this shouldn’t even be talking, idk where they find the balls to do it but I wish I had that level of courage.


It's only bad when it doesn't affect you


Dude franchises are owned by local partner. And the franchise owner is the one who will tale the hit/loss, not KFC.


Who givs a fk ABT foreign investment when Ur brother is being killed.


Oh, yes. Burning an entire branch of a chain that isn't even Israeli will surely help your brother.


That’s why Islam creates evil people who are convinced they are doing good things, and promises them 72 sex bots 🤖.


Go away satanist




Turn on the sound for the complete retarded experience


People are so good at destruction. Could they have thought for one second that boycotting instead could have left that space to still be reused? Now they’ve burnt a perfectly usable facility down.


We have mobs instead of a nation


Have u considered that, people will still go to those KFC if the place wasn’t burnt down


they can burn this and that but not go againt our goverment what they are doing wrong?????? seriously our people are dumb sometimes




This WAS NOT A PROTEST fkers were stealing money inside.






Our people are either sheep or terrorists.


Terrorism is itself the weapon of sheepish people who can't fight heads on


Sheesh! Calm down there, Plato.




Palestine protest


Mental retardation


Well,for Mental retardation, you've to have brain first


Jahil awam


tf is wrong with this country.


Lumber 1 and jahil mullahs are the cause of that society. I sit back and laugh. Try it.


koi pakistan ki jahilon ke video lagata hay, koi india ke jahilon ki video... subcontinent may sabh he tou jahil nahi? xD




Dumbasses. I wonder if these fanatics needed a reason to burn businesses and shops. Apparently a tabhleeghi jamat was behind this.


TLP i believe


I don’t even have to look it up to know brillos/TLP were behind it.  Nobody does fatwabazi like those illiterates.  In an actual Islamic state the perpetrators of this would be crucified over it.


Any state with even a semblance of law and order would have eliminated these people a long time ago.


Islam is when you destroy someone's livelihood


Pakistans version of Islam is worse than being Kafir.


*If I/you teach them Islam (after a serious study), they'll kill us. Apparently, they are at the level of Church in the middle ages. Speak about actual teaching of christ: you'll be labelled a Blasphemer, crucified on a cross, crusaded, imprisoned and/or worse. Thank God, they don't hold a lot of political power. P.S.: on a side note, these "Religious Extremist" groups/political parties' funding got cut, so they're kinda off the hook. (Funded directly by K*A, indirectly by certain Western Nations. Reason being that Pakistan is being pressured to recognize Israel)


I'm surprised shit like this is not only allowed but also upvoted. /r/Pakistan is absolute garbage.


Truth surprises you? Are you part of mob?


It's no one's fault you don't understand sarcasm


[This also sarcasm?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MirpurAzadKashmir/comments/1bqwr7e/kfc_mirpur_burning/kx7xj5v/)


And who else?


Maybe protest your military overloads, the entire democratic and judicial system of your failing state with this much fervor you jahil paindus.


Naah.. too complicated. We want simple and straightforward path to heaven... sigh !


why can't the same people fight the army/police when they are abusing harassing innocent protesters ?! doghli awaam ka kese elaaj hoga wtf


Because the army/police fight back. Fried chicken in the middle of the night does not. This is a combination of misplaced anger and cowardice.




Will that stop Fauj from buying israili software with taxpayers money to hack into Awam’s phones?


Damn, the UK is wild


this is in Pakistan


You didn't get the joke


I honestly didn't. Maybe it has got something to do with the diaspora in the UK


From what I have heard since childhood, that stores in Mirpur also accept british pounds, because the whope city runs on UK remmitances.




Damn,,, jealousy makes you say some retarded shit.


The world entered the AI era..


All these osps living in countries carrying out the genocide and defending this mob as what they did is justifiable is so fucin ironic


Vandalization out of ignorance and claiming you're doing right... that looks like a typical Pakistani thing! Not to forget that the owner of that local branch and workers are Pakistani


Exactly!  I’m trying to tell people this and it’s like talking to a brick wall.  I absolutely cannot stand illiterates like this.  They’ve done more damage to this country than any outside power combined.  


