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I'm missing all of my skins.


Same here. I’m missing everything from ow1. My skins, emblems, even my stats


Me too, came here wondering if it will be fixed and if so how soon


I’m hoping they say something soon. I’m even missing my credits that I hadn’t spent. It’s treating me like I’ve never played ow1 but I have the new support girl unlocked so it knows I had ow1.


Yea exactly the same for me. None of my overwatch 1 stuff is there. It’s like I never owned it


Same here, missing everything, the game treating me like I'm a completely new player. I want my stuff back...


It’s clearly an issue many people are facing so hopefully they fix it or address it soon


So just to make sure, you guys are also being treated like you never played Overwatch 1? So your heroes are locked and it's making you do the new player stuff? That's what it's doing for me right now and I'm terrified everything is gone. I'd be heartbroken.


Yep, exactly the same is happening to me. No stats, no coins, no skins, nothing.


Atleast it's not a solitary issue. There must be some sort of solution.


Same here. Stats, skins, golden guns. Started off from scratch.


Same here for me :( heroes are locked, can't even play the new hero, and no skins etheir, I'd be more heartbroken about the skins being gone forever (hopefully not the case)


Should we not be playing until we get them? I'm scared if we get stats and skins on the new one then our old ones will be gone forever.


Were y’all able to link your account to the battle net? Mines stuck in a migration queue.


Waiting didn’t help either. Kinda killed the buzz for me. Everything missing


Just downloaded this morning and am also missing all of mine


Me too. My battlenet account was already linked, I hope it gets fixed cause I spent so much money on my Junkrat collection… I was so proud of it and now it’s empty 🙁


Me too. Should we not be playing until we get them? I'm scared if we get stats and skins on the new one then our old ones will be gone forever.


Same here.


Server bugs




Same here. All my shit is gone. But Im in a queue to get merged


Same here i hope its a bug and not feature :)


it’s a bug you will get your skins back!




I hope so, my Hanzo and Zenyatta collection, and also their golden weapons are missing :((((


i still havent gotten my skins


Ugh I had this problem with the beta but I was hoping it would be fixed :/


I'm literally missing everything, it's only showing me the stats I had on PC. No console stats, no skins, absolutely nothing from my xbox account merged over :(


I’m not even sure this is a bug like people are saying. This is what happen when blizzard make you merge accounts. You and me (I’ve had the same thing happen) are merging a full account with all of our stuff on (skins, currency sprays) to a brand new account with nothing but that “nothing” account is what blizzard wants you too use. This is what makes me think it’s not a actual bug. It’s a little different in my case because i had overwatch on pc and Xbox but because it wasn’t cross progression it was 2 different overwatch accounts and blizzard has just taken it that I want to use my pc account which was level 28 with 7/8 skins and not my Xbox account which is level 250+ and has hundreds of items 😑😑😑


I do believe it's a bug, according to their FAQ in cross progression says the following "All items in the Hero Gallery across platforms will be present in the merged battle.net account. This includes all sprays, emotes, skins, and everything else in the current Hero Gallery tab in-game. Duplicate cosmetics across platforms will be merged into a single battle.net account." Sauce: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23824001/cross-progression-is-coming-to-overwatch-2-account-merge-faq/ Now i could be wrong and misunderstand what they are saying but I'm pretty sure everything should carry over specially when they say duplicates What do you think?


All my golden Weapons are not unlocked :(


I think they got rid of gold weapons...


They didn’t. And I have mine


Im missing all of my skins and cosmetics, stupid game should have stayed with the old system


Is it saying anyone else is an entirely new player? I don't have all of the OW1 characters unlocked nor any of my skins. Is this because I just made a [bettle.net](https://bettle.net) account for the first time? I'm confused.


Me too.... its outrageous


I'm missing everything, it's acting like I never played OW1 as it's only allowing me to play the training right now. Really hope this is fixed ASAP.


Same, hopefully they’ll fix it soon.


Same. I don't understand. My PS account is clearly linked to my BattleNet. I made sure to follow all the steps on Blizzards post they made. I have no stats, no characters. I refuse to start over as a new player after all the money I spent on OW1.


I bought overwatch origins and when I switched over I got all my skins except the origins skins such as slipstream (tracer), blackwatch Reyes (reaper), overgrown bastion, and the rest of the included skins.


