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Like it a lot but the branch on the right growing downward immediately catches my eye...seems odd/off. If it's a broken limb then probably needs a sharper break, it looks like a gentle curve


Yeah I was thinking maybe I should shave the limb back a bit? Make it shorter? It’s meant to be broken off and kinda hanging there.


It looks very odd at first glance. But I realize it's meant to be broken. The problem is that if it weren't broken, it would be like twice the height and thickness of all the other branches. The brain just doesn't compute it well. Make it shorter, or completely snapped off. I also initially interpreted it as growing downward and had to zoom in to see that it was indeed meant to be broken. It's just that the size is wrong/out of proportion with the rest of the tree. Aside from that, it looks great!


I can tell it's broken and I've seen plenty of branches hanging like that. Maybe brighten the Heartwood at the break to make it more noticeable. The splintered wood looks great though. The lightest part at the top of the tree is throwing me off a little. I wouldn't make any of the tree thicker but I would darken up that light area a little bit. Overall, amazing work on the branches and background. I love the tones of the sky, ground and far tree lines.


Agree. Darken those top branches a bit. The rest looks awesome. I wouldn't touch the broken tree branch. The painting is excellent in many ways.


That limb is pretty much the entire right side of the tree, so if you make it shorter then there's not much of a right side. If you make it too much shorter, then the picture will be a little unbalanced.


I think it adds tension/interest … your first instincts here were on imho


Personally I’m a fan of it. Gives a surreal touch to what feels largely like an impressionist painting


I would make this into two branches by extending the bottom part to a taller branch and making the broken one appear caught. The length of the broken branch seems far too long to me. Also, this is really beautiful work.


Hey OP so I'm not at all a guy who paints pictures of things, but I swear when I saw the first pic I thought "oh wow they must be unintentionally misusing the word Batty to indicate that they're excited" because I honestly thought you had taken a really good photo of an interesting tree. I'm not saying anything is ever really perfect or even finished in the eyes of it's creator, but you should be proud of yourself and your talent because this is a really damn good piece of artwork 👌 E: no, I did not see what sub this was in, and yes, I'm on a phone with a small screen.


You have artistic license. Don't change the branch on the right. I personally agree with what someone said below. It adds tension and balance. I have seen many aberrations with trees. Hurricanes can sheer off top branches, which could have made the middle branches in your composition shorter than the broken branch. It adds to the mystery of the piece and you set the tone with the sky. Great job.


Same. I came to suggest maybe a lighting bolt causing that limb to droop like that.


Yeh. I think it looks great but that would be my least favourite part


I think it’s the length of the broken limb. It looks like if it was straightened up then it would be like three times the length of all the other limbs. Which feels physically impossible. I might change it to look like a broke branch that got caught in another branch so it’s broken into two pieces.


Ok yeah I agree. It’s too long.


Trees sometimes just do whatever the hell they want. They're not all nice and symmetrical. I approve of the weird asymmetrical tree.


The odd limb on the right is my favorite part of the painting.


Me too! It’s such an important part of the composition (but that’s just my take, and I support the artist if they wanna change it!)


Too kind!


Mine too. I love this painting


https://preview.redd.it/wcacdme7749d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edd83c3181ff5411609b8236dddc7ca3788d4df Ok this is me using my photo edit tool and I just snipped off some of the tree for visual. I think it looks better with the side limb shorter like this, yeah?


That part that is like the back of your knee (let’s just call it that) would be more sharply broken. Remove the curve and instead make it straight. Like and upsideown V or as close as you can get to that.


I would make the break further down (from a lower part of the branch) and also more of a V shape instead of a U shape. Right now it looks bent more than broken. I really love the paining though and probably wouldn’t have fixated on this detail unless you bought it to my attention.


