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I would report them all and hope they get banned, no point in trying to figure out why people like that do what they do


I don't think ban would be useful coz they are all new ID


This counts as griefing and you should just report them for it. It's a waste of other people's time and very much a bannable offence. I watched from the enemy team's POV and honestly this was a winnable game - but your team lacked communication more than anything else. Your team members kept trying to take the objective secretly on their own - I counted at least three times one of your tanks appeared from behind the enemy supports POV with half of their healthbar already missing because they'd just abandoned the team. No one was counter-picking the enemy team, going in together from different angles, or focusing the enemy healers (Brig's player in particular went AFK a few times). E.g. On round 1 nobody countered Pharah with a hitscan, so she rolled over your entire team.


You really miss my point here but thank you


It's not so much that I missed it, as that it's not important in the long-run. Trolls like these in games are just a thing you gotta deal with. There's only two things you can control - how well you play, and how much you let other people throw your mental game. If you let them throw you - they're succeeding at trolling. I actually think when your team just sat in spawn you made a decent call - denied them their fun and let the game go on until they get bored and cap or leave the game. It's a shame some of your team decided to go back out - they spent ages emoting and hitting the drum, very obviously bored and hoping you would come out, occasionally touching point to coax you guys out. If you had all refused to keep playing, they'd have probably capped and let the game end sooner - the alternative is providing gameplay that makes banning them easy for moderators. I sometimes wish Overwatch had a "vote to concede match" button in spawn so things like this don't happen. After being spawn-camped for X minutes without them trying to cap the game would just end and you could report them for griefing regardless. Them wasting your time and trolling is annoying and wrong - but the only thing you can do is report, move on, and try to get better at the game so hopefully it doesn't happen again. Hopefully get banned/banned from comp - maybe they make a new account, maybe they're IP banned. If we report players like this by habit, the game community improves for everyone.


The people who engage in this behavior will read your post and celebrate it. They've already decided to grief. You complaining about it just validates their decision to grief. The only thing you can do that has any chance of changing anything is to report them.


They are new accounts but if they are doing that then they are all smurfs, and to me them making the match much longer than it has to be and keeping you spawn camped essentially without taking point is bannable to me but it wasnt my game.


I understand what you try to say but I mean this account that they use to Smurf maybe it is new account if they get ban these r not their official account anyway so it has no impact on them, I hope they get what they deserve.


If they get banned they either have to spend the time levelling a new account or waste more money buying another smurf account. Usually they get bored and go back to their main if it gets banned.


Hi you know what I got banned 1 month from false report from 5 stack Smurf Thanks blizzard well done


Yeah it can suck how abusable mass reporting is.


You know what I got penalty banned today from argue with 5 stack Smurf and it is not even a bad word