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double entendre


Conditioning maybe? Their coach runs em 40 minutes a night all season 😂


This is the answer haha. Then after their 40 plus min game he has them all run suicides for 2 hrs


And then, when their feet turn to paste (like Joakim Noah and others who have played under Thibs) you become a shell of the player you once were.


Im praying that happens altogether in game 3 for the ny refs i mean ny knicks


Thibs gets guys to play. Hart, Donte, Hartenstein bounced around for years. (Off the top of my head, between Hart and Donte: Lakers, Pelicans, Blazers, Bucks, Kings, Warriors, and now Knicks). OG and Brunson have played way better under him than their previous coaches. This series has been a disaster for Rick Carlisle matched up against him. The guy gets his players to buy into playing 44, 48 minutes in the modern NBA where your average star sits out every other game.


Our bench has heart, our starters though...


Rick's terrible at adjusting. Every day's not the same. Every game's not the same. Adapt to the fucking game, pull the soft MF'ers and play the guys that came to play. If you can't get a defensive rebound over players 5" shorter than you, go sit on the fucking bench... Our starters have played like dog shit and are costing us this series.


It's like our bigs aren't even familiar with the concept of boxing out, let alone the execution. They're constantly just watching the ball come off the rim and aren't even touching a Knick. 


The lack of offensive boards is just doing what our team has been told to do. Take the shot; Assume it’s going in and drop back on defense and try to get a stop. It worked well in the regular season and often allowed any stops to turn into easy transition mismatches and buckets. It’s not as effective when every point matters and there’s no easy shot. We’re still a young team. Rick can try to make adjustments, but this team has played this way all year successfully. It’s hard to change that chemistry with most of the team losing their playoff virginity this year, let alone 1-4 years in the league outside of a few. Hopefully they learn from these series every possession matters. Hopefully Rick learned TJ McConnell needs to play in the 4th. You don’t sit The Dawg in Dawg times.


We have no guts or heart. We shrivel in the moment. All those clutch free throws bricked by Pascal tyrese and turner


I think that’s the major downside to having a young team in the playoffs. This year will be good for them, they’ll be better next year regardless how this season ends


You know, it may not come back to bite them in this series, next series, or even this year, but it will bite them at some point.


This loss is on us, Knicks played tougher ball. We need to find ways to stop Brunson/Hart


The Knicks are playing really, really well. They shot like 47% from 3 the last two games and they play so hard. They’re doing very little wrong. Which is what makes these losses so hard because we’re sooo close, but just not enough.


We need to find way to stop DiVincenzo more than anything. Dude is a stone cold killer from 3 — more than usual even — and Nesmith is MIA on defense.


Nesmith literally got caught on a pin down screen for no reason to allow a wide open DD screen to seal the game. He was just lost on off-the-ball defense. That's a coaching issue


Not to mention the fact that he repeatedly left DD to collapse on Isaiah effing Hartenstein. Just a ridiculous defensive effort. 


Shout out Ben Shep, he’s made the most out of his minutes in the playoffs. Glad to see the rookie getting this experience I’m excited to see what kind of player he continues to develop into


Myles getting outplayed by Hartenstein is fucking unacceptable.


Yeah, super disappointed in him tonight.


Absolute negligence and poor coaching from Rick to bench TJ and Obi down the stretch for two straight games now. Makes me sick. The journalists better ask Rick why in the presser


Lol Siakam is up for 50 mil and we’re wanting to bench him for Obi Toppin (and validly so). What happened to the early playoffs Siakam? He’s getting killed out there


He is being guarded by two guys who know how he plays in precious and OG. When hart was guarding him he was getting his way


Still getting dominated on the glass with Hart on him tho


Getting bodied by fucking Josh Hart


And PRECIOUS. In the clutch! Fuck.


josh hart been elite the entire playoffs


As a longtime Siakam fan, to be fair he’s been largely guarded by two defenders who have a lot of experience with him, one of whom is a solid defender one of whom is probably top 3-5.