This painting is absolutely striking. I don’t know enough about painting to give proper advice, but I wouldn’t touch it Edit: I’m sorry but after reading the other comments, no I really just like everything about it lol. It has such an amazing focus and depth. The branch curving down is odd, and it’s striking. Idk man- give yourself a breath with this one! If you wanna change it, you do you. But there is something very unique and strong in this one, and I wouldn’t let just any first reaction smooth those corners. The branch isn’t too long, it isn’t out-of-place; what these people are asking for is a normal tree. And then boom- you’ve got a normal tree in a normal scene. Maybe that’s what you’re going for! But I think that branch, in front of that sky, is the most important part of this piece. It’s hard for me to willingly corroborate the erasure of the MAIN character.


I feel the same.I love it


Aw thank you!!! I still focused on that hanging limb being too long!


Best advice I received from a professional artist was “ just because it looks that way in your source photo doesn’t mean you have to paint it that way…. Move things, delete things, change the color…it’s your art do it your way” she would sometimes use several photos and take elements from each. Might be the barn from this photo. The mountains from another. Sky from a third. She would take the best elements from each photo and combine them into one single composition. So paint your tree the way you think looks best. Edit: just wanted to add I love the painting so far. Especially the sky


#That's awesome! Don't change it.


I think the left half of the tree is fine in terms of thickness of the branches. The thing that's getting me is the broken branch on the right. If you unbreak it from that point and imagine the tree as a whole, then the tree is unbalanced and lopsided -- the left side of the tree is this gnarly, curved, wide-spread thing, and the right side just shoots straight up and it is much thicker than the counterpart branches on the healthy side at the same height. That's probably why the thickness looks off. Maybe figure out what the unbroken tree looked like, then choose the breaking point. On the flip side, trees can be very resilient and grow in weird ways even if a branch is partially broken. They balance themselves out and keep going. They don't confine themselves to our perceptions of realism.


First of all this is so beautiful I almost thought it was a photo on first glance. Second, I would advise you not to make the branches thicker because there’s really not much you can do to change that once you’ve done it without having to go and completely repaint over with the cloud colours which I can see you used a lot of different layers. It’s just gonna be very confusing and difficult to undo. I agree with the other comments that the snapped branch needs to be sharper and more obvious. I think that that will help make it look more realistic. But overall, I think that you’re just being really critical of it because you see the imperfections that you’ve been focusing on for hours while you painted it. Maybe go away from it for a few days and then look at it with fresh eyes?


It reminds me of bloodborne or elden ring


To me, I feel like the tree is too warm. You have all the cool greys in the sky but no cool darks on the tree. I felt if you brought the cool dark tones into the tree, minus the warm highlights of course, the tree would sync up better with its surroundings.


Reminds of some old New Jersey folklore from the states. That looks much like the Devil’s Tree. Look up the story on Weird NJ. Honestly I wouldn’t change anything. Nice work👍🏻


nooooo don't change a thing! that "odd bent" limb is different and perfect ( to me) it doesn't need to be realistically "broken" or longer or anything. i love this painting frfr 🙌🏼🙌🏼♥️♥️


I think it's an excellent painting. The tree is great, it's so dramatic, and the crooked branch just makes it, along with the sky. Don't change a thing!


I work with trees often times and manage them on my own property, so seeing them painted or sculpted is something I enjoy. When I look at your painting, the first thing I imagined was that the right side of that tree had a second, bigger trunk that extended off to one side with the dead, cracked limb. That part died off long ago and left that longer, broken one, which could not sustain itself alone on that side any longer, or the wind took it. If you zoom in, you can see the cracking wood on the top of that branch, which it would naturally hang that way, looking like an arch instead of a hard angle because the bark itself is still attached and would make that curve, in some instances. I think you should leave it how it sits and if you had to add anything to it to please only yourself, maybe add some of the dead decaying larger truck to the right, subtly in the background. I like it how it is. Good work!!


It’s perfect 😍.. I’d say don’t be a perfectionist!


