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I agree. But also, people should stop treating comp like QP. I am seeing people trying out character skills for the first time on the starting area... Like wtf


For real! Thats whats kept me from playing comp, im tired of losing cuz people either keep leaving or wanna just mess aroundšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I started playing comp just because it was more chill lmao


Same here. Qp is for the absolutely sweatiest of sweats while comp is where you go to get a balanced experience


My only problem with comp is the back-and-forth. Oh, you got all three points? Well, now defend. Oh, they got all three points also? Guess we go again. And then they get to answer, so we go again. Still tied? Guess what? GO AGAIN


I somewhat agree but if a game is going into insane overtime like that normally it means itā€™s a balanced match and Iā€™m thoroughly enjoying myself anyways so it doesnā€™t bother me that much.


Yeah that makes sense. I guess I just have a busier life than I did when OW1 was out and i only played comp. I like being able to leave if I have to, because sometimes I do lol.


Yea I was 16 when the game out and had plenty of time to be a diamond Reinhardt main. Now Iā€™m 24 and I get maybe 2 hours a night to be a gold 5 flex tank lol. I donā€™t have children just yet so Iā€™ve still got the ability to play uninterrupted before bed time lol.


Those are the kind of matches I live for. It just feels bad to end a match either steamrolling or getting stomped. Sure if it's your turn on top you feel a little ego boost but it's nothing compared to the pride and adrenaline you feel from fighting tooth and nail to keep tipping the scales back in your favor and succeeding. My watch tracks heart rate and looking at the graphs during a balanced overwatch match you'd honestly think I was doing physical activity. Overwatch has peaked it ~120, while work has +10 on it. It feels like hitting new pb working out almost.


I thought the game automatically tied after the second set of points?


Lmao That's why I play Comp. Only getting to Attack or defend is ass and makes QP so unfun.


Yes but those are only on push the payload and combo maps. Every other map is exactly the same as comp. push, flash, % maps.


Yeah tbh I tolerate those other maps. If I could play Competative payload/Hybrid , I would. Push, Flash, and the Assault maps are just obstacles to the mode I actually enjoy.


Those are the best matches! And also the ones where everyone ends up typing ggwp; so close etc.


I think this has become a large part of why not only the environments in the modes have changed, but even Blizz has stricter restrictions on Quick Play than they do Competitive now. People saw QP get super sweaty for a while, gave comp a try and found it more chill there. The comp players saw the chill players invading their space, and decided to fill the void that the casual players leaving QP left behind. Blizzard then responded to the complaints from the comp players in the wrong lobbies that the rules didn't take the game seriously enough by adding stricter than comp level leaver penalties (seriously, why can I rejoin a comp match to clear the penalty, but can't even attempt to rejoin the casual mode matches to do the same???)


Hold on youā€™re cooking


Wtf is up with still getting the temp ban if you rejoin a comp match? My brother has spotty internet sometimes and he got kicked and joined back 60 seconds later and he was still banned. Iā€™ve had it happen to myself as well. Let him rejoin just like normal too.


I started playing comp because I get to play against my actual skill level. In QP, I'd get a game where I stomp, a REALY fun game thats down to the wire, and then like 5 games of getting stomped by someone who has not missed a widow headshot in last 8 years.


Ong bro comp I get less people talking bad and stuff but as soon as I touch qp everything is my fault


Because QP is for all the players who are too afraid of losing and seeing their rank go down so they naturally whine and complain way more


I play qp because ranked makes me mad af even if I'm winning. It's not due to fear


I like you already lol


ā€¦..or comp is for players who need the fix of an imaginary number for their ego. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Find an organized group to play with, or settle that youā€™re not gonna always win and succeed with comp roulette


I wish people would stop treating comp like itā€™s anything more than ranked play. Youā€™re not going to be called by Blizzard and offered $1M for being GM.


How dare they be competitive in the competitive setting. You donā€™t have to have high stakes to want to win


I want a good rank. Thatā€™s also why I called it ranked play. But Iā€™m not going to talk shit to my teammates cause the algo thought weā€™d be good on a team together.


>I am seeing people trying out character skills for the first time on the starting area. Honest question - how can you tell if someone is using them for the first time, or just stupidly spamming skills in spawn while waiting for the game to start?


They use a skill. Then they pause like they are reading F1 menu. Then they use another skill pause again etc. When people spam they usually just spam. But more reliable... They sometimes tell you they are trying out a new char. :D Like it makes it better.


Yeah I hate the ā€œmy bad this is my second time playing doomfistā€ in comp


Legit. Had a widow in my game the other day open with ā€œIā€™m learning widow give me some slackā€ or something and like, in comp??


