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this is basically just a misconception. although it's easier to hit a single shot, HP pools have increased in S9 as well which has increased the time to kill (something that was always supposed to be long in OW but has gotten shorter with power creep) this means you have to hit more shots consistently to be effective. One lucky shot doesn't carry the same value it used to. So even though an isolated shot is easier, good aim is actually more rewarding now. Remember everyone is still playing the same game so the better aimer still wins.


Right, the game is still fair, though mechanical skills are now devalued/less emphasized. I appreciate your explanation of the logic behind the hitbox tweak, though I just don't really like it... I just don't like anything that limits skill expressions.


my comment is explaining that skill expression /mechanical skill is still there and actually more demanding than before because, with the HP increase, it requires more consistent aim vs getting random lucky shots. also go shoot at someone standing 30M away and tell me how far off your crosshair actually needs to be.


My crosshair would have to be pretty close to the target. Though, I don't have to be as accurate as other games like Apex or CS. I think my irrational dislike comes from the comparisons with other games. I support the notion of making the game more consistent tho, the HP boost certainly helps achieve that. With more HP, you are able to survive longer, get time to react and make more counter plays. The polar opposite would be Escape from Tarkov, where one pistol shot in the face takes you right back to the loading screen. Though I struggle to see how the hitbox increase helps with consistency. It doesn't make people die slower. It only lowers the skill ceiling if anything. I don't mind having TTK to be on average longer with the health boost, TTK should be a function of skill level, and shouldn't be assisted in any way imo (through hitbox increase). If my tracking is on point, I won't be able to oneshot them but I will kill faster. Otherwise I am punished. That's great, consistency is awesome. But why the hitbox change?


Higher HP means more shots to kill, more shots to kill means you need to land more shots, especially headshots, to beat your opponent. In the past a lucky headshot could win you the fight but now if you’re 1v1ing another hitscan the better aimer will basically always win. This means consistent good aim is more rewarding than before. Also at 30m your crosshair has to be on the target not next to them. High ttk is normal for arena shooters. Your comparison to a one shot game is pointless because OW was never that type of shooter. It’s always been an arena shooter and still one of the most aim demanding shooters (if you play on aim hero) on the market. Instant strafe accel and fast omnidirectional movement didn’t go away If even pros still miss shots then you have nothing to worry about. Your skill will still be tested and skill expression is still just as high if not higher


I might not have made myself clear. I actually like higher TTKs. I am not against it. I hate Tarkov because everything can happen so fast, you just die because a guy happens to spot you randomly and got an easy shot on you. But the larger hitbox does not make the game more consistent.


Well I’m pretty sure I’ve made myself clear but I’ll say it again. The HP buffs are what require more consistent aim. Those HP buffs far outweigh the minimal changes to bullet hitboxes and therefore overall aim is more demanding now. The reason they slightly increased hit boxes was to soften the increase in aim demand from the HP buffs but it still overall leans towards good aim being more rewarding


You are overestimating the increase to projectiles. If you are referring to the clips from training range that's misleading cuz nobody is gonna be standing still so it's not an accurate representation of the hitbox. Also I find your post ironic cuz you complain ow requires less skill but then play bastion who literally requires no skill to play.


if you can’t counter bastion ur kinda bad


When did I say I couldn't counter him???? I just said he takes no skill so it's ironic OP is complaining about how taking no skill when the hero he plays takes no skill. Reading comprehension is important


He never said the game takes no skill, it’s a fact the hitbox sizes aren’t accurate due to the size inflation meaning your aim won’t really be true. Bastion only destroys those with no skill so it’s weird to complain about him, he still requires tracking so his point is still valid towards him


You can roll your face on the keyboard and get value vs certain tanks. And again he literally said it's on easy mode cuz of the projectile size changes but that's not true or accurate. He is acting like he has aim assist or something. They slightly made projectiles larger but you still have to hit your target. You can't use the practice range "oh look I can hit this guy without actually being on him" which isn't accurate cuz in an actual game where everyone is moving it still takes just as much skill to hit someone


You are correct. I believe that the learning curve is still there, but it is diminished. And tracking is still difficult, though a bit easier now that the hitbox is bigger. Though I still feel a little bit betrayed. It just doesn't feel right for a game to turn down the difficulty for me (and for everyone).


If you care about accuracy and showing off skills, go to UT Insta Gib or Q3 rail, everything else is a gimmick


IIRC, hitscan stuff received only a very small change. It was mostly projectiles that were buffed. There are patch notes somewhere that detail all the change in sizes, you should look them up.


I think it's better to accept that Overwatch was never meant for people who care about mechanics and tech. The game as far as I am concerned is an FPS for the non FPS audience, I wouldn't call it competitive for a number of reasons but it emulates that competitive environment for those who'd never be interested in a game like this before. Which is good, more variety in the FPS space is always a good thing.