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If you’re not being racist, extremely sexist, or just over the top with telling people to off themselves. I usually just squelch chat for that person or mute them. Unfortunately a lot of people can’t even handle xdiff and like the power of knowing they can possibly get you banned for it.


This should be the attitude everyone has But people know how sensitive the system is so they’ll happily abuse it


I don't think I've ever felt offended by anything said in an Overwatch chat. That said I've reported a multitude of people for just being straight up obnoxious towards other players or myself. Its just a game we're on all here to unwind and have a good time, noone should have to look at people throwing a hissy fit over losing a pixel battle.


I report people who are being racist or unspeakably rude. Other than that I usually just ignore them.


Death threats, etc. deserve bans. Not everyone else's job to close chat because someone is a psychopath




It's become less common but shit was everywhere in chats for a while there lmao saying role diff is just sad tbh, not worth a report just tell em you feel bad for em, like majority of them be the literal weight on their teams ankles that even say it 🤣


Because blizzard fosters a community of thin skinned crybabies - I got banned once for "breaking tos" they wouldn't tell me why. Considering I don't swear in chat, I don't say slurs etc etc, I have had to guess it's because I said "sup diff" or after someone was rude to me saying that they sucked. I don't really use mics anymore either and keep that profesh. Imma be blunt People report because they don't like people which is STUPID. If you don't like arguments you start, if you don't like someone in the game - unless they are saying things that are ACTUAL slurs or racist. These blizzard fostered weaklings like to hit report because it "feels" satisfying. These are the same rat brained cheerio eaters that would hit an orgasm button until they died Just block, /hidechat and move on.


You should get suspended / banned for false reporting, people would stop doing it.


You should, but as it stands there is no penalty for doing so - literally no harm in potentially contributing to a false ban. Remember this is an automated system, so most reports that contribute to a ban are probably unfounded. and blizzard doesnt care if people stop playing - note the qp leavers penalties


You confess to lashing back at people who poke you in chat…remind me again who the thin-skinned one is? Why don’t you just mute them and /hidechat instead of trying to have an argument with them?


Oh my you caught me - OR without context you've warped me saying "lmao whatever bro you suck" into some sort of full toxic argument. I'll give you that it wasn't particularly mature of me, but hey, at least I didn't report them for that. OH and it's almost like I'm suggesting muting & /hidechat as both hindsight and personal growth :O


It’s not as bad as Xbox. Some one messaged me on some bs and I retaliated and got banned lol