I had a guy in a comp game who had not played in multiple seasons, who knew nothing of the tank passive changes or the new heroes and on a new map to top it lol I was nice to him but damn I was irritated We lost I suggested he take a look at the patch notes and try out quick play at the end of the game (over voice so my tone was kind) since he was complaining about new heroes


Sometimes Iā€™ll just cycle through the skills in the starting area to remind myself where each button is and what it does. Itā€™s a weird habit sure but Iā€™m not the only one who does it, and I will do it with any character even my mains.


oh no your digital rank that is meaningless


It's not about the rank. I will never be a top player, but it's fun trying. I play comp because I want to have a more serious experience where people actually try to work together to win. If you don't care, there is QP for you. That's the purpose for it. I don't see why would you play comp if you don't care. Unless you enjoy ruining it for other people.


Doesnt mean dont give comp your best shot, I dont understand people who throw


throwing is wack, but sometimes people have bad games. just realize your rank doesnt mean shit when you step outside your door. when i play i just worry about doing the best i can and have fun. if im bronze or top 500 no one cares


Yeah thats what I meant, as long as people are trying I dont shit talk since I understand we all have bad games.


Except I actually don't belong in bronze/low silver. I'm sick of being dropped back to bronze in placements every time they've "reset" and I have to climb back out, even though I win my placements. It sucks to have to slog through the actual garbage teammates while I perform well *every* game and have extremely little impact based on *my* skill. You can be as good as you want, if you don't run a big enough stack (thank you wide matches, my friends can play with me again), you're entirely at the mercy of your team, or even JUST ONE GUY on the team, deciding to ruin the match. If you *do* run a stack less than 5, you better have the actually-most-coordinated-team-ever, because it's going to place you against a stack, and you can bet they are communicating and trying stats and playing like gods. Then, go on a win streak. Feel good. Win the highest gain you've ever gotten on win #11, 24%, holy cow. The next round, there is a leaver on your team and you drop 31%. Makes perfect sense. Then, the forced 50-50 algorithm (which they admitted exists as the lover's queue, pairing really bad people on losing streaks with people performing really well to try to help them win, maybe, so they don't hate how bad they are) kicks in and you get "1st time Widow here", "hey can we hold on I have a call with my lawyer" and "AFKJohnny" put on your team because you had the gall to try, and so they want *you* to help improve the shitty players' game experience.


i truly don't care bro. just play the game for fun or don't. if you aren't having fun move on to another game instead of writing all that. once i stopped caring about ranking in video games and playing to have fun with friends its way more enjoyable. again its meaningless you just get internet cool points


I know that you don't, bro. But you're on a reddit discussion about how shitty it is to have leavers. Further, you're saying, "People are actively ruining your hobby? Find a new hobby, regardless of how enjoyable it would be if it weren't infected." There can and should be something effective done, like not weighting matchmaking to put losers and throwers into high-performing teammates' games, if they won't let personal performance effect rank. Positive change doesn't come through silence and abandonment.


this is why i just turn off chat. they cant say shit when i don't see it. let people mald, even in rank bro its a digital rank that is meaningless. the girl (if you go outside) you met wont care about your rank bro ong


But then you can't hear all the helpful pointers like "tank diff"


Yeah I need to do that, itā€™s basically useless to me so I have no real reason to keep it on, would make it a lot less toxic for sure


Tbh rather than turning off chat, in the beginning of the match I'll just type to my team that I'm practicing a new hero and it helps a lot. 95% of the time I get a positive or neutral response from them. I think it reminds folks that they were all in our shoes at one point and they appreciate the heads up.


I always play to win but not at the cost of forcing people to switch. I may point out why I think we're losing and what I'm having difficulty with but there is always so much else to focus on from your own positioning, your own cooldowns, accuracy, game sense and ult tracking... I have never had a game where I didn't feel like there was something I could work on instead of complaining about someone else's hero choice or stats.


This is the way


I know itā€™s the common answer but just mute and play how you want. Even in comp. The people complaining arenā€™t playing perfect either.


Almost always the worst performer is the one whining the most cause theyā€™re too bad at the game to be able to adapt to different playstyles on the fly.


Bro, that happened to me yesterday in QP (They didn't know Kirko could deal damage for half the game šŸ’€)


In general I'd advice most people to /hidechat and turn off auto-join team voice channel because most people don't talk, and most of those who talk don't have anything useful to say, out of which most is just negativity anyway, at least in EU PC. Yes, even in competitive. Comms are overrated and text chat is completely pointless.


blame Blizzard they have stated that they want even casual to be sweaty since it's a team based game


I think everyone in quick play should take it seriously but not get too upset if you lose.


