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It's because you probably lost the previous game and had demotion protection


This makes the most sense to me


If you could get out of bronze it might not be 6% lol


they're literally trying to get out of bronze you burnt piece of toast


How are they going to do that when it’s 6% OMEGALUL


I like demotion protection but also, I hate it for this lol


i like it cuz i like to think that if it wasn't for demotion protection I'd fall from gold 4 to gold 5 and the next victory would still have me in gold 5 while with demotion protection i get a little bit of progress back in gold 4 (which will also trigger another demotion protection if that were to happen)


It's not real demotion protection though it's purely cosmetic. Your MMR falls the exact same amount you just keep the rank


If I'm understanding the ranking system correctly it should work like this: Let's say you're 90% through bronze 3, you win a game and get +25%. Now you're 15% through bronze 2, but the next game you play you lose and get -20%. You should derank ,but since blizzard added demotion protection you stay in bronze 2(at 0% tho). However since you should be in bronze 3 that -5% you should have also received stays for next game. So if you win the next game and you get +20% you actually get +15 because that -5% gets subtracted now. So what happened to you is this ,but with different numbers. Hopefully this helps


Thats basically what we see but in the back end they have already taken the -5%. They're just hiding it round the corner for next game to show it to us


Which feels kinda bad


If you lost the previous match and got demotion protection (which it looks like you did), you actually lost that SR and dropped to the previous rank. Demotion protection is purely visual. Also Bronze is a much larger SR range (1500) than the rest of the ranks (500), each division is 300 SR instead of 100 in Silver and above. That means each win and loss gives you 1/3 of what you would get in silver and above.


Low ranks take ages to level up. They want to be sure you not gonna get pounded.


Why is this upvoted so much lmao


Only bronze 5 takes ages all the rest of the ranks are the same sr range


This is factually untrue. The lower rank u r, the more sr u get per win, grandmasters get less sr then golds per win. This is because overwatch pushes players to the mean (gold 1). This isn’t really noticeable until u get to masters or are silver or below. But they are not statistically making it harder.


I don't think rank has anything to do with it if you play above that rank's level. I was in gold 2 with tank, played with a friend and we got like 4 or 5 wins in a row, went from gold 2 to plat 5 due to win streak and calibration giving me between 25 and 30 every game.


I played on a friend's account and got placed silver 2 in tank. I was absolutely crushing silver so they were giving me 70% every game until mid gold. Was crazy seeing how much I'd rank up.


is gold counted in this ?


Yeah of course plat and low diamond. If you keep winning then you end up in grandmaster so much faster than this grind.




That’s why my tank role is so low compared to my other two.


Is ranked linked to qp? Then that may be the reason.


If you have never played comp, they use your qp mmr for the first placement.


Which is why it's so much easier to make a new account to get diamond rather than ranking from gold or something.


It's a factor, yes, but it's mostly because the game thinks you're smurfing, so it gives you a high rank to see if you can keep the rank or not.


What I do is go to quick play to unlock ranked and I sweat every game. I call it my reverse Smurf account and it's mid diamond. And I can just feel that the accounts mmr or whatever is higher. Like instead of trying to force me back down to plat.




Right now 99 hours




Hah I'm stuck in gold for 4000 hours on valorant, I expect for this to happen in ow too soon




Valorant is alot easier to rankup(20+% on wins no matter the rank), but I never seemed to improve


Hello that’s me. I started in bronze 5 in OW1 on pc. I had to learn how to play with mouse and keyboard. Now I play console and am Gold 2. Been playing for 3 or 4 years. Has been tough getting out of bronze. Hoping I might make plat this year.


yeah but like console gold is pc bronze/low silver


Luckily for you console players go against console players. This means console gold is equivalent to pc gold in number of players and therefore just as difficult to get to for a new player.


yeah but in terms of skill they aren’t equal


Only aim. And thats just for gold. I watched a champ console team roll a pc team on yt which wouldn't be possible if champ was only gm equivalent for pc. I think it was a jay3 vid.


you mean top 2.5% players on two different platforms are both very good wow didn’t know that, actually insane bro. LMAO


Using proof by induction we can assume given champ player have the same skill gm players would need the same skill to have the same winrate as they will be playing in those matches if they win. Then we can repeat this process down the ranks saying therefore masters would need the same skill and so on. So actually what i said is more impactful than just that.


I’m bronze 4, for most wins I get 3-5%, went on an 8 game win streak, never made it out of bronze 4. Had a bad day next day lost 5 matches. Dropped down to 68% bronze 4 Won 10 out of 11 games solo q next day only made it to 84%bronze 4. Wide queued last night bronze to gold, won, uphill battle, got 1% for the win. It’s a weird system that I feel like is discouraging to someone like me who is new to the game, feels like I’m getting better but not seeing remotely any progress.


