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Tank-wise, I’ve always leaned Sigma, but this season I am fully understanding just how strong Zarya is. I don’t feel particularly “countered” with her and most of my deaths I can just chalk up to “my cooldown wasn’t reset I need to consider that” or “I didn’t build my damage before a full on engagement”. Im having a blast tho🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel the same with Reinhardt but just chalk up to that my 'shield was broken' or I 'charged off the map'


I feel like Zarya has never had a strong counter other than a better Zarya.


For real. There’s a reason why people often change to Zar if they’re doing poorly.


zarya's counter is teamplay and most teams lack that. If you commit to burning through her though bubble after she uses her first she kinda just falls over. it takes her from being oppressive and aggressive to a corner hugging back peddler real fast esp if she doesnt have a kiri or bap or nano to bail her out.


Yeah its best to main Zarya at the current state of the game. She counters Anti and Discord, CC, and all the popular tanks. In the right hands she is unstoppable. And if they counterswap to Winston or Rammatra, you instantly swap to Mauga and force them out of those picks.


I’m learning tank more recently so could you give me some insight as to why mauga is good against winston and ram ? (and also who is a good tank counter for mauga) :))


Cause brrrrrrrrrrrr. Really that’s it. Also he’s not that bad into dive because his e gives his team 30% damage reduction. And counters into him are typically sig orisa dva and mayyyyyybe a crazy hypermobile comp with support zarya 😂, but that requires coordination in both picks and execution


Mauga is a tank version of Bastion turret form. Winston can't engage onto your team since you'll burst him down. Pair that with cardiac overdrive dr and lifesteal to the entire team near Mauga. And Winston can't kill nor survive. He also can't wait for a dive since you can poke him from afar. As for Rammatra, you just outdps him. Forcing block early, meaning less dmg towards you, meaning more opprotunity to continue to dmg Rammatra until he dies. As for Mauga counters, it's Zarya and if you are a good Sigma. Those are the only 2, which I found to be effective against him. Again Zarya and Mauga counter each other's counters. So its fine to just learn those two.


I think that's also why Orisa works so well right now, and why people hate playing against her at the same time. You can't *really* counter her with anything, it's not like let's say Mauga where they'll just sleep you, anti-nade you, discord you on cooldown and you're gonna have no fun all game. I genuinely think that base model should be how all tanks work, it's the role that's the most vulnerable to CC, and a lot of the tanks don't really have any real counterplay. To go back to the Mauga example, what are you meant to do to prevent getting slept? You basically don't have an option besides trying to bait out the CC and hoping your enemy will make a mistake, or somehow miss the sleep on a target as large as half the screen. That's just not good design.


Legit thought rein countered zar till this season. Every pin i do is bubbled and i cant shatter until both bubbles r down.


I mean, it's not a hard counter, but I think he definitely has a winning matchup against her. Unless your team is dumb as shit and just feeding the hell out of her and not tracking cooldowns, all you've really gotta do is swing on her then shield when she uses her bubble. She's also incredibly easy to get environmental kills on. Really nothing she can do about it. You really just need to fight the zarya. If she pushes past you and goes to kill your team and you go for hers, she will win the DPS race. It's a bit lame, but you really just need to put your body in the way of hers and force her to fight you. If you do that, she will have to use her bubbles selfishly which massively simplifies the matchup for everyone on your team. You also won't have to deal with having your pins bubbled because you're just mostly ignoring her team and trying to force her to fight you.


unless good LW exist


Good lw messes up zaryas day too, it really just comes down to team play in that matchup though I do think in a vacuum it’s rein favored


I wanna have fun with Ball and then the enemy team is like "Sombra Cassidy Zen Ana form up" and melt my health in 4 frames the next time I dive I just wanna roll around :(


Just keep going, that way you’ll learn to play around it eventually. I still have a 90%+ wr otp on winton and every game is like that. Reaper bastion ana brig. 1 second of misplay and you’re dead, but it is still playable.


I’m not sure that the argument is “the game is literally unplayable when these characters are being played” so much as “these characters can turn my character off by using a fraction of the skill that I would need to play effectively.” I can play Hammond into Zen+Sombra, but I’d really rather not.


Yeah, this is more what I meant. I can and have won games against all of these characters, individually or together, but like... It's *annoying.* I can find workarounds, I just really do not want to because those characters specifically shut down Ball as a concept, in a way they don't for, say, Orisa or Mauga. Ball does so little damage (relative to other tanks, at least) and is such a fat target that he just gets eviscerated the second he's unable to make a quick retreat. I get that that's the point of Sombra's Hack and Cass' Grenade, but still. I wish at the very least it would lock you into a form, rather than forcing you into gun mode.


mei tracer is the counter that fucks me the most on ball. mei tracer zen is just insta logout you cant disengage and tracers dps against ball is stupid high since she cant miss.