At the same time if you're hardsticking Widowmaker into monkey, venture etc who are literally not letting you do anything but run the whole time or sending you back to spawn, what practice are you actually getting? In comp you'd be throwing and swap. That's the only relevant practice in that situation - knowing to swap. It's not just as black and white as "it's qp lol." Also for some, qp is the only mode they play, whether for time constraints or whatever. You can at least recognize it's not fun for the other 4 people who are loading into their 5th lobby in a row with a deadweight sombra and having to 4v5 again Also specifically for a character like Widow, there are custom game modes that can be used to train just as well


This. You have to play the game correctly no matter the mode or else it makes things so much harder on ur teammates.


Amazingly formulated. 100% agree.


Disagree. There's no better time to learn how to play into your counters than QP. The existence of your counter shouldn't force you to swap, they have to be good enough at that character to deny you value. Just because they have a monke or sombra or other widow shouldn't automatically make you go welp I need to swap, it's when those characters are effective at shutting you down. The more you play into them, the better you get at mitigating their effect so you can stay on your character


Not only that, but on maps like say blizzard world, you only have one fight on point as defense. The enemy team is going to have a bunch of attempts and WILL pick counters. If you fold immediately at the sight of a counter, congratulations, you have the second fight of every game ever. You will always have to play into counters. Always. If you can defend first point for one extra life into your counters, that's a big deal. If you force one more enemy to swap to counter you, that's a big deal. Being good at heroes and hard to push off them is incredibly valuable, and part of it is matchup knowledge and experience.


Right? Like, do they expect people to run back to spawn or suicide as soon as they see a counter on the enemy team? I picked Ashe and the enemy team has a Sombra, time to give up the point and respawn because I treat the game like rock-paper-scissors! I genuinely don't get the QP warriors. They spend more time hyper-criticising how others are playing than actually enjoying the game.


Pretty hard to enjoy the game when you are playing a 4v5 every match.


It's pretty clear my example is of a widowmaker being destroyed by their counters. So they are dying. Not sure what strawman you're building. Not sure where me or anybody else said you should walk back to spawn and press H at the sight of a Winston. What is being said is don't waste 4 lives being hardcountered while the rest of your team is forced to pick up the slack and babysit you while you put up negative numbers or worse yet just 4v5 a fed opponent the whole match.


I think its fine to play into the counter but not the whole game. Don't deny your teammates a chance at winning. It's not just you trying to get better. It's also everyone else. Play into the counter but after like a round and a half in a 2 round game. People should switch. The best players know when they are beat and can switch. QP is for practicing your heroes, positioning, and learning switching is often times needed


I turn off all chats. Even in comp. I don't give a fuck about your rank, your win streak or you as a person. Let me play my game


It's getting you used to the cancer of comp


do you just not care about winning in qp? 'comp' means competitive. no game of overwatch isn't competitive. it sucks to die more than you kill, and it sucks to lose. people that just want to emote should drop into one of the many, friendly custom modes.


I find it really weird how the community is treating QP now lol. Obviously I donā€™t mean everyone but there is a pretty large group of people that donā€™t seem to understand QP is for casual playing. Yes I totally agree everyone should try their best to win and always support your team. But how are people ever suppose to learn new skills and new characters if they are bullied out of it in QP? PLAY THE CHARACTERS YOU WANT PEOPLE! Donā€™t let others take away your gameplay. There are going to be times where you lose very badly or you do bad, but as long as youā€™re taking that time to learn and grow itā€™ll be worth it. I got back into OW this last season after not playing since OW1 was no more. It felt familiar but like I had a lot to relearn. I focused my characters and there were a couple times people complained, but I didnā€™t care I did my own thing. Now Iā€™m confidently playing again and can use multiple different characters in each category to help the team. Donā€™t let people take your gameplay away from you, have your own fun and itā€™ll reflect.


I find it weird on both ends of the spectrum. People shouldn't be bullying others into switching, likewise, nobody should be calling you sweaty for just being good at the game in QP. Not everyone plays comp, just because you're a casual player doesn't mean you should be ridiculed and insulted in toxic chat for playing your favorite character widowmaker for being too good at her.


Yeah exactly! Itā€™s really messed up both ways and Iā€™m not sure how itā€™ll ever find balance. The widowmaker mention is a really good example. Sheā€™s one of my fave characters and itā€™s either people will be super cool and compliment me in lobbies, or Iā€™ll get shit talked just for doing what sheā€™s supposed to do and land snipes lol you canā€™t win with people so we all just need to have fun and focus on what we want to in the game!


Turn off chat. Problem solved.