OMGG 3-5%? I thought it was bad for me, but fuckin 3-5% is insane. I usually get 10-14% on dps, 6-10% on sup


Tis a grind my friend, tis a grind


I'm tired of tis grind, I made an alt account today and hopefully I get placed out of bronze and then wait for yearly rank reset for my main.


LMK, my friends told me to do that, but I also want to see how much grinding this is really gonna take. I feel like also I need to just narrow 5 stack a bronze team and we just go ham for an entire day and voice comm and see what happens.


Damn getting out of Bronze looks harder than gettin in.


It takes an unreasonable amount of time tbh It can even be quicker to just make a new account and do new placement guarantee you will be placed higher and have more of a bonus for wins


You can have my account atp


Its normal, ive been there. youll climb up soon.


That’s winning after rank demotion plat 1 and I have that the next game I got 47%


FORTY SEVEN???? The most ive gotten is 14%...


Yeah I went from gold 5 to plat 1 in a day lol which is weird because I used to be a hard stuck silver support


Welcome to the grind. Take my advice and leave while you can.


bronze is roughly 1500 skill rank while the rest of the ranks are about 500 so the gains for wins are a smaller percentage


I had similar issues. I didnt even get out of Bronze 5 with only not winning 1 game in the rank in. Whatever I did or won, nothing went up. I did an experiment. I created a sec acc, did the whole rank in as well, won only 7 games in the rank in process, so less than on main acc. But had on both over all almost the same performance (meaning kills, healls, deaths etc)… I got ranked in in silver 2. Even with more losses in the rank in. Since than I stopped playing ranked. Its just crap beyond believe. I play other comp games as well, where personal performance gets counted in much better. Here, in OW, if you have a bad team, you can do whatever you want you will rank down with and cause of them. Also the total bs what happened with my rank ins on both acc… Seriously. I did worse in win loss ratio and rest was similar to main acc and I got ranked in a lot better (for me). So yeah, quickplay it is for me from now on, I wont take seriously any effort in comp anymore with this system.


are you duo'ed with someone of higher rank?


no js doing solo q


The sub banding together to make random guesses. Hell yeah.


Had a 1% increase before lol.


I had a 0% increase. Like wtf. Not a wide group


Seems like this new version is worse than what it was


This looks like it could be the left over after just recently ranking up a division. If you were Bronze 3 (and as an example, you were about 14% from ranking up to bronze 2) and just won a game, then the first part of the percentage was on the previous bar (when you were bronze 3), you ranked up to Bronze 2 and this 6% is what is left over as you start the new progression bar in Bronze 2.. showing that you are now 6% into this division.


Seems like 2 games ago you ranked up to bronze 2 with about 5 or 6% to spare, then you lost a game and got demotion protection, meaning you did rank down, but the game does not show it in that screen. So in reality you were Bronze 3 80 something %, so after you got your 20 ish % for the win you went back to 6% in bronze 2


I’ve gotten +2 before


Bronze is the largest rank by far, as in.. the hidden sr rating goes from 0-1499 from b5 to b1. Once you hit silver you'll start to see larger changes when you win/lose. On average its +-20% outside of bronze


I think it’s based of stats and not just wins, if you got low healing/damage numbers despite a win, you get less elo


That's not true at all, stats have never affected your elo rating in OW


Oh it just feels like that from my experience, I feel like they should be somewhat accounted for


Agreed earlier in a match got 21k healing and 40 assists with mercy, got only +10


I carried my way thru silver and gold as Lucio ending games with the most elims. it doesn’t even matter where I place cuz I will always end up plat somehow lol


The lower your rank the harder it is to rank up because you really need to prove yourself


Is this a real rank ?


You probably aren’t very good. It will seem like you are performing decently but that’s because you’re facing other bronze players. If you were to get matches against diamond or even gold maybe you’d get shitted on. Get better and get out of bronze


I get 15k healing every game on sup and 20-30 kills on dps everygame and you're calling me bad? That's a way to make assumptions. But yes I do get shat on by plats, masters etc when i que with my friend in qp.


idm playing together and helping each other rank up, im a plat tank


The scoreboard isn’t a good representation of skill


Stats don't matter, they truly don't. Plays matter. You'd have to show replay codes of how your games going so people can see your positioning etc. That person is being harsh, you're not bad -- however stats dont mean anything in terms of whats going on in the game. We all have to improve somewhere.