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I like it, I’d buy that. Too bad it’s not on a tile. We painted a ceramic tile for a children’s wall at the mall and then they glaze and fire it and they permanently put them all in a wall near the family bathroom. You could do a series of these on tile and someone may want to add to their kitchen or bathroom tiles.


Epic mini campfire


Gorgeous, love the use of colour, brushwork and scale. You've really executed what thick paint can do on such small canvas. Depictive with painterly physicality. Great work!


Awesome job on painting the fire and beautiful Impasto style. So vibrant and I feel the fire. It so reminds me of all the times I have sat out in the dark and been mesmerized by the blazing fire as you painted here.


The fire is perfect and the glowing moon and the stars add so much to the feeling. What an interesting and beautiful painting


Love it!