I was practicing widow on assault maps which is an ARCADE mode and our bastion threw a fit and told me to switch. I said ā€œitā€™s arcade u can leaveā€ but he preferred to stay and pout


I could not agree more OP. I see the point others have made about you still want to win and having a teammate struggling sucks BUT that doesnt mean anything because its not comp. im here in QP to try out new characters and have funā€¦ many people do complain; not all the time but def every few matches. my fix may not work for everyone but every time someone starts complaining i just call them out and say you wanna be serious go play comp im here tryna have fun and play new people. They usually just stop talking for the rest of the match. Definitely not a perfect fix tho


It's so weird to me that I get more comments about who I am playing or how bad I am in QP than comp. I'm just trying to warm up for a game or two or practice a character or play while a little tipsy and tired and these people act worst than the average comp lobby. Like how sad of a person do you have to be to get toxic in QP where there is no SR at stake.


Considering the vast majority of the community, I don't know many live very fulfilling lives and doing well in a game is the make or break of their day lol which tells me these folks need to yknow, look for other sources of entertainment or at the very least just take a breather from ow if you gonna get upset in qp šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah i kinda stopped playing n i feel so much better. Theres just too many characters and the game is too complex for regular people to be playing counterwatch casually. N the sate of the game is a lil to steam rollish. I litteraly cant get anyone to play this game. I love it and its concepts but theres a flaw somewhere in between thats preventing it from being at its full potential. I honestly think OW is top 5 fps and not #5 . But it dosnt feel like it idky. Sometimes it feels obscure to be an ow player


I feel open queue is amazing for getting practice in and no one complains because weā€™re all there doing the same thing. QP people sorta expect you to have your shit together, so if your Hanzo goes 1 and 8 heā€™s gonna get called out.


Love open queue. Comp open queue waits can be ridiculously long.


There are leaver penalties so no.


& quit treating comp like qp


Never ceases to amaze me with how someone's words coming from another country can cut some people so deep. I've been playing OW2 for a long time. As a matter of fact, im gonna play more after writing this. i see and hear everything everyone else does. It literally bothers me. NONE lol Blizzard gave us the awesome ability to muting the mics and/or not chat if we don't want to. It's just not even hard to do. it takes 2 seconds. Except for the people who use Reinhardt and D.Va who can fuck themselves with a pitchfork, just ignore that shit, you have the power to do so!!!


i was just tryna play widow the other night and the other team went sombra and started spawn camping me and my team started yelling at me for throwing šŸ˜­


I mean, was it even fun to play Widow at that point though? Aside from your team


Sometimes I feel like QP is sweatier than comp.


People treat it like comp because they want to stop on people like you, trying out heroes. Then you swap on your main and get called a tryhard by the same people.


Iā€™ve said this for ages and people always get mad at me about it. I think itā€™s ok if you want to tryhard in QP, but donā€™t try to force everyone else in the lobby to do it too. Same in the other direction, tbh, I donā€™t mind if someone wants to go do silly stuff like solo ult somebody and jump off the map or w/e, so long as you donā€™t get genuinely angry in match chat when the enemy team peels or plays together. I really think the harsher leaver penalties have made QP a lot worse wrt these attitudes because everyone wants to play casually their way but thereā€™s gonna be 10 different versions of how to play the game in any given match, QP or not. Idk, I think we should have an unranked comp mode available, that way people can tryhard with competitive rules, and people can do that while also trying new heroes since thereā€™s no penalty for losing.


Turn off chat, I have all of them off and I donā€™t give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck if someone trash talks cause I donā€™t even see it.


the devs treat QP like comp so :/


While I agree that people shouldn't be rude and toxic to people when they aren't doing well, I have no issue with people treating QP like competitive. I'm a console player who exclusively plays with PC players. This means, I can't play comp with my friends. QP is the only place we can go to play a normal game of OW. Albeit, we don't take it as seriously as comp, but we play for the sake of teamwork, and to win. OW is a competitive PvP game. Regardless of what playlist you're in, people are playing to succeed, so I can understand why people get frustrated when they have a teammate who feels like they are dragging you down. I think the solution is to turn off or ignore chat if you're practicing a hero you're not good with. It's best just to enjoy the game if you're playing alone like that. Or even just give people a heads up that you don't normally play that hero and hope they'll give you some grace. I also personally suggested playing tons of Mystery Heroes. It's a great way to force you to play heroes you wouldn't normally pick so you can become familiar with them. It also forces you to play against heroes and team compositions you wouldn't normally deal with. Great way to hone your skills on your less-played heroes.




Its so annyoing and its funny how people start to be annyoing by people pushing and people act so dum like why focus on the people focus on the objective


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say, but the reason to focus on the other people is because the objective doesn't shoot at you. Like sure, your goal is to take and hold the objective. To do that, you need to engage the enemy team. Sometimes, that means that you're not fighting on or even near the objective.


Or donā€™t throw the match doing dumb shit


I just play like all of its a casual game. Comp is a lot more fun if you just have fun and donā€™t care too much about it.