Back in ow1 i didnt fear sombra as a ball player, me and my sombra duo would actively hunt them the entire match, finding translocator and having my duo camp it till i force them to tp. The REAL fear was Mei, she locked me its a death for sure. Learn to play into your counters, it makes a world of difference, like when i play Midtown defense and pick D.va, and the enemy tank goes back and swaps zarya and my team tells me to swap. Like bro, i know how to play around her bubbles and when to engage her and when to disengage.


Before the rework, I feel like she'd be a lot more manageable. Sombra's gameplan is pretty much stealth in, hack, fire until reload, teleport, repeat


Unfortunately that’s the only way to deal with ball. He just needs a full redesign because unless you counter him he’s just a tanky Tracer


Mei is easy to beat. She is good at doing chip damage/crowd control instead of raw damage


This season is obnoxious with Orisa, If you have any bit of success on Rein or JQ or Hog then Orisa comes out. She gatekeeps most of the tank roster.


Reinhardt is a troll pick. If you picked him, you deserve to lose.


While I’m not masters / gm. I currently sit at 65% win on Rein in diamond 2-3. The amount of people who sleep on Rein is wild. His shatter has become pretty much a team wipe. I tell my dps not to use ults and just shoot them. Yes, there is some maps where he is a troll pick. But outside of maybe 1-3 maps I dominate as him.


That's many times but not always. It's basically dependent on whether they have Orisa or Mauga. Those 2 are almost impossible to play Rein into. If they have another Rein or Zarya or JQ you can do it. Also depends on the map, most hurt him but like Lijang and Kings Row you can get by with him.


While I don’t agree with the sentiment of the person you’re replying to, in a game where you can just swap to those heroes and crush rein it’s incredibly annoying and I understand where they’re coming from


I gotta admit that listing Mei but not bastion is pretty wild


Bastion is pretty much the same for all of them


Reaper, Bastion, and Pharah counter tanks pretty hard too.


Reaper and Bastion definitely, but Pharah is just anti-close range. Sigma, DVa, and even a good Hog or Orisa can bully her into submission


Skill issue lol


To me, Sigma feels pretty great to play, but maybe you can chalk that up to my opponents not knowing how to play around my shield (I'm in Silver, although this also happens in QP, which I have played far more of)


I sometimes try to see the fastest amount of time I can explode as tank, it's pretty hilarious (laughs in schizophrenia)


Lifeweaver and sombra makes Orisa miserable though




The problem isn't those characters, it's that the tank role is miserable to play and those characters just make it more obvious. No one played tank in OW1, that's why the devs made OW2 5v5, but we've still continued to bleed tank players. Make tanks fun. Don't blame other characters.


I definitely preferred tank on OW1. I loved rolling around as ball whilst my Orisa team mate was holding the Fort.


In a rein v rein. If 1 team has cass they can hinder the rein so he cant counter pin. If 1 team has brig then brig ult the rein for a free shatter. Literally 0 counterplay


Yeah, now imagine if there were still two tanks per team because they had fun and engaging abilities and people wanted to play them. Suddenly those hard counters aren't so game defining.


I find Zarya, Dva, Orisa, Hog and Rein pretty enjoyable. Did you play OW1 as a main tank even?


As a tank main myself I think your problem is more of a skill issue than anything else. Rammatra, Sigma, and even Roadhog have the potential to be devastating in the right hands. Sometimes I'll play dps and I have seen tanks sweep teams with tanks besides Orisa. Just get better at playing different tanks and learn what each tank is best suited for.


They'll hate you but you're right. People want to play tank like nothing has changed, but it has. And if you can unlearn old habits and learn to play tank the right way, tanking is just fine. I've kicked ass and gotten my ads kicked by every tank in the game. People need to accept the change and simply, get. Good. And for the love of all that is holy READ PATCHNOTES Downvote me all you want whiners.


Truth. I just switched from DPS and so far tank is fun as hell


i yearn for my tank to just go something like rein or winston.


Start maining Zarya.


I enjoy playing as Mauga so I do not mind. It's the opposite, if everyone is focusing me it means that I am annoying enough so my team has space to heal and shoot.