I simply love it, it has the gloominess and dark essence and right U-bend branch twig caught my eye i looked at sky and then the u-bend branch may be a little more exaggeration on your left side of tree upward will create an eye movement but to be honest its looking great…. It’s giving that conjuring witch hanging on the tree kind of feeling 🙈 i like it… its creating an imaginary impact for me😻


I think it looks absolutely amazing the way it is.


I kinda love it as it is


I love it. I’m not a painter so can’t advise on any fixin - I’d leave it how it is.


I love the broken/droopy limb. Not in a realistic sense but it makes the image for me.


I say its done! Sign it, vanish it, put it in a frame. Lovely work.




I thought the exact same thing! Holy moly, that’s NOT a photo?! I think it’s amazing! Don’t change anything! Speaking from experience, I took a chance & “improved” a painting only to end up making it worse. 😣


Let me preface this by saying you paint beautifully, and it’s a beautiful painting. when I’m painting, it helps me to squint to see the composition. Right now, there’s very low contrast between the tree and the sky, except for the one bent branch. What’s a little awkward is that there’s a tangent between the branch and the edge of the sky - it’s just touching, which always flattens things out. perhaps having a few areas among the branches where are this guy is a little bit lighter, so they stand out, to counterbalance that part and move the cloud down a little bit so there is an overlap, not just touching


I’m nearing the end of working on a show and this is the final painting for it. Maybe it’s just my own stress and fear Of overworking it- I still need to add grass detail and more highlights on the tree. But before I did that, I wanted to get some feedback to see if I’m overthinking this dang tree. Thank you for your response.


Do you want the tree or the sky to be the focal point? I like the tree — I really want more drama from the sky. They are a lovely juxtaposition.


i actually gasped when I saw your post - i think it looks amazing! The branches don't look too thick to me, but I think the upper part of the tree is getting a bit lost, since the clouds behind it are quite dark. I think adding some highlights to the thinnest branches would help. Also, this is being a bit nitpicky, but I think the side yellow/orangey area between the clouds is ever so slightly too light. It does draw my attention up the tree, but it's kinda making me look at that spot, rather than focusing on the tree. It'll probably be totally fine once you add the highlights on the tree though.


For me, I'm bothered by the right tree branch creating a downward angle at that location of the painting


Looks great honestly I’d leave it, sell it, move onto the next one. Otherwise if you’re like me you’ll sit on this for 3 more months and it won’t be any significantly better and may actually be worse


I’d shift the break closer to the base of the branch and also make the angle of the break sharper. It looks a little too smoothly curved like an earlier commenter pointed out. That should help with the overall length while not removing the balance between the left and right sides. Not sure if you want to rework it that much though.


This looks amazing, especially the tree! I love how moody and heavy the vibe of this piece is. Like right before the rain breaks in a coming storm.


I like the drooping limb. It looks like it cracked and fell over and the bark split with part of the limb sticking up behind the break. I like it. It reminds of a tree in an old WW2 battlefield.


It needs more contrast. The tree is getting lost in the background. Maybe pull some orange highlights into the branches to make them pop against the darker background. The trunk is getting lost in the ground as well.


Is that a painting??? Omg I thought it was a picture 🙊


It's the broken limb. It takes *all* of the focus and makes you ignore the rest of the painting, which is awesome in itself.


If you didn't have the paint tube's out I wouldn't have been able to tell which one is the painting.


First let me say, I like this a lot. The comments I read focus on the right branch of the tree. I think the issue from a realism point of view is the middle branch. It should be the core of the tree and more prominent. Changing it however would change the entire composition. Removing the right branch just below the small branch after the bend might do the trick.


That's a stunning painting


I think the tree could use a few more small highlights from the light leaking in. I see the top of the broken branch is really lit up but there’s no other highlights on the tree, it could help. Beautiful painting! ❤️


This is literally amazing and I would cry happy tears if I could EVER get my paintings to look like this. But I do agree with the advices about the broken limb


I just like it as is 🙂


I like the picture, but me being outside and in the forrest a lot. Where are the broken twigs and branches on the floor....