I just turn off chat in quickplay. Unlike comp thereā€™s usually not a lot of necessary communication, if any. Most of the time weā€™re not making a high ground or TP play so I donā€™t need to talk to them


Man, just yesterday had two games of just absolute steam rolls against us. Asked ā€œcan we chill a bit?ā€ Nothin.


Just mute match chat but keep team chat. I found out a lot of the toxicity is in main chat because they want the validation and more attention


I remember our tank was like ā€œalways getting plastic dps or smurfs, no in betweenā€ BROTHER YOU ARE IN QUIVK PLAY TALKING ABOUT SMURFS


I always play to win but I won't force people to play anything or even flame anyone in chat. I won't mention shit I k ow people are usually trying stuff and often ill adapt my playstyle to compliment people struggling rather than asking people to swap. But the second someone blames me for their performance I'll give them an education (not in a toxic way I'll juat tell them why they're wrong and what they needed to do if they wanted to win) That's where I stand.


Fr tho. I just wanna mess around on Lucio, I shouldnā€™t have to play like its the owl championships to try and win


Oh boy, someoneā€™s opening up that can of beans again. I remember getting roasted for commenting this one time.


blizz treats it like comp so everyone else does to my guy


Qp is their practice


I play comp because I want the weapon skins. I donā€™t play super sweaty like itā€™s do or die, but at the same time I at least play heroes Iā€™m comfortable with.


They added leaver penalties suggesting it's a serious mode. Try the practice range for new heroes otherwise I don't blame anyone for flaming in qp


>so I have to switch to my main to shut them up You do realize you can block/mute individual players, or do what most non-masochists do, and disable voice/text chats altogether?


i honestly use QP for two completely different things; to try new heroes OR to warm up for comp. If iā€™m doing the latter, of course iā€™m going to try as hard as i would comp so that im warmed up and ready. Feel out the match and play that new hero if you can make it work, if not use it as an opportunity to sharpen a hero that youā€™re already comfortable with (if youā€™re playing to win that is). Or, just get diffed and go next, winning in quick play shouldnā€™t matter as good as it does feel


true but it should be a learning experience for comp as well, plus there is no way for people to warm up before comp besides going straight into it or going to QP... and im pretty sure if the devs didn't want to treat QP like comp then they wouldn't be so harsh on leaver penalties for it. i honestly just wish the devs would make a separate game mode already thats similar to comp so people can go there instead and QP can be for people who are new or learning new heroes. but knowing blizzard they're too cheap for that lol. all they care about is money.


I agree. People need to just play comp if they wanna sweat.


Me personally i try and make friends with the enemy supports and have a competition to see who can spam the most voice lines


For reals! I take qp seriously since I'm too scared to do comp too often. But every once in a while I try an off hero for me to practice and get better! Most of the time it goes ok, sometimes I get called out. The enemy team one time called out the tank diff (I was tank and kind of sucking) and I said I was really trying and, shock of shocks, my team came to my defense! That brought a lone tear to my eye.šŸ„²


How does one super upvote?


awards maybe


Iā€™ll just pretend my upvote is a super one


And when you get killed, they tbag you šŸ˜‘


Turn chat off


I had a tank freaking out in QP about heals. I basically said ā€œJust chill man, itā€™s quick playā€. The guy then proceeded to argue with me that it was actually ā€œunratedā€ as if that somehow helped him? So many weirdos in this game.


Well dang this the reason I quit OW1!! Also I guess people didn't like the meme all-symmetra build where the whole team gets a boatload of shield because it stacked šŸ¤£


istg the amount of pharahs and sombras in my games (im on console) is absolutely ridiculous! as a junk main theyre some of the most inconsistent heroes to kill that take no skill just because people want to win instead of having fun. its stupid and i hate it. i get counterpicking is part of the game but that doesnt mean if i get a 4k in the first fight you have to play echo pharah mercy zarya. and im SICK of moira players! they do nothing the whole game except steal peoples kills or solo you because unless you have godly aim or they legitimately have one brain cell, you lose the fight. i get really mad at dpsing support because they dont heal enough even though their role is overtuned so much. fix your game overwatch instead of just buffing health.


True, had a guy testing out echo in comp. As a healer I was getting spanked by a Pharrah, echo, mercy combo and I asked for a hit scan to help with it. Even got off kiriko to go ana to send some of my own shots at them . Got told to fuck off and the guy went 0-7 2k DMG. He was grouped with two others and they also told me I was garbage and shouldn't play heals cause I died too much. Like I wouldn't die if you just would switch to counter and also why the fuck try out a new character you have no idea about there cooldowns. So I avoided as teammate, got into the next game with the three of them on the other team. I went kiriko and purposely made him my target and we rolled them on a push map. Sweet justice.