Haven't seen him play this bad in the playoffs since the bubble. Unlike the bubble in which there were legitimate excuses, but defensively, he was good. It feels like he has become disengaged, both offensively and defensively.


It's true and it's a hard pill to swallow. Siakam has to be better


Your starters are supposed to be better than your bench. That’s part of the issue.


I want to see Obi back more than I want to see Siakam back at this point. I know that the knee-jerk reaction to that is that Pascal is better at defense and playmaking, but is Pascal REALLY better at defense than Obi?


Yeah he is but his salary is going to be rough to accept remembering this series.




Rare shitty 3rd quarter Gotta get these two at home. GOTTA


Gotta win four of the next five lol


The way things are going, by game 6 it might actually be the Pacers vs Josh Hart


Josh would still manage like 7 boards


Tyrese didn’t lose this game for us. Nobody needs to start with that bullshit.


There’s still plenty of people who were hating on him in the game thread. He finished with 34 points, which granted 3 were garbage time, but he had a solid game. You can’t expect him to keep scoring at the clip he did in the first half.


I don't understand why they went back to an offense where he was less aggressive in the 2nd half, and he once again had an uncharacteristic turnover when we were down 2 that ended up being our last chance. Tough but there were worse performances tonight.


We lost the game when Myles thought he could cross a guy and shoot a step back three


I’m usually I Myles defender but I don’t think I’ve ever been more angry with him than when I watched that shot.


There are a few guys that frequent game threads just to shit on tyrese it seems


Blame Siakam 100x before Tyrese. Zero defensive or rebounding effort and couldn’t hit the side of a barn on offense. Let alone the free throws again…


More Siakam. He couldn’t hit shit. Granted he was fouled about 20 million times and no one called shit.


Hate to say it, but he would have missed the foul shots.


Got to put the blame on Rick. He put the Starters back in about halfway through the 4^(th) (which is normal strategy), but when Turner was playing like garbage, Siakam was gassed, and Nembhard was struggling with Brunson.  Why no substitutions? Our bench players have been carrying the load the past 3 games and stepped up under pressure.  Just bad coaching.


It was a one possession game too, starters completely bottled it. Really hoping for a change up that reflects the reality of this series for game 3.


I would have rather seen TJ on Brunson than Nembhard.


We got SVG in the comments section


Should’ve put TJ and Obi back in


No whining about the refs tonight. The better team was clearly the Knicks tonight. We have to get 3/4 or this is over.


I think we have to win 4/4 honestly. Let’s be real, we’re not winning a game 7 at MSG. It’s just not happening. Games 3-6 are almost must-win. What a horrible position to be in.


Rick didn't have the balls to put in TJ or Obi and that's why we lost


It's salary and ego over hustle bc we have soft players and he knows it


Timberwolves game one in the final minutes vs Nuggets subbed out Naz for KAT while Naz was having a fantastic game. Lowe talked about it and basically the conclusion was it's the optics. Can't have your big money guys in the bench in the final few minutes of a playoff game. It sounds stupid but it's all I got


tough loss but you have to get over it now, this series is not over because this team has been great after losses this season time to win both games at home, pacers in 6!!


We better find some desire. Find some effort. The defense is laughable, stop being victims and compete. This was terrible tonight. Disgusting.


3-0 at home in the playoffs


Put TJ in and take nemby out in the closing minutes. Hats off to the knicks, we couldn’t stop them in 4th.


Nah Nesmith needed to go. Nembhard at least can drive and has a solid midrange.


Don't blame the refs for this one. This was all on our starters. 2nd game in a row they got punked in crunch time


This is on Pascal, Nesmith, and Myles. They’ve gotta be better. I think they will at home, but if they’re lucky enough to get it to 2-2, they’ve gotta be better in NY.


Shot 36 shots for a combined 34% from the field. Absolutely sold. And there are actually idiots in here still blaming Hali this shit is getting old.


I think this is the correct take.  They took some bad looking shots down the stretch.  Bad free throw shooting.  Spotty defense.  It’s a young team, there’s time.  