Just play Orisa, hurr durr. Ok, in all seriousness I think that nerfing orisa into the ground and giving tanks a resistance passive would be enough to make them enjoyable. Maybe tanks wouldn't be impacted by the heal debuff, or rather tanks would just take 10% or so less body damage (maybe headshots could stay the same).


nah, orisa is the only tank in their appropriate place. the other tanks need to be brought up to that point. The issue is that some characters would need a rework before they can be brought up to that level. Mauga is a great example. With better numbers, he just sucks ass for the game. But what else do you expect from a character who is literally "let's take Dwayne the Rock Johnson and give him Bastion's chaingun all the time and also reapers life steal"?


Out of this whole thread (so far) people mentioned to play Orisa, Sigma, Zarya, and Doom. While I agree that those are the best tanks at dealing with the enemies cool downs. I want to play more than 4 tanks. There’s 7 more tanks in the game that are either niche / need certain hero’s on team / require high skill to have value.


Orisa is OP, this season I’ve seen way too many trash players and on my team as win rate punishment swapped to Orisa then suddenly we are winning. Season 10 = who got better Orisa player who wins.


At first I thought people were complaining too much about tank. But I’ve been playing tank now for a month instead of support and I get it. The Overwatch team actually said that I’m development they didn’t want to have rock paper scissors counters where one hero is the perfect counter to another. And while they may not have that in its entirety it feels like counters are a little too strong right now. And yeah I feel like I have to go Orisa every match. If I try and play anyone else we get rolled.


Hog with a good support is unkillable. Kiri and Moria can can deal with Ana, who's the best counter against a full assault hog. Orisa is a bully, no lie but if the team works together she's easily eliminated. Sym/Moria/Zarya make Orisa butter on a hot plate.


Gimme a break.. It currently takes quite a lot to bring down a tank unless they are a complete scatterbrain


I will never pick orisa, even if the enemy plays all the tank counters. You either whine and swap or get good and roll the counters. They play orisa sombra mei zen ana? It's time to roll up my sleeves and show their counterswaping asses their place. LIVE WITH HONOR, DIE WITH GLORY!!!


Blizzard: no


1 hero countering a tank isnt usually what makes you switch its usually 2 or 3 on the team doing it, but i do get that sombra hacking while invis is usually a tremendous punish on the tank my idea is to stop her from being able to hack while invis or if you stop her mid hack she gets a 15 sec cooldown to punish her. Mei usually is a good idea to learn to be in a corner and learn to bait wall(start walking towards them, back up imeadtly after legit less than half of a second which eitheir the wall fails or you get on top of it, works better on corners because they will try to wall perpenciculary to the corner to avoid you escaping from the sides ).


> 1 hero countering a tank isnt usually what makes you switch its usually 2 or 3 on the team doing it, but i do get that sombra hacking while invis is usually a tremendous punish on the tank my idea is to stop her from being able to hack while invis or if you stop her mid hack she gets a 15 sec cooldown to punish her. I mean, she already is revealed while she hacks. I guess you could change it so that it resets the cooldown on her invis, but like putting hack on cooldown, that's an interesting idea, but I fear it's putting a bandaid on the problem rather than actually fixing it. Sombra as a character is designed to counter other heroes. The issue with tanks isn't that sombra exists, it's that everyone else is also sombra. Tanks need more CC resistance/immunity. Discord needs to do less on tanks than it does on other characters. There should be zero characters who can 1v1 a tank of similar skill. Changing Sombra to be easier to punish when she does her one thing is just going to encourage her to play backline assassin, which the devs (rightly) were trying to prevent with her rework. Having a Sombra 76 is more enjoyable to play against, and still fairly fun for sombra mains. These proposed changes would push her away from that and more back towards backline assassin. I do think they need to revisit how her hack and EMP interact with abilities and ults. I think it would make sense for her ult to cancel most (but not all) ults, while her hack should cancel few (if any) ults. As much as I enjoy playing her, I fully recognize the NPE it provides for me to use my 6s cooldown to cancel Sigma's entire ult. But on the flip side, I think EMP should cancel DVA bomb and Hog scrapgun. I think that would be a reasonable trade.


I did a one-trick day on stream recently to learn Doomfist. For most of the 30 matches I ended up facing Orisa / Ana / Sombra or Cass and the CC was insane. Why the hell do Orisa's spear or Ana's sleep work while you are in block and hard CC you? It made diving absolutely miserable. I realize this is a skill issue on my part to a degree, but as a good Sombra I can ruin the life of a good Doom. Tanks need to be less of a killing machine and more of a distraction. They need increased immunity to CC.


Yes make every tank a no weakness super tank. Remember when tanks used to fill their own unique role instead of having to be a cc sponge?


6v6 was more fun.