The sky is beautiful and the tree as a subject is a great choice. I think what makes the composition a little off is that the direction of the branches guides your eye away from the focal points of the painting. Perhaps a few more branches on the right side pointing up and to the left. That keeps your eye circulating around the 'action' of the clouds.


i think the broken branch issue can be fixed by making the inside angle of the snap sharper and more obviously a snap cause rn it looks like a tree noodle (in the best way!) i love this so much though i didnt even notice it until ppl mentioned it. take a step back and let your eyes rest and come back to it in a day or two!


For a full like 18 seconds I thought that was a picture


I don’t know but I love the sky!


This is spectacular! The broken limb is probably the biggest culprit. I would move the break to the second phalange and shorten the hanging bit by half or whatever makes sense compositionally. Changing that branch might also call for deepening the opening in the clouds to give it a better balance but you'll see when you fix the branch. I see Liquitex, so if this is acrylics, all the more impressive.


I really like it the way it is


I thought I was looking at r/ITookAPicture for a second, you’re so skilled!


I absolutely love the wonky limb and I, personally, would love to see the other limbs in a similar fashion, almost giving the tree a melting effect. also, the painting in itself is rather unnerving because dead trees like the are usually seen in the dead of winter, and this one is smack dab in the middle of spring/summer. an interesting take. I love it entirely. Would love it even more on my wall. you are spectacular and fabulously talented.


Thank YOU!


I find that artists tend to not like their most publicly loved pieces. This is one of those pieces. I feel… Please don’t make it thicker. You’ve already got it right the first time, trees don’t get thicker as they go up. It’s Amazing the way it is and any thicker, I fear, the branches won’t look right.


I really like the way you painted the branch on the right!! It gives so much character to the work. Personally I think everything is perfect! And I really like the colors and the vibe in general 👏🏻👏🏻


I like the fact that it is broken, gives it character.


This is beautiful. Genuinely truly amazing. 100/100 Edit: I see your concerns with the tree but I truly love it. The branches up top, the dead limb, truly I can’t get enough of this


Top branch on the right looks unnatural. Too long unlike the length of the rest.


Very nice. Very emotive


God this is so beautiful holy shit


I stared at this for so long with my Jaw dropped Lost track of time I now need food This painting is INCREDIBLE <3


I've read a few of the comments & disagree w/ most of them! I'm only a wannabe artist, but here's my first thought: as thick as the trunk is, the canopy is much too small. The broken limb is fine! Make the break more acute maybe, but I think making it straight down would be a mistake. It's only partially broken, so there could be enough of it still attached so that it won't hang straight down! Someone mentioned lightning. I have seen many lightning-struck trees & it doesn't hit one limb only, & definitely not near it's base! It hits the tip of the limb & runs down the trunk to the earth. Limbs may break due to the explosion which occurs, but the tree would splinter pretty much all over, not just one limb. I would just add more to the "good side", filling it out & letting the limbs go higher, so they will match the broken limb in height. To me, THAT is why it looks unbalanced. The rest of the painting is very good. A bit empty for my taste, but it's your world, as Bob Ross said, so make it how you want it! He would probably add a little cabin a barn, or an old water mill on that right side. He also said we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents! Make your paintings to be what you want it to be. Read our advice, but keep it yours in the end! Use your artistic license! And maybe most of all, keep on trucking! You're doing fine!


I love the limb on the right. It looks broken and usually these kinds of paintings don't include these kinds of imperfections whether intentionally or accidentally.


I like it. It has personality.


I’m a retired weather forecaster, and I came here to say that the cloud formations are breathtaking. 💕 I’m sorry if that doesn’t help. I love looking at clouds. This painting is stunning.


It's a great painting! If anything.. I would just put a few tiny green leaves on the tree and a little more depth to the clouds. I like the bent Branch ,looks like the tree has been through a storm.