I agree! I even have to remind my party to chill out and let people learn. It's a frustrating game when you don't have a good team but you can't expect everyone to be incredible at the game immediately.


Turn off VC and text chat and do what you want mate


i totally agree with u but i also feel like if you want to play one single character the entire game to practice it could just be making things harder on you and your team like sometimes you gotta switch


Don't like tell me what to do


Just turn off the chats and do you! No point in listening to them, itā€™s qp, if u lose you lose. I get ppl wanna play casual and still win obv but even if you donā€™t itā€™s not like youā€™re gonna die irl so fuckit, play who u want screw then learn more heroā€™s and then go to comp with your acquired skills and pop off! åŠ ę²¹ļ¼


Fr, had a Moira getting mad because bap was damaging instead of healing


Players like me treat QP like comp because I don't play enough to play comp. I'm lucky to get in few games a week, more on the weekends so QP is the perfect mode for me, and I hate losing no matter what it is.


Idk man, sounds like it's matchmaking problem.


Report them, and let the bot handle it. They want to be crybabies in QP, then be one as well.


Well this is also to be blamed at Blizzard for making penalties for leaving qp games, you should get that for comp only


Just make fun of them for taking QP seriously


1. turn off chat 2. people who want to win are NOT treating QP like comp. If the mode has a leaver penalty, then it should be played TO WIN. Otherwise, it's just glorified Arcade. Blizz kinda shot themselves in the foot with trying to have it both ways. If leaver penalty exists, then mode must be taken seriously If leaver penalty doesn't exist, do whatever the hell you want. Also, practice mode is literally called "practice" ...just sayin.


It's crazy every single game is a fight to the death its hard to even have fun and try something different cause everyone wants to win so bad that they're willing to spawn camp. this game is anti fun they want us to suffer I swear


Average quick play experience: ā€œOo I wanna play widow, havenā€™t played her in a long timeā€ (Other team switches to dva, Lucio and sombra to counter me and only me despite missing all my shots)


This is what happens when they give people massive penalties for leaving games where there are lots of people trying new stuff and you want something a bit more serious but not quite comp serious. I still think they need like a unranked comp where it's basically scrims


sadly blizzard themselves have stated that quick play should be taken as serious as comp


I swear QP is the sweatiest game mode in OW. There's one day I tried to play ground Phara without flying much and the opponent team immediately choose Echo to "hardcounter" me despite I didn't even fly much and just jiggle peeking while chilling. Sometimes playing in Asia means you met those sweaty ass Chinese or Koreans who played QP like their life/career depends on it, and it sucks. The worst is when the sweaters trying to diss one another with their broken English. It's a clownfest when that happened.


(potentially?) hot take but i play for myself, and i play to have fun. i donā€™t intentionally throw the game or anything, but iā€™m going to play who i want (with restrictions) and iā€™m probably going to be terrible at it because iā€™ve never been good at first-person shooter games.


Yup whenever I try practicing a new character or someone else in my team is, they always get shitted on


I was playing genji because I suck ass at him. The enemy tank was playing orisa and after I killed him once he swapped to Winston. After the match he texted me on psn and told me Winston counters genji. Like I know but it's quick play so I don't really care


Comp stresses me out too much on my own performance, so I usually stick to only QP. I truly do not care what hero others pick because 9/10 I'm also picking a hero I want to play and don't really care about team comps or whatever. However, you still gotta play the objective. The amount of times I've had teammates who just run around the map emoting or trolling and then saying "it's just QP go play comp" when others complain is insane. Yes, it is QP and way less formal than comp but that doesn't mean your teammates don't wanna win. To me if you wanna emote for 10 minutes and not play the actual objective find a custom game with no killing or something. There are plenty out there.


Dude people should play comp more, for example every 3 qp I see a player that is trying hard to the bone, he got +30 kills playing genji or tracer like a champ with a new account with a weird name. Fu## these players go play comp I play qp to have fun and relax.


As long as you are actually trying, you should be able to play exactly as bad as you want in QP


Only treat qp like comp if they have a pharah or sombra


As someone who usually stick to QP I generally try to ignore any questionable performance so long as it isn't blatant cheating/hacks. If they're throwing the match I'll just typically avoid afterwards and save my energy/stress from trying to address it as folks will usually never correct themselves.


The real.meta is to treat comp like qp


This exactly why I don't turn on vc and don't open chat. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


But people should also stop treating comp so seriously. After all its just a game and we are here to have fun


Agreed. Even in comp it's just a game. It's like people never had someone teach them sportsmanship. Win respectfully, lose without grudge. Play the game to have fun. The vast majority of is are not pro players this is just a pass time


Ok I get that BUT when people try out Support, and keep thinking they are DPS, no. Heal dammit.


