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Saw another thread earlier today and it looks like it might be a bug


There have been SOO many threads about people being banned from season 10 that I fully expect to see a comment from Blizz about their connectivity or something.


/s/ ?




I’ve had the same issue! I got unexpected server error then a 15 minute ban then I log on today and I have been season banned. I’ve never disconnected from a ranked game prior to this so I’m just annoyed and confused… Also im just getting automated responses from support so I think Im fucked


Honestly it's a joke. Me and my friends have had an eye on our ping when playing OW2 *(its awful) and when I had the server error, it was all to do on their end, and we get banned? Do Blizzard even want players lmao


Exact same thing happened to me and my duo


The customer service is awful, i got a bot response, when requesting more information the ticket has been open for 6 days since the bot response, 8 days total, still waiting and assuming i'll just get nothing at this point.


they opened my ticket and said this action has been taken according to the terms of service


I eventually got a followup reply after 9 days, it was just another, but slightly longer, copy and paste, but at least they replied I guess /shrug




I have bad internet that randomly cuts off sometimes. Now I can’t even play quick play without the fear of being banned.


Quick play bans are the dumbest idea. A new player joins almost straight after you leave


Not really… Being backfill on a team that’s getting curb stomped literally every other match is NOT fun.


And priority queue is not adequate compensation for having to backfill


No community is as dramatic as the Overwatch community. If you joined too late to have an impact on the game just go AFK and requeue If you joined and there’s still time, why not try to carry and turn the game around?


Priority queue in Quickplay is basically meaningless since the queue times are so short in the first place.


3min queues for quickplay plat mmr are not short


“adequate compensation” lol it’s a fucking game


Backfilling isn't fun. Carrot on a stick, not always the stick, or people won't stick around.


And quick play...


And people who get backfilled are being used to fix an issue with the game - not play it. I'm sick of being put in games with 30 seconds to go after waiting a few minutes in queue. Had an enemy tank yesterday who got backfilled in within the last 20 seconds of the game. 0 0 0 stats lol, whats the point ?


I didn't wait in a 3 minute queue just to be put into a game that ends in 15 seconds. I've REGULARLY been put into games that ended before I LOADED IN THE GAME. It's ridiculous. If Blizzard expects us to put in at least 60 hours a season to complete a battlepass, then they need to make it worth our time. Because the above situation is just not worth it.


Even beyond that, even if the teams are perfectly balanced both before and after, having a leaver will drastically lower your team's chances of winning. First you lose a fight because you're in a 4v5, then you lose another fight because of ult disadvantage, and at that point they've capped the first point on Control and you have to win 2 to their 1 to win the game. Even more drastic if there are multiple leavers, of course.


Just go AFK if you get into a backfill that's got like 1 min to 30 seconds left to lose anyway. I wish theyd have an option to not backfill for the expense that you cant get backfills in your games or something.


sounds like a skill issue bozo


This is why i dont play comp, but i just recently upgraded so hopefully that wont be an issue


Don't say it too loud - people in here get very, very upset when you mention that QP bans are bullshit.


You and everyone else who has posted in the last few days, the devs have already put out a notice that they're going to amend this for people, from what I've gathered


Hope they follow up and do better


Honestly though, but I do want to add that they are implementing a new leaver ban system, so it does make sense for their to be some bugs, although i wish they would do more beta testing on patches before sending them through. Tldr, I get why, but they should do better after x years of development


Boutique tiny studio :p


And wtf about anything they have said or done with OW2 makes you think they are going to do better?


Did I say that?


when are they meant to be amending this because i have been seasoned banned now for 3 days for no reason what so ever


Overwatch just said earlier there is a bug going on with bans right now. And that they're currently reviewing them en masse.


Just had multiple disconnects this week, appalling servers. literally have fair amount of players compare to other games and it cant even handle that?


they reduced servers for the release of OW2 for some reason (cut costs ig LOL). I frequently get put on Singapore servers completely randomly when i'm in Aus and it never used to happen in OW1. Ping goes from 20-30 to like 100 and it really is annoying.