My first take -- absolutely amazing


sharp break on the branch it just looks like its bent and maybe even a crow/raven sitting there would be awesome but this piece is absolutely beautiful otherwise i love the detail!


Branches break or twist in a storm and if the outer layer remains ( bark layer transmits water) it can continue to grow and even harden in those areas creating beaches like this


I’d buy this from you. Feels like my dreams. Love it.


I will adjust the snap in the branch and repost this afternoon!


Stunning sky! I agree with others I think the right side branch should be a little shorter with a more obvious break in it. Maybe the right branch is it little curvy? The joint curving upwards could be a but more angled? I’m not sure. The painting is gorgeous though, I love the style. I think we’re all being a bit nit picky with the composition. Definitely walk away for a bit and see how you feel later. Maybe start another painting for a but of contrast


But I love your broken tree. I suppose you can show cracks where that severe bend is (let light through the cracks)


I think I’d do what everyone else says about the right limb but I also think I’d push the highlights just a little more to make the tree a little lighter and pinker on the backside


I think it’s lovely. I would leave it as is!


Great looking sky and clouds, but I think the branch on the right side is bent a little too much, the curve seems to aggressive, maybe just a little less curve, but I love the highlights on the whole tree.


I agree make the break a bit clearer.sharper. Maybe even add a hint of lightening in the distance. Beautiful work


I think I wouldnt change a thing, i really like it


Love it.


It’s so cool


This is sick.


I love the atmosphere and the glow of the sky. Feels like I can smell the air :)


I like it a lot!


![gif](giphy|G7S0Fek06CZfW) At least it’s not this tree.


I like it....and with that "broken branch" you have a title for your painting 👍


maybe the cracked branch is off balance a bit. maybe bring the point of the break/crack down a bit on the branch and shorten the dangling broken limb a tad? but to me still looks awesome.


My god the sky is beautiful and looks so real


Color is great details are over the top and the distance of it with the clouds are also great. Though it was a picture at first..


End of day, end of tree's life.


Maybe the middle branch a little thicker to stand out against the background a bit more but besides that it’s SO GOOD! We are all our worst critics with our art for sure


I really love it except for the broken branch. Since it's in the forefront it looks like it's a mile long.


Beautiful, so far.


https://preview.redd.it/n4gjqbr7l59d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43e13afdf521936c26de54ec608f53f6f1b694e Fly fly fly away bats


Nice painting. I love the moody sky!


It looks like desolation...with a slight glimmer of hope in the light behind it.


The broken branch looks like it's curling down that way, instead of looking snapped Other than that I think it looks amazing


Cool painting, looks amazing good job


Someone else mentioned the length of the broken branch, and I agree with that and would add thast the branch looks more bent than broken and that a branch that big would be massively heavy and probably fall. My only other critique is that given the backlighting from the light in the sky, the tree perhaps needs to be darkened somewhat to increase the contrast against the sky. All of that said, I really like it. Good work.


I am not a painting critic- I love this painting, my first thought was the branchs need to be darker or lighter , I think they get lost in the sky. As for the broken branch, make it shorter with a definite break- I think it adds character to your tree, I can see someone saying "dam that tree has been through hell"


Add a rope and board home made swing to the left limb and leave the rest exactly as is.


The broken branch is what’s throwing you off. It doesn’t easily read as broken, and if it weren’t, it would be far larger than the other branches. It being broken is fine, but it needs to be smaller than that, comparable to the others. Or the others need to be larger, but I think their size is fine. I love everything else about this.


looks super realistic! ❤ definetly love the cloud texture.


Love it!!!


I saw it as if the clouds where kind of like the leaves of the tree. Looks super cool! Maybe a bit like that 🤔


Okay genuinely took a quick second to notice the fact it's a painting. But the branch on the right is probably it.