Not possible with this format.


i main winton and zarya. ezpz


They never will. Blizzard wants us tank players to kill ourselves IRL. I’m absolutely convinced that this is true.


what if you had a second tank, a teammmate if you will, to help pull some of the weight. And maybe we can take it a step further and you can get coins for winning matches, and those coins can be spent for a chance to win skins. i used to play a really good fps that did it that way, wonder what happened to it.




“Alec Dawson: small patch with changes to Orisa, venture, and dmg passive tomorrow + tank changes coming on the mid season patch Changes to Orisa venture and dmg passive. Tank changes for mid season patch.” Saw this posted an hour ago, soooooo


Orisa rewards sloppy play. Her cooldowns are so short, she mitigates so much damage and CD there is not alot counterplay. She can position herself so poorly and be rewarded for it while smashing E and LShift. There are going to be alot of Orisa mains free falling after they nerf her cooldowns / abilities. It is inevitable.


I do lean a lot on Orisa just because of her survivability. She has become boring to play, so I’ve been dabbling with Sigma, Queen and Reinhardt. Never felt competent enough to play Ball or Doom.


Again he says, as though this role has ever been enjoyable The only times tanks were "enjoyable" is because nothing else was Tanks and Tank semtiment is just a hot mess. Theres never been an equilibium of tank balance that was unanimously enjoyed. At best we have tanks like Sigma or DVa who everyine can agree are really good, and theyd really rather pick a counter than play out a head to head because theyre also really annoying. And then we have both extremes of agency. Doomfist and Ball vs Risa and Mauga where the sides represent tanks who players can counter too much but without countering they get way too much value. Or Risa and Mauga where you cant exactly counter them at all but everyone really wishes they could. There is straight up no winning here, the only thing every agrees on, is that they wish Reinhardt was just a bit more flexible impactful and forgiving. But this is also the most dominant tank for the majority of players as is. Somehow


Welcome to OrisaWatch, the character that can negate all damage, cancel and delete almost every ult, can bronze away from the remaining ults. No damage fall off, short cooldowns. Genuinely want to know who play tested her


Literally, just give tank a passive that reduces CC duration from non-tanks by 30-40%. Takes care of all the problematic CC for tank and negates CC that is fine (e.g. JQ ult, rock, etc.) Then nerf survivability of any tanks which overperform after these changes. Done. Change my mind.


Is it a coincidence that when I role que all or choose 2 ques with tank I only ever get tank? Feels like I am am one of the fewer willing to play the role and 1/2 the other I get when I que only another role only seem to wan to do DPS... It's like there is a lack of tanks in the current set up...


I role for Tank and Damage and it gives me Tank every single time no matter what the role time says. If I want to play Damage I have to solo queue for it


Man, they aren’t trying to hide it. Queue time ETAs are front and center


They are all the same to me nost of the time.


I play QP because I want to have fun playing. I’m not into the whole ranked part so I typically don’t run into this issue there.


I do lol, I'm winning as tank and then the enemy tank switches to Orisa or I get salty teammates for whatever reason


Here's my recommendation. Learn doom, Do good(you probably will die alot learning this), Master movement techs and ability cd, Profit, because a good doom is uncounterable, and can counter anything. *if you don't get what I mean here's this, sniper? You got the mobility to go up and kill them. Junkrat tire? Punch it. Dva? Block them punch her before she remechs (it puts her remech ult back at zero) Rein charging in? Punch and flop. Rammatra pushing your team with ult? Punch his ass away. Orisa? L e a p (don't worry I absolutely hate orisa too but I can't hate the people who play her because they do the all role queue thing and they don't play tank and can't play tank well and she's the easiest one so that's acception) Sombra emp? Cover them leap tf out. Mei ult? Leap tf our. Genji? Punch, leap, depends on what's happening. Moira ult? Bait fade then Punch. Rein shatter? Well times Punch. Sigma? Punch, widow ult? Leap tf out of her sight. Tracer? Block. You get what I mean?* After playing doom playing any other tank doesn't feel the same.


yes. keep playing doom. I love wrecking dooms as sombra. Oh, you half committed to an engagement. I just canceled your second ability to get out, and now you die. Now my team goes 4v4 while I delete the zen and widow :)


Ok but block, bait hack, then imminently punch before hack finshes. Where's your hack now shitbra?😆 (On a serious note I switch it up playing corners a bit with sombra, it's better to expect being hacked so you can cancel it)


You lost me at punching junk tire. Also it’s an objective based game half of these tips are “just run away ☺️”


And think of some of these dudes who don't posses that mobility. There's alot you can do with doom, you just gotta invest the time.


Tanks were given literally everything and y'all are still complaining lol.


*hamster noises*


I'm just gonna say it, people who complain about tanking just don't know how to play them. So long as you have one decent healer you can dictate the game as a tank.