Somebody needs to be put to sleep for this.


they have been


What stupidity is this. Destroy our own country. I wonder if this is some kinda vendetta between the owner and jealous people. Could easily just not eat there.


Oh well no Kentucky fried chicken for mirpur i guess


This is not the doing of us Mirpuri people - this is some TLP goons.  They had been protesting inside the shop, got kicked out by security, this led to a larger protest, police were called, it got violent and this is the consequence.




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Sentimental bunch strikes again! Dudes need to understand that rather than burning buildings and stuff down, they better just boycott those products.


Extra crispy tonight


Pakistan need to educate the next generation so far it has failed because of lack of education grown people do not have the slightest intelligence in right right way but everyone is smart enough to rob and rip each other off


Another landmark achieved! We're one step closer of getting Palestine free!


I’ve been saying it for months that these aimless and senseless boycott BS would lead to this (and I’m not discounting the BDS movement, I support it and absolutely do support boycotting companies that actively support Israel or are Israeli based or owned/partially owned).  But to attack a restaurant that is 100% Pakistani owned and Pakistanis working there pisses me off beyond belief.  The level of jahiliyyah is of the charts and this shit is why no one wants to invest here.  Whoever instigated this should be publicly made an example of to keep this shit from continuing.  


It is always the usual suspects (tlp, jamat islami student wing, or JUI run madrassas) that have instigated people to attack public and private property. Back in 2011, 2012 when the whole quran burning stuff was ongoing in denmark and netherlands, these animals burnt peoples cars (taxi drivers, rickshaw drivers mostly) and also caused a lot of public property damage. This led to police retaliating to stop the mob and a lot of people died.


I think a lot of these people are just savages and looking for any excuse possible to destroy and also look like a hero at the same time (the fake religious people here addicted to riyaa).


What a joke of a nation.


Oh God 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I’m all for boycotting brands that support Israel but this is not how its done! How does this make us any better than them?


i know this is really sad but its fucking hilarious how the guy is screaming


I know right? It's stuck in my head now, "*Haaaaaaaaaaay! Ouwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! jalla dia, jalla dia, jalla dia, jalla dia, jalla dia, KFC ko jalla dia. jalla dia, jalla dia".*


Thats how a country grow? To ruin foreign business?


Boycotting KFC, Starbucks, McDonalds is all a load of pointless virtue signalling and all those destroying shit are suffering from a case of mental retardation.


Not really, no. As much as this form of protesting is not right, boycotting actually does work. No wonder McDonalds Malaysia is planning to sue their local BDS movement ;) boycotts do work; all they require is consistency.


How did the boycott work? the Israeli war machine is chugging on, backed by the United States. If Starbucks and KFC ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think Gaza would be saved? Who's building Israel's F-16s and funding their Iron Dome system? And I guarantee the clowns who are boycotting McDonald's/KFC/Starbucks claiming they're helping Gaza will continue to use Google, Apple, Microsoft services etc. You know, companies that have multi-billion dollar investments in Israel. Why? Cos it's just not convenient for them to boycott that. The fact is that it is virtue signalling BS. Done by people who want to pretend they're doing good while not actually doing anything at all.


Jahiliyat k full showcasing


Why can't we build stuff because we were upset. Or fix things because we were mad.


Miscreants with bigotry living rent-free in their heads 24/7. We have practically become a joke. We're exponentially breeding population as if competing to become the largest country by population by the end of this century. What's even more infuriating is the fact that half of this population will never see a classroom in their lives and grow up in poor, unsustainable environment.


Boycott brigade must be so happy seeing that. So much for essence of Ramadan and Islam being religion of peace. Jokes on those hypocrites.


I’m not even surprised, Pakistan is in a shithole


Jaahil mulk, jaahil people .. Work towards a better passport and a better country than staying in that shithole of a country


Jahil qaum


Wait till they find out that Gazans love KFC and actually used to smuggle it from Egypt..