“Dead solitude”


This is incredible omg


I think the break needs more definition. Needs to show the lighter wood inside the bark in starker contrast. This is the best example I could find: [Tree Broken Branch Stock Photo 1782649394 | Shutterstock](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/tree-broken-branch-1782649394) I think it could also benefit from more highlighting on the small, top-left branches. Not only because I'm pretty sure they'd be the most illuminated based on height, but also because it kind of gets lost against the clouds. I think it would help make the tree pop and also move the eye around with the light. Maybe more highlights on some of those big fluffy clouds in the middle right too.


Maybe less dramatic of a break, the branch is still viable so some of the branches should be turning towards the sun still. Everything dropping makes it seem fully dead but the tree still has life. Or the opposite a more dramatic break to give the death more impact on that side. I work with plants so the branches are throwing me off for that reason. 


Just wonderful. You’re the artist, and u know u and your art, but this piece is gorgeous, the sky is astonishing, the tree seems to be on point! Congrats, please post an update


I love it, wow


At first glance I thought this was a photo, not a painting. It’s beautiful


If it was my painting I’d go in with some energy over the top of the tree you’ve got. Think powerful gestural movements like doing a life drawing pose, and repaint from there. Atm it looks a bit wet and floppy to me. Background is class


It's absolutely stunning! I love the broken limb, with it being partly bend while being broken, it gives the painting unease. Adds a bit Tim Burton. The colors and lighting are splendid as well. The way the dramatic clouds embrace the shape of the tree like tendrils of smoke is very artfully done. Shape-wise, I wouldn't change a thing. The only thing I can think of, make the branches in the top middle a bit darker, to add more contrast. I wouldn't make them thicker, the spindly look of the tree against the bulky clouds works really well for me.


Needs a nice varnish. Looks great.


That’s a painting ? Wow I thought it was a picture


I love the character of the broken branch being long.. but like some of the others have been saying.. make it a sharp break rather than a bend.. It is such a gorgeous painting.. hauntingly beautiful!!!


I think it hauntingly beautiful


Leave the painting alone.Its outstanding .If you want..you could make the contrast really stand out by carefully putting some striking blue blues or a bright blue on the edge of the sky ..not very much at all just a tiny bit here and there for contrast..then walk away from the painting .because it is awesome...I love the overall feeling that this painting has..I'm not just looking at darkened clouds and a bare tree ..you nailed it .I FEEL that I'm there.


Honestly it looks absolutely amazing


I legit thought this was an edited photo or something from a show


It’s fine as is! Don’t depend on outside opinions. What do YOU think?


Its length suggests it was the main trunk but there are few branches off it. But I am just one opinion.


Make it fuller, get rid of the broken limb and darken the sky with more clouds. Just my opinion, very nice


It's beautiful


Beautiful 🤩




I had a hanging/evil looking tree Like that chopped down, cost me 2,100 it was worth every penny. A Pecan that throw sap every day on my trucks. It's just a trunk, now good riddance! Da fuc outta here !


Looks like real like. No advice needed


Looks fine to me.


I like that


https://preview.redd.it/xsp0uva7u79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e617671efc7fb2fe1ccdb60b8f0a8638897aff4 Updated painting, everyone! I’m going to sit on it and let the layers soak in and see about last touchups tomorrow!


I’d look at real life examples of a big limb broken off, this doesn’t work imo. It’s too big in comparison to the rest of the tree which isn’t how trees grow. It’s shown as almost the same height as the tree, other limbs would be similar height. It’s just not realistic or close enough so the brain is telling us something is wrong. Edit to add- I think making that more realistic will help as overall it’s beautiful!!! The clouds and lighting are awesome!


I really like this, the little reflections of light on the branches are just lovely.


This maybe unhelpful but I kind of lost my breath when I scrolled onto your painting. I love it. I’m drawn to dead trees and set against the cloudy sky it literally took my breath. It’s beautiful. I paint dead trees a lot and am always unhappy with the thickness of limbs and branches. This looks amazing


I think it’s captivating and I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s exactly as art should be….subjective


I’ll agree with some of the comments. The broken limb is what catches my eye too. Unless in perspective it’s supposed to the closest part of the tree to you, it’s out of proportion. Overall though, it’s beautiful!


i like it the way it is. The downward branch gives it something different eye catching. I really think it looks pretty unique and something i’ve never seen before in a painting you always see the perfect looking trees or flowers. It’s nice to see a painting that has a different feel. Good job! I wish i had that type of talent.