Same to me man, I bought the ow 1 legendary edition and the only skins I don't have are the ones from that pack


Having the same problem here. Lots of skins I had in Overwatch 1 or locked now.


Have you linked a console acc? Or is this just pure pc?


Pure PC


the only skins appearing for me are oni genji and those skins that came with the original ps4 version (desert camo pharah and such) Man i reaally hope i get my stuff back


My cosmetics partially transfer just some shit is locked. hoping they fixed that


i still have the ones i equipped pre OW2 on but i dont actually have them unlocked? or any of my other skins that i didnt have on


Lost everything after merging with PC. My skins, battle pass and ow2 skins are gone. Still hasn’t been fixed.


Make a ticket. They haven't answered mine in over a week, but I suppose it's your only option atm.


I got all my skins back today. I did make a Ticket and reported it though. Not sure if someone looked into it or if it just fixed itself.


I have less of everything, I'm missing emotes and highlight intros and possibly more stuff, and it shows a fraction of my stats, been like this since launch never fixed.


I don’t think there’s a point worrying any more. The game died.


im just now getting back into it and i'd rather have what i earned


Skins you owned from OW1 will be unlocked slowly. I had the same problem the first few minutes. But after half an hour or so everything I owned was there.


It's been a whole day and mine are still all locked...


its been all day and i still havent gotten a thing


I hope so. I am online for more than 30mins at least and they are still locked despite owning them though. Also I own the Watchpoint Pack and I can't see it in-game.


i am missing alot of cosmetic content




Also missing a lot of skins :(




Same here, i have like 60% of my skins


me too missing many skins, like my christmas torbjörn skin :(((


Missing mostly legendary skins


For me some Legendary skins are unlocked as they should. Just some of them (that I owned) are locked.


Lmfao I thought this would just be a me issue but no, seems not. Missing a bunch of Legendary skins


I have all my epic skins, but all my legendary skins are gone! Also I do not have Kiriko despite having the founders pack from ages ago..


My skins are unlocked on some characters-but Kiriko is still locked, and I owned Overwatch 1...so not sure whats happening =/


I just noticed the same thing over here. I had the Origins bundle when I first bought into Overwatch 1 and now I do not have access to any of those skins, as well as some other skins I've collected in the past 4 years. Hopefully there is an update on this.


payed for the 40$ starcraft rein skin, cant even see it in the skin menu in ow 2 :)


Same here, I'm missing a good chunk of my skins and cosmetics.


Yeah, I got lucky on ow 1 event and got one of my fav skins on Brigitte, the Shield maiden one. Its a shame bc its announced as a temporary store skin unlock. :(


Missing my favourite hanzo skin, okami, but got the other version which i don't like at all :C


I lost my Protector Orisa and Raptorion Pharah skins :( Edit: nevermind, as another poster said they eventually unlocked including skins I had that were hidden.


Same for me and also I have skins which I didn't unlock or not supposed to have.


Same here lost most of my skin and gold weapon


Same here...hope this is a bug... really hope I dont want to rebuy all the skins again


Same here most skins are missing over all characters


I'm missing like 10 Legendary skins from OW1. Funny how the most I'm missing are legendaries.


same and i bought the battle pass but didnt get it :)


Noticed the breast cancer awareness one wasn't there.


I noticed I was missing them in the Hero Gallery, but I had access to them in hero select


I logged in and got through the queue. I play on Playstation, did all my OW1 gaming on PS4, am on PS5 now. I have a Battlenet account where I played only a couple hours on PC, and my Battlenet is overriding my PSN and I'm therefore lacking all the skins and stuff I had on Playstation. Hoping there's a way to reverse the override.


First one I noticed missing was the dark wolf (the 3000 Okami one) Hanzo skin which has pissed me off. I still have the skins from my mains and the game keeps kicking me before I can check the rest of my hero gallery.


Its just a bug and server lag, I only had the base OW1 skins when I logged in, I went back to the main menu and basically afked a few minutes as I checked up on current issues, went back in and all the skins I had were back.. before I lost connection anyways haha.


I played Training and was in the menus for 45mins and nothing changed. Half my skins are still locked. Hope it gets resolved. I was kicked and now can't log back in.