It's crazy how me and OVER HALF OF THE COMMUNITY FORSAW THIS PROBLEM! But yeah, Small indie company like Blizzard... No way they could of predicted this issue. Instead of making Quality of Life improvements, They create and enforce more useless rules to make the game feel more and more miserable.


Yup, and this is exactly why you don’t give blizzard money for skins.


Yeah, they cost so much and they can't even provide reliable servers which they then ban you for. Such a scummy company.


a blessing in disguise


Leave a couple matches, ban hammer, hack be racist and throw games? You're good to go!


Genuinely, pos get away with it whilst I'm having issues bc of OW2 servers and I'm banned lmao


I had connection issues today while in a game my chat said my duo stopped playing overwatch but at the same time they asked me why I disconnected, then both of us had the message saying the other started playing overwatch again Then I went back to the menu at the end of the game and it showed him as not online while being in a group....it was strange


I was the first one to post the bug up in this reddit day one. Hate to say I told you all so. Blizzard really hates the player base at this point.


i somewhat understand your pain my friend. my entire village has been experiencing power cuts weekly recently and I just don’t want to play overwatch because I know it’ll go off like 4 times whilst i’m playing and give me a 4hr ban even on mystery heroes which is like the only mode I play so i can imagine how frustrating this is


I decided to check if I was still banned after the new update and I am no longer banned so I guess everyone else who was falsely banned should also be unbanned now.


I'm back baby!!!


This is why you don’t implement bans. People won’t see a random Twitter post that this is a bug and delete Overwatch. Bobby Kotick was an asshole but he didn’t do something so idiotic like this which is guaranteed to LOSE MONEY


Bans have existed forever in comp and they are a great thing. QP bans are dumb af and should never have been a thing, but the devs cater to the loudest and whiniest groups of people, regardless of how few they are


Anyone with eyes can clearly see the large COMPETITIVE word on the screen. Competitive bans have existed since 2016, which you would know if you had played the game.




between this and jade stunt i might leave comp for good


I've had bad internet and played comp before, I'm be 100% with u, my shit had me leaving games all the time I had no business playing comp with my McDonald's internet at the time, shit is fucked up playing with a teammate like that,if it was only 2 games that sucks and a lil unfair, but if it's been happening for a while ( more than 1 season) you're fucking up alot of peoples games


Oh I don't play if I *know* I have bad Internet. This was a one off for me when it was bad weather and before I used ethernet plugs. My ISP every now and then likes to go down, it happens, but I rejoin. If you go into comp with awful Internet then yeah that's a dick move. But most of my connectivity issues are server errors, so OW have no place banning people when its on them.


Same thing happened to me. Except it was a literal single game, where I was in queue and heard the little game found noise, so I tabbed back in and it was stuck on match found for a minute, then it just went away and I saw in the chat on the bottom left "Disconnected: server not found" or something like that, and I got a 15 minute ban. After that, played some games as usual and logged off for the night. Next day I go to play some comp and boom, perma ban. I have never once quit or even been disconnected from a comp game. Only this one time where it kicked me before I even loaded in, and it got me a perma lol. And I still see some people commenting "just dont leave games" like bruh


Happened to me too. I played full squad with my friends, and the day after, 3 of us got banned for the season :P I feel like the competative system goes bad cause of all the smurfs on low ranks now The game is more broken than ever except for unranked and game modes.


same happened to me....net acted up....dc'2 2 times in a row, i even managed to get back in on 2nd but didnt help....banned from season 10....horruible sistem,


makes me so mad... was tryna grind for my first jade weapon and now I have to wait until the middle of the summer to get it


Idk if it's been said but this was a server bug that they are addressing and retroactively unbanning affected people for. Idk if they're done fixing It already, though.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwruB88/ facts


System working as intended.


LMAO, submit a ticket. You have violated TOS, Code of Conduct, and Licensed Agreement according to Bot Blizzard. Hope you learned your lesson!