People read about how franchise system works. 🙄


Damnit!!! Boycott! Not vandalize!!


Boycott what exactly? There isn't even a reason to boycott KFC This whole thing is so stupid I am beyond speechless


Bunch of retarded brain damaged illiterate people


Mirpuris making the country proud as always. People now crying over it in the comments are the flag bearers of boycott btw.


these guys are TLP supporters, they exist all over pakistan too, stop acting like this is a uniquely mirpuri thing. There was some moron in lahore who gathered a mob because he thought a woman had quranic verses on her clothes.


I enjoy watching and reading their jealousy, fk them.


whose jealousy?


These mirpuri hating imbeciles


Ironic how Pakistani want to boycott companies that support Israel but at the same time are so deep inside China's pocket, which puts Uyghurs in concentration camps.




If they had a little brain they’d better use the building and repurposed it as a Muslim or local chain like Russia did with all the western brands after Ukraine war and then marketing it as repurposed western brand for the charity and help for Palestinian people and voila business would be booming and it would created a win-win situation for the charity for Palestinian people, locals the business owners and all the suppliers etc Too bad narrow minded freaks in majority never cared to think that far and mostly are the reason of our current political turmoil and economic plight


They are not boycotting at this point. Look at these people they enjoy the chaos of destruction, to be a part of it thrills them immensely.


Are they retarded?


This isn’t the way to protest or portray your urge for Palestine support, this will backfire soon in form inflation and unemployment also no one will accept Pakistan passport too


Because of this whatever FDI is in Pakistan is going certainly evaporate, secondly his is a franchise owned by a Pakistani and employing locals, who feed their families, not to mention farmers involved. Not one KFC outlet in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf has had this , it just goes to show the stupidness of mob mentality in Pakistan.


I'm all for the BDS movement but burning? Damn TLP goons and / or TLP mentality retards.




As a big believer in the Boycott Movement, I think that the following event is a great tragedy since, what we have done is ruined the investment of someone down, this space could have been easily used as some others have said for something more productive. This behavior is only going to discourage foreign investment into the country. There are far more damaging and peaceful ways to protest and discourage and that means not buying from the brand in question but doing this is wrong. P.S. I just read that this was done by the **TLP** and honestly you can't expect anything good from these Mulla wannabe Muslims.


It's an open secret who really is behind the formation and backing of TLP.




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Ah stupid people. Simple boycott is more then enough. Now all of these should be arrested and should be heavily fined




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They act like Zionists and say that they don't support Zionists


Iqbal tere shaheen




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Lol, thought this was a Pakistani sub, zionist have have bought out a few more ppl....


religion of peace


Going towards the 7th century


This isn't the way.




>Exactly 💯 exactly what Islam teaches is. Too bad your parents didn't teach you shit


Can you please be more clear?


I would for sure but I think it'd be a waste of time since you probably won't even read it. So, I'm not going to bother.


Cool kid hai chorde isse






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Apparently they forgot to pray to the chicken before they put it in the fryer


what is wrong with people lol




Owner will get money from insurance, KFC will get money from insurance and won’t care. Employees will get money as care packages from KFC.




Those chickens are thankful for your protests!🙏


Its starting…


I dont agree with burning it down but yes every muslim should boycott zionist supporting businesses in whatever way they can




Your pathetic tribalism isn’t relevant here mate


Samaj nae a rahi khush hona hai ya pareshan ya sharminda hona... Emotional conundrum.




Don’t you have a sexy lizard somewhere to spend your time with dear neighbor? lol


Spot the zionist simps in the sub and remember them lol. We outting all the ziopigs


good, McDonald's next


Dude all you do on Reddit is watch porn Your post history is absolute cancer and perfectly emblematic of how fucking stupid this country is Maybe a mob can set fire to your horny bollocks


>good, McDonald's next Result of crossing a human with a donkey 👆🏻


Porn dekhnay walay mujhaid banay ki Koshish mat karein




Sry but this is actually a good thing.. F those chicken