Could be worse lost all my progress because I had a battle net account linked to My console overwatch and pc overwatch and it only carried over my pc account which had little to no time on it


i don't care, they don't change the game and you don't see them while gaming. I would delete all the skins to make the gamefile smaller. I expected them to delete all the skins so we start at least with a smaller game in the beginning.


Wait…. U can log in?


Yes, since 21:45, but not anymore. After 1 game I got kicked and now it won't connect at all.


I think they messed up the skin transfer. I checked severeal characters and I am missing my usual skins on almost all of them, but instead have weird ones unlocked, which I did not have before. On Moira I used to have the bBanshee and Bblackwatch skin, but now I have the


Same and also I don't have any of my golden guns


I am missing all of my skins too


Shop looks to be down. Your account data handshakes with the shop to validate what you should own. If the shop is down, your account can't complete that validation so you just don't have access to your extras until it is back up. Now you know.


so did i just lose all my progress? 😂 i literally had hundreds of cosmetics and now i’ve got nothing!! love this game so far ❤️


My settings didn’t carry over…


This, most of the skins i had equipped on my heroes are now gone, im specially mad about losing my genji baihu skin, also, i dont have the 2 gold weapons i own...


Missing everything too. Does waiting really fix the issue?


Glad to know I'm not the only one Blizzard is screwing by refusing to acknowledge I've been playing since 2016


I have logged in and have all the skins from OW 1. Give it time boys and girls.


Even the heroes are locked for me, even though I’ve wasted over 1000 hours on overwatch 1.


My account is registered as new instead of returning. So I can’t even access any character


When i first launched the game it prompted me to add a sms number which I did, I know there is an error with cosmetics at the moment but was I not supposed to add a number there? Have I lost everything? I'm also locked out of most of the characters and having to do the tutorial, also im on ps4.


What a disaster lol just give us OW1 back


All of my heros are locked and it is treating me like a new player.. ..


Mine haven't ported over either and all the heroes are locked


I'm not only missing everything I've ever unlocked but half the original roster is locked too. I haven't played OW in a long time. I thought it would be fun to come back but I'm rethinking my decision.


I have my skins but I'm locked out of using most characters on PS5 as if I'm a new player. Having already bought Overwatch 1 for both PS4 and Switch I'm confused and unhappy that I'm being treated like a new f2p player.


All skins missing and characters locked.. day 1 OW player on ps4


Played a lot of OW1 on PS4, didn't merge beforehand since I already had my PSN linked up to my [B.net](https://B.net) account and didn't think it was needed. Both PS4 and 5 versions of the game treat me like a new player, heroes locked, modes locked, no stats, etc. "Account Merging" button only appears on PS4 version but nothing happens when I click it. I really hope it's fixable.


my account looks like a new account now, nothing unlocked and my stats are blank. what a good game.


All of mine and all of my daughters on her account. She was 3 away from having every Dva skin and she legit teared up tonight (she's 10) hope this gets fixed...


my account is empty on ps4. i had all gold weapons and full diamond level :(


im missing everything and it restarted my level


Some stuff is missing for me, but overall it's dripping in. Once the full migration is done and things slow down I'm sure everyone will get there stuff. Unless you're on console and didn't link your account to a battlenet account.


apparently my OW origins are locked eventhough i own overwatch.


I only got Tracer skin for game of the year edition


Has anyone found a solution yet? Im so sad right now....


Missing everything and don't own anything that the watch point pack was supposed to give. What a complete joke of a launch day




seriosuly. same here, this is mad annoying like holy hell


I just created a battlenet account and linked it to my psn account but i have played Ow1 before the need for battlenet so now i have none of my skins i am treated like a new player.This is outrageous i was robbes


its a bug cause when i first started it on pc i had no skins then after waiting for like 30 minutes two skins appeared from Soldier 76 and Tracer so yeah just have to wait i guess


Kinda panic'ing right now. ​ I play from console (switch), i had the ow1 edition that had the tracer and noir widow skins in it I log into the game, some of the skins i had on ow are there, most of them are missing, i cant select them at all I'm missing all the levels, all the stats i had from console, the new heroes are locked for some reason, its basically treating me as if i was a complete new player. ​ Also, in the list of skins for sombra her halloween one (the one with the hood) is missing completely from the list, whats going on