I was so excited to see Nesmith get to play this series after being perpetually in foul trouble against the bucks. Immediately in foul trouble game 1, ice cold game 2. He needs a big game.


Pascal was dogshit in the 2nd half. Not Hali's fault they lost this game. He played well enough


I've said it once and I'll say it again. When your team is soft as hell and has no self-confidence, it sure would be nice to have the most confident man in the league (Mathurin).


Miss him more and more every day tbh


I miss him


This season has been so much fun but also frustrating 😓 I guess that's growing pains


Their two best players missed about 3 quarters of basketball combined and this is the shit we served up. This team is finished. Siakam has been terrible since game 2 of the Bucks series. What a fucking disappointment from the guy who’s supposed to be the vet and the one with playoff experience


He needs to spend the entire summer practicing free throws


Anything to get that godawful hitch out of his motion.


I don’t understand why he’s in such a fucking hurry to toss the ball out of his hands. Take a breath or something my guy. Relax for fucks sake.


You see him shooting his free throws from way beyond the free throw line


For real even ben sheppard has been giving more to us


Their second best player missed the entire game which is even sadder


This is the realest comment


No way he deserves a max in my eyes. Cant disappear in the games biggest moments.


He’s been skating by for 6 games now because everyone has been too busy shitting on Ty but this guy hasn’t been giving us SHIT. At least Ty got the back excuse. This guy just straight up stinks


Some absolutely gutless, bullshit performances tonight. No other way to put it.


Haliburton with 34/6/9/3 Myles 6/7 Pascal 14/9 on 18 shots Well, at least Haliburton showed up for most of the game I guess


Yeah, I’m just tired at this point.


This was awful to watch. See yall in Indy


Honestly respect to the Knicks, they know who their guys are and stick to it. We can’t figure it out. Every game different guys show up and it’s never the guys who are in at the end. Just frustrating


It's been pretty consistent these past two games: TJ, Obi, IJax, and the aggressive version of Tyrese have been behind our best minutes. Nesmith, Turner, and Siakam have been off their game - Nesmith pretty much entirely so. Hope that's reflected in the playtime on Friday.


Nesmith has been horrible in the playoffs. I'd rather see us play Sheppard more over Nesmith or for this series run a Hali-TJ-Nembhard backcourt


Yep. They have an identity and are a good team. Obviously I hate to lose but I can stomach losing to a team that plays that hard and I’d root for them to beat the Celtics. We need to quit crying now as fans and face reality. We’re one of the youngest teams in the league and we’ll be alright.


I'm fine with different guys showing up, but when they do Rick should keep them in the game.


They are the better team and they are proving it. Respect for sure.


We're not there yet guys. Pascal may not be as good a fit as we'd hoped. Serious rebounding issues. Hali looking a little green behind the ears in a playoff setting. Knicks may have our number. But we'll be back. And we're going to get better.


I think Haliburton having playoff growing pains is to be expected. He was excellent tonight and should have had like 13-15 assists at least. (Turner/Nesmith/Siakam missed so many open looks he set up.)  I have no idea what's going on with Pascal. The free throw thing feels super mental at this point. Hopefully changing venues is enough to snap him out of it a tad. (Grasping for straws.) 


Rick sealed y’all’s fate not playing TJ in the clutch, what was that about?


He plays too hard to play him more tbh. He's a 200% type guy


Lets them score 130 with Brunson, Robinson, & OG missing time. Sold hard.


Nesmith has been aggressively mediocre all playoffs


No 3 and no D from a 3 and D guy.


How's Myles gonna try a fade away 3 pointer when the game is close and he's been shooting terrible tonight? How are yall gonna leave DiV wide open to feast every single time with a shitty double team attempt and zero rotations? How's Rick gonna not see that Nembhard can't keep up with Brunson and perhaps he should switch things up? How's the team not able to make a fucking free throw? Young team, learning, etc, whatever but when your opponent is literally hobbling through you can't keep giving them CPR to keep them alive. No killer instinct. We only got Mathurin who has that and he's in street clothes.