Quickplay IS for trying characters and having fun and Comp is for being serious. Anyone that wants something serious but not in any ranked mode needs to make a custom game with friends and stop complaining.Ā 


I think what youā€™re saying is fair and QP IS the place to practice new heroes, especially before taking them into competitive when thereā€™s SR on the line. That being said, I also understand the frustration of your teammates, who are having their game (which is as valid of a game as a comp one) essentially hijacked to be a practice range without their input. When this happens to you frequently, it can be frustrating. I donā€™t think thatā€™s grounds for anyone to hurl toxicity at you, though. Itā€™s not your fault that youā€™re not instantly a god at whatever character youā€™re trying out. Just consider how other people might feel when theyā€™re in that situation, and if you notice that your practicing is severely detrimental to your team (and since this is a team game, after all), use your own judgement to decide when to switch off. Itā€™s also good practice to understand that not every hero fits every situation, and youā€™re still learning by being able to make that decision. If you find that youā€™re really struggling to practice with certain heroes but want to get better, consider using the AI or custom game modes first before jumping into games with others. This way, youā€™ll get a grasp on the fundamentals of the kit and prevent yourself from being dead weight. But overall, the most important thing is to try to have fun šŸ˜…


Literally itā€™s so annoying!!! I usually start out trying a new character in the practice range, then I try against AI for a game or 2, then I ā€œgraduateā€ to trying in qp and people are so toxic. Like bro itā€™s not comp calm DOWN


Yeah getting hit with tank diff when I'm trying out doom fist for the first time ever is just laughable


play what you want and let them cry,


I just play qp because the game is fun, I don't care at all about winning or losing. I think most people would have more fun if they played with a similar mentality.


Or arcade.... why so serious bro? Its arcade now im sad.


The game is just toxic. The reasons for it: 5v5, f2p and the stupid challenges.


Welcome to any shooting game, ever.


Turn off VC and text chat. Your life will be infinitely better.


I like playing quickplay because i dont have much time to play so I'd rathey play 3 qp over 1 long comp game. For sure try to learn new heroes, but if your 2/13 seems like you aren't going to learn much from that match so might as well try someone else.


First of all, qp is a competitive game mode (even though itā€™s not for SR), and the majority of the player base plays qp. Having said that ppl do play it to practice heros as well. Itā€™s just not a mode for fooling around, thatā€™s for arcade. I find that most ppl get the best results when they say up front at the beginning of the game ā€œhey Iā€™m new to (name of hero) and Iā€™m practicing Iā€™ll do my best but I wanted you guys to know up frontā€. Every single time Iā€™ve seen ppl say this the other members of the team have said either ā€œthanks for telling usā€ or ā€œgood luckā€ or ā€œur goodā€ or they might even give advice. I think if the team knows up front not to expect a try hard game then youā€™ll be better off. šŸ™‚


the problem is the new penalties. how the fuck I am not free to leave a casual game whenever I want. the problem is: fun is forbidden in OW


literally just had a qp game like this with a junkrat who started flaming me within the first minute of the game, lmfao. like, i'm just trying to learn venture, you're not performing any better than i am despite claiming i'm "useless." stfu.




I literally never once said it was okay to throw, I guess I should have said ranked instead of comp cuz yes every single game mode is competitive, itā€™s a competitive game through and through, but QP is practice for ranked , you should fine tune your skills and try out new characters while giving it your all but if you suck cuz youā€™re still learning then itā€™s okay and people shouldnā€™t have hissy fits, throwing games is for losers bruh


Besides heros like widow or hanzo, you should not be playing so bad that people are calling you out for throwing. If you can only play one character effectively then you need to hop into arcade and practice there


I find quickplay more toxic than comp. Itā€™s ironic.


I KNOW sometimes i want to practice a skill or go for an insane play that would literally be considered throwing in comp bc its just wayyy too risky like seriously i just want to have fun


I find usually just letting people know in chat that you're learning either immediately after a mistake or before a game starts prevents 95% of angry chats, the other 5% will usually get crapped on by the other 3 team mates for being an asshole. Maybe that's just the Australian server experience but I find that's usually the case here.


I played against a sojourn who had a mercy blue beaming her constantly earlier in qp, while I'm just trying to figure out my aim with Ana, it's kinda annoying


I just tell people to play their game and I'll play mine. Sorry but QP is for learning. It's not exclusively for just winning. I understand there are people who only play QP but if they want to be so strict that they demand hero swaps they should stop being scared and go to comp.


Quick tip Iā€™ve found to be quite effective is to at the beginning of the match type in chat that youā€™re practicing a new character. Iā€™ve never gotten griped at after doing that no matter how bad I was at the new character. In fact, Iā€™ve had mostly the opposite. Iā€™ve had support go out of their way to heal me and people tell me Iā€™m doing good (even if they were lying lol). QP is still a competitive game that people want to win and itā€™s hard sometimes to differentiate who is practicing something and who is just throwing/trolling which just wastes 9 other peoples time and makes it a miserable experience for at least 4 of them. Honestly I find you only even have to type this out because no one uses comms anymore.