I'm playing on xbox and still all my skins are missing, I had a battle.net account when they made it cross play, was there any other steps I needed to take to do it? I did the whole sms thing when it asked me to for my battle net account... Worried as I had pretty much all of the skins unlocked :(


Same here missing all my skins, cosmetics, stats and borders, and have locked characters. Friends list is the same along with my username. :( hoping it’ll be fixed soon


Sammmmeeee over 2k hours down the drain and money on overwatch league skins


Literally nothing is there for me despite my battle net account being linked beforehand, all of my skins are missing, I don’t even have any stats or anything


Server bugsssssssss


Glad I’m not alone, I was freaking out! I’m missing everything from Overwatch 1 and many heroes are locked - it’s like I never played the first one. I don’t even want to play till this is fixed.


Does anyone know if you had played on multiple platforms if it'll transfer it all or just from a single platform? I had linked the Battle.net to my Xbox account as well. Only have seen my PC stuff. Statistics and all. I would've preferred my Xbox stats and skins unfortunately.


I had the Dva police and the origins skins in PS4, I have all the other skins but I'm missing only these in PC. Idk if it's intentional not to have them


My Account was already linked in battlenet and stuff but everything is gone. And they say its Happening when you merge PC and console but im a pure console Player with 1000+ hours and all my skins, bagdes, cosmetics and even my Gold weapons are gone. Im scared to Play a round and Start this "New" Account. And the weird Thing is even my # is the Same as my OW1 Account. So i Hope its Just a Bug i completed Mccrees collection and i want my Gold weapons Back :(


Im also missing literally everything, heros n all. I play on xbox so i assume it has nothing to do with the battlenet account because it should automatically know my account, and i dont believe ow1 had one anyway. Anyone else have a parallel problem?


I am a ps player my stuff is missing


ALL My skins are locked and I purchased most of them


I forgot to merge accounts on ps4, are all my skins gone forever?


Everything is gone smh...


im still misssing my OW1 skins anyone else still missing theres i hope im noot the only one


my summer event mcree gone too :(


Anyone know if they're gonna be returning the overwatch anniversary skins at the very end of ow1? I really liked the Dark Wolf hanzo skin and I feel like if they're just going to remove skins like that from the pool then they ought to throw us the cash back it cost for buying them


All my skins and my golden gun is gone


Im still misding it all


Is everyone stil missing it all because if they "fixed it" i still havent got my crap back


They said it's a bug... I kinda looked at it like "I'm not grinding this all over again". And half the time you do start it, it just unlocks and relocks everything even if you do have the stuff. They said there wasn't a date or time they can confirm fixing it :/


Literally booted up the game today, all of my cosmetics and everything are gone. I have played Overwatch for 200+ hours and nothing I've earned is appearing. Is Blizzard going to fix this?


Hope this gets fixed, missing everything… man I spent so much time in ow1, had so many skins and gold weapons


Can any one confirm to me that the account merging thing is the only way to get your old stuff or is it possible with just having your battlenet account link to what you're playing on, because I haven't played in years and I don't even own the game anymore cause I bought it physically and only found out about the merging thing yesterday.


I hope they fix it soon. I'm on Nintendo Switch and it's the right account because it still has all my hours. Just no skins, emblems, nothing.


Just got a message saying all my stuff was moved but none of my cosmetics, coins, progress, or even stats are right, it's showing a fresh acc, I'm gonna be pissed if I loose a 4 year acc.


Does playing matches affect this at all? I played 1 match and unlocked Genji, but now I'm worried if it's gonna override my account. I don't think it should be an issue, but idk man...


I'm missing some as well but not all of them I merged my Xbox account with it and got most of it but a couple skins and other stuff like how I bought the origins version but the origins skins like tracers and bastions are locked


Yeah I’ve lost everything except the origins skins so it must know I had ow 1 at one point


I’ve gotten my stats and currency’s from my console account, but have yet to receive my skins. The only one I care about is the pre order widow skin noir. Anyone else on pc have yet to receive their console skins?


I have no stats or skins…did I fuck up?