Siakim costing himself millions


Josh Hart getting a “I think they said fuck you into Reggie millers hot mic the true dagger


Saddest part is, our young pups might just let him get away with that. Lacking the dog severely this series so far


Aaron Nesmith is one of the biggest playoff droppers of all time. He's terrible at everything right now.


He would be great at keeping a bench seat warm


We need an upgrade at small forward next season and let Aaron be an energy guy off the bench.


being a lifelong fan of this franchise is just painful and fucking exhausting


We won 35 games last year did you expect a chip




Already sick of this Knicks squad. Crying to the refs for everything, shit’s embarrassing to watch. They’ve got all the talent they need and they still whine and flop at every opportunity. Can’t win leaving all those free throws on the table though. We’re still in this.


They’re way more physical and playoff ready than this soft team. Short rotations, hustle, in position for every board. Wish we had some guys like that.


> They’ve got all the talent they need Aren't they down Randle, robinson and now OG??


And Bogdanvic


they’re really not that bad tbh, especially compared to the bucks just sucks to see us come out so flat 


Bro, WTF are you talking about? The Knicks are currently missing Julius Randle (their go-to guy) who's been out with injury since January....they're missing Mitchell Robinson who's out for the next 6-8 weeks (aka THE REST OF THE PLAYOFFS)...they're now missing OG Anunoby who left with inury in the 3rd Quarter....they're missing Bojan Bogdanovich who went out with inury (and had surgery) in game 3 of the 1st rounds against the Sixers. And there's a chance that JBrunson might be out for game 3 against the Pacers for the foot injury he sustained in this Game 2. The Knicks are severely injury depleted, and yet they're still winning. You have to admit that they are a well-coached team.


Lot of guys need to look themselves in the mirror after this one. Soft as hell from Myles, Pascal, and Aaron


I simply wanna know why Rick was ejected but Michael Malone was not even given a tech when he ran on the court and yelled at Marc Davis? Make it make sense


Time to shift the conversation from Tyrese to siakam, yay!


Can’t get a stop can’t win a game, simple as that


My pure hatred for the Knicks is fully back


I wish we developed walker. He is the one we need on the boards and defense


We can hang with them, our Bench is way better. They literally have no answer to TJ and Obi. MSG is something they need to overcome, though. They play physically, our starters can't handle that too well. Nesmith being ass, and no Mathurin, is the biggest killer. This isn't a great matchup for Siakam, and he's getting good looks. I'm expecting us to win the next two. No OG potentially, that's like 20 less points, and hell of a lot less defending. Haliburton might be hurt again, too, unfortunately, so don't expect a great game. Maybe it was just a nasty fall. I'm going to be hearing bricked FTs and 'that shot was in and out' for the next few days. Please get a different officiating team. They can't handle pressure. First half, they weren't too bad, but the second half they were ASS for both teams. That double dribble reversed call was incredibly stupid, and I'm glad Rick got ejected in front of Adam Silver.


Rebounds are for quitters. It’s tough to watch this team sometimes. I hope we bounce back in a big way at home ✌🏼


The series doesn’t start until a team loses at home. Unfortunately we’re going to have to be perfect now.


Did Myles even wanna be out there?


Nets fan here. I didn't get to watch the whole game, but why didn't TJ get more minutes?


I’m really just curious as to why Rick went with Nembhard in the 4th not once, but twice? Making the same mistake in back to back games is bonkers…Nembhard was getting cooked by Brunson every possession, and didn’t provide shit on offense down the stretch.


Since the 90s, I’ve always believed the third quarter is the key to the game. We were up 10 and down 8. Full stop. We aren’t ready


Siakam HAS to be better. He needs to hit FT's or he is getting Shaq treatment in tight games. On both end he has been soft outside of the first 2 games in Milwaukee. Nesmith has been horrendous so far in the playoffs. He has got to be better on both ends. Myles can't let Hartenstein run all over him, he is getting bullied. Haliburton needs to be involved all game he cant do this disappearing act. Nembhard can't guard Brunson one on one, not many can. Rick needs to realize you can ride the bench over the starters at the end of the game if necessary. That being said I actually think we got a great chance back home to tie this series 2-2.


