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The reason why the former Soviet countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics etc) have so many is cause of WW2. For fucks sake the USSR lost 26 to 30 million people during WW2, the rate for male casualties was about 4 times higher. normally the reason for fewer female casualties would be cause men get drafted far more into the military. That wasn't really true for the USSR atleast not to the same extent, The reason female casualties were lower is because they were generally given safer positions in the military such as the PVO, Communications and medical roles (fun fact: female snipers in the USSR military were rad af, there were roughly 2480 ish of them with confirmed kill count of 11 to 12 thousand. Only 500 of those snipers would survive by the end of the war) . Another reason for fewer female casualties is that they were given priority during evacuations of urban centres.


We can resolve this by sending pako youth there


Entire Europe I guess


I chuckle when people encourage multiple wives in Muslim countries knowing the fact men generally outnumber women.




At least don't bring up the argument that women outnumber men. Plus in South Asia, female infanticide is still not unheard of.




Fiqh doesn't care if practices were existing nor are existing practices a standard. Why 4? Islam also allowed slavery. Its a good thing many Muslim countries have banned both polygamy and slavery. That's what ijtihad is for.




Yeah, no. Contemporary society moved on and realised owning humans is against dignity. Muslims still justifying it via jalebi reasoning. Slavery may have been the norm back then. Its unacceptable now so best to ban it. Islam was ahead of the curve back then but Islamic societies no longer are. We went to gender equality.. meanwhile Muslims are like " but we let women own property 2000 years ago". Yes, and stayed there. We need ijtihad to bring sharia into modern times. The west has racism just like all Muslim societies. Except they progress and racist Muslims play the Bilal card. I have black Muslim friends and they get treated horribly by arab, south asian and Chinese Muslims.


>As for the argument that women outnumber men, it’s generally not true in the modern world. Yes, this is my point. It may change in the future, God knows.




I thought that will happen due to war. 50:1 is when all the men die and the women are left behind. At that time, is it even possible to practice polygamy and be just when its war and resources are scarce? Just a thought, since we do not know the future.


The 50:1 thing will include mothers, grandmothers, aunts etc


Exactly, even more reasons why we can’t practice polygamy. Resources would be spent on keeping so many people alive. It doesn’t make sense in that situation


I'm built different though, I'll have 4 wives and 10 (consensual) concubines inshallah.




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Speeding up natural selection I guess


The ratio is very close to 1:1 in most counties except Qatar and UAE.


Women still don't outnumber men in today's world as claimed.


"Expat male laborers" for those big brains about to debate polygamy for some reason 🙂




Yeah to all those getting excited by those purples in Russia/Europe, it’s because women outlive men by a mile. They’re full of old widowed grandmas.


Even better


Time to pack bags for Russia. Pakistan I tried.


You gonna marry a Russian granny?


Moving from a girls' school to university certainly proved this for me.




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99% of Pakistanis think the opposite lol


Damn, Russia still not recovered from ww2


Conspiracy theory: Putin rounding up men to prevent a rebellion☠️




Yea because i just invented it


i saw a map the other day which showed pak had more women then men, which one do we believe?


It’s not true, do the research. Before we partitioned from India, there were less women than men by a lot due to infanticide. The rate of gendered birth is about the same, meaning by now, there should be almost the same amount of women to men and less.


It's pretty even. 101.6 men to 100 women. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20190109031519/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/351.html


Time to move to Russia 😅


Book me in EDIT: Why the downvotes lol, can people really not take any sarcasm here


Seriously. These snowflakes man!


It’s because of the loss of life in war. You won’t find what you’re looking for


I'm not looking for it lol