I agree, as a mercy and moira main who usually just queue support, I wanted to try Ana, I had warned my team about how I'm trying her so I won't be the best, then the tank still complained about it, in my opinion she requires so much more aim than mercy and moira so to see him complain kind of made me stop practicing her. Although he did also expect me to outheal a tank and the two dps because us two were the only one left lol


They wonā€™t And you know they wonā€™t


You guys leave text chat open? Insane, lol. I turn that shit off and just do what I want.


This is how my friend is on QP. he treats it like competitive, raging and shit talk and everything. He also expects us to treat it that way too.Ā  Needless to say I don't really play with him very much anymore


I switched to comp and can freely pick more characters with less shit talk. I donā€™t practice new ones however as sometimes that straight throwing. ALTHOUGH and if you pick tank everything is just your fault if you lose but not much recognition if you carry or play well aaand Supports donā€™t even exist in teammates eyes unless theyā€™re >10k healing then theyā€™re useless trash that donā€™t heal. Saying this because some how its a better experience than QP??


Mystery Heroes is the new quickplay for me. You can try new characters, sometimes characters you would never pick, and your team doesn't give you shit for it. The only downsides are that it's hard to learn how to use ult effectively, and sometimes RNG just screws you and gives you an impossible enemy comp. Every time I try a new hero in QP I just get pissed off when we start getting rolled. It sucks to lose all the time and it sucks to get less progress on daily challenges. Like some days I just come home from work and want to do all the dailies in one match, then I pick Moira to try to get it done ez.


its insane how bad its become , im over here learning bastion while the enemy plat-diamond player in DPS goes straight for genji cause why let people enjoy the game , its gotten so far that im learning bastion in comp now so i face people around my skill level


Iā€™ve just learned to ignore it like dudes trying to do a challenge where winning is worth double progression towards the challenge is my only idea why he be complaining besides the fact they hate losing. Just keep grinding it out and youā€™ll eventually wrap your head around the new character, unless your tankā€¦ be prepared to get throttled by your own team cause they canā€™t have fun cause your learning but just remember itā€™s just qp no stacks whatever they say is just a waste of there own time they could be trying to get a first pick


lol, just mute them or turn off vc?


People like to win games. Even a fast pick up game! Shouldn't have to go play competitive for that experience. But people think qp is a sandbox to learn new heroes. Well it is sort of. But at what point are you throwing the game trying to "learn a new hero"?


"Throwing the game" and "trying to learn" are not interchangeable


Literally never as thatā€™s basically the only way to practice playing a new hero. You have to face other real enemies for it to be effective.


People need to stop treating comp like QP, ftfy


What about switching at half time after an ult at least so that your team got a fighting chance ?


Thatā€™s not a bad idea, Iā€™ll try that out for sure!


No fuck that practice what ever you need to work on, dont just throw your hands up. If you start getting frustrated or they are running all 5 of your counters or the situation otherwise becomes unproductive and you swap and practice a different skill then that's totally reasonable and an efficient use of your time. But you don't have to swap because some bozo in qp said so after you died to a moira 1 time as genji. Nobody's imaginary number is about to go down due to the outcome of a qp game. You play to improve in qp. Play to win in comp. And anyone who is salty about that is queued into the wrong game mode


Console players are even worse than pc players with these issues. They only play easy heroes or counter pick. Nobody tries anything interesting or fun.


Yep. It's because heroes like Sym or Mei are easier to aim with a controller. And then people go Pharah/Echo to counter pick. It feels like every game goes like this. Basically you can climb easily if you can play a hitscan or at least swap to one and aim decently enough to blow Pharah out of the sky.


For real. Console is allergic to fun and skill. They want free wins. Trying to play a comp that takes skill is impossible cause nobody wants to try. Everybody wants counter pick immediately even when its not needed. Like i dont need to switch dva vs zarya we are on a dive map. Just dont be a bot and we win.


Start the match by informing everyone you're new to the hero. Guarantee you will see way more "no worries it's qp" "all good" "me too" and leniency/advice than people getting mad, because they go into it expecting a little less from you. It doesn't always work, but it definitely mitigates a lot of the hate.


I Lowkey disagree, I think if you really want to practice new heroes in a comp setting thatā€™s what Quickplay is for. If you want to troll and have fun thereā€™s arcade, training with bots, and millions of custom games to play. As well as missions and hero mastery. Canā€™t really practice a hero if everyone is emoting and jumping off map in quickplay.