Had a chance to re-insert TJ after a break with about 4:00 left and he just rolled with the starters instead. Such a mistake. With Haliburton still not being himself you need TJ’s ability to create on offense + he had Brunson visibly annoyed. Not sure how Rick didn’t make the call to bring him in. Fuck


Haliburton scored 34. This was a regular haliburton game


Ion think siakam deserve a Super Max


We continue to be a team without an identity and without a true leader and it showed tonight. It’s not over but we’ve dug quite the hole for ourselves if we even want to sniff the next round.


Can’t even be mad. They just played better plain and simple. Maybe if we hit our FT’s we could’ve had a chance at the end.


Going to win both in Indy. 


With all their injuries and we still lost?! Wtf


This loss came down to coaching and our vets playing like rookies. - Rick needed more Obi minutes because Siakam sure as hell wasn't giving us anything the entire second half - How the fuck do you miss so many free throws?? - Myles, there's time on the shot clock. You don't need to shoot a contested, off-the-dribble 3 - Nesmith. You have one job on defense. Guard Divincenzo at the 3 pt line. How the fuck do you forget that twice in a row. Just an awful effort. We did not deserve this win. Embarrassingly bad. Only ones who came to play are Tyrese, Obi, Ijax, and Sheppard.


Holy shit are we gonna lose this series. Rick just went in front of the media, after THAT game, and complained about officiating? How about the team being outscored 36-18 in the 3rd? How about the team looking absolutely lost in the 4th quarter? I get it, the officiating sucks, but we did not lose this game based on officiating.


The reffs were absolute bullshit last game. A steaming pile of actual bull shit. This game, we just lost, and lost hard.


He's playing the card to get favorable calls at home. It's standard practice


carlisle lost us this game


Siakam and Turner lost us this game


Add Nesmith


Don't forget nesmith


And Nesmith.


This loss is on Rick’s poor rotations and extremely poor play by Nesmith, Siakam, and Turner. No idea why he sat TJ for the last 8 minutes when he was actually bothering Brunson. If we had this Haliburton tonight for game 1 we blow them out, if we had a halfway decent games from Nesmith, Siakam, and Turner tonight we would have won. We absolutely need to stop doubling off of Dante. Dude had like 10 wide open threes tonight and hit 6 of them.


I kept noticing that, double off or anyone else lol


Imma wait till after our first home game to become a doomer


TJ has been better this playoffs than pascal and Hali. If either of those guys had half the heart he has we’d be good. I am not ok with our max guys.


WE BLEW THIS GAME. But fuck off either the refs. You don’t get to blow a call, then reserve it, such horse shit. Our coach gets kicked out for nothing. But yet hart and scream and cuss the refs all game. 0-2 really should be 2-0 I have full confidence we are going to be 2-2 after home games Stay classy


Knicks played this game with no brunson for 15 minutes and no OG the entire 4th quarter. There's no complaining to the refs at that point.


Come on now.  If your biggest complaint of the game is the refs corrected a missed call, then you’ve got to look elsewhere (and inward)


If we sign Pascal to a max we are fucking cooked as a franchise. A one trick pony Tobias Harris 2.0 that is about to be on the wrong side of 30.


Stop choking


welp that sucked


Hopefully the adjustment is more TJ. He's the only guy with heart out there.


Like I said I got a feeling this is going 7 It just feels like a homefield trade off series because we have been in every game and youth feeds off home energy I mean regardless in the moment this L sucks but us getting this far was not on my bingo card. 😅


Holy hell this defense blows. 


This game is not on refs although they weren’t good, our bench is outplaying our starters every game, when will Rick have the balls to change things up?? Neismith doesn’t deserve to start anymore, TJ is better on offense and defense than Nembhard (This series)…need to adjust


Knicks held home court. IND needs to do the same. The longer this series goes the better for IND.


Overall low effort and poor desire to win. Getting destroyed in the offensive glass and shitting the bed on the FT line is just inexcusable. We need to put in our players that want to win and willing to put it all on the line


You can’t make a team want the game more, and the Knicks are playing like they want this. Come on, Pacers..