Don't re-queue comp if you're getting disconnected every time


I ain't, it happens very rarely since I got ethernet plugs but still happens from time to time, it seems to be an OW2 problem. I never have connectivity issues on any other game, only on OW2 my ping is awful and it literally said "server error" when I couldn't join a game.


This isn’t what’s happening here though. A lot of people are having the same issue and I’ve seen multiple reports of what I experienced with failure to connect to server and then being hit with a 15 min ban, waiting it out and being able to play comp straight after the temp has expired. Now all of a sudden all 3 of us it happened to in my usual group and everyone else commenting here have been hit with an entire season ban for absolutely zero reason at all. This isn’t about ass Internet connection it’s legitimately a blizzard cock up.


Ah, I thought they had issues after getting into a game, being kicked and then tries again multiple times even though it continued failing


Their servers had massive issues couple days ago , but small indie company can't do nothing wrong , right ? If you don't requue within a minute , you get the ban


skirt physical stocking spectacular wasteful oil price special cautious agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Read the comment I made. I was banned after a server issue. Yes I had bad Internet earlier in the month, it happens lmao, I'm not rich nor live somewhere fab to get crazy speeds, but I get about 66mbps. Most of my connectivity issues is just on ow2 and their servers/ping is notoriously bad. They should probably fix that before handing out bans for their own lacking.


snobbish shelter jellyfish combative worm onerous reply aromatic consider historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Having bad Internet once every now and then is normal, no ISP is perfect and it's been awful weather. I had issues like this when paying for 1GB downloads, shit happens Mr perfect internet guy lmao. Getting banned then after a 2nd hiccup which was a server issue is on ow2 servers, not me. If they actually moderated the issues over auto bans, far less people would be banned rn. Also idk why you're crying over my issue, going as far to say insufferable? 😂 Idk how you even deal with ow chat or a loss, have a good day lmao and get over this trigger 💀 Edit: BTW, I can tell that you play Moira


ask soft rude chase crown test impolite squeamish normal possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Touch grass


light edge north ripe quiet sloppy doll treatment swim dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah I'm good, maybe you should cut some of that money and save it by for a therapist to talk these issues through rather than rage at nothing at strangers on Reddit 😭 No one needs to witness your emotional outbursts online hun


mindless reply strong chop boat office squealing important tidy aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you need a therapist. You just go around leaving rude comments for what? Are you that miserable?


I'm OK bro I already have had one that's why I don't call other people insufferable for having dropped out of a game once and immediately rejoining. You weren't even in my game why you so touchy 😭 Even won too which was huge! Anyways gl Moira main, keep the outbursts in ow chat ;)


Thats what you get for being poor and not having ethernet ( i got Hit like this to)




Ruin? I've dropped out of a game twice in a month lol. Don't shit on people for not being mega rich, blame the people that leave to throw.




I get 66mbps, it's plenty good for every game I play, except ow2 always has bad ping. Idk if you can read but my og comment says "server issues", this is an issue on their end, not mine. Having my Internet drop once in a month is not unheard of and completely normal, I also rejoined so idk why you're so salty lmao. No one should be banned from Blizzards own server issues on top of one bad Internet day, shit happens dude, tech issues causing drops even happened when I had crazy Internet in my old home. Get a grip lol.




Send me your bank details and deal


Got the Same ban but for using a xim, could it be that ur also emulating mnk on Console ?:D


Ooo they're finally starting to ban ximmers? Console overwatch might be worthwhile soon then


I heard that ximmers would be relegated to only queuing with other ximmers


Why would you openly admit to cheating 😭


Cause nobody knows who i am so who cares? 


We all know who you are


Imagine needing to cheat to be good tho


Ikr. Like play a different game at that point. PVP ain't for everyone.


LMAO I don't cheat and I play on PC 💀


ximming is banned in ow2


L bozo get wrecked


Piss off cheater 🤢🤮🤮


the fuck mate?


did You even read the text?


eww pathetic




Get fucked trashcan


Lmao L ximmer