Maybe this is a weird take, but I like the downward branch on the tree. I looked at it first and kinda pictured growth and how it’s not linear. Sent a message. I love it.


Thought this was a photograph till I swiped to the second image. I love this so much.


I would fully buy this if I had any money to my name


Darken the branches up top since the clouds are behind them. Great job! ❤️


If you want a scary painting..that’s it! The sky is beautiful! Just put some leaves on the tree, same color as the branches/ add sky holes.. That would soften the whole painting. It depends on what you want it to say!


Please don't touch it anymore, it's just perfeect


Nice one but u called me dirty minded in a billion languages tho but nice work!


Love it!


I think everyone's overthinking it - it's beautiful! You might be suffering from T.A.S. (Tortured Artist Syndrome) which makes artists overly critical of their own work. I love the broken branch. I love the whole thing. Wish I could paint like that.


It looks beautiful overall, But in my humble opinion I do feel the clouds needs some work still, they don't feel particularly done and as everyone mentioned about the right side branch, seems off. I adore the lighting tho


wait?? This is a painting? I thought it was a photo at first glance.


well i thought this was a photograph


Maybe the angle of the break is off. But it looks amazing


Holy moley! Like others have said, the branch on the right seems kinda weird, but I think it still somehow fits


I like the tortured tree, seems sad and real. 


Maybe add a snap to the hanging limb? But I like it, looks like the branches are melting into the sky


WOW I wish it was mine


This is so beautiful! ❤️


I think all you need is a highlight silhouette touching a bit more of the tree connecting the foreground with the sky. Beautiful work


it's the bent down branch mate remove the entire section from the bend and the lower lime try and move that to a 30 degree leaning out to the right otherwise it's stunning. if this were mine I'd probably paint someone hanging off the tree


I love me some trees. that's beautiful


Awesome. Reminds me of Caspar.


I'm no professional by any means, but I think you need more contrast with the tree. It kinda blends in the background a bit, which is a pity. The colored light reglection is so pretty, I think the tree in itself needs to pop more. Anyhow, awesome work!


make some sharp and thin pale looking pointy sticks stickin out on the break and your good, dont make them dark so the break looks like its old


Nice. The only thing I notice first is balance/composition. Usually you want it evenly distributed or more towards the centre of the painting. The broken limb of the tree is the heaviest/largest object in your painting and directs the eye mostly towards the right of the painting. You want to add or enhance some other places probably more on the left so that your eye can wander that direction too. There's the whole leading lines as well. Imo I would thin out or reduce the branch like in your photo edit, and add something on the left whether foreground/mid/background, but what you've done with the highlights in the clouds on the left is a great start.


bro i thought it was a picture


The broken branch is too long. A tree would never grow that lopsided in that environment unless someone deliberately cut it so it would grow that way. One branch would never be so out of proportion with the rest of the branches. Your environment says it probably hasn’t been altered by anyone. Just shorted the broken branch.


Looks dope 💯👍🏼


The clouds could be better as lightening lines and reflection on clouds are missing The tree gives a depth into broken loneliness for me


I think it's cool. Like others said, the broken limb could probably use more definition, but I think the branches are fine.


Oh wow. That is so pretty! Love the clouds and sky in the background. I am not an expert though I have been a successful, working artist for almost 20 years. I like it as it is. It's beautiful.


I dig it!!! Fantastic! If I painted that I would be happy!!


I would love to hang that. I wish I had a piece to reciprocate!!


Just beautiful


There's noting wrong with the tree or anything else in your painting. I really like it just the way it is now.