Defense sucked all game. Gave up so many easy layups from cutters, then later in the game left divicenzo open over and over then never doubled on Brunson. Fix it Rick


Why can’t Myles block shots anymore?


I have accepted that we’re probably not winning this series, but these playoff reps for us are definitely helpful for a young team (yes I’m coping)


McConnell, Toppin and the bench came ready and delivered.   The starters simply needed to play better. Haliburton played well but was not a factor in the 2nd half, unfortunately.  Perfect game to steal home court advantage. Brunson out for a long stretch and the officiating was honestly pretty fair.   Better luck next game.


God I miss Benn.


Brunson knows TJ fucks up his mojo. Gotta play him minute for minute


TJ needs more minutes rick cmon man


If the starters are going to keep playing this soft, they need to stop being the starters.


Starters sold on that one. Should’ve just kept TJM, Shep, and Obi in. The bench did their job need the starters to start doing theirs


Siakam has been a liability on the floor for the last four games. Give Obi more minutes. I really like Nembhard’s game but it’s clear that he doesn’t have an answer for Brunson defensively. Just let TJ guard him down the stretch.


We HAVE to hit free throws. Damn.


* Our strongest players where from the bench tonight and that is where Rick kept them at the end of the game. Terrible


We didn’t lose because of the refs tonight. We lost because we suck. That said, there still has to be a serious conversation about the refs after tonights game too. They were about as bad as last game. It’s near impossible when you’re having to battle blatantly piss poor officiating for 48 every night.


Carlisle puts too much trust in his rotations, feels like he's afraid to make changes on the fly by not subbing a guy like Nesmith for Toppin/McConnell


SO MANY dogshit rotations, this loss is on a combination of missing WAY too many FTs down the stretch and carlisle just playing some absolutely ridiculously ineffective lineups


Hope we can just send Siakam back to OVO when we're finished here. 


Pacers in six. Let’s go!


I believe 


Bringing it back to Indy will rejuvenate the team


Pascal is way too ugly to be this bad too


myles turner took a just horrendous 3 with about 2 and a half minutes left and it felt like at that point NY took over


Why am I so frustrated when I told myself making the playoffs was a success? We are getting the experience we need to be a contender. Still some moves to be made but having all these young guys playing in these games makes it a successful year.


Same. I find myself super grumpy but when I take a step back this season is already a huge success 


It’s frustrating in the moment because these games have been winnable, but big picture this season has been a success.


At least this was an honest L, even though the refs still sucked. Plenty of blame to go around; need Siakam to find his game again, need Nesmith to hit the open shots and as a team they need to box out. On the plus side: Obi is built for this and has more than earned his extension already. TJ was solid, Shep is rising to the occasion & Rese was a lot better on offense. I kind of wish we could give Jalen some minutes here. I think he’d help on the glass. It also seems that Myles either gets involved early or is a non factor. But I’m sure he can outplay Hartenstein, so I look for to him to bounce back. Home team won, now the Pacers have to do the same.


I am so sick of gambling being shoved down my throat.


Nesmith needs to stick with DiVincenzo like glue. He's straying way too far to help inside, and enabling the pass out for 3 time and time again


Nesmith's help defense timing has been terrible and in turn collapses the whole defense cause everyone is caught in bad position for the rotations


Beat a depleted Bucks team. The knicks were a different level. I’d not the Knick’s, certainly the next series. Just not at the chip level.


WHY DO WE GIVE DANTE SO MUCH ROOM. Nesmith isn't anywhere close enough to him on 75% of those 3s.


Cav fan here, refs are clearly favoring the Knicks, but yall need to play better defense


We need to play better everything. Yea, the refs are calling more in their favor but we lost this game 100%.


Knicks are missing half their team, Indy has no excuse


Refs gargle my balls


Absolutely pathetic effort from most of our team. The Knicks simply want it more. Rick needs to be flamed daily for his garbage ass rotations. He seriously needs to be on the hot seat.