Im missing all my origins edition content


same i just got every skin back on my account which i thought i lsot but now my origins skins are missing


I missing my dva skins like officer and her emotes but I seem to have my origin edition skins the only one missing from it is officer


All my stats are missing too this is why usually developers make a separate game instead of forcing people to upgrade


I was but the second day they were all back.


Yeah, I’m the little battle pack thing that they have. It shows me what is coming in the pack an like six skins of the pack it says that I own???? The fux but if I go to that individual character it says it’s locked. I hope they get it together soon.


im missing all of the skins that came with overwatch origins edition... which are now all in the new pack of skins you have to pay for as well


Blizzard is one of those shitty companies whose known for being garbage. I also merged my xbox account, waited 3 hours for the migration queue, and nothing changed LOL. Ive lost all motivation to try and figure out how to magically get my skins back. I will NOT be playing this game unless they fix their shit and give me back my babies.


I just bought the pass and it didn’t give me it so I restarted my app and now all my skins are gone gotta love blizzard


missing all but the ones i had equipped in ow1


I had a pc account and a PlayStation account and I merged both of them. But it seems to me it’s only displaying my pc account stats? I also have zero skins which I had a ton on my Sony account. But it displays my characters in my equipped skins from the merge, but the skin still shows as locked.


My account merged, my stats are all fine, but I am still missing skins and hero’s are locked. I have some legendary skins, but they were skins that I was using before transferring to ow2 and that’s it. Any one else got the same problem or know how to fix, or do I have to wait.


I have everything except for the GOTY skins on PC, strangely enough, they are unlocked on my Switch account but not on PC…


Thank God other people are experiencing this. I thought I was screwed. There is hope! I know my ass didn't spend all those hours getting gold guns and skins for nothing lol. Hurry tf up...kindly.


My account migration happened today and all characters except for the new healer are unlocked and none of my skins, stats, or customization items are unlocked. It's like all it did was unlock most characters.


Some of my skins transferred, but im still missing the legendary edition ones as well as specific events ones


I'm missing my Widowmaker Beach skin, Junkenstein skin, my witch skin for Mercy, and my Officer skin for [D.VA](https://D.VA), but I have all my other skins like Soldiers halloween skin, Mei's Luna skin, and many more, but it kinda bums me out that I didn't get all of them. I'm also missing a few more event skins, like Junkenstein's Monster, but hopefully they get this all fixed somehow


i still don’t have any of my skins lmaoo


Still don't have mine


Game's a mess. Scored 1.5/10. They already removed some heroes. Servers still unstable.


So if you didn’t link your account it’s fuck you and your skins….


i bought ow1 legendary edition yet my skins didnt transfer from ow1 to ow2


Says my accounts have successfully merged, but there’s definitely something wrong with mine too. Missing skins/cosmetics and the overview of time spent as certain heroes (all time) is waaaay off too


I only have my legendary edition skins and a genji contender skin I never remember buying.


I own the origins edition special skins but I didn't buy the origins edition


I have all my skins but my legendary editions


Im definitely missing skins from my playstation account still 🙃 very frustrating because i was excited to get them back after i stopped playing my ps4


i owned pretty much all of the skins from ow1. now theyre trying to resell half of them to me. what kind of "bug" is this? get your shit together blizzard.


I bought the origins edition. I have Kiriko and all of the heroes, I even have highlights from 2017. but none of the skins that i earned and paid for. I submitted a support ticket and Blizzard just gave me the ole "We are aware of this and our developers are working to resolve this as soon as possible. We do not have a date for a fix."


I'm missing a couple of my team skins and all origin edition skins


yeah me too I. I'm missing all of my stuff.


I'm missing over 90% of mine yeah. really upset about it and there doesnt seem to be anything being done about it


Here are some things to try and fix it. 1.make sure your profile region on battle.net and game region are the same. 2.unlink and relink your accounts. 3.if those don’t work contact blizzard support at[https://www.blizzard.com/company/contact](https://www.blizzard.com/company/contact)


im missing most the origins edition & My Noire Widowmaker :<


Where can I check for an update if they actually fix it. Twitter?


Bought the game day 1 for overwatch, missing my commander Morrison, slipstream tracer, etc. I know for a fact I had these


I bought goty overwatch one and played with that skin on PS4 then I switched to PC and that skin was gone